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ENDEAVOR RANK 600+ new endeavors



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  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    Personally I would like new endeavors and/or extension of the existing ones. Because it keeps me logging on every day and keeps me hooked.

    Power creep sound so creepy but it is not really. They could have made a game were every one would stay at level one after the tutorial. But that would not be so much fun, not much to improve.

    From day one you play the game there is always something to improve. The most improvement you can make during leveling. Your toon gets stronger and more versatile on the way.

    The endeavors adds to the endgame. It gives the feeling there is still something to improve on. Of course there is difference between some one at level 65, who had done the endeavors, and some one at level 65 who had not done the endeavors. But there is also a difference between some one at level 65 and some one at a lower level.

    Most of the content in STO is either solo or PVE. So your mostly not battling against other players but with other players. Star-trek series and movies and games is about bringing people together to boldly go where no one has gone before, to work together, to help each other on a mission. Does not matter so much if some one else has better gear or better stats. And people always have the choice to team up with their friends or fleet mates.

    And sure there is also PVP but there are no real PVP leagues based on levels. So in PVP most get their asses kicked by PVP specialists. Good PVP battles are for the people with the headsets who team up and compete with each other with specialized builds.

    Sure as long as you have not reached 600 endeavors, you not need extension. But when you reach the max it would be nice if the story continues, e.g. by more endeavors or something else to go for.

    That is my viewpoint atm. Tell me what you think. Do you agree or disagree, why. Am I nuts, do I have a point lol.
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  • sierra078sierra078 Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    I could do with more options for completing the Endeavours. I tend to skip 'Complete X Queues' or 'Particitpate in a PVP match'. Maybe add more 'defeat X number of (Y)enemies', the only ones of those I tend to see are Undine, Voth, Vadwaar, Gorn, Arthropods, Terrans etc. But no Iconian Heralds or Na'Kul or Krenim or any other enemy. I never see defeat ground Undine. Or maybe more cooperative things like 'complete X Campaign mission with another player' or maybe 'Complete Voth BattleZone Daily Missions' and have a counter 1/5 (I think there are five missions anyway). I'm not at 600 yet but I'm up to like 500ish so I would like to know what happens when I do complete it.
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Well... we also don't have a full ground spec to act as a counterpart to Pilot. Commando could probably be expanded upon.
    Full spec or not, that is what Commando is for. Ground just has less mechanics then space.
    so whats wrong with adding pet percentages? inertia? why allow building upon stats like resistances but not others as mentioned? a stat is a stat, if from either the endev or special add on to a weapon or console. skills as well. i am curious as to your reasoning against.
    If Cryptic wanted pet percentages to be something players messed with there would have been a lot more gear based around it in the last 11.5 years of the game's history. They obviously don't, since they haven't.

    Inertia likewise is one of the most coveted stats on a ship, and, at least from what I see on the wiki, only THREE things in the whole game affect inertia.
    • The Counter Command impulse engines(+5)
    • The Polaric Modulator console(+5)
    • And a engine mod only available from crafting, and can't be re-engineered(+10)
    None of which seem to increase from bringing the item to a higher level. Cryptic quite obviously doesn't want ship inertia values to be tampered with too much, given how much of an impact it has on ship performance.

    Not all stats are created equal. Being fine with affecting some thing like resistances, or base weapon damage, doesn't mean its ok to give the same sorts of freedoms with others. Every RPG, and every MMORPG, I've played has some stats that can't be modified for the same reasons.

    You lack imagination. There is no reason they can't add inertia at 20 ranks to get 1 point of inertia. That would be stupid for obviously offering horrendous ROI, with something like 20 ranks to end up with 5 points of inertia being far more likely and reasonable. That is a sliding scale they can play with until they find the point they want it to be to keep inertia rare while giving people something to grind for.

    However you also lack historical context. Crit chance used to be even more rare than inertia. You only found it on weapons and the assimilated console. No fleet consoles, no lockbox consoles, no BOFF or Ship traits, nothing. Now crit chance is so easy to get, its not hard for a person in a fleet to get ~50% crit chance. And there is no question crit chance has a far higher effect on battle performance than inertia.

