I think the problem really started when they introduced the Ferrengi admiralty, with another 30k reward. It basically doubled the amount of dilithium admiralty gave away
They should have just set one of the two (Klingon or Ferrengi) to the fleet voucher and left the other alone.
This would have made more sense and probably would have been received with less blow back than nerfing both.
50,000 Fleet Voucher Dilithium is stuff you can't use for everything, of course. But what should be noted is that the vouchers do not need to be refined, without hindering the Dilithium refinement. So you can dump them directly into fleet gear or to help your fleet projects (also earning you fleet credits). I could easily see that helping with a lot of Fleet Colony Holdings.
You can't use the fleet dil on fleet gear. Unlike Rep gear, Fleet Dil vouchers cannot be used in place of refined Dil to buy stuff like Fleet weapons or fleet uniforms. Which is dumb. Fleet Dil vouchers can only be used to trade in to advance fleet projects and get fleet credits. It's a one-to-one correspondence, dil to fleet credit.
Which means Fleet dil vouchers are basically less useful than GPL, because GPL can be used for GPL store items and certain DOFF missions, and for playing Dabo to earn more GPL.
A few folks in here need to knock it off with the flaming and put the flamethrowers away, and I strongly suggest they do it now.
A couple of things. First, Cryptic has long since established the rule that people are entitled to refine 8k dilithium per toon per day up to the maximum amount of toons. Last I checked was roughly 55 toons. 55 toons times 8k per day is 440k dilithium per day. Yes that is alot, but if someone is willing to put in the work to create those toons, get them to a level they can farm, and cycle through 55 toons to get the rewards, then per Cryptic's rules they are entitled to that 440k dilithium. That goes for folks only cycling 1 toon per day, 7 toons, 28 like me if I choose, or any other number of toons. It's their account and their toons and none of the rest of you have any business trying to dictate to them what they can and can't do with their own toons in this instance.
Second, a chief problem with the dilithium exchange that has existed for some time is there aren't enough effected sinks for dilithium to remove excess, and there is also a flood of supply. The exchange is driven by supply and demand. If supply goes up but demand stays the same, prices go up because dilithium isn't as valuable since it's much easier to come by. If demand goes up but supply stays the same, prices go up because there is a lack of supply. If supply goes down but demand stays largely the same then prices will drop because dilithium becomes more valuable. If supply stays the same but demand goes down, prices will also come down since there isn't as many needing dilithium. Phoenix boxes help to remove excess from the game at a steady rate because they let folks get access to old event rewards and also phoenix upgrades. While they help once a person has gotten all the old rewards they want and/or care about, value diminishes on the boxes a bit. Once a person maxes out their upgrades and has upgraded everything they want/need, phoenix boxes lose their appeal. The good thing with phoenix boxes though is that folks will always need gear upgrades typically at some point or another, thus they have perpetual value, however they're not enough on their own. Fleet holdings also pull dilithium out, but are only effective until fleets max out the holdings. Maintaining those holdings keeps a bit of dilithium out but not as much as building it up did. Borticus even mentions the need for more effective sinks which you can see in the FCT list when you scroll down to the "dilithium cap increase" entry on the list. This is something Cryptic has been pondering for awhile now. They want people to be able to get dilithium, but they also need to make sure there are healthy balances to keep that dilithium in check. So far the checks haven't been as effective.
Third, you are still getting the 30k dilithium from KDF admiralty, it's just not all at once like it was before and comes as bonus on what dilithium you already earn now. So you're not losing out there. For the fleet dilithium you're actually getting all of that dilithium up front now and a net gain of 10k of the stuff you didn't have previously before. I will say I agree with folks we should have had the option of reputation dilithium instead of purely just fleet, and I have even raised this concern to them. With that in mind for folks in fleets that have been complaining about lack of dilithium, or the occasional madman that tries to level a fleet solo (got one of those guys in my armada) this is a godsend for that. This gives folks an easy way to generate dilithium for their fleet. I have also raised the concern folks have had about buying fleet gear with these vouchers. Until then if even 10 people in a fleet fire off those vouchers, that's 400k dilithium, which will go a long way towards maxing out a fleet if you haven't already. I'm pestering them with the concerns folks are seeing and letting them know what the general complaints/praises are that I see in the positive/negative.
