I am wondering with T6 coupons is there a list of ships for Romulan and Klingon T6 ships that aren't in bundles. I am asking this as I don't want to lock myself out of Bundles if gotten individually.
Most Romulan ships were made at a time when almost all ships coming out at that time were in cross-faction bundles so there are probably not a lot of them. Klingons are better off when it comes to that, but they are still far short of the Federation ship roster. Of course, it does not help that there are not a lot of Romulan ships overall (and the newest non-premium one out is several years old now), the only faction with fewer total ships than Romulan is Dominion.
If you really want all three (or four) and you can afford to drop that much cash all at once, then your best bet would be to just get the package since the ships in it are generally less than they are individually. And if you get one of the few that have different parts of a gear set you would have all three or four parts from the start.
The question would be why would you want all three (or four) now that there is cross-faction flying? Mechanically those cross-faction packs tend to all be the same ship with different looks (with the exception of the few that have different consoles or whatever of course) so they generally equip and fly exactly the same.
For instance, I tend to get the Romulan version of the ship from those packs individually (since I am one of the crazy people who prefer the singularity cored ships), but I have gotten one of the other versions a few times in special offers, charity packs, etc., and for the most part they don't feel any different from the Romulan one save for slightly more energy and no singularity powers (and when it comes to the Fed and KDF, since they have the same cores, if you ignore the shapes they are generally exactly the same).
If there is a list like you are asking about (it is a very niche thing) it will probably be on Reddit, I have not seen one in the Wiki.
If you really want all three (or four) and you can afford to drop that much cash all at once, then your best bet would be to just get the package since the ships in it are generally less than they are individually. And if you get one of the few that have different parts of a gear set you would have all three or four parts from the start.
The question would be why would you want all three (or four) now that there is cross-faction flying? Mechanically those cross-faction packs tend to all be the same ship with different looks (with the exception of the few that have different consoles or whatever of course) so they generally equip and fly exactly the same.
For instance, I tend to get the Romulan version of the ship from those packs individually (since I am one of the crazy people who prefer the singularity cored ships), but I have gotten one of the other versions a few times in special offers, charity packs, etc., and for the most part they don't feel any different from the Romulan one save for slightly more energy and no singularity powers (and when it comes to the Fed and KDF, since they have the same cores, if you ignore the shapes they are generally exactly the same).
If there is a list like you are asking about (it is a very niche thing) it will probably be on Reddit, I have not seen one in the Wiki.