Since we're down for shard maintenance and I'm a bit bored, I thought I would share with anyone who might care to listen, one simple thing I feel is missing from the game. I would like to play a Klingon faction Ferengi. I've been intrigued by the Ferengi, especially as they are developed on DS9. I know, Rom "reformed" Ferengi society, but there are still plenty of Ferengi in the game who follow the "old ways", and there are Ferengi in the KDF. Plenty of them. I just can't play one. Looking just at the DOFF missions, the KDF selection is far more Ferengish than the Fed ones. I would like to play a Ferengi who lies, cheats, steals, blackmails, all the time honored profit-making skills. But alas, I am stuck being a boy scout in a galaxy full of con men and swindlers. And it seems such an obvious thing. Even the Ferengi ships are called "marauders". Well I'd like to do some marauding. I'm not talking about a new faction or additional missions or anything. Just the freedom to play a Ferengi under Klingon rules.
Some have said "Just make an Orion" but that's not really the same thing. Orions don't follow the rules of acquisition. They make no pretense of being legitimate businessmen. They have a completely different culture.
So that's it. No biggie. No major programming changes. Just add one more race to the list of KDF options.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Considering the Year of Klingon isn't over yet, and outside of an addition to the Infinity Box, a Promo, and a Legendary... we haven't seen much at all in the actual ship department outside of... oh... THE MOST REQUESTED KDF FOR T6?
>>T6 Vo'Quv<<
Beyond that we've had:
complete remodels of the B'rel, K'tinga, Vor'cha, and Negh'var to be screen accurate, including hull materials
Revamps to Klingon ONLY content
Revamps to Klingon customization options, including a canon uniform (Only way a Fed can access that is with a Diplomacy BOff)
And again we must consider that the Year of Klingon is not over yet. Legendary ships have been quite popular, and the best way to cap off the Year of Klingon would be to release the KDF Legendary Bundle. At the very least we're looking at 4 ships, with the potential to expand it to 7 to have some parity with what was released with the Fed Bundle.
TOS D7/K'tinga
Kelvin D7
I'd say the Year of Klingon has provided a lot for KDF outside of just ships alone. I honestly don't know where the idea that ships = love comes from because they really are doing a lot for Klingons right now. Quite a bit is even Klingon only.
And there's talk of a potential recruitment event that may coincide with a new DSC Klingon subfaction. Key word KLINGON.
So honestly... people should stop judging the Year of Klingon until it is complete. And stop judging it on ships alone. There's more to STO than just ships alone.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Y'know, I was kind of meh on the idea one way or the other, but then I remembered the episode where Quark had to marry Grillka and walked into the High Council chamber all blinged out in Klingon regalia with a Bat'leth. That was fun. I smiled for a moment. What the hey, why not?
Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Considering the Year of Klingon isn't over yet, and outside of an addition to the Infinity Box, a Promo, and a Legendary... we haven't seen much at all in the actual ship department outside of... oh... THE MOST REQUESTED KDF FOR T6?
>>T6 Vo'Quv<<
Beyond that we've had:
complete remodels of the B'rel, K'tinga, Vor'cha, and Negh'var to be screen accurate, including hull materials
Revamps to Klingon ONLY content
Revamps to Klingon customization options, including a canon uniform (Only way a Fed can access that is with a Diplomacy BOff)
And again we must consider that the Year of Klingon is not over yet. Legendary ships have been quite popular, and the best way to cap off the Year of Klingon would be to release the KDF Legendary Bundle. At the very least we're looking at 4 ships, with the potential to expand it to 7 to have some parity with what was released with the Fed Bundle.
TOS D7/K'tinga
Kelvin D7
I'd say the Year of Klingon has provided a lot for KDF outside of just ships alone. I honestly don't know where the idea that ships = love comes from because they really are doing a lot for Klingons right now. Quite a bit is even Klingon only.
And there's talk of a potential recruitment event that may coincide with a new DSC Klingon subfaction. Key word KLINGON.
So honestly... people should stop judging the Year of Klingon until it is complete. And stop judging it on ships alone. There's more to STO than just ships alone.
I don't think a ship, KDF or not, should qualify as a "new ship" if it just received a new paint-job. A new ship would be looking the same or similar with different stats somehow not just prettier pixels.
Besides that I think a KDF-aligned Ferengi makes as much sense as a KDF-aligned Talaxian so let it happen.
The weird thing is, Roddenberry wanted to use the Orions but Berman wanted something more mysterious and "scary", so they made the Ferengi to take over the unscrupulous ultra-merchant mentality role, then wondered why people kept laughing at them once they actually saw them.