Fourth, there are other ways to farm dilithium than purely admiralty. your ability to generate dilithium has not suffered, only one source has been altered. You can still hit the Dyson ground BZ, do the dailies, tag 2 dinos, and if you're not capped out, doing a quick TFO like Crystalline will cap you out, or you can hit the dilithium mines. If you were someone who only did admiralty for dilithium, yeah it sucks, but you can still get dilithium, the difference is now it won't all be from one source.
Lastly, I will remind folks, everyone is entitled to their opinions on the matter in the positive or the negative, and are free to voice those opinions provided it is done civilly. Not everyone is going to like this change and not everyone is going to hate this change. You are going to encounter people who disagree with you on this one. If/when it becomes apparent that you can't change the other person's mind, then perhaps it is best to agree to disagree and move on. Busting out the flamethrowers will not help and will only make things worse, and potentially result in moderation.
As one of the mad ones solo leveling a fleet. I'm looking at the changes like...
While watching others be like...
And in line with these changes to Admiralty, they did reduce the amount of GPL rewarded by assignments in the Ferengi Campaign by a tremendous factor.
And that's a perfect example of what I called a 'spite-nerf.' Because GPL was, and is, utterly useless.** But had to be begrudged anyway, because someone at Cryptic couldn't even stand the idea of someone having X million GPL -- regardless of it being a meaningless currency.
** And I think because of the silly GPL nerf, back when, they'll never do anything with GPL ever again: because it might leave them in a position where some early-day veterans might have more of it now than newer players.
Yeah, they ran those GPL Assignments like crazy because their thinking was 'They can't be giving out amounts in these quantities unless they were going to add a ton of stuff to the GPL Store'. Hah, little did they know that Cryptic had no idea what to do with the GPL Store.
And like a Doctor hitting your knee with a rubber mallet only to have to wait four years for you to react, Cryptic increases the Dabo Bet limits to a million.
On the topic of tremendous reductions, the price of those very stupidly overpriced colored EV Suits have dropped to about 1,000 from what 300,000 Dilitium.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Either I'm just missing something, or did they break the Admiralty Tour of Duty? Now that I passed another 10/10 reward, it's no longer progressing. They're stuck at 0/10 and nothing is moving at all, not matter how many Admiralty assignments I do. Is this just temporary during the event or permanent and a way to kill off the entire Admiralty system?
I've read the announcement and the patch notes multiple times and I just don't see them mentioning that after completing a Tour, we can't do another.
??? They still progress. Sometimes it may take almost 20 Assignments for another Tour to come back up. I've seen this in the past with the Ferengi Campaign especially.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
??? They still progress. Sometimes it may take almost 20 Assignments for another Tour to come back up. I've seen this in the past with the Ferengi Campaign especially.
My timing was lucky and I finished a Tour Thursday night and tried going hard on one of my toons to take advantage of the event, but not seeing any movement at all. Maybe we have to cycle through each of the Admiralty areas first?
Note: All of my other toons that are < 10/10 are progressing normally. It's only the one that completed a 10/10 that has now just stopped.
Ok here's a thought for the KDF reward. Since this seems to be a torn issue.
Replace the Fleet Dilithium vouchers with Dilithium Mine vouchers. You're still only going to get 40K worth. But now you can go to the dil mine and decide if you want reputation and/or fleet vouchers.
I decided to unpack a boatload of VIP or Super VIP Dilitium mining claims. Went to Vlugta and turned in about 190 for Fleet Vouchers and 10 for Reputation ones. One of my Characters got the 10 for 10 KDF yesterday, but all of this will have to wait until today when the Colony Projects come off Cooldown to use it.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
A couple of things. First, Cryptic has long since established the rule that people are entitled to refine 8k dilithium per toon per day up to the maximum amount of toons. Last I checked was roughly 55 toons. 55 toons times 8k per day is 440k dilithium per day. Yes that is alot, but if someone is willing to put in the work to create those toons, get them to a level they can farm, and cycle through 55 toons to get the rewards, then per Cryptic's rules they are entitled to that 440k dilithium. That goes for folks only cycling 1 toon per day, 7 toons, 28 like me if I choose, or any other number of toons. It's their account and their toons and none of the rest of you have any business trying to dictate to them what they can and can't do with their own toons in this instance.
You make great sense, so far. I agree, that makes a lot of sense to me too, I'm in awe of those juggling that many toons & imo they've earned that opportunity but to me it sounds like it would be more a chore than playing.
Third, you are still getting the 30k dilithium from KDF admiralty, it's just not all at once like it was before
I think you got your Tours mixed up here, though. It's the Ferengi Tour that gives you the 30k vouchers, and KDF gets you the Fleet Dilithium.
Yeah, I'm with you on this, hopefully he just transposed the Admiralty Tours accidently. The Ferengi was changed from earning immediately 30k dilthium to a delayed dilthium bonus pool. I also wonder if that initial 50k dilthium KDF fleet voucher was just a typo or an intended amount that got reduced to 40K & why?
darkbladejk's Second point about the dilithium exchange & rates: I don't trade my dilithium for zen massively but instead use it to sometimes top-off my purchase to even out my balance prior or after a purchase. This is probably the most problematic, subjective, confusing, & most difficult to balance since it contains so many variables from Cryptic to every single one of us players imo. There won't be a silver bullet to fix this perfectly but a multi-pronged approach which ends up with hopefully good or better results hence why Cryptic keeps trying different tactics here & there. I think the Phoenixes being "indefinitely" permanent was good but once smaller item & upgrade goals are achieved Cryptic probably shouldn't rely on the majority of players gambling dilithium for the UR & Epic ships much since most know of the abyssal odds nowadays.
darkbladjk's Fourth point about farming dilthium: I'm thinking of this as a herd of animals that will now just move to another spot to graze, earn dilithium, until there is another spot that becomes more bountiful or until Cryptic nerfs it as well. it should be more fun, I'd hope, playing STO to earn the same or even ore dilthium compared to just the Admiralty clicking but perhaps that was more efficient. I say nerf since what Cryptic did with the KDF Admiralty was take away a source of dilthium income for players to do with as they saw best for their account & made the players' decision for them in the form of the fleet dilithium voucher.
Introducing this Admiralty bonus weekend, I think it was the first of it's kind, at the direct tail-end of these Admiralty changes was either magnificent trolling by Cryptic or an attempt to soothe the transition.
If they hadn't been so lazy with the Ferengi Campaign and just copy/pasted the KDF 10 of 10, they wouldn't have to walk behind the elephant with the big shovels.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
If they hadn't been so lazy with the Ferengi Campaign and just copy/pasted the KDF 10 of 10, they wouldn't have to walk behind the elephant with the big shovels.
lol I remember that little cartoon at the end of a show but cannot remember the show lol.
If they hadn't been so lazy with the Ferengi Campaign and just copy/pasted the KDF 10 of 10, they wouldn't have to walk behind the elephant with the big shovels.
lol I remember that little cartoon at the end of a show but cannot remember the show lol.
I believe that it was Rocky & Bullwinkle.
I'm curious. For people who've been doing admiralty daily, how much unrefined dilithium do you have? I stopped regularly doing admiralty about a year ago, because my backlog was in the hundreds of thousands, and I just didn't see the point. I'm still working through it, although I haven't played every character every day.
(I started up again with the Admiralty change, and those KDF vouchers are sweet. I'd also forgotten how much ec you get off of admiralty. All of a sudden all of my characters are multi-millionaires.)
