Modern cinematography relies on 'zerging' - you always have swarms of ships, if there had been an actual battle I guarantee that those 'fastest toughest' background ships would blow up with a single hit.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Didn't expect to see as many of the ships as I have.
So people apparently do like spending seven times as much to get a small upgrade (stat-wise of course, not regarding visuals lmao) to a regular C-store ship.
Didn't expect to see as many of the ships as I have.
So people apparently do like spending seven times as much to get a small upgrade (stat-wise of course, not regarding visuals lmao) to a regular C-store ship.
Given how little stats end up mattering, since even a normal T5 can easily smoke 95% of the game's content, its not that surprising. Most people I know don;t buy ships for stats, they buy it for skins.
Yeah, even prior to the Legendary Bundle I owned every connie and it was purely based on the visual. Well, beyond simply being a T6 that I could play end game content with, the exact stats have never actually influenced my ship purchases.
Didn't expect to see as many of the ships as I have.
So people apparently do like spending seven times as much to get a small upgrade (stat-wise of course, not regarding visuals lmao) to a regular C-store ship.
Given how little stats end up mattering, since even a normal T5 can easily smoke 95% of the game's content, its not that surprising. Most people I know don;t buy ships for stats, they buy it for skins.
Yeah, even prior to the Legendary Bundle I owned every connie and it was purely based on the visual. Well, beyond simply being a T6 that I could play end game content with, the exact stats have never actually influenced my ship purchases.
Well, as we all know...Space-Barbie IS the STO endgame (Guilty of this myself).
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Yeah, even prior to the Legendary Bundle I owned every connie and it was purely based on the visual. Well, beyond simply being a T6 that I could play end game content with, the exact stats have never actually influenced my ship purchases.
Hell, that STO actually makes playable ships instead of just churning out skins for existing ships is something of an oddity in MMOs.
Guild Wars 2 for instance has over 6,000 weapon and armor skins, but most of the skins you buy on the gem store for real money are just that, skins. You still need to get your own weapon of that same type, as well as a transmutation charge(which also cost money) to actually use said skin. Most of them aren't actual items.
That change was something I was always a bit confused about, it really is an oddity move by the devs. Back in the day I used to buy STO ship skins and still have found memory's of the Star Trek Imperial Assault Cruiser skin brought from the C-Store. I know that was a skin that was a little love or hate by players but why did the devs remove buying skins? I don't recall anyone having problems with buying skins and it fits into the Space Barbie nature of the STO player base. Is there some sort of negative I am missing?
Given how little stats end up mattering, since even a normal T5 can easily smoke 95% of the game's content, its not that surprising. Most people I know don;t buy ships for stats, they buy it for skins.
I've never bought a ship in STO because of the stats, some just happened to be really good ships nevertheless. The only criteria in choosing a ship for me has always been falling in love with the visual design and/or how fun her gimmick(s) is(are) as part of the gameplay.
That's one of the most positive things about STO - for playing the game and doing all the content, you never feel pushed into something that is "must have" because it's the only thing that can clear missions, STFs, etc., so you just pick what you like and enjoy most and have fun!
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Join Date: Sep 2008
So people apparently do like spending seven times as much to get a small upgrade (stat-wise of course, not regarding visuals lmao) to a regular C-store ship.
Yeah, even prior to the Legendary Bundle I owned every connie and it was purely based on the visual. Well, beyond simply being a T6 that I could play end game content with, the exact stats have never actually influenced my ship purchases.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Well, as we all know...Space-Barbie IS the STO endgame (Guilty of this myself).
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I've never bought a ship in STO because of the stats, some just happened to be really good ships nevertheless. The only criteria in choosing a ship for me has always been falling in love with the visual design and/or how fun her gimmick(s) is(are) as part of the gameplay.
That's one of the most positive things about STO - for playing the game and doing all the content, you never feel pushed into something that is "must have" because it's the only thing that can clear missions, STFs, etc., so you just pick what you like and enjoy most and have fun!