    As for the topic at hand, I think if they do anything it should be a horizontal expansion. Inertia would be good, a definite yes to the ideas on pet stats, pointless stats like stealth and detection could work too.

    But frankly I'd also rather they did nothing for at least a year to see how it works out when lots of people have capped their system and how that plays with their precious metrics.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    Nothing will happen... like so many systems in sto; it won't get any additions (looking at you, fleet, crafting, doffing, battlezones, etc..) as the approach seems to be parasitic design - simply bolting extra bells and whistles to the core game system but never really doing anything with them after
  • edited August 2021
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  • redeyedravenredeyedraven Member Posts: 1,297 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    Frankly, the Endeavor-system is in an okay spot now IMO.

    It's a bonus, nothing more. I don't think adding more ranks is a good idea, because powercreep.

    Due to only playing on and off, I'm at ER 263 and I couldn't care less tbh. When I see yellow and red endeavors I can quickly complete on the fly I will do it, and that's it.
    I've seen players in chat saying they're "behind" in ER-rank.

    More than half of the endeavor-perks are poorly-scaled DR-buffs. The percentage-based ones are better, but too small to prioritize over anything (except max hull for synergy with Tyler's Duality).

    Energy/projectile/exotic damage are maxed with 40% each. Oh look, now I can somewhat quickly kill things even with default white gear equipped.

    I'm nearly done with the critical- and speed/turn-rate-related perks, which are actually the most fun IMO.

    Run-speed is IMO the one and only king of endeavor-perks.
  • bubblegirl2015bubblegirl2015 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    totenmet wrote: »
    Some questions:

    1. When will there be new endeavors to pursue? (I am close to 600 now)

    2. Will the current ones be extended or will there be new ones?

    1....They took a few years to upgrade from 450 to 600 and I do hope they at least take same time to upgrade to "X" to give some a break. Congratulations in your achievement but some of us still not there.

    Wiki editor http://sto.gamepedia.com
    Original STO beta tester.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    I think it's enough. If you reach 600 you win the game!! Congrats.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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  • yougetbanned#1188 yougetbanned Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    It shouldnt have a limit - just make it infinite for veteran players to really have something to work for (titles are useless).
    The hard core endeavor folks are propably 1-4 weeks away from maxing out again.
    KDF recruit was a great boost as now you net like 0.7perk/day worth in points.

    Also add an option to catch up for new players like: buy x perks for x amount of dil (would be a great new dil sink!).
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    It shouldnt have a limit - just make it infinite for veteran players to really have something to work for (titles are useless).
    The hard core endeavor folks are propably 1-4 weeks away from maxing out again.
    KDF recruit was a great boost as now you net like 0.7perk/day worth in points.

    Also add an option to catch up for new players like: buy x perks for x amount of dil (would be a great new dil sink!).
    As much as I would love to see this expanded that would be going to far. People would end up with 100% crit chance, massive hulls and basically be massively overpowered while having a tank that never dies. I still like the idea of filling in the gaps like adder carrier stuff. Adding more ranks makes me worry about unbalancing the game to much.
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As much as I would love to see this expanded that would be going to far. People would end up with 100% crit chance, massive hulls and basically be massively overpowered while having a tank that never dies. I still like the idea of filling in the gaps like adder carrier stuff. Adding more ranks makes me worry about unbalancing the game to much.

