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Too little, too late...

"Captains, we've heard your feedback, and we've made some changes to the stats of the 2021 Legendary Bundle ships. You can find out all the details in the image below, or visit the blog at:https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11483463 …"

So they finally owned up to not listening to concerns but this is for the PC side of things....Time will tell if they continue to ignore console player concerns and finally fix some of the on-going issues that have PLAGUED us console players here on the XB and PS4...

So we are taking all bets on how this crapshoot will end up....lol....


  • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    I do not understand why they are including this feature "The Ability to Fly Ships of Any Faction, Unlocked Across Your Entire Account" as part of the package considering you get it free by just having a level 65 Klingon character.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,384 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    Guys. You want to rant, rant respectively. Just by your wording give @darkbladejk @wingedhussar#7584 and @rattler2. just cause to intervene. You have also posted in bug reporting. What bug are you referring too? I see no bug being reported just a rant thread.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,848 Community Moderator
    If you have a bug to report that's what this section of the forums is for. If you want to give constructive feedback, then I would advise the general discussion. If you just want to rant, take it elsewhere. /closed
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
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