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✯✯✯ STAR TREK PICARD ✯✯✯ (reactions and discussion WITH SPOILERS)



  • captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    You seem to misunderstand completely. This is a major world building hole. We understand what real people do and how they live. They need to eat, they have biological drives, they have curiosities and passions, etc.

    We don't have a clue what goes on in these fancy robot's minds. They are utterly alien to us because we don't understand their motivations or drivers or anything. So to create an entire colony of them with no apparent purpose is a big problem. They aren't going to the store to buy luxuries, why would they? They aren't farming, they don't need it. They don't even have biological drives, so what do they really do all day? Are they curious about the universe?

    they play games (we saw both soccer and what looked like some form of 3d chess) they did art, they studied, played music,

    those are all things I spotted just by keeping my eyes open when Picard and crew arrived at the Android settlement.

    it's also not a huge coloney, it looks like basicly a single estate. so it's basicly Soong and his creations. the idea of a scientest going into isolation is building something new around him is hardly a new one.

    Yes I am confused, that was the whole point. I thought she lost her mind after the message, but if she didn't, then when did she? Was it a side effect of assimilation?
    it seems she was made.. unstable, by the admonission, but was still functional. and when the collective assmbled her, it created a bit of a feedback loop that pushed her over the edge.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    The Island of Doctor Mor...Soong.

    The Synth ban is part of the CBS/CW current allegory.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    It should also be noticed that transporting people is cool and all, but you need to know where to transport them, and how they are going to survive there.
    You need a lot of infrastructure and logistics in place to supply a new settlement containing millions of people. And you need that now, you don't have time to build with the people that beam down, because they already need food, shelter and medical support while they build up something better. (Our current pandemic situation reminds us a bit - it's nice to have a modern health system, but it is only large enough to handle the situation when the typical number of people get sick. And this applies to pretty much every infrastructure or logistical problem - they get congested if you add too many people.)

    I suspect that a lot of the ships used here are basically on a one-way-trip. They get to the origin planet, beam or shuttle the people up they can carry, and land on their new home to become the original shelter. At best maybe they can detach the warp engine and warp core to carry another set of shelter modules (I don't think you need or want an antimatter core on a planet, you really only need that for warp travel.)
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • drunkflux#5679 drunkflux Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    To anyone saying the destruction of an empires capital not being able bring that empire down need to read a little roman history.

    All empire collapse when the one place they pour all there resources into is conquered or destroyed. Merely the way empires are structured they begin slowly disintegrating from logistical problems, failing morale and leadership problems. Not to mention economical problems.

    Picard has shown the middle phases of it. Loss of law and order, and crime everywhere.
    Heck part of me thinks some of the romulan ships looked rather worn down a little(not talking the tliss). Thats a sign of maintenance issues slowly showing up.

    Heck thinking about it in sto, many romulan npc ships should actually have a slightly worn down appearance.

    Thinking of ideas from lots of games for, dunno how long now.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    well, STO's take on Romulan political infighting and now Picard's makes sense. It's not like the race dies with the capital, but the government dies and power-hungry jerks try to force their way on others.
    My character Tsin'xing
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  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Well, those ships at the end seemed very STOish

    I agree, they appeared very similar to a cross/kitbash between the Avenger and the Reagent. The deflector was really weird on them though.

    I'm a little more curious about the implications of Starfleet having such a sizeable, homogenous, battle fleet like that though. (I'm sure it was a show budget thing, but there are plenty of theoretical reasons to justify it.)
  • captainjk740captainjk740 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    I watched Star Trek: Picard this morning. Then, I rewatched the last 20 minutes of the show. While it was good to see Captain Riker in uniform (foreshadowed from the episode with Troi), the episode - whole series - is a major let down to me. I was expecting the ending to be more spectacular. I found the last episode devoid of originality. It would appear that the La Sirena, new Federation starships and romulan ships all have the same warp drives; those from the JJ Abrams Kelvin timeline like Discovery. All of the Romulan and Federation ships appear to be a copy and paste effect. All of the Federation ships are mainly STO assault cruisers with Federation colored hulls, but they have Kelvin timeline warp engine lights being emitted.