    I also agree. It would go too far. It would eventually reach a point where you wouldn't need ANY consoles on a ship because they become pointless. While I agree that veterans do need something to work on... Expanding Endeavors more than they have without adding categories that haven't been touched is just power creep for the sake of power creep alone.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • askatusaskatus Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    sierra078 wrote: »
    I could do with more options for completing the Endeavours. I tend to skip 'Complete X Queues' or 'Particitpate in a PVP match'. Maybe add more 'defeat X number of (Y)enemies', the only ones of those I tend to see are Undine, Voth, Vadwaar, Gorn, Arthropods, Terrans etc. But no Iconian Heralds or Na'Kul or Krenim or any other enemy. I never see defeat ground Undine. Or maybe more cooperative things like 'complete X Campaign mission with another player' or maybe 'Complete Voth BattleZone Daily Missions' and have a counter 1/5 (I think there are five missions anyway). I'm not at 600 yet but I'm up to like 500ish so I would like to know what happens when I do complete it.

    Agreed. The current pool of endeavours is quite limited and I'd like a bit more variety there. They could include many more TFO's: different types for dailies, not just Borg or Lukari; and more different specific and less common TFO's for universals. Someone once spent a lot of effort putting those things together, it would be nice if they got a bit more mileage out of them.
    You shoot me down
    But I respawn
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  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    rattler2 wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As much as I would love to see this expanded that would be going to far. People would end up with 100% crit chance, massive hulls and basically be massively overpowered while having a tank that never dies. I still like the idea of filling in the gaps like adder carrier stuff. Adding more ranks makes me worry about unbalancing the game to much.

    I also agree. It would go too far. It would eventually reach a point where you wouldn't need ANY consoles on a ship because they become pointless. While I agree that veterans do need something to work on... Expanding Endeavors more than they have without adding categories that haven't been touched is just power creep for the sake of power creep alone.

    So what would you like to be see being added for veterans to work on if not more endeavors?

    I am almost at endeavor rank 600 and many more people will reach that in the next day's, weeks and months.

    PS: veterans are people who (have) spend most money on this game on average. If nothing keeps them logging on daily, they will spend less or leave the game.
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    totenmet wrote: »
    So what would you like to be see being added for veterans to work on if not more endeavors?

    I am almost at endeavor rank 600 and many more people will reach that in the next day's, weeks and months.

    PS: veterans are people who (have) spend most money on this game on average. If nothing keeps them logging on daily, they will spend less or leave the game.

    I do not classify veterans ONLY by the open status of their wallet. I classify a veteran as someone who's been in the game for years, F2P or not. It shouldn't matter how much you've opened your wallet to qualify as a veteran because you have knowledge of the game and its mechanics, which in any circumstance is worth more than Zen.

    As for what I'd like to see... maybe some new spec trees, maybe some other new endgame thing for players. Something other than adding more into the Endeavor System to add to the power creep with reckless abandon. If they do add to the Endeavor System, let it be into areas that HAVE NOT been touched, like hanger pets or something. We don't need even MORE points into crit chance and crit severity.

    Ultimately this is not something that you can just wave your hand and solve overnight. We're talking the potential for major systems being added and expanded. And all of it, no matter what, has to be in balance as much as possible for the game. We've already got god tier builds out there. Do we REALLY need to make them even more godly to the point Infected takes even less time than it can now?
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
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  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    totenmet wrote: »
    So what would you like to be see being added for veterans to work on if not more endeavors?

    I am almost at endeavor rank 600 and many more people will reach that in the next day's, weeks and months.

    PS: veterans are people who (have) spend most money on this game on average. If nothing keeps them logging on daily, they will spend less or leave the game.

    I do not classify veterans ONLY by the open status of their wallet. I classify a veteran as someone who's been in the game for years, F2P or not. It shouldn't matter how much you've opened your wallet to qualify as a veteran because you have knowledge of the game and its mechanics, which in any circumstance is worth more than Zen.

    As for what I'd like to see... maybe some new spec trees, maybe some other new endgame thing for players. Something other than adding more into the Endeavor System to add to the power creep with reckless abandon. If they do add to the Endeavor System, let it be into areas that HAVE NOT been touched, like hanger pets or something. We don't need even MORE points into crit chance and crit severity.

    Ultimately this is not something that you can just wave your hand and solve overnight. We're talking the potential for major systems being added and expanded. And all of it, no matter what, has to be in balance as much as possible for the game. We've already got god tier builds out there. Do we REALLY need to make them even more godly to the point Infected takes even less time than it can now?