Would have liked the choice of Fleet Dilithium Vouchers/Reputation Dilithium Vouchers to complete Reps items for those who aren't/won't be in a Fleet, let alone those who have some characters in a fleet and other not in a fleet.
Oh well, Fleet Dil Vouchers for non-Fleeters will just be a disinsentive to continue beyond attaining level 10. Why accumulate something so useless?
If they hadn't been so lazy with the Ferengi Campaign and just copy/pasted the KDF 10 of 10, they wouldn't have to walk behind the elephant with the big shovels.
I thought the Ferengi campaign originally gave you Latinum?
No, it was Dilithium. It may, with other Assignments given, additionally, tons of GPL. They were all scaled waaaay back later.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Admiralty and missions is all i do *did* for dilithium. So *NO* surplus ever existed here. All dil refined in less than it took to get another round. *note* took 1 month to complete 10 TOD's.
I'm curious. For people who've been doing admiralty daily, how much unrefined dilithium do you have? I stopped regularly doing admiralty about a year ago, because my backlog was in the hundreds of thousands, and I just didn't see the point. I'm still working through it, although I haven't played every character every day.
(I started up again with the Admiralty change, and those KDF vouchers are sweet. I'd also forgotten how much ec you get off of admiralty. All of a sudden all of my characters are multi-millionaires.)
None. Doing admiralty once a day give you maybe 2000 dil on average. It's only when you get the 30k is there any surplus (over the daily limit)
Admiralty and missions is all i do *did* for dilithium. So *NO* surplus ever existed here. All dil refined in less than it took to get another round. *note* took 1 month to complete 10 TOD's.
Wow...you really were doing it wrong. I would generate a surplus between the two admiralty that gave dil within a week after having it depleted when I went away until events popped back. Even without those two items, between doffs, admiralty, rep and running 1 or 2 patrols per toon, I generate a surplus most days.
I prefer to work on toons and missions, i have 8 toons, they take months to complete each one with all the missions. I only do maybee 6 to 8 missions a day around endeavors. I do not have the time in my day to then add grinding *not fun* into the mix.
Admiralty and missions is all i do *did* for dilithium. So *NO* surplus ever existed here. All dil refined in less than it took to get another round. *note* took 1 month to complete 10 TOD's.
Wow...you really were doing it wrong. I would generate a surplus between the two admiralty that gave dil within a week after having it depleted when I went away until events popped back. Even without those two items, between doffs, admiralty, rep and running 1 or 2 patrols per toon, I generate a surplus most days.
I prefer to work on toons and missions, i have 8 toons, they take months to complete each one with all the missions. I only do maybee 6 to 8 missions a day around endeavors. I do not have the time in my day to then add grinding *not fun* into the mix.
Dude, you do you. This is an optional thing. I was doing it because I'm solo leveling a fleet, and I needed dil for it. I've been putting off the fleet mark grind, basically because of event burnout and hardly bothering to log in.
Event burnout is partly why i barely work on toons any more. I barely have the ambition to do 8 missions a day if i get that done cause i also work part time which takes from my total time to spend on game. So the choice is toons or endeavors or events. Hense why i have 4 toons and they barely have 50 missions done each right now and that takes almost a month to complete around everything else. Hense why the admiralty was a good way to make some dil to be able to do phoenix upgrades and re-engineering. Now, that will come to a permanent end. I will now store what little i get from what i do and spend it on nada.
If they hadn't been so lazy with the Ferengi Campaign and just copy/pasted the KDF 10 of 10, they wouldn't have to walk behind the elephant with the big shovels.
lol I remember that little cartoon at the end of a show but cannot remember the show lol.
I believe that it was Rocky & Bullwinkle.
I'm curious. For people who've been doing admiralty daily, how much unrefined dilithium do you have? I stopped regularly doing admiralty about a year ago, because my backlog was in the hundreds of thousands, and I just didn't see the point. I'm still working through it, although I haven't played every character every day.
(I started up again with the Admiralty change, and those KDF vouchers are sweet. I'd also forgotten how much ec you get off of admiralty. All of a sudden all of my characters are multi-millionaires.)
