So, we are in Double Experience weekend and yet Cryptic is clearly forgetting to turn that on.
I ran few events on my main toon and my alt toons and all of those received normal experiences and expertises. NOT double.
Clearly Cryptic forgot to switch on this event.
If people do receive double experience and expertises without problem, then please let me know so I can file bug report to support team for my account then.
@OP; I got it even worse... i can't write or type any numbers on keyboard because every time i do so i activate shortcuts at the same time. So i write "begin" in chat and my characters go to shooter mode, open inventory, summon guards, and so on...
Last time after maintenance i couldn't move maps, and was forced to pay 300 zen-s to finish J'Ula set... because i couldn't join any TFO's, to complete it in normal mode. I also couldn't open inventory, fleet tab, character sheet, or anything except login on maps, and watch ESD or whatever place my character was on that time.
Cryptic makes mistakes, but that doesn't mean that it's automatically their fault when something doesn't work. I'm not using shortcuts and I'm having no issues whatsoever with my keyboard.
@OP; I got it even worse... i can't write or type any numbers on keyboard because every time i do so i activate shortcuts at the same time. So i write "begin" in chat and my characters go to shooter mode, open inventory, summon guards, and so on...
Last time after maintenance i couldn't move maps, and was forced to pay 300 zen-s to finish J'Ula set... because i couldn't join any TFO's, to complete it in normal mode. I also couldn't open inventory, fleet tab, character sheet, or anything except login on maps, and watch ESD or whatever place my character was on that time.
What is wrong with you Cryptic ?
I am not intending to poke fun or anything.. but that sounds like you're just forgetting to press Enter before you start typing. Normally, if you hit 'B' you should go into shooter mode, that's what's supposed to happen. Unless of course, your cursor is in the chat box (usually in the lower left) then it simply types the letter 'B.' Make sure your cursor is in the chat box before you start typing.
If you are having issues with other binds, move your cursor to the chat box by pressing Enter or clicking there with your mouse and then type /UNBIND_ALL and press Enter again to undo any custom binds you're using and set you back to default.
I can't say I believe they forgot to turn on double XP. I got 2 spec point levels last night on one char with admiralty turn ins and a mission. That is not normal.
do you guys have some screenshots or anything I can send them?
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Hey folks - the event is on and running. Can you let me know what content you're not getting Double XP in? (Please don't say "everything," that is not helpful. )
Hey folks - the event is on and running. Can you let me know what content you're not getting Double XP in? (Please don't say "everything," that is not helpful. )
Researcher Rescue and Secret Orders didn't give me any.
I was on nimbus this morning doing endevs and didn't see any dbl xp going.
But then again I was a day off. But that's what I have experienced thus far. Will update later this eve or tomorrow morning.
They need folks to be specific as a generalized answer of "everything" doesn't help narrow it down. Giving a few specific examples gives them something to work with. If those examples lead to pay-dirt they can follow the rabbit hole all the way back to the source.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
Last time after maintenance i couldn't move maps, and was forced to pay 300 zen-s to finish J'Ula set... because i couldn't join any TFO's, to complete it in normal mode. I also couldn't open inventory, fleet tab, character sheet, or anything except login on maps, and watch ESD or whatever place my character was on that time.
What is wrong with you Cryptic ?
Cryptic makes mistakes, but that doesn't mean that it's automatically their fault when something doesn't work. I'm not using shortcuts and I'm having no issues whatsoever with my keyboard.
I am not intending to poke fun or anything.. but that sounds like you're just forgetting to press Enter before you start typing. Normally, if you hit 'B' you should go into shooter mode, that's what's supposed to happen. Unless of course, your cursor is in the chat box (usually in the lower left) then it simply types the letter 'B.' Make sure your cursor is in the chat box before you start typing.
If you are having issues with other binds, move your cursor to the chat box by pressing Enter or clicking there with your mouse and then type /UNBIND_ALL and press Enter again to undo any custom binds you're using and set you back to default.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
Yes but weekend stuff always starts on Thursdays (and says so in the news item.) It is now Friday.
Researcher Rescue and Secret Orders didn't give me any.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator