rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,911Community Moderator
If I may add my 2 ECs on the subject of speeding up elements of a TFO...
In Synth Wave it wouldn't make sense to be able to speed it up, because its based on how long its taking the Synth to corrupt the Defense Grid around Mars. We're operating within that window to save lives. So realistically the only way to speed up Synth Wave would be to actually help the Synth attack Mars. Not protect things. Which in turn contradicts the very purpose of the TFO.
Now... I would like to raise a few issues with player performance and TFO mechanics. There are some TFOs where player performance DOES have some kind of impact. The most notable is Mirror Invasion. The higher the level of the station, the more defenses are available to fend off the Terrans. Likewise the more portals closed, the fewer Terrans you have to deal with at any one time. And even certain ship types actually perform better at certain tasks than others. Sci Ships close portals faster, and Cruisers can power up the power nodes faster.
On the other hand we have Counterpoint, where we literally have an objective that does NOTHING! I mean... what does ferrying those strike teams from DS9 to Terok Nor do anyways? As far as I am aware it has no impact on the performance of Terok Nor whatsoever. 1 strike team or 15 strike teams... doesn't matter. Terok Nor will still fight the same, and will take the same amount of time to repair when you knock her down.
I personally feel that Counterpoint is an example of where player performance should have an impact on the flow of the TFO more than it already does. And it wouldn't be a pure DPS answer either if we use the Strike Team objective, because it would be more based on the number of teams sent over rather than how much damage was caused. Maybe the more teams are sent over, the more it affects Terok Nor's systems like shields and weapons. Maybe even after a certain threshold it also adds a DoT because of Strike Teams causing some damage to the main power grid.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
> @ulysses359#8595 said: > At the moment, one of my romulans is sitting cloaked above the base and I, afk, spamming the forum about this tfo. It is as bad as it is boring. > > I hope future TFOs development will get more "love" from the devs. This is one is embarassing..... > > PS.: It seems I'm not the only afk player in my team ........
Yep. You sum it up perfectly. This map is not worthy of STO.
- it requires zero team play - it does not reflect the players progression curve at all - the tasks to fulfill get outclassed by every cheap arcade game out there
Of course players afk it. It is an insult to anybody who likes to „play“ something.
@pottsey5g has a point that more fitting difficulty settings could help a great deal for long term players here. Perhaps we get them one day and I can judge this PvE better than I do at the moment.
What gives, 4 times to go and game over.
Post edited by peterconnorfirst on
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Eureka!! I found a use for this TFO. Hull healing endeavor, venturing into the danger zone is a reliable method to get hull damage to be repaired for the endeavor.
My tanking character was happy: 4 hits in a row survival in the danger zone. Granted, the last one left me with only 1% hull.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
If the idea of the event is to make people play together then it’s a massive fail and badly designed. I still don’t understand why the devs insisted on implanting events in such a poor way. There are so many easy ways to improve the way events are ran and make them better. Like let players choose between running the event at normal, advance and elite and let them solo it where suitable like this event. Why are you so against positive QoL features like this?
Not to mention, a total lie because if that was the goal of the event - or any other events that allowed for multiple ways of accruing progress - then there wouldn't be the option of playing the episode, which 99.9% of the people do alone.
I think the point is that TFOs in general are supposed to be group content originally designed to encourage people to play together instead of all off doing their own thing, while episodes were never meant for that. It might be good to have a few events with a deep space encounter format where they could have up to ten or so people in it without actual queuing a five person team just to break up the pattern these things have fallen into.
I'm not saying that encouraging people to play together is a bad thing.
On the contrary, it should be the point of this whole game. But when you give people the option of playing alone to achieve the same results as those playing with other people, then what you're implicity saying is "it's ok to play by yourself".
I would not be opposed to have a bigger space queue, but it'd need to be something meaningful and worth playing, not something where - as usual - you can just sit, do nothing and get rewarded because there's auto-win and there is no teamwork required whatosever.
Timegates are not necessarily bad, but the sudden fade out thing and the "halt simulation" thing get monotonous after a while. If they are done realistically and the enemy warps in and out it would help a lot with very little effort for instance. Also the time gates should be realistic and intrinsic to the situation (such as protecting something or using some process that takes time), not something obviously bolted on as all too many of them are now. For example the timers could keep sending in enemy reinforcements but when it ends just stop sending in new ones and the stage goes on until all of enemy that are already there are destroyed or fled instead of just fading out.