    Then, Picard dies right after Riker and the fleet of Federation starships leave the system. The old man is literally on his deathbed. Yet, they have Riker and the fleet leave? It was already know that ST: Picard was renewed for a second season. His death had no weight; it was even more worthless since they put Picard's memories inside a synthetic body, which he did not ask to happen when he died. They bring him back into a synth body of a 94 year old human who was programmed to live out an estimated "normal life-span" only without the brain disease. Part of Star Trek's legacy is to respect life. Where is the respect for the preciousness of life if you can just make a new body and transfer your mind?

    Next, they have Picard and people, unlike Riker, who didn't know him conduct a solemn-type funeral for Data. While unplugging the memory engrams from that machine, they show Data significantly age and disappear. Why did they transfer a human's memories into a new, but old synth body that would cease to function in another 10 to 20 years instead of putting Data, who's consciousness still existed, into an actual body? Instead, they unplug him. Even if they used a different actor, it would still be a way to bring a form of Data back. It would be more a real Data than a synth Picard.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    I really enjoyed the conclusion. I think they hung a hat too heavily on what the body was going to be used for (I WAS rolling my eyes at the mourning scenes, when it was clear what was going to happen next). However, I did like the recursive theme of Data at the beginning and the end of the season. They did a great job of capturing the awkward/endearing mannerisms of Data.. wanting a proper conclusion to his journey, and the irony of Picard stepping into his shoes, in a manner of speaking. Big props to Brent for delivering those scenes with a straight face.

    Overall, I had some grumbles with the series, but I did ultimately enjoy the ride as a whole. In terms of STO, the thing I'm probably looking forward to the most is the audial treat of those Romulan weapons coming to the game. Less interested in the ships themselves(especially since they'll undoubtedly be dangled behind one-off gambling exclusivity), but I am eager to outfit a ship with the sexy disruptors the Snakehead was using.
  • yistaanyistaan Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    So, I take it every time your character dies in Star Trek Online, his or her resurrection will now be explained as having been copied over to a synth body? :/

    How many of our Star Trek Online characters are still in their original body? :o
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,993 Arc User
    laughinxan wrote: »
    To anyone saying the destruction of an empires capital not being able bring that empire down need to read a little roman history.

    All empire collapse when the one place they pour all there resources into is conquered or destroyed. Merely the way empires are structured they begin slowly disintegrating from logistical problems, failing morale and leadership problems. Not to mention economical problems.

    Picard has shown the middle phases of it. Loss of law and order, and crime everywhere.
    Heck part of me thinks some of the romulan ships looked rather worn down a little(not talking the tliss). Thats a sign of maintenance issues slowly showing up.

    Heck thinking about it in sto, many romulan npc ships should actually have a slightly worn down appearance.

    While you are right about the difficulties of starting colonies without the proper equipment, the question is why would they do that in the first place when there are bound to be well established Romulan worlds outside of the blast zone?

    If you go by the map they show in the series the RSE is a longish ovoid with the capital jammed up almost against the border at one end of that ovoid. The shape and the odd placement of their capital suggests that they established Romulus and then then early on pushed a string of colonies towards a particular goal (perhaps an area they thought was resource rich) but were probably stopped by their scouts finding the Klingons in their path.

    Such settlements would be very old and established high-tech industrial worlds by the time of the supernova and probably would not have too much trouble absorbing huge numbers of refugees until new colony worlds could be opened up, people split up and resettled on newer established worlds that could not take a big lump of immigrants at once, and other accommodations.

    And as I pointed out before, the bulk of those worlds would be outside of the blast range if they are not also loosing major Federation worlds like Earth and Bolarus to it.

    As for the STO Romulan ships looking old and worn, some of the ingame dialog and one page story blogs give the impression that they indeed often look that way, a mix of old and not always well maintained ships with a trickle of new ones coming out of the shipyards and a bigger influx of Dyson-built ships coming online as fast as they can build singularity cores for them back home (the story said that the inability of the sphere manufacturing plants to produce the cores was a significant bottleneck). I use the Dyson vanity shield on a lot of my Romulan ships to reflect a sphere-yard origin.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    yistaan wrote: »
    So, I take it every time your character dies in Star Trek Online, his or her resurrection will now be explained as having been copied over to a synth body? :/

    How many of our Star Trek Online characters are still in their original body? :o

    Did a pacifist run years ago due to my character being traumatized so much by the original tutorial. Rerolled the character due to the Delta Recruitment event. Only way to level them up originally was doing the pacifist missions of the Genesis system and a few pacifist patrol missions.