    Thanks for your answer. You have some good points and suggestions.

    As for the thing called power creep, maybe a good idea to add an extra difficulty level above Elite, harder difficulty tougher enemies, feedback pulse kind of things so you cannot just spam every weapon. Or some other better solutions to keep things interesting regardless the power creep.

    The sense of making progress keeps people playing. Hence being able to get better and better builds is not a bad thing. Just need to add harder levels for those players.
  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    totenmet wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As much as I would love to see this expanded that would be going to far. People would end up with 100% crit chance, massive hulls and basically be massively overpowered while having a tank that never dies. I still like the idea of filling in the gaps like adder carrier stuff. Adding more ranks makes me worry about unbalancing the game to much.

    I also agree. It would go too far. It would eventually reach a point where you wouldn't need ANY consoles on a ship because they become pointless. While I agree that veterans do need something to work on... Expanding Endeavors more than they have without adding categories that haven't been touched is just power creep for the sake of power creep alone.

    So what would you like to be see being added for veterans to work on if not more endeavors?

    I am almost at endeavor rank 600 and many more people will reach that in the next day's, weeks and months.

    PS: veterans are people who (have) spend most money on this game on average. If nothing keeps them logging on daily, they will spend less or leave the game.

    define many more and where you get your stats...

    im a vet, beta and lifer, and im not anywhere near 600. im at like 170 or just under.

    as upsetting as this may be to you...you, yourself, pushed to get where you are, and gratz...but not everyone is there. if all the game is to you to complete a task at lightning speed, then maybe you should take a break...i did..almost 3 yrs.

    as far as what to be added, should they offer more - some have mentioned pet stat boosters or stuff similar.

    maybe have endeavors give parts to assemble ultimate upgrades....

    what would you like to see? you offered nothing in your post.

    Just to set one thing straight first. I am not upset at all.

    I understand that for all those people who still have a long way to go the 600 cap is not an issue yet. But also they will eventually reach it.

    I did not start this topic just for me. But just as an open question which is maybe of interest to other people. I do not have all the wisdom or all the answers and solutions. If i would have I would not need to ask questions.

    I am just grateful for the answers and suggestions of others. And you never know if it reaches cryptic too. They say they read the forum.

    I am also thankful for your post. And maybe I take a break if I reach level 600. Have taken a break in the past too, when there was not much new to do, and nothing I could progress on.

    The endeavors kept me logging on daily. Without that I probably would not play daily. And just check the forum to see if an event is going on to earn something.
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  • edited August 2021
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  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    totenmet wrote: »
    totenmet wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As much as I would love to see this expanded that would be going to far. People would end up with 100% crit chance, massive hulls and basically be massively overpowered while having a tank that never dies. I still like the idea of filling in the gaps like adder carrier stuff. Adding more ranks makes me worry about unbalancing the game to much.

    I also agree. It would go too far. It would eventually reach a point where you wouldn't need ANY consoles on a ship because they become pointless. While I agree that veterans do need something to work on... Expanding Endeavors more than they have without adding categories that haven't been touched is just power creep for the sake of power creep alone.

    So what would you like to be see being added for veterans to work on if not more endeavors?

    I am almost at endeavor rank 600 and many more people will reach that in the next day's, weeks and months.

    PS: veterans are people who (have) spend most money on this game on average. If nothing keeps them logging on daily, they will spend less or leave the game.

    define many more and where you get your stats...

    im a vet, beta and lifer, and im not anywhere near 600. im at like 170 or just under.

    as upsetting as this may be to you...you, yourself, pushed to get where you are, and gratz...but not everyone is there. if all the game is to you to complete a task at lightning speed, then maybe you should take a break...i did..almost 3 yrs.

    as far as what to be added, should they offer more - some have mentioned pet stat boosters or stuff similar.

    maybe have endeavors give parts to assemble ultimate upgrades....

    what would you like to see? you offered nothing in your post.