I agree, timegates when done properly can actually be beneficial. But to quote you, they shouldn't be "something obviously bolted on as all too many of them are now", because they are useless like this, and they just serve to skew the metrics on time played.
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
music still sucks.
as for the rest...meh. not the best they have done, but then i have been in lockdown after getting covid and just logged in yesterday in over 12 or so days.
so, for me, the music still sucks. (maybe not the choice of music, but the version they pciked.)
Using the synth version of the song instead of a recorded orchestra performance is all part of the pun the name of the TFO is based on so it makes sense that they used that version of the music.
Eureka!! I found a use for this TFO. Hull healing endeavor, venturing into the danger zone is a reliable method to get hull damage to be repaired for the endeavor.
My tanking character was happy: 4 hits in a row survival in the danger zone. Granted, the last one left me with only 1% hull.
That would be an excellent mechanic for the TFO, you move or get zapped!... not only the ships, and rescue crew.. but also dodge the sentry sattelites!!... ohhh, missed opportunities!! (kind of like Arena of Sompek, but in space)
That would be an excellent mechanic for the TFO, you move or get zapped!... not only the ships, and rescue crew.. but also dodge the sentry sattelites!!... ohhh, missed opportunities!! (kind of like Arena of Sompek, but in space)
Dodging lasers in space would make for a good TFO environmental effect, but not one with this scenario.
Regardless of if Cryptic went in a more random pattern like Sompek's lighting strikes, or a more grid based pattern like Into the Hive's plasma floor, both would open up the possibility of evac ships being destroyed randomly, without the player having any possibility of saving them.
This would make the reward you get at the end of the TFO based more on random chance, then player skill. As players would have no way to really protect the ships from the laser strikes, and anywhere from none, to most all, of the ships could be destroyed due to actions beyond the player's control.
True, unless you make the rescue ships untargeteable or 100% resistant to energy type, only player ships can be targeted by both enemy ships and sattelites... the rescue ships can be destroyed by the frigates, of course..
Also, this cuould have been a 10 ships TFO, in 2 levels, 5 ships mission is to destroy the sattelites, the others to rescue..
I love playing with a team when team work matters and teamwork impacts the mission in a m “And again you just contradict yourself right here. You keep saying you don't want DPS focused gameplay, and want more teamwork based gameplay, yet publicly decry anything like having to intact with the environment for any reason. Yet gameplay based around having to interact with the environment is a fundamental key aspect of teamwork based gameplay. the only kind of gameplay where you don't have to interact with the environment is DPS focused gameplay. The thing you say your against, but then immediately turn around and argue for”
There is no contradiction you are just jumping to incorrect conclusions. I really enjoyed and liked Synth wave. I like when we can interact with the environment and have a direct impact on the mission. But as much as I enjoy Synth Wave, I see the environment interaction as badly implanted, boring and needing further tweaks in this TFO. As I said before I am a fan of Synth Wave. You don’t seem to grasp that someone can be a fan of something and still see its flaws and wanting improvements. All you seem to want to do is blame players and bring up your obsession with DPSers when it has nothing to do with them.
The problem is you have created this fake narrative based on your obsession with DPSers that is taking the opposite to what people like myself are saying. Then you are jumping to these wildly incorrect conclusions based on what you incorrectly think is being said, not what is being said. Which you then move onto blaming the players and DPS community while talking about made up contradictions which are not really contradictions. They only turned into contradictions because you jumped to wildly wrongly conclusions.
Here is an example. I never “publicly decry anything like having to intact with the environment for any reason.” What I really said was I like team work and environment interaction when its well designed and gave an example of a TFO where I thought it was implanted well.
“The thing you say your against, but then immediately turn around and argue for”
Again you made that up. I never argued for brute force DPS trying to speed run as fast as possible focused on shear DPS. I literally said the opposite that DPS does not matter and that the problems I have with the TFO have nothing to do with DPS or the length of the mission being linked to DPS.