    Post edited by starkaos on
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    It would appear that the La Sirena, new Federation starships and romulan ships all have the same warp drives; those from the JJ Abrams Kelvin timeline like Discovery. All of the Romulan and Federation ships appear to be a copy and paste effect. All of the Federation ships are mainly STO assault cruisers with Federation colored hulls, but they have Kelvin timeline warp engine lights being emitted.

    All of the Federation ships that were present had the same warp effect. They appear to be from the Vesta family, which would back with Riker's statement that they were the fastest of the Federation starships. It is possible that only vessels with the Vesta-style engines would have been able to arrive in the shortest amount of time. That does not mean that all of the Federation ships are the same now, only that those that had the best chance of catching up with the Romulan's large head start do.

  • unimatrix999#8925 unimatrix999 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    PICARD NOOOOO , 5 min later DATA NOOOOO , 20 secs later oh picard :p can we get the ship captain riker flew + the bridge as a T6 ship TY TY
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Coming to an R&D Promotion later this year. ;)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    > @ltminns said:
    > Coming to an R&D Promotion later this year. ;)

    Picard Lockbox
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Too cheap.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    I was pretty happy with the episode, and am eager for new ships based on Picard to apper in the C-store. the federation ship actually looks a LOT like an avenger class battlecruiser.

    for those who felt the series was a bit dark it definatly ends it's first season on a bright note. Picard is no longer "dying" the synth ban has ended. and starfleet showed itself to IMHO have left it's slump and be willing to get back out there.

    It also looks like Seven is outright joining the crew. did anyone else catch her and Raffi linking their hands at the end? could they be getting together in season 2?
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    Picard is no longer "dying" the synth ban has ended. and starfleet showed itself to IMHO have left it's slump and be willing to get back out there.

    It also looks like Seven is outright joining the crew. did anyone else catch her and Raffi linking their hands at the end? could they be getting together in season 2?

    Of course not. Naturally, Picard died the first time that he used a transporter and had it disintegrate him and clone him at his destination. ;)

    Seven spent her adolescence as a drone where there were no genders distinctions. Not really surprising that she would not have developed a preference.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,999 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    did anyone else catch her and Raffi linking their hands at the end? could they be getting together in season 2?

    That's one of the few things I didn't like about the episode. I don't mind the idea itself, but the way they did it it just comes out of nowhere and risks being nothing more than representation for the sake of representation.

    Seven has previously been romantically linked with three male characters i can think of (attempted casual intercourse with Harry, a borg in Unimatrix 0, and Chekotay) and no female characters. Now, it would make perfect sense for her character to have explored same sex relationships at some point, but it's never suggested before this. Raffi, on the other hand, has a son, and while I fully understand that that doesn't mean someone is straight (my father is TRIBBLE), we aren't ever given any reason to think otherwise in the entire season.

    Both of those issues could have been fixed with a little extra dialogue. While talking about her son at some point Raffi could have mentioned having an ex-wife, or his father leaving her after she cheated with a woman, or something else. For Seven they could have put it in this very episode while she talks to Elnor on the Cube by having her say something like "I'm an XB too, I don't have a home, and none of the men or women I've dated have been able to handle that either."

    There is a third and much bigger issue that couldn't have been resolved so easily though: Seven and Raffi shared almost no screentime together at all, and then they're suddenly holding hands in the final scene!?

    Edit: Cryptic STILL censors the three letter word for men who prefer same sex relationships?? 😡😡😡😡 My father is NOT a tribble, he is G A Y and I'm proud of him for being open about it.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    Both of those issues could have been fixed with a little extra dialogue.

    Or they could've just waited until season 2 actually starts to pair them off properly. It's just tacked on at the end, wouldn't matter what gender or sexual orientation was involved.

    Episode was pure fluff. Basically pleasing fluff, but fluff nonetheless. As an example, Picard 'dying' was meaningless and lacked any impact as it was telegraphed from the previous episode that his mind would be poured into the Golem.

    I would've liked Riker's fleet to have included some existing designs, rather than 4 - 5 similar variants of a new class. Based on the longevity of Excelsior, Constellation and Miranda, we can reasonably expect that everything from the Galaxy class onwards to still potentially be in service in 2399. Basically it looked like he conjured 200 brand new ships out of thin air in the space of a day.