Because of the lump sums that were given at the end, the amounts of ore each of my characters had fluctuated wildly, they would range from 30-80k each, no toon would lead for long before another overtook. It won't be long before that surplus becomes a distant memory.
...I'm curious. For people who've been doing admiralty daily, how much unrefined dilithium do you have? I stopped regularly doing admiralty about a year ago, because my backlog was in the hundreds of thousands, and I just didn't see the point...
The amount of unrefined ore can be misleading though. Yes I do admiralty every time I log on (pretty much daily) on my six characters (Fed, KDF, Rommie, Delta, Temporal, Gamma) but until the change I had always focused on the Romulan campaign because of the backlogs of that ore that I couldn't use. Hundreds of thousands? Try millions. The newer Temporal/Gamma recruits are sitting on 2 million ore each and the older ones are sitting on 5 million each.
Soloing a starbase eats up everything I can refine though so I never have any refined to spend on personal things like upgrades. That's why I focused on the Romulan campaign. With this change my solo KDF fleet characters will now focus on the Klingon campaign. It won't be a huge help since the colony is a killer that'll take years to complete regardless but they'll take whatever they can get.
A few folks in here need to knock it off with the flaming and put the flamethrowers away, and I strongly suggest they do it now.
A couple of things. First, Cryptic has long since established the rule that people are entitled to refine 8k dilithium per toon per day up to the maximum amount of toons. Last I checked was roughly 55 toons. 55 toons times 8k per day is 440k dilithium per day. Yes that is alot, but if someone is willing to put in the work to create those toons, get them to a level they can farm, and cycle through 55 toons to get the rewards, then per Cryptic's rules they are entitled to that 440k dilithium. That goes for folks only cycling 1 toon per day, 7 toons, 28 like me if I choose, or any other number of toons. It's their account and their toons and none of the rest of you have any business trying to dictate to them what they can and can't do with their own toons in this instance.
Second, a chief problem with the dilithium exchange that has existed for some time is there aren't enough effected sinks for dilithium to remove excess, and there is also a flood of supply. The exchange is driven by supply and demand. If supply goes up but demand stays the same, prices go up because dilithium isn't as valuable since it's much easier to come by. If demand goes up but supply stays the same, prices go up because there is a lack of supply. If supply goes down but demand stays largely the same then prices will drop because dilithium becomes more valuable. If supply stays the same but demand goes down, prices will also come down since there isn't as many needing dilithium. Phoenix boxes help to remove excess from the game at a steady rate because they let folks get access to old event rewards and also phoenix upgrades. While they help once a person has gotten all the old rewards they want and/or care about, value diminishes on the boxes a bit. Once a person maxes out their upgrades and has upgraded everything they want/need, phoenix boxes lose their appeal. The good thing with phoenix boxes though is that folks will always need gear upgrades typically at some point or another, thus they have perpetual value, however they're not enough on their own. Fleet holdings also pull dilithium out, but are only effective until fleets max out the holdings. Maintaining those holdings keeps a bit of dilithium out but not as much as building it up did. Borticus even mentions the need for more effective sinks which you can see in the FCT list when you scroll down to the "dilithium cap increase" entry on the list. This is something Cryptic has been pondering for awhile now. They want people to be able to get dilithium, but they also need to make sure there are healthy balances to keep that dilithium in check. So far the checks haven't been as effective.
Third, you are still getting the 30k dilithium from KDF admiralty, it's just not all at once like it was before and comes as bonus on what dilithium you already earn now. So you're not losing out there. For the fleet dilithium you're actually getting all of that dilithium up front now and a net gain of 10k of the stuff you didn't have previously before. I will say I agree with folks we should have had the option of reputation dilithium instead of purely just fleet, and I have even raised this concern to them. With that in mind for folks in fleets that have been complaining about lack of dilithium, or the occasional madman that tries to level a fleet solo (got one of those guys in my armada) this is a godsend for that. This gives folks an easy way to generate dilithium for their fleet. I have also raised the concern folks have had about buying fleet gear with these vouchers. Until then if even 10 people in a fleet fire off those vouchers, that's 400k dilithium, which will go a long way towards maxing out a fleet if you haven't already. I'm pestering them with the concerns folks are seeing and letting them know what the general complaints/praises are that I see in the positive/negative.