Throughout this thread I defended the length of the mission saying I love the length. I even enjoyed the bugged 30min runs. You are the one that somehow jumped to the incorrect conclusion that “the only thing you care about is DPS.” “The only sense of accomplishment you see in games is how fast you can speed through it just ends up proving my point” One only has to look at the build style I posted in this thread and look at my various comment to see how completely wrong you have got this. Your entire narrative is just wrong. Which leads to your conclusions being invalid and wrong. Your faulty premise is then being used to blame the players and DPS community. Which is unfair on both groups.
“I've never posted by build, or discussed my playstyle. So unless you are hacking my account, you know nothing about either. And given that I have constantly been advocated for NON DPS based gameplay, once again, you have gotten everything backwards.”
Its possible but very unlikely I have got my impressions wrong. I would be very surprised if I have got everything backwards. I believe what I said is correct and you fly closer builds to the DPSers Elite meta then what I do. Even if I got the impression wrong on how you fly and that’s possible because I am inferring from you many posts over the years. It doesn’t change my point that there is no possible way you can write off what I am saying by pushing a fake Elitist DPS narrative of trying to brute force by shear DPS as fast as possible. As I pointed out before this fake narrative you are pushing is completely incompatible with the statements I made in this thread and the builds you know I am using.
Please explain. How myself talking about loving the long nature of the TFO and enjoying the TFO while defending its length throughout the thread and even talking about a longer Elite version. While saying DPS doesn’t matter and speed runs doesn’t matter and saying I like interacting with the environment when its well-designed. While running a build without main weapons fitted as I said on page 1 and another build using the 2nd weakest weapon in game is somehow fitting the description of an Elitist DPSers focused on shear DPS as fast as possible who wants it over in 2mins who is giving stock DPS text?
I just don’t get how you are jumping to the wild conclusions that you are. I also don’t get how running without any weapons fitted onto my ship as I said on page 1 makes me a Elitist DPSer trying to max out DPS to brute force though the missions. Since when do Elitist DPSers fly themed carrier builds with hanger bays only and zero weapons' fitted? No space magic either.
“And again you just made the argument of "my actions have meaning because my DPS lets us get the playtime down to 25 minutes from 30 minutes.”
Again your obsession with DPSers is leaking though. My quote never said anything about DPS or DPS to speed up the mission. You added DPS in. Which has been the problem throughout this entire thread. You keep seeing things that are not there. You keep letting your obsession with DPSers leak into the thread causing you to turn comments that have nothing to do with DPS into DPS comments. I also think you are wrong on Pahvo but there is no point in going on about that here as its to far off topic.
You are misreading and jumping to the wrong conclusion. That quote was about players having a reasonable impact on mission length by working as a team without any mention of DPS being the way to speed the mission up.
“Except YOU are the one constantly talking about playtime v reward. Your entire argument so far has been "I get the same reward no matter how much I play, so why bother playing!" that is the definition of a playtime vs reward argument. All I have done is point out that's wrong.”
That tells me that you have completely misunderstand what I am talking about. I am talking about the sense of reward and accomplishment for getting over a challenge within the mission. I made it very clear I am not talking about the reward at the end of the mission, nor the reward v playtime. For players like myself working as a team and getting over a real challenge is far more rewarding then the actual reward at the end of the mission that you focus far to much on. Saving the transports is poorly designed and implanted. It needs tweaking. The idea is good just not the way its done. This is down to the devs not the players which you are trying to blame.
"You are literally just saying things to try to shift you lack of desire to play the games onto the devs, when your arguments show you have no reason to not play besides a general desire to not do so.
Accept personal responsibility for your own actions."
That is just your incorrect conclusions because you do not understand what is being said. The problem isn't the players accepting personal responsibility for our own actions. The problem is you are wrong and this has nothing to do with not wanting to play or Elitest DPSers. That's just a poor excuse you made-up to avoid looking at the flaws in this good TFO that could be better. The flaws that the devs made and could fix with a few tweaks. As I said before I enjoyed the TFO, I just want to see more of it and improvements because it has some flaws.
