I dunno if it's happening to anyone else, but I very often get my progress for "disable tractor beam" cancelled for no apparent reason, usually on the first and this is rapidly getting frustrating.
It's like the Omega particle mini-game giving you nothing for no reason, except much more frequently, and I checked, it's not leaving/entering red alert, no pet launched, no trait activating/deactivating and no teammate showing up and activating the prompt.
Did you have a lingering dot or any other possible post combat effect lingering?
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I dunno if it's happening to anyone else, but I very often get my progress for "disable tractor beam" cancelled for no apparent reason, usually on the first and this is rapidly getting frustrating.
It's like the Omega particle mini-game giving you nothing for no reason, except much more frequently, and I checked, it's not leaving/entering red alert, no pet launched, no trait activating/deactivating and no teammate showing up and activating the prompt.
so nothing on auto fire/launch/use etc?
Not when enemies have been vaporized for at least 10 seconds, no.
No DoT.
Not a cooldown/lockdown ending either.
Doesn't appear to be a trait or spec passive either as I checked my effect bar and it didn't move during an interruption. It could be a stack of one increasing or decreasing, but I doubt it, or else, it's quite an oversight to have a passive affect an interaction.
The only things remaining in the vicinity is me, my pets, leftover gravity wells, main and/or aftershock and the ship to rescue.
EDIT: OK, I finally found out why. Turns out if you summon hangar pets out of combat and have the hangar on autofire, it'll keep trying to summon them even when all wings are present and even when no new pet is summoned, it still interrupts specific interactions and it will only stop by removing the autofire or entering and then leaving combat.
Did you have a lingering dot or any other possible post combat effect lingering?
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
No DoT.
Not a cooldown/lockdown ending either.
Doesn't appear to be a trait or spec passive either as I checked my effect bar and it didn't move during an interruption. It could be a stack of one increasing or decreasing, but I doubt it, or else, it's quite an oversight to have a passive affect an interaction.
The only things remaining in the vicinity is me, my pets, leftover gravity wells, main and/or aftershock and the ship to rescue.
EDIT: OK, I finally found out why. Turns out if you summon hangar pets out of combat and have the hangar on autofire, it'll keep trying to summon them even when all wings are present and even when no new pet is summoned, it still interrupts specific interactions and it will only stop by removing the autofire or entering and then leaving combat.