The weird thing is, Roddenberry wanted to use the Orions but Berman wanted something more mysterious and "scary", so they made the Ferengi to take over the unscrupulous ultra-merchant mentality role, then wondered why people kept laughing at them once they actually saw them.
Ferengi were supposed to replace Klingons, not Orions. And it was Gene who wanted them to replace the Klingons, not Berman.
Yeah, some folks want to blame anybody but Gene when the franchise sets a foot awry. Even when the timeline is impossible, as Berman wasn't in charge of TNG at that point; Gene was still executive producer, with Berman and Robert Justman sharing the title of Supervising Producer (and the usual array of "co-producers" and "associate producers" required by contracts).
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,832Community Moderator
As far as I know... Gene actually didn't want ANY races from TOS to appear. That's why Romulans and Klingons, outside of Worf, didn't appear much at first.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
> @somtaawkhar said: > (Quote) > No Andorians(well except that one we don't talk about), Orions, etc. Gene pretty much wanted to toss everything from TOS out the window and start over with TNG. > > It really wasn't until DS9 that they started bringing back some of the TOS stuff in references like Tranya, and the Metron Consortium, etc. etc.
And it wasn't until ENT that we saw, Orions, "classic" Andorians or Tellarites on-screen.
The weird thing is, Roddenberry wanted to use the Orions but Berman wanted something more mysterious and "scary", so they made the Ferengi to take over the unscrupulous ultra-merchant mentality role, then wondered why people kept laughing at them once they actually saw them.
Ferengi were supposed to replace Klingons, not Orions. And it was Gene who wanted them to replace the Klingons, not Berman.
Yes, I did misremember that part about the Orions and Ferengi, and I was rather tired so did not look it up first to check and make sure I was remembering the real story instead of the fan myth about it. Or maybe not so much of a myth in the years between TOS and TNG, which is the timeframe I heard Roddenberry the most (the early to mid '80s were the heyday of conventions in a lot of ways). Roddenberry had some weird grudges and after all his team from the TOS days bailed he may have been less inclined to use things they had worked on.
On the other hand, as Paramount's direct representative on the team Berman did have quite a lot of pull, often more than Roddenberry did even though Roddenberry was nominally in charge, and Roddenberry had a lot of frustration built up from the movie division treating him as some pissant small-screen poser as often as not so by that time he was reportedly not very easy to work with.
In fact, Roddenberry insisted on having his lawyer on site (which turned out to be a disaster, and many of the things Roddenberry took the blame for were actually Maizlish interfering with the production (and especially the writing) team and claiming it came from Roddenberry when it very often didn't. Maizlish, reportedly a thoroughly unpleasant troll who thrived on angst, turned the writer's room into a toxic swamp which steadily emptied the room of the long-time writers and was one of the main factors in TNG taking so long to find its footing out of the chaos (on the other hand the Borg were apparently his idea though that does not make up for all the damage he caused).
In a reversal of the usual Roddenberry pitching ideas to Paramount, for what became TNG they went to him to handle an idea they had for a post-movie-era Federation/Klingon war series very vaguely similar to what DSC did later but Roddenberry was adamantly against that and convinced them he could come up with something just as interesting (and even have something for the whole family in addition to the demographic they were primarily going for) without dumping on TOS and the Organian prophesy that the Federation and Klingons would be friends and allies before long.
Unfortunately the resulting show was convoluted and complex (possibly from trying to shoehorn all the various ideas he pitched over the years into one show), with a fully ensemble cast driving parallel storylines often with the saucer and "battle" sections acting semi-independently (a setup vaguely reminiscent of the Macross colony shows from today's point of view), and the writers were having a hard time working with it.
Berman was called on to simplify and make sense of the thing and he drew on cop shows and whatnot to come up with the "space procedural" format that all Treks used to varying degrees after that until the end of Berman era. TNG was not the show that Roddenberry wanted, it owed much more to Berman's influence than his, and they butted heads over it quite a bit over the few years Roddenberry was able to (for instance Roddenberry wanted more drama and action in the mix, similar to what TOS had, rather than the calm technobabble fests TNG was saddled with.
That simplification worked though it caused some vestigial problems such as character role duplication/fuzzyness. It also meant that the ship was treated as a normal cruiser most of the time while the crew dependents and civilian scientists were mostly (though not completely) ignored.
It also had the problem of what to use for the recurring villains since Roddenberry was totally against the use of the Klingons for that. Like TOS, Roddenberry wanted TNG to have a lot of allegory, and instead of the cold war being the big issue the '80 were more about the rise of financial inequality and high level corruption so he had a vague idea similar to the greedy goblin trope which he handed over to Herbert J. Wright to develop.