EDIT: What’s really funny from my point of view is you are pushing this fake narrative of me not wanting to play and rushing though as fast as possible. While in reality I was using the bug to extend the length of the mission past 30mins as long as possible directly at odds with what you are saying and I enjoyed every part of that bug and extra time. This is directly at odds with the fake picture you are trying to paint. If I don’t want to play then why am I extending the length of the mission before the bug was fixed? You are not making any sense from my point of view.
YOU FRAKING LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT IN THE QUOTE I WAS REPLYING TO. Holy jeebus...just outright LIES now. There is somebody being religious here and it ain't me. You also conveniently ignored the fact that my entire solution to what you said had NOTHING to do with DPS before claiming what I was suggesting would be a DEEPS fest.
I literally didn't. what I literally said was
What would be bad game design would be letting players somehow destroy the satellites. That would just create an Infected Space/Crystalline Entity situation where players could just DEEPS their way out of any sort of trouble, removing any sort of real gameplay to the TFO.
Which is, again, that it would remove any real challenge or gameplay from the TFO. I would say the same thing if you suggested giving the players a way to stop the Terran beam ins during Pahvo Dissension. Doesn't change the fact you would still have to sit there and press F to purify crystals. It would just mean you removed any sort of challenge from the TFO by removing any threat to the crystals.
Right...and the fact that the rescue fleet succeed because these powerful planetary defense was NOT set to turn on it was STUPID WRITING. I am saying what happened in canon was STUPID WRITING. Like pretty much all of nu Trek. Also this is a sim for a game that is NOT exactly like what was in the show. The other sim for the battle of the binary star was NOTHING like what was in the show...unless the KDF could lose literally 500 ship and be fine. So...guess what, they could have changed things for game play reasons. Hell the BoBS was changed for BAD game play reason so why they can not make changes for a good one is beyond me.
Why is it stupid writing? The number of people who died in the Mars attack is irrelevant to the actual point of the Mars attack, which was to get synths banned. Every living thing on Mars could have been off world on a holiday party when the synths attacked, and the plan would have still worked as the synths would have leveled Mars and set the atmosphere ablaze, which would have gotten them banned.
The Zhat Vash don't care how many people died, its irrelevant to the mission. They aren't going to go out of their way to minimize losses, or maximize them, because it has no bearing on the mission. What you are suggesting is comic book villain levels of evil, where they just go for a high death toll for no reason other then making the death toll higher.
And how was the BoBS changed for bad gameplay reasons? Making it limited to the like 24 ships or so from the actual event would have made the TFO boring and effortless. Like what you suggest doing with the satellites would.
Oh and another solution is to make this mission into an escort one. You rescue ships, they follow you and than you need to escort them to a point outside the circle of death. Rescue X number of people to win...the circle still shrinks. But considering the rather universal hatred for escort mission...not exactly my top choice on this one.
But if your both in the circle of death, how would you escort them out of it from the inside, which requires passing through it, and would certainly lead to both of you being destroyed in the process? Again, none of these suggestions make any sense, or follow any sort of logic.
So...let me get this straight...my suggestion is wrong because of SOMETHING I DIDN'T EVEN SAY?!? WTF is wrong with you? No seriously...WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Because terrorism goal IS A HIGH DEATH TOLL. A suicide bomber blows himself up and take 3 people with him...scary...but not really. One does it and takes out 2 million people...and yeah that will incite terror. The purpose of this operation was to incite terror. Having that be the stated goal and have the actions not line up to that is BAD WRITING. Maybe the synth ban would have happened with JUST the destruction of Mars...maybe not. It certainly would have been much more likely if there are no survivors however.
Once again...you are assuming we don't change the bad choices that was made in the map. Get over the fact that ANY and ALL BAD CHOICES MADE FOR THIS MAP IS SOMEHOW IMMUTABLE IN MAKING A BETTER ONE.
That's just how I feel about somtaawkhar as well. They treat what we say as wrong due to things we never said. Going back to your idea and feel free to criticize this. What if we have to escort the ships and in a none DPS way hack a safe pasage by interacting with the environment though a narrow corridor and escort the ships out. If the devs are feeling brave they could even go back to the days when each type of captain had a different method to use. I miss it when science captains could make different choices to Engineering captains.