  • edited March 2020
    This content has been removed.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,999 Arc User
    Seven has previously been romantically linked with three male characters i can think of (attempted casual intercourse with Harry, a borg in Unimatrix 0, and Chekotay) and no female characters.
    It was suggested in Stardust city Rag, and otright confirmed later, that Seven was in a relationship with Bjayzl before she betrayed the Fenris Rangers.

    When? Cause if that happened I definitely missed it, the only thing I got out of the discussion of their past was that they had worked together and been friends.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
    ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    > @evilmark444 said:
    > (Quote)
    > When? Cause if that happened I definitely missed it, the only thing I got out of the discussion of their past was that they had worked together and been friends.

    It was mentioned a couple of times in the episode. They mentioned being close and having and intimate past. Plus calling each other Annika and Jay seemed very obvious to me.

    Raffi and Seven is an unexpected ship though. Now Raffi never seemed to have any interest in ladies.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    maybe she didn't - but nearly dying can cause some fairly wild changes in some people; maybe she decided she wants to experiment with all manner of things while she still has a life to live...because she may not survive the next near-death experience​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    Seven has previously been romantically linked with three male characters i can think of (attempted casual intercourse with Harry, a borg in Unimatrix 0, and Chekotay) and no female characters.
    It was suggested in Stardust city Rag, and otright confirmed later, that Seven was in a relationship with Bjayzl before she betrayed the Fenris Rangers.

    When? Cause if that happened I definitely missed it, the only thing I got out of the discussion of their past was that they had worked together and been friends.

    Bjayzl to Picard (with Seven's hand around her thoat): Admiral, I take it you had no awareness of Annika and my close, personal (she stresses that word) relationship...

    Seven: Shut up! (shoves her into a chair)

    Watch the scene again if you can't remember.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    I liked the ending, a little cliched and predictable, but thats pretty much what I wanted.

    riker's fleet was neat but I don't think I would pay for one.

    on Raffi and Seven: yeah. thats just kinda random, I mean I guess I can see how that would happen and someone quietly connecting fits the tone but thats about the last pairing I would gone for. like thats not even a good crack pairing. hopeful it'll make sense after season 2 start.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    I like very much this show, however it is sad to see the cheap cg done for the romulan and fed ships; I know, it costs a lot of time and money to create 3D stuff (I was a 3D modeller myself in an other life).

    Picard in an other body; hum! good an bad idea at the same time; it was obvious that Picard's death wasn't possible, but even if I like Sir Patrick Stewart; Picard's mind in a younger body would have given a boost to the franchise; a new character would have been created in a way. I wish the best for Patrick Steward, and long years yet healthy, but the producers have taken a risk. I know my though is awful (booh! the bad guy), but it is also a reality. i'm just pragmatic.

    I can't wait for the second season, even if I think that only 1 season would have been enough. The season 1 has a good ending, and no open plots or cliffhangers.

    In my opinion, this era of star trek needs a totally new character. Picard is cool, but finally, he don't add new things in the Star Trek franchise.

    it is also sad, all the star trek picard stuff will be added in game in all these awful gamble boxes or in the ferengi store. Could we have at least Peyton List/Narissa's hair cut? https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https://i1.wp.com/tvserieshub.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/MV5BY2IyNjQ4MDktMWY0Ny00NjY4LWI3ODMtMmUwZWJlZTUyMWFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODAzMDY0MTY@._V1_.jpg?resize=650%2C440&ssl=1&f=1&nofb=1
  • captainbrian11captainbrian11 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    I'm not sure they will be added to the gamble boxes. we got a lot of ships from discovery added to the c store. La Serenna will almost certainly be a gamble box ship (non starfleet/KDF/Romulan navy ships almost always are) but the romulan ships and the feddy ships maybe not.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    Intellectually, Raffi and Seven is a good pairing due to both being outsiders with Seven being an XB and Raffi being able to see conspiracies and patterns that are almost invisible. However, it came right out of left field.

    It looks like Admiral Picard is dead and Picard the Synth was created. It will be interesting to see if Data makes another virtual appearance again and was just turned off for a while or if he is gone for good.
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