I realized that ST: Starfleet Academy does have its own speculatiom thread, even though evidence points hard to it being one of the new live Star Treks coming out (I'm speculating in 2021 or 2022 at the latest).
I remember Avery Brooks pitched this idea years ago, before the current incarnation of the idea, so I hope he at least gets a guest appearance at minium.
Also its pretty safe bet that ST: Pike will be shot in Greater Toronto Area to take advantage of the Enterprise Assets and TRIBBLE and ST: S31 Assets in the city, but this is not a given for ST: SFA, because Starfleet Academy is in San FransicoFransico California, so there is a logic to shooting the show in California . On the other hand Kertzman has said that future Star Treks are going to be shot in Toronto (really the GTA), Picard appears to be an exception because Sir Patrick Stewart willed it so and no other reason.
So where do you think Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will be shoot, California or Toronto?
There were earlier plans for a Starfleet Academy show even before the version Brooks pitched, the concept seems to have a very bad track record so far, so I would not hold my breath waiting for it to work this time (though it would be nice if it does make it to air).
> They could always do both (they did something like that already in other Treks) by using background shots from the Horseshoe Bay area to get the right angle on the bridge, (or if they choose to use the Kelvin timeline location, from the presidio area on the opposite end of the bridge from the one in the prime universe (and in STO)), matted behind buildings in Toronto for the campus and immediate surroundings.
> There were earlier plans for a Starfleet Academy show even before the version Brooks pitched, the concept seems to have a very bad track record so far, so I would not hold my breath waiting for it to work this time (though it would be nice if it does make it to air).
They didn't work out because of the vile Les Moon Vest, who hated Star Trek until he needed it to save CBS All Access, not because of personal failings of the idea. Les is now gone, the obstacle is now gone and contrary to what Midnight's Edge think Kurtzman seems to get what he wants thanks to the success of ST: Discovery and now ST: Picard.
High school drama Bovine TRIBBLE IN SPACE!
Yeah, I'm jaded.
> Re: Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Predictions:
> High school drama Bovine TRIBBLE IN SPACE!
> Yeah, I'm jaded.
I think that its possible to balance Teen/20 something drama/romance/sex with higher questions and sciency stuff.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
I think it is too. I'm just not convinced that the writers/producers/showrunners thinks so. So much of TV and movie entertainment is overloaded poorly developed equine discharge that being hopeful seems like a bad idea. Even the obvious sciency stuff is regularly butchered for the sake of "Ooh, look how shiny!"
I wish I didn't see it that way, but here we are.
Oh, no... Now I have images of fancy moves and sunglasses.
I don't think Avery Brooks is interested in anything Star Trek anymore. So I doubt he'll even do a guest appearance.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
> (Quote)
> Oh, no... Now I have images of fancy moves and sunglasses.
“I feel the need...the need for transwarp velocities”
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
It would probably depend on which part of the Academy they wanted to focus on. There is the basic program that everyone starts with and then they go to their first active assignments as ensigns. Later on, some of the lieutenant JGs get set back to go through the command or department head school who then graduate as full lieutenants (this is the program that has the Kobayashi Maru for command track officers).
The basic program cadets would mostly be older teens, while command/department head program would have twenty-somethings with maybe a few older ones scattered in. Dialog from the shows hints that students back in for their command or department head training also teach or take some of the basic program students under their wing as part of their command training.
> (Quote)
> I don't think Avery Brooks is interested in anything Star Trek anymore. So I doubt he'll even do a guest appearance.
I heard the same thing about Wil Wheaton , who now hosts ready room .
> I think if they wanted it to be more top gun they would have gone with very different show creators, although it doesn't rule out some Top Gun like moments. Right now I'm expecting it to be a like Legends of Tomorrow , but in a school setting.
While they could indeed go for a crazy romp series like that, I get the feeling it might be more like Space Academy with a Riverdale or NuBSG style "darkening" treatment transplanted to a Star Trek setting with them either based in SF and using runabouts or whatever or else based on an academy training ship (the second is what a Berman style show would do since it is closer to the classic formula).
GoT still has too much of a grip on the current crop of shows for it to not have at least a large dollop of backbiting and factionalism, or at least a deconstruction of the Trek subgenre of some sort (which still gets a lot of hate in Hollywood as being too naïve and "goody two shoes") which could go the "gritty reality" route or the "lampoon the white knight" one to varying degrees.
One set entirely in the basic program could be a string of coming of age stories about the main characters and maybe some of the supporting cast, and might revolve around challenges intrinsic to the Academy itself or it may have a thread of external threat, sort of like Harry Potter where the academy would be the backdrop for the actual stories rather than being the basis of the stories themselves.
On the other hand, centering on the command/department head school opens up more possibilities, especially since it would have a core of lieutenant JGs with field experience surrounded by a circle of first-time-around cadets assigned to them which would broaden the age group and (if written well) appeal to a wider viewership.
And that assumes that the show actually revolves around the cadets and not the instructors.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.