YOU FRAKING LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT IN THE QUOTE I WAS REPLYING TO. Holy jeebus...just outright LIES now. There is somebody being religious here and it ain't me. You also conveniently ignored the fact that my entire solution to what you said had NOTHING to do with DPS before claiming what I was suggesting would be a DEEPS fest.
I literally didn't. what I literally said was
What would be bad game design would be letting players somehow destroy the satellites. That would just create an Infected Space/Crystalline Entity situation where players could just DEEPS their way out of any sort of trouble, removing any sort of real gameplay to the TFO.
Which is, again, that it would remove any real challenge or gameplay from the TFO. I would say the same thing if you suggested giving the players a way to stop the Terran beam ins during Pahvo Dissension. Doesn't change the fact you would still have to sit there and press F to purify crystals. It would just mean you removed any sort of challenge from the TFO by removing any threat to the crystals.
Right...and the fact that the rescue fleet succeed because these powerful planetary defense was NOT set to turn on it was STUPID WRITING. I am saying what happened in canon was STUPID WRITING. Like pretty much all of nu Trek. Also this is a sim for a game that is NOT exactly like what was in the show. The other sim for the battle of the binary star was NOTHING like what was in the show...unless the KDF could lose literally 500 ship and be fine. So...guess what, they could have changed things for game play reasons. Hell the BoBS was changed for BAD game play reason so why they can not make changes for a good one is beyond me.
Why is it stupid writing? The number of people who died in the Mars attack is irrelevant to the actual point of the Mars attack, which was to get synths banned. Every living thing on Mars could have been off world on a holiday party when the synths attacked, and the plan would have still worked as the synths would have leveled Mars and set the atmosphere ablaze, which would have gotten them banned.
The Zhat Vash don't care how many people died, its irrelevant to the mission. They aren't going to go out of their way to minimize losses, or maximize them, because it has no bearing on the mission. What you are suggesting is comic book villain levels of evil, where they just go for a high death toll for no reason other then making the death toll higher.
And how was the BoBS changed for bad gameplay reasons? Making it limited to the like 24 ships or so from the actual event would have made the TFO boring and effortless. Like what you suggest doing with the satellites would.
Oh and another solution is to make this mission into an escort one. You rescue ships, they follow you and than you need to escort them to a point outside the circle of death. Rescue X number of people to win...the circle still shrinks. But considering the rather universal hatred for escort mission...not exactly my top choice on this one.
But if your both in the circle of death, how would you escort them out of it from the inside, which requires passing through it, and would certainly lead to both of you being destroyed in the process? Again, none of these suggestions make any sense, or follow any sort of logic.
So...let me get this straight...my suggestion is wrong because of SOMETHING I DIDN'T EVEN SAY?!? WTF is wrong with you? No seriously...WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Because terrorism goal IS A HIGH DEATH TOLL. A suicide bomber blows himself up and take 3 people with him...scary...but not really. One does it and takes out 2 million people...and yeah that will incite terror. The purpose of this operation was to incite terror. Having that be the stated goal and have the actions not line up to that is BAD WRITING. Maybe the synth ban would have happened with JUST the destruction of Mars...maybe not. It certainly would have been much more likely if there are no survivors however.
Once again...you are assuming we don't change the bad choices that was made in the map. Get over the fact that ANY and ALL BAD CHOICES MADE FOR THIS MAP IS SOMEHOW IMMUTABLE IN MAKING A BETTER ONE.
That's just how I feel about somtaawkhar as well. They treat what we say as wrong due to things we never said. Going back to your idea and feel free to criticize this. What if we have to escort the ships and in a none DPS way hack a safe pasage by interacting with the environment though a narrow corridor and escort the ships out. If the devs are feeling brave they could even go back to the days when each type of captain had a different method to use. I miss it when science captains could make different choices to Engineering captains.
Oh...that sounds like a good way to deal with the escort mission. I can see the rage for an escort mission however still. They are not exactly well liked. Or maybe we interact with the environment to create a window of safety where any ship you have rescued in the safe zone can warp out. So than it isn't even an escort mission. And yeah something different for each career choice would be nice for that too.