Fourth, there are other ways to farm dilithium than purely admiralty. your ability to generate dilithium has not suffered, only one source has been altered. You can still hit the Dyson ground BZ, do the dailies, tag 2 dinos, and if you're not capped out, doing a quick TFO like Crystalline will cap you out, or you can hit the dilithium mines. If you were someone who only did admiralty for dilithium, yeah it sucks, but you can still get dilithium, the difference is now it won't all be from one source.
Lastly, I will remind folks, everyone is entitled to their opinions on the matter in the positive or the negative, and are free to voice those opinions provided it is done civilly. Not everyone is going to like this change and not everyone is going to hate this change. You are going to encounter people who disagree with you on this one. If/when it becomes apparent that you can't change the other person's mind, then perhaps it is best to agree to disagree and move on. Busting out the flamethrowers will not help and will only make things worse, and potentially result in moderation.
you think we're just stupid click cattle?
Yes supply and demand, not socialist dictatorship planned economy.
content = demand // dili = supply
The big dili farmers are not selling anything since the price has gone up to over 400. Well, the ones with 50 chars, they puked when it hit 500.
Actually, they're all turning on the admiralty again. They're hoping for 300.
I don't understand why people aren't getting excited about 500 caps.
Why not let the big farms do the work for you and buy the dili for cheap? You small and medium sized players will be fooled because you have to buy artificially overpriced dili. Do something better with your time than farming Dili for nothing. For example, learn the game and Misson's mechanics, 90 percent can't even do that.
Think about how much money and time it took to equip 50 chars with stuff to start farming.
Everybody is always jealous of those who made it to this point and they don't respect the work to get there. I respect that and I didn't do it because it is too much work for me.
Because I want to have fun.
Oh, and try to pull Fleetdili up from KDF to FED.
just ask what is better 120k dili / day for 500 to sell or 80k for 300 or even 250... dream
Edit: thanks to the higth DPS'er who dragged me through the TFO with my TRIBBLE chars. Sorry but until recently my dili always ended up in the fleet or was reinvested in the admiralty.
> (Quote) > > you think we're just stupid click cattle? > > Yes supply and demand, not socialist dictatorship planned economy. > content = demand // dili = supply > > The big dili farmers are not selling anything since the price has gone up to over 400. Well, the ones with 50 chars, they puked when it hit 500. > Actually, they're all turning on the admiralty again. They're hoping for 300. > I don't understand why people aren't getting excited about 500 caps. > Why not let the big farms do the work for you and buy the dili for cheap? You small and medium sized players will be fooled because you have to buy artificially overpriced dili. Do something better with your time than farming Dili for nothing. For example, learn the game and Misson's mechanics, 90 percent can't even do that. > Think about how much money and time it took to equip 50 chars with stuff to start farming. > > Everybody is always jealous of those who made it to this point and they don't respect the work to get there. I respect that and I didn't do it because it is too much work for me. > Because I want to have fun. > > Oh, and try to pull Fleetdili up from KDF to FED. > > just ask what is better 120k dili / day for 500 to sell or 80k for 300 or even 250... dream > > > Edit: thanks to the higth DPS'er who dragged me through the TFO with my TRIBBLE chars. Sorry but until recently my dili always ended up in the fleet or was reinvested in the admiralty.
Dilithium and zen are reserve currencies. Reserve currencies are generally setup to remain around a baseline value and never stray from that very far. Its done to prevent energy credit Hyper Inflation.
Again, to many people are not paying attention to that or reading basic economics. And cryptic needs free players. With absolutely no free players as coming in even whales see a dying community and leave.