    Just to set one thing straight first. I am not upset at all.

    I understand that for all those people who still have a long way to go the 600 cap is not an issue yet. But also they will eventually reach it.

    I did not start this topic just for me. But just as an open question which is maybe of interest to other people. I do not have all the wisdom or all the answers and solutions. If i would have I would not need to ask questions.

    I am just grateful for the answers and suggestions of others. And you never know if it reaches cryptic too. They say they read the forum.

    I am also thankful for your post. And maybe I take a break if I reach level 600. Have taken a break in the past too, because there was not to do and nothing I could progress on.

    The endeavors kept me logging on daily. Without that I probably would not play daily. And just check the forum to see if an event is going on to earn something.

    thanks for reply, however, you didnt offer any ideas as to what you think could/should be for the endev system past 600.
    what ideas do you have?

    Already did: see (I made it bold for you)
    totenmet wrote: »
    Personally I would like new endeavors and/or extension of the existing ones. Because it keeps me logging on every day and keeps me hooked.

    Power creep sound so creepy but it is not really. They could have made a game were every one would stay at level one after the tutorial. But that would not be so much fun, not much to improve.

    From day one you play the game there is always something to improve. The most improvement you can make during leveling. Your toon gets stronger and more versatile on the way.

    The endeavors adds to the endgame. It gives the feeling there is still something to improve on. Of course there is difference between some one at level 65, who had done the endeavors, and some one at level 65 who had not done the endeavors. But there is also a difference between some one at level 65 and some one at a lower level.

    Most of the content in STO is either solo or PVE. So your mostly not battling against other players but with other players. Star-trek series and movies and games is about bringing people together to boldly go where no one has gone before, to work together, to help each other on a mission. Does not matter so much if some one else has better gear or better stats. And people always have the choice to team up with their friends or fleet mates.

    And sure there is also PVP but there are no real PVP leagues based on levels. So in PVP most get their asses kicked by PVP specialists. Good PVP battles are for the people with the headsets who team up and compete with each other with specialized builds.

    Sure as long as you have not reached 600 endeavors, you not need extension. But when you reach the max it would be nice if the story continues, e.g. by more endeavors or something else to go for.

    That is my viewpoint atm. Tell me what you think. Do you agree or disagree, why. Am I nuts, do I have a point lol.

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  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    totenmet wrote: »
    As for the thing called power creep, maybe a good idea to add an extra difficulty level above Elite, harder difficulty tougher enemies, feedback pulse kind of things so you cannot just spam every weapon. Or some other better solutions to keep things interesting regardless the power creep.
    The problem with adding a difficultly above elite is that so few players are geared for elite as is that elite pretty much never gets played. Adding a difficulty above elite would just have all the same issues, but worse.
    How do you know how few or many players use Elite? Have I missed some Metrics from the devs? What about those that play all the storyline solo missions on Elite and leave Elite as the default hardness setting? When recruitment comes out I always play though the entire recruitment on Elite as Elite is not just about more DPS and making it harder is not just about more DPS.

    Giving how often some Elite content is played I am not sure its correct to say Elite pretty much never gets played. Some Elite content doesn't get played much at all, but others do a lot.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    > @evilmark444 said:
    > They'll probably just extend it again, but it would be nice if they'd add some new ones. Some ideas I have are:
    > 1) Inertia
    > 2) Firing Arc (would probably need to be a small increase per perk point to avoid being OP, maybe 0.2 degree each? 0.5?)
    > 3) Energy Weapon Cost
    > 4) Energy weapon damage drop off over range
    > No ideas for ground, but I only waste points on that when I'm only given three ground options to choose from.

    Considering that we seem to have throw powercreep issues out of the window ages ago I would really like those categories to be added. B)

    At least those changes could help energy weapons to get back in line with torps and epg.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    totenmet wrote: »
    totenmet wrote: »
    totenmet wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    As much as I would love to see this expanded that would be going to far. People would end up with 100% crit chance, massive hulls and basically be massively overpowered while having a tank that never dies. I still like the idea of filling in the gaps like adder carrier stuff. Adding more ranks makes me worry about unbalancing the game to much.

