The Voth are returning in force, and only you can stop them. Participate in the Voth Advance event to progress towards a free Tier 6 Lock Box or Promotional ship, or other prizes!
Saying that, the 2 Z-Store coupons is a very nice alternative prize choice, which I may opt for...
Yea I disagree with that, I think Cryptic is very fair (in general), and this Reward is extremely Generous! All Lockbox/Promo Ships, have always been Character unlocks too from those Packs.
Still having said, I'm debating between the 1500 Lobi or the 2 Ship Coupons myself. Maybe even consider a Lockbox or Promo ship too...
So Thank You very much!
I didn't enjoy the change or bug to the Voth Sphere TFO, since 'some' Voth ships fly at such great speed. I've often wondered if this was a BUG myself...
I mean there are ways with Grav Well to catch them, yet often putting 100% power to engines, just often won't work... ...perhaps there is some Pilot or Traits, or Consoles that can work. I admit however it's just not my thing, I'll use a Grav Well where I can instead.
As for the Voth event itself, Breach is fun enough. Storming the Spire, not so much, but certainly better than a lot of the more recent queues. As for the Molor's Sword prize, meh, I might at least try it until my KDF Recruit gets the last of those 2500 melee kills, then it'll go into the bank and sit, likely forever.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
I can confirm that as well. Some Voth ships always fly at full impulse, even after entering combat. They often get stuck behind corners and even glitch through walls and become untargetable. Not much of a problem in The Spire queue, but in The Breach such an occurence blocks all further progress. I hope this will be adressed before the event goes live.
Yea I'd say it's a bug myself, but never seen any at Cryptic confirm they were aware of it as a problem in release notes.
I found this, but wasn’t super clear to me:
That's exactly what I was looking for!
Second link isn't working, here's one that does: Infinity Promo Ships
I had to do a doubletake: Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack includes..
D7 Temporal Battlecruiser (T6)
D7 Miracleworker Flight Deck Cruiser (T6)
Infinity Prize Pack - T6 Ship Pack includes...
Kelvin Timeline D7 Heavy destroyer (T6)
Hellooo...cross faction flying, grand prize is account unlock, a legendary ship ?
Has cryptic lost their minds ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
It's going to sting whichever i choose since personally i like the Atlas, D7 Miracle Worker and Voth ship.
it means leaving two or more behind..
I likes it, too.
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If past events are anything to go by, you can get more than 700, though not by buy-out, instead you need to fly the mission more often.
So in theory: 21 days times 50 makes 1050 available per event, so you can still go for it around halfway through the second event. In any case, a "dead event" (e. g. due to vacation) should be possible.
I don't read it as an "account unlock" but as a "once per account unlock", so you can win this prize only once, and then it is a "single ship". Would have loved to get an account unlock though, but then again, who wouldn't?
The 'ad' is worded to say all 3 options are a once per account unlock, so the 2021 event prize can only be won once. Makes sense since every character on an account can contribute to the event, the two T6 zen ships are accountwide unlocks, the lobi prize can be distributed between every toon on an account so I would think the single T6 'infinity ship prize' would also be an accountwide unlock since every toon on an account can contribute to earn the prize. It would be a pretty sad prize if every toon contributed for a year to unlock a single ship for one toon, wouldn't it ?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Unlikely. It says "for a single ship only" - they don't specify this for the T6 coupons as both of those are also just for one ship unlock, but tha tis available on the account. The promo/lockbox ship will be one standard ship selection box as if you got it from a box, for one character. That's how I understand it.
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OR just add a 4th option to this event to get, say, 3 or 4 T5 tokens.
Just some ideas for the future.
As I've stated before, this is going to be a good headache for us deciding down the proverbial road.
Of course going for Option 2 or Option 3 makes decisions much easier.
I'm still dreading the months of grinding, but the pay-off for doing so looks very appealing.
Any news from the bug team as to whether or not they are trying to fix the Voth impulse speed? I ask because the Voth are the focus of this first event, and it would suck to have to sit through an entire event of bugged Voth zipping around at full impulse.
I have no problems catching them although if you think you can just sit in one location and just spam the spacebar yeah its not going to work for you. However with my temer setup I've gotten down now storming the spire is extremely easy. I've been able to keep Voth transports from delivering reinforcements all by myself.
The entire event lasts a year so any grand prize claim will be a "once per account" claim. I also not the line underneath the 'options' text : where they state you have to choose on claiming event reward, and I look in my bank at last years reward and remember I havent chosen to take the lobi or the T6 token yet, tho the event prize token sits there looking at me wondering what and when I'm going to spend it on.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Not my point. I have no problem AFKing my way through a buggy event. My point is that it is a bad idea for Cryptic to be spot lighting TFOs where the enemies are bugged. New players could very easily be turned off by having to slog through a bugged event.
I actually could live with a downgrade ratio of 1:1 and still like the idea. I do think I have every T6 ship I would be interested in unlocked, but there may be lower tier ships which would just be fun.
I also could easily see me enjoying a lock box ship unlock (account, single ship doesn't really do it for me) for lower tier lockbox/promo/whatever ships.
accountwide and reclaimable please