I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
I had Heal Hull for a Hard Endeavor last night. Rerolled for a Kill Undine Ships instead. I just don't like these Heal Endeavors of any flavor.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
Warehouse always seems to have my boffs pull multiple groups, so it would be a hard hitting one and make it easier to get the healing endeavors for sure. I'm not a fan of that mission for all the pointless pre-fight walking around, though. Still I'll give it a go next time I need the ground endeavor to see what it gets me.
Lets try and put this into perspective, though. Ground healing t3 endeavor is 18k. Space is what, 150k?
How much HP do you have on a shield and captain on ground? Shield is maybe 500? 1000ish health is possible but definitely on the high end.
In space it can vary widely, of course, but 100k hull on cruisers may be doable, but lets say 60k on the lower end for science ships and raiders. Shields have a massive variance too, but 5k to 10k are probably some good numbers to go with, but that is per facing and nearly all shield heals hit all facings, so those numbers are actually 20k to 40k.
So quick math then, to do a t3 ground endeavor you'd have to fully heal your shields ~36 times, and your health ~18. In space you'd have to fully heal your hull ~1.5-3 times and your shields ~4-8 times.
That math alone should tell us we are in the wrong ballpark here, but it is further compounded by the fact that ground shields regen extremely fast, so the ability to actually get healing in before that happens can be questionable. In space they regen very slowly so its not hard to heal them constantly. HP on ground doesn't regen nearly as fast, but chances are you're taking very little health damage with your shields making healing it hard. In space, shields are often stripped easily on escort/cruiser type ships, and science vessels still get a lot of bleedthrough, so everyone still takes a lot of hull damage (especially with how powerful NPC torpedoes are.)
Bottom line I don't think its arguable that its far easier to do space healing vs ground healing endeavors, and I think the relative math shows why it should be adjusted. And yes, as much as endeavors try to encourage you to do things you don't normally do, I don't think that means taking your shields off or standing in a puddle because of how difficult it can be to heal on the ground, nor using a far less efficient build so you take more damage/have to heal more.
Bottom line I don't think its arguable that its far easier to do space healing vs ground healing endeavors, and I think the relative math shows why it should be adjusted. And yes, as much as endeavors try to encourage you to do things you don't normally do, I don't think that means taking your shields off or standing in a puddle because of how difficult it can be to heal on the ground, nor using a far less efficient build so you take more damage/have to heal more.
Yeah they should be adjusted, in the direction of making the space heals actually worth doing something for, too. Rather than the auto-popping freebies they are now.
And this really does show once again how the game is too easy that people have to go out of their way to take damage.
Bottom line I don't think its arguable that its far easier to do space healing vs ground healing endeavors, and I think the relative math shows why it should be adjusted. And yes, as much as endeavors try to encourage you to do things you don't normally do, I don't think that means taking your shields off or standing in a puddle because of how difficult it can be to heal on the ground, nor using a far less efficient build so you take more damage/have to heal more.
Yeah they should be adjusted, in the direction of making the space heals actually worth doing something for, too. Rather than the auto-popping freebies they are now.
And this really does show once again how the game is too easy that people have to go out of their way to take damage.
That's probably fair, doubling the space healing might be appropriate.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
I just head to Defera with my Tommy Gun for physical damage.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
I just head to Defera with my Tommy Gun for physical damage.
I also use Nimbus and Tommy Gun for physical damage.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
I just head to Defera with my Tommy Gun for physical damage.
I also use Nimbus and Tommy Gun for physical damage.
This one is easy. I use Nimbus for my ground physical damage. Might head over to the Otha Resource Battle Zone. But, never for physical damage. I only unequip my Tommy when I need to do a different energy type of damage. I mean why bother with anything else? Just use the Tommy to steam roll whatever happens to be in front of you and call it a day.
The same applies to space. I don't change my loadout to do the energy type damage. I just swap my torp out for one of the appropriate energy type, if there is one. and torp spread II or III. If it's something like Tetryon damage, I just alt to a character that I keep a tet setup on.
As for the Hull/Shield healing in space. Eh... *points that the Lukari weapons*... that ones so easy to do, even if they were to double or triple the needed amount of healing for it. All you need to there is visit one of the space battle zones.
As for ground health/shield healing, as it's been pointed out at least twice. All you need to do is park an engineer character at Nukara. Then when these Endeavors come up, just head to Point Charlie, set a medical and/or shield generator near, or even in the acid pool, and stand there. This will complete both endeavors in about two minutes of just standing there in said acid pool.
Which makes the excuse on the Foundry Sunset about how it was being used for Endeavor's a fallacy. It was used for Accolade farming long before Endeavor's were even thought of. So the truth of the matter here is that they didn't want to allocate resources to something that was producing content that was better than their's. But, this is a different topic all together. So, I'll end it here.
I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
I just head to Defera with my Tommy Gun for physical damage.
I also use Nimbus and Tommy Gun for physical damage.
This one is easy. I use Nimbus for my ground physical damage. Might head over to the Otha Resource Battle Zone. But, never for physical damage. I only unequip my Tommy when I need to do a different energy type of damage. I mean why bother with anything else? Just use the Tommy to steam roll whatever happens to be in front of you and call it a day.
The same applies to space. I don't change my loadout to do the energy type damage. I just swap my torp out for one of the appropriate energy type, if there is one. and torp spread II or III. If it's something like Tetryon damage, I just alt to a character that I keep a tet setup on.
As for the Hull/Shield healing in space. Eh... *points that the Lukari weapons*... that ones so easy to do, even if they were to double or triple the needed amount of healing for it. All you need to there is visit one of the space battle zones.
As for ground health/shield healing, as it's been pointed out at least twice. All you need to do is park an engineer character at Nukara. Then when these Endeavors come up, just head to Point Charlie, set a medical and/or shield generator near, or even in the acid pool, and stand there. This will complete both endeavors in about two minutes of just standing there in said acid pool.
Which makes the excuse on the Foundry Sunset about how it was being used for Endeavor's a fallacy. It was used for Accolade farming long before Endeavor's were even thought of. So the truth of the matter here is that they didn't want to allocate resources to something that was producing content that was better than their's. But, this is a different topic all together. So, I'll end it here.
Personally I set up my characters long ago to use different energy types and they stick to them. I've got at least 2 characters using each energy type which makes it easy and more fun for me to do the damage type endeavors since an endeavor can give me a good excuse to go play a character I might not have played in a while.
I'd love to know how you get the 18k ground healing endeavors done in 2 minutes on Nukara. I've done those a lot there and its usually 10-15 minutes, having to deploy the generators repeatedly because they despawn, the acid doesn't do that much damage anyway, and there are many times the counter seems to bug for a while. Going AFK to let the silly thing slowly tick up and do something more productive just results in death once the generator despawns.
I also agree with the foundry closing having nothing to do with endeavors, but I do know it makes doing some of them a lot more repetitive. If I have to kill Tzenkethi on the ground, where can I go? There's one mission that will get 60 reliably, Signs and portents. 120 Hur'q attendants? Home. If I need 120 dewan arthropods, do I go to New Romulus aka Dewa 3? Nope, gotta go to Nimbus 3.
It also doesn't help that progress is also on a per character basis, so for example ground healing you can't play a ground mission (say a featured episode for its rewards) on several characters to get it, its all done on one.
I did Warehouse on New Romulus tonight to finish the red-level Physical Damage ground endeavor (Tommy gun time!) and got the yellow-level shield healing at the same time. Those swarms of Orions and Hirogen did a good job of smashing shields, and my 2 engineering boffs then recharged them.
I just head to Defera with my Tommy Gun for physical damage.
I also use Nimbus and Tommy Gun for physical damage.
This one is easy. I use Nimbus for my ground physical damage. Might head over to the Otha Resource Battle Zone. But, never for physical damage. I only unequip my Tommy when I need to do a different energy type of damage. I mean why bother with anything else? Just use the Tommy to steam roll whatever happens to be in front of you and call it a day.
The same applies to space. I don't change my loadout to do the energy type damage. I just swap my torp out for one of the appropriate energy type, if there is one. and torp spread II or III. If it's something like Tetryon damage, I just alt to a character that I keep a tet setup on.
As for the Hull/Shield healing in space. Eh... *points that the Lukari weapons*... that ones so easy to do, even if they were to double or triple the needed amount of healing for it. All you need to there is visit one of the space battle zones.
As for ground health/shield healing, as it's been pointed out at least twice. All you need to do is park an engineer character at Nukara. Then when these Endeavors come up, just head to Point Charlie, set a medical and/or shield generator near, or even in the acid pool, and stand there. This will complete both endeavors in about two minutes of just standing there in said acid pool.
Which makes the excuse on the Foundry Sunset about how it was being used for Endeavor's a fallacy. It was used for Accolade farming long before Endeavor's were even thought of. So the truth of the matter here is that they didn't want to allocate resources to something that was producing content that was better than their's. But, this is a different topic all together. So, I'll end it here.
Personally I set up my characters long ago to use different energy types and they stick to them. I've got at least 2 characters using each energy type which makes it easy and more fun for me to do the damage type endeavors since an endeavor can give me a good excuse to go play a character I might not have played in a while.
I'd love to know how you get the 18k ground healing endeavors done in 2 minutes on Nukara. I've done those a lot there and its usually 10-15 minutes, having to deploy the generators repeatedly because they despawn, the acid doesn't do that much damage anyway, and there are many times the counter seems to bug for a while. Going AFK to let the silly thing slowly tick up and do something more productive just results in death once the generator despawns.
I also agree with the foundry closing having nothing to do with endeavors, but I do know it makes doing some of them a lot more repetitive. If I have to kill Tzenkethi on the ground, where can I go? There's one mission that will get 60 reliably, Signs and portents. 120 Hur'q attendants? Home. If I need 120 dewan arthropods, do I go to New Romulus aka Dewa 3? Nope, gotta go to Nimbus 3.
It also doesn't help that progress is also on a per character basis, so for example ground healing you can't play a ground mission (say a featured episode for its rewards) on several characters to get it, its all done on one.
The bigger ones like that, especially on health, I tend to use my sci officer. I just stand in the acid pool using nanite health monitor, medical tricorder, and the occasional vascular regeneration. It's a bit more tricky, as I don't have the constant tick. But, I'm also popping of larger heals. One has to pay attention doing it this way, since one mistimed heal can lead to respawn city.
The kill accolades, are done on the case by case basis. The Tzenkethi ones, I may run a mission for. But chances are I'll queue up for the TFO. Hur'q ground kills, I just reroll. There's no TFO to do for the kills, so I don't even bother. The dewan anthropods, yeah, Nimbus. Not much we can do there, I have tried new rom and such for it. But haven't found anything other than Nimbus that actually works. But doing that one is also dependent on what my other Endeavor's are. If I don't have a second one I can accomplish while I'm there. I either don't do it, or reroll it.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Warehouse always seems to have my boffs pull multiple groups, so it would be a hard hitting one and make it easier to get the healing endeavors for sure. I'm not a fan of that mission for all the pointless pre-fight walking around, though. Still I'll give it a go next time I need the ground endeavor to see what it gets me.
Lets try and put this into perspective, though. Ground healing t3 endeavor is 18k. Space is what, 150k?
How much HP do you have on a shield and captain on ground? Shield is maybe 500? 1000ish health is possible but definitely on the high end.
In space it can vary widely, of course, but 100k hull on cruisers may be doable, but lets say 60k on the lower end for science ships and raiders. Shields have a massive variance too, but 5k to 10k are probably some good numbers to go with, but that is per facing and nearly all shield heals hit all facings, so those numbers are actually 20k to 40k.
So quick math then, to do a t3 ground endeavor you'd have to fully heal your shields ~36 times, and your health ~18. In space you'd have to fully heal your hull ~1.5-3 times and your shields ~4-8 times.
That math alone should tell us we are in the wrong ballpark here, but it is further compounded by the fact that ground shields regen extremely fast, so the ability to actually get healing in before that happens can be questionable. In space they regen very slowly so its not hard to heal them constantly. HP on ground doesn't regen nearly as fast, but chances are you're taking very little health damage with your shields making healing it hard. In space, shields are often stripped easily on escort/cruiser type ships, and science vessels still get a lot of bleedthrough, so everyone still takes a lot of hull damage (especially with how powerful NPC torpedoes are.)
Bottom line I don't think its arguable that its far easier to do space healing vs ground healing endeavors, and I think the relative math shows why it should be adjusted. And yes, as much as endeavors try to encourage you to do things you don't normally do, I don't think that means taking your shields off or standing in a puddle because of how difficult it can be to heal on the ground, nor using a far less efficient build so you take more damage/have to heal more.
And this really does show once again how the game is too easy that people have to go out of their way to take damage.
That's probably fair, doubling the space healing might be appropriate.
I just head to Defera with my Tommy Gun for physical damage.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
I also use Nimbus and Tommy Gun for physical damage.
This one is easy. I use Nimbus for my ground physical damage. Might head over to the Otha Resource Battle Zone. But, never for physical damage. I only unequip my Tommy when I need to do a different energy type of damage. I mean why bother with anything else? Just use the Tommy to steam roll whatever happens to be in front of you and call it a day.
The same applies to space. I don't change my loadout to do the energy type damage. I just swap my torp out for one of the appropriate energy type, if there is one. and torp spread II or III. If it's something like Tetryon damage, I just alt to a character that I keep a tet setup on.
As for the Hull/Shield healing in space. Eh... *points that the Lukari weapons*... that ones so easy to do, even if they were to double or triple the needed amount of healing for it. All you need to there is visit one of the space battle zones.
As for ground health/shield healing, as it's been pointed out at least twice. All you need to do is park an engineer character at Nukara. Then when these Endeavors come up, just head to Point Charlie, set a medical and/or shield generator near, or even in the acid pool, and stand there. This will complete both endeavors in about two minutes of just standing there in said acid pool.
Which makes the excuse on the Foundry Sunset about how it was being used for Endeavor's a fallacy. It was used for Accolade farming long before Endeavor's were even thought of. So the truth of the matter here is that they didn't want to allocate resources to something that was producing content that was better than their's. But, this is a different topic all together. So, I'll end it here.
Personally I set up my characters long ago to use different energy types and they stick to them. I've got at least 2 characters using each energy type which makes it easy and more fun for me to do the damage type endeavors since an endeavor can give me a good excuse to go play a character I might not have played in a while.
I'd love to know how you get the 18k ground healing endeavors done in 2 minutes on Nukara. I've done those a lot there and its usually 10-15 minutes, having to deploy the generators repeatedly because they despawn, the acid doesn't do that much damage anyway, and there are many times the counter seems to bug for a while. Going AFK to let the silly thing slowly tick up and do something more productive just results in death once the generator despawns.
I also agree with the foundry closing having nothing to do with endeavors, but I do know it makes doing some of them a lot more repetitive. If I have to kill Tzenkethi on the ground, where can I go? There's one mission that will get 60 reliably, Signs and portents. 120 Hur'q attendants? Home. If I need 120 dewan arthropods, do I go to New Romulus aka Dewa 3? Nope, gotta go to Nimbus 3.
It also doesn't help that progress is also on a per character basis, so for example ground healing you can't play a ground mission (say a featured episode for its rewards) on several characters to get it, its all done on one.
The bigger ones like that, especially on health, I tend to use my sci officer. I just stand in the acid pool using nanite health monitor, medical tricorder, and the occasional vascular regeneration. It's a bit more tricky, as I don't have the constant tick. But, I'm also popping of larger heals. One has to pay attention doing it this way, since one mistimed heal can lead to respawn city.
The kill accolades, are done on the case by case basis. The Tzenkethi ones, I may run a mission for. But chances are I'll queue up for the TFO. Hur'q ground kills, I just reroll. There's no TFO to do for the kills, so I don't even bother. The dewan anthropods, yeah, Nimbus. Not much we can do there, I have tried new rom and such for it. But haven't found anything other than Nimbus that actually works. But doing that one is also dependent on what my other Endeavor's are. If I don't have a second one I can accomplish while I'm there. I either don't do it, or reroll it.