    I also agree. It would go too far. It would eventually reach a point where you wouldn't need ANY consoles on a ship because they become pointless. While I agree that veterans do need something to work on... Expanding Endeavors more than they have without adding categories that haven't been touched is just power creep for the sake of power creep alone.

    So what would you like to be see being added for veterans to work on if not more endeavors?

    I am almost at endeavor rank 600 and many more people will reach that in the next day's, weeks and months.

    PS: veterans are people who (have) spend most money on this game on average. If nothing keeps them logging on daily, they will spend less or leave the game.

    define many more and where you get your stats...

    im a vet, beta and lifer, and im not anywhere near 600. im at like 170 or just under.

    as upsetting as this may be to you...you, yourself, pushed to get where you are, and gratz...but not everyone is there. if all the game is to you to complete a task at lightning speed, then maybe you should take a break...i did..almost 3 yrs.

    as far as what to be added, should they offer more - some have mentioned pet stat boosters or stuff similar.

    maybe have endeavors give parts to assemble ultimate upgrades....

    what would you like to see? you offered nothing in your post.

    Just to set one thing straight first. I am not upset at all.

    I understand that for all those people who still have a long way to go the 600 cap is not an issue yet. But also they will eventually reach it.

    I did not start this topic just for me. But just as an open question which is maybe of interest to other people. I do not have all the wisdom or all the answers and solutions. If i would have I would not need to ask questions.

    I am just grateful for the answers and suggestions of others. And you never know if it reaches cryptic too. They say they read the forum.

    I am also thankful for your post. And maybe I take a break if I reach level 600. Have taken a break in the past too, because there was not to do and nothing I could progress on.

    The endeavors kept me logging on daily. Without that I probably would not play daily. And just check the forum to see if an event is going on to earn something.

    thanks for reply, however, you didnt offer any ideas as to what you think could/should be for the endev system past 600.
    what ideas do you have?

    Already did: see (I made it bold for you)
    totenmet wrote: »
    Personally I would like new endeavors and/or extension of the existing ones. Because it keeps me logging on every day and keeps me hooked.

    Power creep sound so creepy but it is not really. They could have made a game were every one would stay at level one after the tutorial. But that would not be so much fun, not much to improve.

    From day one you play the game there is always something to improve. The most improvement you can make during leveling. Your toon gets stronger and more versatile on the way.

    The endeavors adds to the endgame. It gives the feeling there is still something to improve on. Of course there is difference between some one at level 65, who had done the endeavors, and some one at level 65 who had not done the endeavors. But there is also a difference between some one at level 65 and some one at a lower level.

    Most of the content in STO is either solo or PVE. So your mostly not battling against other players but with other players. Star-trek series and movies and games is about bringing people together to boldly go where no one has gone before, to work together, to help each other on a mission. Does not matter so much if some one else has better gear or better stats. And people always have the choice to team up with their friends or fleet mates.

    And sure there is also PVP but there are no real PVP leagues based on levels. So in PVP most get their asses kicked by PVP specialists. Good PVP battles are for the people with the headsets who team up and compete with each other with specialized builds.

    Sure as long as you have not reached 600 endeavors, you not need extension. But when you reach the max it would be nice if the story continues, e.g. by more endeavors or something else to go for.

    That is my viewpoint atm. Tell me what you think. Do you agree or disagree, why. Am I nuts, do I have a point lol.

    ok, so you feel existing ones is an idea? ok...got it.
    what new ones? oh, silence. got it.

    If I would have had the answers, I would not had to start this topic with the following opening post:
    totenmet wrote: »
    Some questions:

    1. When will there be new endeavors to pursue? (I am close to 600 now)

    2. Will the current ones be extended or will there be new ones?

    But I agree with a lot of suggestions made by others in this topic. Like @evilmark444, peterconnorfirst, etc.
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