I'm sure this won't come as much of a shock to anyone. when ever i am at Earth Spacedock the zone chat gets so toxic and unbearable. It's always the same people every single night, I get the feeling that some of them are only interested in stirring up trouble. I understand that trolls come and go but is there any realistic way besides disabling zone/ignore list to deal with people like this?
Sadly, your only option is to just hide or disable zone chat.
Yes, there are several people that don't play the game, they just hang out in ESD and spam/troll/flame.. etc. This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
The first thing I always do upon entering ESD is switch my tab over to my fleet only tab that has zone chat disabled. I already know for certain that no one there has anything of any value to say.
I can assure you 100% that the developers and volunteer admins/moderators care about keeping both the forums and game a clean and friendly place.
Forums, yes... Game no.
There are no in game moderators or 'game masters.' The support staff is a help desk that answers tickets, there is no enforcement of in game rules of any kind in STO. All 'reporting' them does is put them on your block list.
Sadly, your only option is to just hide or disable zone chat.
Yes, there are several people that don't play the game, they just hang out in ESD and spam/troll/flame.. etc. This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
The first thing I always do upon entering ESD is switch my tab over to my fleet only tab that has zone chat disabled. I already know for certain that no one there has anything of any value to say.
It's not the only option.
DS9, Sierra-39, Drozana, Solanae, Delta Command, Hathon, K-7, and even Nimbus. One doesn't need to be on ESD at all. I only go to ESD for the recruitment reward NPC, events,and if I happen to log in to my low level bank alt for something.
All the places I listed, along with a few I'm probably overlooking this early in the morning, all have access to Bank, Mail, and Exchange. All of them except Hathon and Nimbus have access to ship management stuff.
Kind of removes any need to hang around ESD doesn't it?
Right-click on the name in Chat. Select "Ignore". You'll never see anything from that person again, and your life will improve dramatically. Best part is, that works everywhere, not just at ESD, which is good because these people will take their trolling into sector space if ESD isn't being reactive enough for them.
A little nitpicky.. but I guess I should rephrase that to 'best option if you're going to actually go to ESD.'
I don't go their either, my Feds like to hang out at SB39 or DS9, my Klingons work out of Gandala.. though that's just because I hate the way the first city is laid out.
There are plenty of places to go instead of ESD... but if you do need to go there, it's far easier to just have a window with Zone disabled then it is to put a few hundred people on ignore.
I will just ignore them but will not disable chat. I normally hang out at DS9 but once in a while i will go to ESD. Sometime some player ask for advise at ESD so if the chat is not full with spam/flame I will answer in zone chat. If the chat is full with spam/flame I would pm the player.
ESD zone depends on time of day, around lunchtime in the UK and its often not that bad with a steady declining as you progress towards evening. There are times when folk are actually having a civil conversation or being helpful.
Also varies a lot going by the time of year and whats happening in the world/"murica". Summer/winter holidays increases the number of twats and I honestly lost count of the "political" muppets that got ignored since the trump campaign started up (on both sides of that particular fiasco)
Consoles are probably spared a lot of grief since typing requires either overworking the thumbs or plugging in a USB keyboard on top of navigating the clunky ui.
This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
This is the thing that gets me too, because Cryptic taking a "hands off" position on something like this seems pretty pathetic. I mean it is their game and even a basic amount of policing should be part of their responsibility?
This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
This is the thing that gets me too, because Cryptic taking a "hands off" position on something like this seems pretty pathetic. I mean it is their game and even a basic amount of policing should be part of their responsibility?
I believe it's probably more financially motivated. You have to hire people to monitor the game and from everything I have heard they're a very small studio.
I don't like it either, but it's something I have come to accept over the years.
I'm sure this won't come as much of a shock to anyone. when ever i am at Earth Spacedock the zone chat gets so toxic and unbearable. It's always the same people every single night, I get the feeling that some of them are only interested in stirring up trouble. I understand that trolls come and go but is there any realistic way besides disabling zone/ignore list to deal with people like this?
Ive just blocked all those players. Makes it a litte more bareable
This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
This is the thing that gets me too, because Cryptic taking a "hands off" position on something like this seems pretty pathetic. I mean it is their game and even a basic amount of policing should be part of their responsibility?
I believe it's probably more financially motivated. You have to hire people to monitor the game and from everything I have heard they're a very small studio.
I don't like it either, but it's something I have come to accept over the years.
To be honest Orgrimmar/Stormwind zone chat is one of the most toxic things known to man and Blizzard does (or at least did) hire GMs, so having them isn't a miracle cure either.
If you don't like what people say, ignore them, or go somewhere else. Silencing people because you don't like what they have to say is called oppression. It is never a good idea and has never worked out well.
Yes even in the game, I guarantee it would be a worse game experience without the silly and sometimes idiotic people in ESD, because it wouldn't just be them being hit by the censors and banhammers.
If you don't like what people say, ignore them, or go somewhere else. Silencing people because you don't like what they have to say is called oppression. It is never a good idea and has never worked out well.
Yes even in the game, I guarantee it would be a worse game experience without the silly and sometimes idiotic people in ESD, because it wouldn't just be them being hit by the censors and banhammers.
^ yep .... as said by many if you have an issue there is the ignore button and if that fails there is always the power button on your console/pc
I'm sure this won't come as much of a shock to anyone. when ever i am at Earth Spacedock the zone chat gets so toxic and unbearable. It's always the same people every single night, I get the feeling that some of them are only interested in stirring up trouble. I understand that trolls come and go but is there any realistic way besides disabling zone/ignore list to deal with people like this?
change zones... or close out the chat box... not like it is force feed audio into your ears or text to your eyes.
or set up 1 new chat box that is default to only show text from team/raid... maybe add in fleet if you dont mind fleet spam. I dont even read chat box for most part. do you really need to see local text or zone wide text?
Sadly, your only option is to just hide or disable zone chat.
Yes, there are several people that don't play the game, they just hang out in ESD and spam/troll/flame.. etc. This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
The first thing I always do upon entering ESD is switch my tab over to my fleet only tab that has zone chat disabled. I already know for certain that no one there has anything of any value to say.
It's not the only option.
DS9, Sierra-39, Drozana, Solanae, Delta Command, Hathon, K-7, and even Nimbus. One doesn't need to be on ESD at all. I only go to ESD for the recruitment reward NPC, events,and if I happen to log in to my low level bank alt for something.
All the places I listed, along with a few I'm probably overlooking this early in the morning, all have access to Bank, Mail, and Exchange. All of them except Hathon and Nimbus have access to ship management stuff.
Kind of removes any need to hang around ESD doesn't it?
There is no exchange on Nimbus, but you can vendor trash to the bartender.
There is a ship selector on Hathon. I've used it before.
Otherwise, you pretty much have it right. Heck, one could even hang out at New Romulus adventure zone, though there is no ship selector there either.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Sadly, your only option is to just hide or disable zone chat.
Yes, there are several people that don't play the game, they just hang out in ESD and spam/troll/flame.. etc. This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
The first thing I always do upon entering ESD is switch my tab over to my fleet only tab that has zone chat disabled. I already know for certain that no one there has anything of any value to say.
It's not the only option.
DS9, Sierra-39, Drozana, Solanae, Delta Command, Hathon, K-7, and even Nimbus. One doesn't need to be on ESD at all. I only go to ESD for the recruitment reward NPC, events,and if I happen to log in to my low level bank alt for something.
All the places I listed, along with a few I'm probably overlooking this early in the morning, all have access to Bank, Mail, and Exchange. All of them except Hathon and Nimbus have access to ship management stuff.
Kind of removes any need to hang around ESD doesn't it?
There is no exchange on Nimbus, but you can vendor trash to the bartender.
There is a ship selector on Hathon. I've used it before.
Otherwise, you pretty much have it right. Heck, one could even hang out at New Romulus adventure zone, though there is no ship selector there either.
Pretty sure new rom has ship selector for ROM toon, when you take the turbolift to the hangar bay.
Yes, there is one in the hangar bay if you're rom, I'm just talking about non-roms who can go to the adventure zone to hang out as well as the other choices offered.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
This is the thing that gets me too, because Cryptic taking a "hands off" position on something like this seems pretty pathetic. I mean it is their game and even a basic amount of policing should be part of their responsibility?
I believe it's probably more financially motivated. You have to hire people to monitor the game and from everything I have heard they're a very small studio.
I don't like it either, but it's something I have come to accept over the years.
To be honest Orgrimmar/Stormwind zone chat is one of the most toxic things known to man and Blizzard does (or at least did) hire GMs, so having them isn't a miracle cure either.
Well, part of this is that the people who do moderation have rules that say they can't censor you unless you say certain things. People will get as close to that line as they can without crossing it. Also the rules are more tailored to corporate concerns than personal enjoyment of the players. IE, players that discuss things that are illegal IRL are far more likely to get censored than those who simply annoy others.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Yea... a lot of those people who make ESD Zone toxic walk the edge without going over.
Its a big problem because they can get away with breaking the rules without breaking the rules due to HOW things are worded.
ESD Zone is a cesspool of rants, hate, politics, religion... basically its a free-for-all. I've had a few decent conversations in ESD Zone, but those are rare.
I once saw someone trying to convert people to save their souls. I made like I just followed one of the Hylian Goddesses from Legend of Zelda. Pretty sure I got a couple laughs at least.
On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen someone who was adamant that the Confederate Battle Flag was an OFFICIAL UNITED STATES flag. And wouldn't accept any evidence to the contrary because it came from the internet, while demanding we prove him wrong. And I've also seen people worshiping a certain tangerine, and raging about some political, religious, or racial BS that doesn't belong in Zone Chat.
