Yesterday I spent the entire day trying to get another machine I keep as a spare to update it's copy of STO. It would download for a while and just stop. And sit there. So I'd have to kill it and start it again. Then it would do the same thing again. All day long. I finally gave up and turned off the machine.
Today I start my regular machine, which is up-to-date, and try to login, and it starts patching when there hasn't been a patch...
Is it going to stop and sit there like the other machine did all day yesterday? I think your patch server has a problem.
However what was really strange first, I first tried uninstalling the Client, and then when it went to download the first 50 mb of the Client it took forever. That took almost 50 minutes, which was horribly slow. Once it finally got the Client loaded, it improved considerably!
The person above, however posted the LINK so read thru it.
Today, after the latest patch though, I updated on my main system and the secondary system with no problems. So, this is just something to keep an eye on for now... not sure if it's worth turning on the ancient third system for just one update.