An extreme dil to zen ratio would make free players feel very hopeless especially with the difficulty curve on hitting 60 for them. With no way to advance within reason from horrible dil exchange they are far more likely to leave early.
Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.
This would have made more sense and probably would have been received with less blow back than nerfing both.
As one of the mad ones solo leveling a fleet. I'm looking at the changes like...
While watching others be like...
And that's a perfect example of what I called a 'spite-nerf.' Because GPL was, and is, utterly useless.** But had to be begrudged anyway, because someone at Cryptic couldn't even stand the idea of someone having X million GPL -- regardless of it being a meaningless currency.
** And I think because of the silly GPL nerf, back when, they'll never do anything with GPL ever again: because it might leave them in a position where some early-day veterans might have more of it now than newer players.
And like a Doctor hitting your knee with a rubber mallet only to have to wait four years for you to react, Cryptic increases the Dabo Bet limits to a million.
On the topic of tremendous reductions, the price of those very stupidly overpriced colored EV Suits have dropped to about 1,000 from what 300,000 Dilitium.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I've read the announcement and the patch notes multiple times and I just don't see them mentioning that after completing a Tour, we can't do another.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
My timing was lucky and I finished a Tour Thursday night and tried going hard on one of my toons to take advantage of the event, but not seeing any movement at all. Maybe we have to cycle through each of the Admiralty areas first?
Note: All of my other toons that are < 10/10 are progressing normally. It's only the one that completed a 10/10 that has now just stopped.
Replace the Fleet Dilithium vouchers with Dilithium Mine vouchers. You're still only going to get 40K worth. But now you can go to the dil mine and decide if you want reputation and/or fleet vouchers.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
darkbladejk's Second point about the dilithium exchange & rates: I don't trade my dilithium for zen massively but instead use it to sometimes top-off my purchase to even out my balance prior or after a purchase. This is probably the most problematic, subjective, confusing, & most difficult to balance since it contains so many variables from Cryptic to every single one of us players imo. There won't be a silver bullet to fix this perfectly but a multi-pronged approach which ends up with hopefully good or better results hence why Cryptic keeps trying different tactics here & there. I think the Phoenixes being "indefinitely" permanent was good but once smaller item & upgrade goals are achieved Cryptic probably shouldn't rely on the majority of players gambling dilithium for the UR & Epic ships much since most know of the abyssal odds nowadays.
darkbladjk's Fourth point about farming dilthium: I'm thinking of this as a herd of animals that will now just move to another spot to graze, earn dilithium, until there is another spot that becomes more bountiful or until Cryptic nerfs it as well. it should be more fun, I'd hope, playing STO to earn the same or even ore dilthium compared to just the Admiralty clicking but perhaps that was more efficient. I say nerf since what Cryptic did with the KDF Admiralty was take away a source of dilthium income for players to do with as they saw best for their account & made the players' decision for them in the form of the fleet dilithium voucher.
Introducing this Admiralty bonus weekend, I think it was the first of it's kind, at the direct tail-end of these Admiralty changes was either magnificent trolling by Cryptic or an attempt to soothe the transition.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
lol I remember that little cartoon at the end of a show but cannot remember the show lol.
I believe that it was Rocky & Bullwinkle.
I'm curious. For people who've been doing admiralty daily, how much unrefined dilithium do you have? I stopped regularly doing admiralty about a year ago, because my backlog was in the hundreds of thousands, and I just didn't see the point. I'm still working through it, although I haven't played every character every day.
(I started up again with the Admiralty change, and those KDF vouchers are sweet. I'd also forgotten how much ec you get off of admiralty. All of a sudden all of my characters are multi-millionaires.)
Oh well, Fleet Dil Vouchers for non-Fleeters will just be a disinsentive to continue beyond attaining level 10. Why accumulate something so useless?
My character Tsin'xing
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
None. Doing admiralty once a day give you maybe 2000 dil on average. It's only when you get the 30k is there any surplus (over the daily limit)
I prefer to work on toons and missions, i have 8 toons, they take months to complete each one with all the missions. I only do maybee 6 to 8 missions a day around endeavors. I do not have the time in my day to then add grinding *not fun* into the mix.