After Wright was done he took it and started loading on a lot more details, some of which were not very "family friendly" until Wright pointed out that fact. What they settled on was a rather nasty evil looking goblinoid with huge pointed batlike ears and teeth and very alien mindset (except for the all too familiar greed) but that proved to be a problem in makeup so they ended up with the familiar, rather silly looking makeup seen in the show. They were never meant to be a silly caricature, but once the fans saw them in the final makeup no one could take them seriously as any kind of threat. think they will do anything not blue are funny.
Year of Klingon updates and revamps say hello.
Oh wow...they're updating some old models for old missions that most vets wont even bother to go back and replay! They once again chose something arbitrary that wont actually bring in many if any new players for the KDF and they have their newest excuse as to why they don't do anything for the KDF for the next few years
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
After Wright was done he took it and started loading on a lot more details, some of which were not very "family friendly" until Wright pointed out that fact. What they settled on was a rather nasty evil looking goblinoid with huge pointed batlike ears and teeth and very alien mindset (except for the all too familiar greed) but that proved to be a problem in makeup so they ended up with the familiar, rather silly looking makeup seen in the show. They were never meant to be a silly caricature, but once the fans saw them in the final makeup no one could take them seriously as any kind of threat.
Yes, us 'huuuumans' had a good laugh at them.
And there's a little too much 'Sheldon Cooper' in this thread (in that 90% of all factoids here were unknown to me, LOL). But I did think Ferengi were meant as a pure, and utterly lame, caricature: a hopelessly transparent mirror to be held in front of Americans, then realizing how bad their excessive greed is (actually, 'poorly worded', in the parlance of today's White House take on corona, as a transparent mirror wouldn't be particularly effective showing you anything about yourself; but you get the point). They were a joke, at first. But Quark changed all that, almost single-handedly, and made them real persons.
Oh wow...they're updating some old models for old missions that most vets wont even bother to go back and replay! They once again chose something arbitrary that wont actually bring in many if any new players for the KDF and they have their newest excuse as to why they don't do anything for the KDF for the next few years
I fail to see how this is an argument. The content in question is Klingon only, and for new players, that is content they will go through. So how is saying that vets won't play it make sense to new players who will?
And there is no evidence to support the "intentional sabotage of KDF conspiracy theory" to justify not making KDF stuff... because they ARE making KDF stuff. The main reason everything is so Fed heavy is because by nature Star Trek is a Fed Centric franchise. Other than Picard, every Star Trek series and movie has been from the point of view of the Federation. Picard showed us a more civilian perspective.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Year of Klingon updates and revamps say hello.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Considering the Year of Klingon isn't over yet, and outside of an addition to the Infinity Box, a Promo, and a Legendary... we haven't seen much at all in the actual ship department outside of... oh... THE MOST REQUESTED KDF FOR T6?
>>T6 Vo'Quv<<
Beyond that we've had:
And again we must consider that the Year of Klingon is not over yet. Legendary ships have been quite popular, and the best way to cap off the Year of Klingon would be to release the KDF Legendary Bundle. At the very least we're looking at 4 ships, with the potential to expand it to 7 to have some parity with what was released with the Fed Bundle.
I'd say the Year of Klingon has provided a lot for KDF outside of just ships alone. I honestly don't know where the idea that ships = love comes from because they really are doing a lot for Klingons right now. Quite a bit is even Klingon only.
And there's talk of a potential recruitment event that may coincide with a new DSC Klingon subfaction. Key word KLINGON.
So honestly... people should stop judging the Year of Klingon until it is complete. And stop judging it on ships alone. There's more to STO than just ships alone.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
We'll give you Quark... in exchange for Tendi.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I don't think a ship, KDF or not, should qualify as a "new ship" if it just received a new paint-job. A new ship would be looking the same or similar with different stats somehow not just prettier pixels.
Besides that I think a KDF-aligned Ferengi makes as much sense as a KDF-aligned Talaxian so let it happen.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
> (Quote)
> No Andorians(well except that one we don't talk about), Orions, etc. Gene pretty much wanted to toss everything from TOS out the window and start over with TNG.
> It really wasn't until DS9 that they started bringing back some of the TOS stuff in references like Tranya, and the Metron Consortium, etc. etc.
And it wasn't until ENT that we saw, Orions, "classic" Andorians or Tellarites on-screen.
Yes, I did misremember that part about the Orions and Ferengi, and I was rather tired so did not look it up first to check and make sure I was remembering the real story instead of the fan myth about it. Or maybe not so much of a myth in the years between TOS and TNG, which is the timeframe I heard Roddenberry the most (the early to mid '80s were the heyday of conventions in a lot of ways). Roddenberry had some weird grudges and after all his team from the TOS days bailed he may have been less inclined to use things they had worked on.