Perhaps there could be an none escort version of the path out. TFO's are much better when players have options, so create some sort of task that lets players bring in reinforcements that guide the ships out along with a different choice of letting the players guide the ships out themselves? Little too tried to think about details right now. But I am sure there must be dozens of ways to improve this TFO if the right people sit down and have a think about it. I don't want the devs to abandoned it as the concept has a lot of potential.
In Synth Wave it wouldn't make sense to be able to speed it up, because its based on how long its taking the Synth to corrupt the Defense Grid around Mars. We're operating within that window to save lives. So realistically the only way to speed up Synth Wave would be to actually help the Synth attack Mars. Not protect things. Which in turn contradicts the very purpose of the TFO.
Now... I would like to raise a few issues with player performance and TFO mechanics. There are some TFOs where player performance DOES have some kind of impact. The most notable is Mirror Invasion. The higher the level of the station, the more defenses are available to fend off the Terrans. Likewise the more portals closed, the fewer Terrans you have to deal with at any one time. And even certain ship types actually perform better at certain tasks than others. Sci Ships close portals faster, and Cruisers can power up the power nodes faster.
On the other hand we have Counterpoint, where we literally have an objective that does NOTHING! I mean... what does ferrying those strike teams from DS9 to Terok Nor do anyways? As far as I am aware it has no impact on the performance of Terok Nor whatsoever. 1 strike team or 15 strike teams... doesn't matter. Terok Nor will still fight the same, and will take the same amount of time to repair when you knock her down.
I personally feel that Counterpoint is an example of where player performance should have an impact on the flow of the TFO more than it already does. And it wouldn't be a pure DPS answer either if we use the Strike Team objective, because it would be more based on the number of teams sent over rather than how much damage was caused. Maybe the more teams are sent over, the more it affects Terok Nor's systems like shields and weapons. Maybe even after a certain threshold it also adds a DoT because of Strike Teams causing some damage to the main power grid.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
> At the moment, one of my romulans is sitting cloaked above the base and I, afk, spamming the forum about this tfo. It is as bad as it is boring.
> I hope future TFOs development will get more "love" from the devs. This is one is embarassing.....
> PS.: It seems I'm not the only afk player in my team ........
Yep. You sum it up perfectly. This map is not worthy of STO.
- it requires zero team play
- it does not reflect the players progression curve at all
- the tasks to fulfill get outclassed by every cheap arcade game out there
Of course players afk it. It is an insult to anybody who likes to „play“ something.
@pottsey5g has a point that more fitting difficulty settings could help a great deal for long term players here. Perhaps we get them one day and I can judge this PvE better than I do at the moment.
What gives, 4 times to go and game over.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
My tanking character was happy: 4 hits in a row survival in the danger zone. Granted, the last one left me with only 1% hull.
On the contrary, it should be the point of this whole game. But when you give people the option of playing alone to achieve the same results as those playing with other people, then what you're implicity saying is "it's ok to play by yourself".
I would not be opposed to have a bigger space queue, but it'd need to be something meaningful and worth playing, not something where - as usual - you can just sit, do nothing and get rewarded because there's auto-win and there is no teamwork required whatosever.
I agree, timegates when done properly can actually be beneficial. But to quote you, they shouldn't be "something obviously bolted on as all too many of them are now", because they are useless like this, and they just serve to skew the metrics on time played.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
That would be an excellent mechanic for the TFO, you move or get zapped!... not only the ships, and rescue crew.. but also dodge the sentry sattelites!!... ohhh, missed opportunities!! (kind of like Arena of Sompek, but in space)
True, unless you make the rescue ships untargeteable or 100% resistant to energy type, only player ships can be targeted by both enemy ships and sattelites... the rescue ships can be destroyed by the frigates, of course..
Also, this cuould have been a 10 ships TFO, in 2 levels, 5 ships mission is to destroy the sattelites, the others to rescue..
The problem is you have created this fake narrative based on your obsession with DPSers that is taking the opposite to what people like myself are saying. Then you are jumping to these wildly incorrect conclusions based on what you incorrectly think is being said, not what is being said. Which you then move onto blaming the players and DPS community while talking about made up contradictions which are not really contradictions. They only turned into contradictions because you jumped to wildly wrongly conclusions.
Here is an example. I never “publicly decry anything like having to intact with the environment for any reason.” What I really said was I like team work and environment interaction when its well designed and gave an example of a TFO where I thought it was implanted well.