Dude, you do you. This is an optional thing. I was doing it because I'm solo leveling a fleet, and I needed dil for it. I've been putting off the fleet mark grind, basically because of event burnout and hardly bothering to log in.
The amount of unrefined ore can be misleading though. Yes I do admiralty every time I log on (pretty much daily) on my six characters (Fed, KDF, Rommie, Delta, Temporal, Gamma) but until the change I had always focused on the Romulan campaign because of the backlogs of that ore that I couldn't use. Hundreds of thousands? Try millions. The newer Temporal/Gamma recruits are sitting on 2 million ore each and the older ones are sitting on 5 million each.
Soloing a starbase eats up everything I can refine though so I never have any refined to spend on personal things like upgrades. That's why I focused on the Romulan campaign. With this change my solo KDF fleet characters will now focus on the Klingon campaign. It won't be a huge help since the colony is a killer that'll take years to complete regardless but they'll take whatever they can get.
you think we're just stupid click cattle?
Yes supply and demand, not socialist dictatorship planned economy.
content = demand // dili = supply
The big dili farmers are not selling anything since the price has gone up to over 400. Well, the ones with 50 chars, they puked when it hit 500.
Actually, they're all turning on the admiralty again. They're hoping for 300.
I don't understand why people aren't getting excited about 500 caps.
Why not let the big farms do the work for you and buy the dili for cheap? You small and medium sized players will be fooled because you have to buy artificially overpriced dili. Do something better with your time than farming Dili for nothing. For example, learn the game and Misson's mechanics, 90 percent can't even do that.
Think about how much money and time it took to equip 50 chars with stuff to start farming.
Everybody is always jealous of those who made it to this point and they don't respect the work to get there. I respect that and I didn't do it because it is too much work for me.
Because I want to have fun.
Oh, and try to pull Fleetdili up from KDF to FED.
just ask what is better 120k dili / day for 500 to sell or 80k for 300 or even 250... dream
Edit: thanks to the higth DPS'er who dragged me through the TFO with my TRIBBLE chars. Sorry but until recently my dili always ended up in the fleet or was reinvested in the admiralty.
> you think we're just stupid click cattle?
> Yes supply and demand, not socialist dictatorship planned economy.
> content = demand // dili = supply
> The big dili farmers are not selling anything since the price has gone up to over 400. Well, the ones with 50 chars, they puked when it hit 500.
> Actually, they're all turning on the admiralty again. They're hoping for 300.
> I don't understand why people aren't getting excited about 500 caps.
> Why not let the big farms do the work for you and buy the dili for cheap? You small and medium sized players will be fooled because you have to buy artificially overpriced dili. Do something better with your time than farming Dili for nothing. For example, learn the game and Misson's mechanics, 90 percent can't even do that.
> Think about how much money and time it took to equip 50 chars with stuff to start farming.
> Everybody is always jealous of those who made it to this point and they don't respect the work to get there. I respect that and I didn't do it because it is too much work for me.
> Because I want to have fun.
> Oh, and try to pull Fleetdili up from KDF to FED.
> just ask what is better 120k dili / day for 500 to sell or 80k for 300 or even 250... dream
> Edit: thanks to the higth DPS'er who dragged me through the TFO with my TRIBBLE chars. Sorry but until recently my dili always ended up in the fleet or was reinvested in the admiralty.
Dilithium and zen are reserve currencies. Reserve currencies are generally setup to remain around a baseline value and never stray from that very far. Its done to prevent energy credit Hyper Inflation.
Again, to many people are not paying attention to that or reading basic economics. And cryptic needs free players. With absolutely no free players as coming in even whales see a dying community and leave.
An extreme dil to zen ratio would make free players feel very hopeless especially with the difficulty curve on hitting 60 for them. With no way to advance within reason from horrible dil exchange they are far more likely to leave early.
Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.