On the other hand, as Paramount's direct representative on the team Berman did have quite a lot of pull, often more than Roddenberry did even though Roddenberry was nominally in charge, and Roddenberry had a lot of frustration built up from the movie division treating him as some pissant small-screen poser as often as not so by that time he was reportedly not very easy to work with.
In fact, Roddenberry insisted on having his lawyer on site (which turned out to be a disaster, and many of the things Roddenberry took the blame for were actually Maizlish interfering with the production (and especially the writing) team and claiming it came from Roddenberry when it very often didn't. Maizlish, reportedly a thoroughly unpleasant troll who thrived on angst, turned the writer's room into a toxic swamp which steadily emptied the room of the long-time writers and was one of the main factors in TNG taking so long to find its footing out of the chaos (on the other hand the Borg were apparently his idea though that does not make up for all the damage he caused).
In a reversal of the usual Roddenberry pitching ideas to Paramount, for what became TNG they went to him to handle an idea they had for a post-movie-era Federation/Klingon war series very vaguely similar to what DSC did later but Roddenberry was adamantly against that and convinced them he could come up with something just as interesting (and even have something for the whole family in addition to the demographic they were primarily going for) without dumping on TOS and the Organian prophesy that the Federation and Klingons would be friends and allies before long.
Unfortunately the resulting show was convoluted and complex (possibly from trying to shoehorn all the various ideas he pitched over the years into one show), with a fully ensemble cast driving parallel storylines often with the saucer and "battle" sections acting semi-independently (a setup vaguely reminiscent of the Macross colony shows from today's point of view), and the writers were having a hard time working with it.
Berman was called on to simplify and make sense of the thing and he drew on cop shows and whatnot to come up with the "space procedural" format that all Treks used to varying degrees after that until the end of Berman era. TNG was not the show that Roddenberry wanted, it owed much more to Berman's influence than his, and they butted heads over it quite a bit over the few years Roddenberry was able to (for instance Roddenberry wanted more drama and action in the mix, similar to what TOS had, rather than the calm technobabble fests TNG was saddled with.
That simplification worked though it caused some vestigial problems such as character role duplication/fuzzyness. It also meant that the ship was treated as a normal cruiser most of the time while the crew dependents and civilian scientists were mostly (though not completely) ignored.
It also had the problem of what to use for the recurring villains since Roddenberry was totally against the use of the Klingons for that. Like TOS, Roddenberry wanted TNG to have a lot of allegory, and instead of the cold war being the big issue the '80 were more about the rise of financial inequality and high level corruption so he had a vague idea similar to the greedy goblin trope which he handed over to Herbert J. Wright to develop.
After Wright was done he took it and started loading on a lot more details, some of which were not very "family friendly" until Wright pointed out that fact. What they settled on was a rather nasty evil looking goblinoid with huge pointed batlike ears and teeth and very alien mindset (except for the all too familiar greed) but that proved to be a problem in makeup so they ended up with the familiar, rather silly looking makeup seen in the show. They were never meant to be a silly caricature, but once the fans saw them in the final makeup no one could take them seriously as any kind of threat.
Oh wow...they're updating some old models for old missions that most vets wont even bother to go back and replay! They once again chose something arbitrary that wont actually bring in many if any new players for the KDF and they have their newest excuse as to why they don't do anything for the KDF for the next few years
No one asks for 1:1...but if anyone knows how to build a strawman it's you! smooch smooch smooch
Yes, us 'huuuumans' had a good laugh at them.
And there's a little too much 'Sheldon Cooper' in this thread (in that 90% of all factoids here were unknown to me, LOL). But I did think Ferengi were meant as a pure, and utterly lame, caricature: a hopelessly transparent mirror to be held in front of Americans, then realizing how bad their excessive greed is (actually, 'poorly worded', in the parlance of today's White House take on corona, as a transparent mirror wouldn't be particularly effective showing you anything about yourself; but you get the point). They were a joke, at first. But Quark changed all that, almost single-handedly, and made them real persons.
I fail to see how this is an argument. The content in question is Klingon only, and for new players, that is content they will go through. So how is saying that vets won't play it make sense to new players who will?
And there is no evidence to support the "intentional sabotage of KDF conspiracy theory" to justify not making KDF stuff... because they ARE making KDF stuff. The main reason everything is so Fed heavy is because by nature Star Trek is a Fed Centric franchise. Other than Picard, every Star Trek series and movie has been from the point of view of the Federation. Picard showed us a more civilian perspective.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode