This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
OK, queue the inevitable posts about no Romulan (or Jem'Hadar) ships, slapping in the face, abandonment, etc.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l actually like the look of the Federation ones, a rarity for DSC based stuff. Even the fleet version of the Sech based one somehow looks a bit less stupid than the ones from the show though I cannot quite put my finger on why.
l actually like the look of the Federation ones, a rarity for DSC based stuff. Even the fleet version of the Sech based one somehow looks a bit less stupid than the ones from the show though I cannot quite put my finger on why.
If I had to guess, it's because the fleet hull material does away with the glowing blue elements on the Sech and generally gives it a more Klingon coloration and appearance than other Klingon ships from DSC have.
I must admit, the bundle for this one is tempting. But I just can't see myself ever using the Sech. Much like the other DSC Klingon ships, I find it extremely visually unappealing.
The ships are nice, if nothing particular stand-out in terms of stats. But seriously, guys, another release with no Romulan? There's been one--count 'em, one--Romulan ship in the last, what, two years? Just the Temporal Warbird a few months back. (No, I don't count the Dewan ships. Romulan Republic they may be, Romulan they are not. And even they're from close to two years ago.)
I get that the corporate overlords over at CBS are mandating Disco content--which itself is getting really stale, but I get it, CBS demands, you deliver--but considering the Temporal Warships bundle had both Disco and Romulan, I really don't think that's an excuse.
Like the sech ship. But once again, no rom and dom no interest.
I agree that is a shame about no Rom nor Dom representation. Why/How does Cryptic expect us to be interested in all of STO when it seems maybe Cryptic isn't even interested in all of STO?
I really like this sleek Earhart design. The Sech design is respectable but it just never grabbed my attention & held it. But then with the fleet versions' look I prefer the Sech variant. I'm conflicted about the 2 ships being not already fleet-level but I always am lol.
The starship trait for these 2 ships reads like it could be helpful with a nice extra punch. The cookie-cut basic ship stats, to me just meh, for both ships with the KDF getting the advantage of Battle Cloak with no counter-balancing in the stats.
Not impressed with the ships' distribution of (tactical/science/engineering) console placements nor distributed (weapons/shields/engines/auxiliary) powers. I'm unfamiliar with the hangar pets so not sure if either or both are good & bad.
For the console & experimental weapon it really depends upon the actual base stats if any good.
I do think Cryptic deserves some kudos though for offering another appearance for the fleet Sech! I have noticed in these "only 2 faction ship" releases that often Cryptic neglects offering another look of the KDF fleet version whereas Fed usually has another.
Is it an immediate buy? No. Is it tempting to purchase? Heck yeah. That Earhart design knocks it out of the park & the fleet Sech looks nasty in a good way. I think the stats are only almost good enough. Not a fan of that extra console slot for fleet versions going to science. Their release was a bit of a surprise too which imo is a positive. Did I mention how well that Earhart looks?
A very nice 25th-centure skin on that ship with nacelles that look sleek and stylish.
Not cartoon-ish like the Resolute or Archon.
It's disappointing that there's no Romulan or Jem'Hadar ship again.
Post edited by inferiority on
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Still no proper FED science destroyer with a 5/3 weapon, 5 tac console slot, and 4 science console slot ship, or T6 luna class, I mean come on, the Titan's only referenced in Nemesis and it's Riker's first command. Geez. Not to mention no T6 original or The Motion Picture Constitution Class? Geez, Only the most iconic ship in Star Trek. You only make it available as a Tier 2 Exeter Class skin. My suggestion, get rid of the tier ships in the Zen Store lower than Tier 6 because they're all level scaling. Also, make the old consoles in the lower tier ship available in the Dilithium Reclaim store if you purchased the old lower tier version of the ship. Then make T6 versions of ships that aren't T6. Don't know why you haven't done that yet.
prolly would help to proof read stuff before it gets posted
"Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort [T6]
Ship Details
Tier: 6
Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned"
Wow, been waiting to spend my vast Zen fortune on something...and still waiting it seems..lame.
And why can't you link your stories directly to the correct Forum post. Or does the guy who did that the same guy who used to do the Duty Officer system?
Still no proper FED science destroyer with a 5/3 weapon, 5 tac console slot, and 4 science console slot ship, or T6 luna class, I mean come on, the Titan's only referenced in Nemesis and it's Riker's first command. Geez. Not to mention no T6 original or The Motion Picture Constitution Class? Geez, Only the most iconic ship in Star Trek. You only make it available as a Tier 2 Exeter Class skin. My suggestion, get rid of the tier ships in the Zen Store lower than Tier 6 because they're all level scaling. Also, make the old consoles in the lower tier ship available in the Dilithium Reclaim store if you purchased the old lower tier version of the ship. Then make T6 versions of ships that aren't T6. Don't know why you haven't done that yet.
What do you want, common sense to prevail? Dreaming...
Not the best ship out there, not even very good, but still - it may be just the thing to get for future T6 coupon (once it will loose the "new" status).
The weapon and console could be something good - depends or actual performance.
"Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From until November 12th at 8am PT, to November 18th at 10am PT, you can get these ships for 2400 ZEN each when purchased individually, or a bundle with both ships and a 50% off Tier 6 ship coupon for only 3000 ZEN! Thereafter, they will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when purchased individually, or 4000 ZEN for the Bundle."
Well, it's 2400 (was 3000) ZEN for the individual ships (20% off), but it states 3,200 (was 4,000) ZEN for the two ship bundle (rather than 3,000 ZEN) in game.
May need to edit the Special Introductory Pricing Discount! part of blog.
I would like to know, when we are going to get a Discovery era ships bundle?
You mean a bundle containing all the Discovery ships? Since they releasing them piece by piece, I wouldn't expect that to happen. Most people (that are interested in the ships at all) likely already got what they wanted from the existing ships and a bundle would come too late for them.
The 2-ship packs now get an extra 50 % Discount Coupon for Tier 6 ships now, so you can kinda build your own bundle.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
It doesn't tickle my fancy.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I must admit, the bundle for this one is tempting. But I just can't see myself ever using the Sech. Much like the other DSC Klingon ships, I find it extremely visually unappealing.
Yes, the interpretations for the DSC ships is amazing, this one i'll but as soon as is available
I get that the corporate overlords over at CBS are mandating Disco content--which itself is getting really stale, but I get it, CBS demands, you deliver--but considering the Temporal Warships bundle had both Disco and Romulan, I really don't think that's an excuse.
I agree that is a shame about no Rom nor Dom representation. Why/How does Cryptic expect us to be interested in all of STO when it seems maybe Cryptic isn't even interested in all of STO?
I really like this sleek Earhart design. The Sech design is respectable but it just never grabbed my attention & held it. But then with the fleet versions' look I prefer the Sech variant. I'm conflicted about the 2 ships being not already fleet-level but I always am lol.
The starship trait for these 2 ships reads like it could be helpful with a nice extra punch. The cookie-cut basic ship stats, to me just meh, for both ships with the KDF getting the advantage of Battle Cloak with no counter-balancing in the stats.
Not impressed with the ships' distribution of (tactical/science/engineering) console placements nor distributed (weapons/shields/engines/auxiliary) powers. I'm unfamiliar with the hangar pets so not sure if either or both are good & bad.
For the console & experimental weapon it really depends upon the actual base stats if any good.
I do think Cryptic deserves some kudos though for offering another appearance for the fleet Sech! I have noticed in these "only 2 faction ship" releases that often Cryptic neglects offering another look of the KDF fleet version whereas Fed usually has another.
Is it an immediate buy? No. Is it tempting to purchase? Heck yeah. That Earhart design knocks it out of the park & the fleet Sech looks nasty in a good way. I think the stats are only almost good enough. Not a fan of that extra console slot for fleet versions going to science. Their release was a bit of a surprise too which imo is a positive. Did I mention how well that Earhart looks?
Not cartoon-ish like the Resolute or Archon.
It's disappointing that there's no Romulan or Jem'Hadar ship again.
Still waiting for a ship that will be interesting to me.
12Th Fleet Section 31 Fleet Captain
"Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort [T6]
Ship Details
Tier: 6
Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned"
just saying.
And why can't you link your stories directly to the correct Forum post. Or does the guy who did that the same guy who used to do the Duty Officer system?
What do you want, common sense to prevail? Dreaming...
Just a skin, not a new ship. Thanks! :-)
I preferred the old designs: Venture, Thunderchild, etc.
The weapon and console could be something good - depends or actual performance.
Well, it's 2400 (was 3000) ZEN for the individual ships (20% off), but it states 3,200 (was 4,000) ZEN for the two ship bundle (rather than 3,000 ZEN) in game.
May need to edit the Special Introductory Pricing Discount! part of blog.
You mean a bundle containing all the Discovery ships? Since they releasing them piece by piece, I wouldn't expect that to happen. Most people (that are interested in the ships at all) likely already got what they wanted from the existing ships and a bundle would come too late for them.
The 2-ship packs now get an extra 50 % Discount Coupon for Tier 6 ships now, so you can kinda build your own bundle.
Turns out we can.