“The thing you say your against, but then immediately turn around and argue for”
Again you made that up. I never argued for brute force DPS trying to speed run as fast as possible focused on shear DPS. I literally said the opposite that DPS does not matter and that the problems I have with the TFO have nothing to do with DPS or the length of the mission being linked to DPS.
Throughout this thread I defended the length of the mission saying I love the length. I even enjoyed the bugged 30min runs. You are the one that somehow jumped to the incorrect conclusion that “the only thing you care about is DPS.” “The only sense of accomplishment you see in games is how fast you can speed through it just ends up proving my point” One only has to look at the build style I posted in this thread and look at my various comment to see how completely wrong you have got this. Your entire narrative is just wrong. Which leads to your conclusions being invalid and wrong. Your faulty premise is then being used to blame the players and DPS community. Which is unfair on both groups.
Do you see how very wrong you have got this?
Its possible but very unlikely I have got my impressions wrong. I would be very surprised if I have got everything backwards. I believe what I said is correct and you fly closer builds to the DPSers Elite meta then what I do. Even if I got the impression wrong on how you fly and that’s possible because I am inferring from you many posts over the years. It doesn’t change my point that there is no possible way you can write off what I am saying by pushing a fake Elitist DPS narrative of trying to brute force by shear DPS as fast as possible. As I pointed out before this fake narrative you are pushing is completely incompatible with the statements I made in this thread and the builds you know I am using.
Please explain. How myself talking about loving the long nature of the TFO and enjoying the TFO while defending its length throughout the thread and even talking about a longer Elite version. While saying DPS doesn’t matter and speed runs doesn’t matter and saying I like interacting with the environment when its well-designed. While running a build without main weapons fitted as I said on page 1 and another build using the 2nd weakest weapon in game is somehow fitting the description of an Elitist DPSers focused on shear DPS as fast as possible who wants it over in 2mins who is giving stock DPS text?
I just don’t get how you are jumping to the wild conclusions that you are. I also don’t get how running without any weapons fitted onto my ship as I said on page 1 makes me a Elitist DPSer trying to max out DPS to brute force though the missions. Since when do Elitist DPSers fly themed carrier builds with hanger bays only and zero weapons' fitted? No space magic either.
Again your obsession with DPSers is leaking though. My quote never said anything about DPS or DPS to speed up the mission. You added DPS in. Which has been the problem throughout this entire thread. You keep seeing things that are not there. You keep letting your obsession with DPSers leak into the thread causing you to turn comments that have nothing to do with DPS into DPS comments. I also think you are wrong on Pahvo but there is no point in going on about that here as its to far off topic.
You are misreading and jumping to the wrong conclusion. That quote was about players having a reasonable impact on mission length by working as a team without any mention of DPS being the way to speed the mission up.
That tells me that you have completely misunderstand what I am talking about. I am talking about the sense of reward and accomplishment for getting over a challenge within the mission. I made it very clear I am not talking about the reward at the end of the mission, nor the reward v playtime. For players like myself working as a team and getting over a real challenge is far more rewarding then the actual reward at the end of the mission that you focus far to much on. Saving the transports is poorly designed and implanted. It needs tweaking. The idea is good just not the way its done. This is down to the devs not the players which you are trying to blame.
That is just your incorrect conclusions because you do not understand what is being said. The problem isn't the players accepting personal responsibility for our own actions. The problem is you are wrong and this has nothing to do with not wanting to play or Elitest DPSers. That's just a poor excuse you made-up to avoid looking at the flaws in this good TFO that could be better. The flaws that the devs made and could fix with a few tweaks. As I said before I enjoyed the TFO, I just want to see more of it and improvements because it has some flaws.
EDIT: What’s really funny from my point of view is you are pushing this fake narrative of me not wanting to play and rushing though as fast as possible. While in reality I was using the bug to extend the length of the mission past 30mins as long as possible directly at odds with what you are saying and I enjoyed every part of that bug and extra time. This is directly at odds with the fake picture you are trying to paint. If I don’t want to play then why am I extending the length of the mission before the bug was fixed? You are not making any sense from my point of view.