All of this BS frankly drowns out legit questions from people who might looking for help. Anyone who tries to respond to those legit questions also get drowned out by the BS.
ESD Zone chat is the primary reason I keep Zone turned off. I pop in every once in a while, but most of the time I just get reminded of why I have it turned off.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Edit: I know it may seem petty to some. But I have nieces. I was the guardian of a young boy for 5 years when I was dating my ex. When you report someone for hate speech you aren't just protecting yourself. Some 8 year old that's playing plants vs zombies doesn't need to be exposed to that kind of toxic behavior. It's wrong.
I don't think anyone here would disagree with you.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
'You say you hate hate speakers, but if express hate for hate speakers then you hate yourself, but you cannot hate yourself because you hate hate. You hate. You hate hate. But you cannot for. Illogical! Illogical! Please explain.
I am not programmed to respond in that area.'
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yes, there are several people that don't play the game, they just hang out in ESD and spam/troll/flame.. etc. This is what happens in a game with no enforced rules.
The first thing I always do upon entering ESD is switch my tab over to my fleet only tab that has zone chat disabled. I already know for certain that no one there has anything of any value to say.
Forums, yes... Game no.
There are no in game moderators or 'game masters.' The support staff is a help desk that answers tickets, there is no enforcement of in game rules of any kind in STO. All 'reporting' them does is put them on your block list.
It's not the only option.
DS9, Sierra-39, Drozana, Solanae, Delta Command, Hathon, K-7, and even Nimbus. One doesn't need to be on ESD at all. I only go to ESD for the recruitment reward NPC, events,and if I happen to log in to my low level bank alt for something.
All the places I listed, along with a few I'm probably overlooking this early in the morning, all have access to Bank, Mail, and Exchange. All of them except Hathon and Nimbus have access to ship management stuff.
Kind of removes any need to hang around ESD doesn't it?
A little nitpicky.. but I guess I should rephrase that to 'best option if you're going to actually go to ESD.'
I don't go their either, my Feds like to hang out at SB39 or DS9, my Klingons work out of Gandala.. though that's just because I hate the way the first city is laid out.
There are plenty of places to go instead of ESD... but if you do need to go there, it's far easier to just have a window with Zone disabled then it is to put a few hundred people on ignore.
Also varies a lot going by the time of year and whats happening in the world/"murica". Summer/winter holidays increases the number of twats and I honestly lost count of the "political" muppets that got ignored since the trump campaign started up (on both sides of that particular fiasco)
Consoles are probably spared a lot of grief since typing requires either overworking the thumbs or plugging in a USB keyboard on top of navigating the clunky ui.
This is the thing that gets me too, because Cryptic taking a "hands off" position on something like this seems pretty pathetic. I mean it is their game and even a basic amount of policing should be part of their responsibility?
I believe it's probably more financially motivated. You have to hire people to monitor the game and from everything I have heard they're a very small studio.
I don't like it either, but it's something I have come to accept over the years.
Ive just blocked all those players. Makes it a litte more bareable
My character Tsin'xing
To be honest Orgrimmar/Stormwind zone chat is one of the most toxic things known to man and Blizzard does (or at least did) hire GMs, so having them isn't a miracle cure either.
Yes even in the game, I guarantee it would be a worse game experience without the silly and sometimes idiotic people in ESD, because it wouldn't just be them being hit by the censors and banhammers.
^ yep
change zones... or close out the chat box... not like it is force feed audio into your ears or text to your eyes.
or set up 1 new chat box that is default to only show text from team/raid... maybe add in fleet if you dont mind fleet spam. I dont even read chat box for most part. do you really need to see local text or zone wide text?
There is no exchange on Nimbus, but you can vendor trash to the bartender.
There is a ship selector on Hathon. I've used it before.
Otherwise, you pretty much have it right. Heck, one could even hang out at New Romulus adventure zone, though there is no ship selector there either.
My character Tsin'xing
Its a big problem because they can get away with breaking the rules without breaking the rules due to HOW things are worded.
ESD Zone is a cesspool of rants, hate, politics, religion... basically its a free-for-all. I've had a few decent conversations in ESD Zone, but those are rare.
I once saw someone trying to convert people to save their souls. I made like I just followed one of the Hylian Goddesses from Legend of Zelda. Pretty sure I got a couple laughs at least.
On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen someone who was adamant that the Confederate Battle Flag was an OFFICIAL UNITED STATES flag. And wouldn't accept any evidence to the contrary because it came from the internet, while demanding we prove him wrong. And I've also seen people worshiping a certain tangerine, and raging about some political, religious, or racial BS that doesn't belong in Zone Chat.
All of this BS frankly drowns out legit questions from people who might looking for help. Anyone who tries to respond to those legit questions also get drowned out by the BS.
ESD Zone chat is the primary reason I keep Zone turned off. I pop in every once in a while, but most of the time I just get reminded of why I have it turned off.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I don't think anyone here would disagree with you.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I am not programmed to respond in that area.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'