How do you disable the shooter tray overlay? I really don't want it overriding my keybindings and forcing me to waste space on my tray for standard/alt fire.
"The dead one tried to show me h3ll, but it was a pale imitation of the horror I can paint on the darkness in a quiet moment. - Mark Lawrence
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Is it worth the loss of field of view or the ability to look in all directions while zoomed out (situational awareness)?
I don't get how anyone can fight without using Shooter Mode.
How you do use the move keys when you have to hit 1 or 2 to attack? I tried RPG mode a few times and I don't get it at all. My mouse doesn't seem to do anything but point.. I have to hit 1 or 2 to attack so I can't use the WASD's a mess.
How the hell do you fight in RPG mode? I have been playing this game forever and still can't get it to work.
Practice. Also shifting your hand like one key over if you need to. Like if you want ot sidestep with Q and shoot with 1, middle finger Q, ring finger 1. Or you can rearrange your power tray.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
lol.. or you can just use shooter mode and play it like a normal game.
Seriously though, thanks for the info.. that just seems like a lot more effort then necessary. I know a lot of people use RPG mode.. probably the majority.. I just still don't get how. It's so hard to play that way.
Play FF14 or WoW at end game and STO combat seems like kids play. You learn it quite quick when you might have to avoid insta kill attack with quite small safe zones, FF14 is especially fond of insta kill or nearly so attacks with safe zones barely wider then the player hitbox.
But it's like ratler said you use multiple fingers for it, typically only fingers I don't use are the little fingers (I use the left thumb for the spacebar and my right hand for the mouse), you typically mouse turn in RPG mode anyway as that's faster, you use the keyboard for side steps and forwards and backwards movement.
I get all that, but being as to how you need your left hand to move (WASD) and also to attack using the 1 and 2 key... you can't have your hand in both places at the same time. This forces you to either fire or to move.. but you can't do them at the same time.
In shooter mode, you attack with the left and right mouse and you can use your left hand to move and activate powers. What I don't like about RPG mode is having to choose between moving and attacking.
Unless I am missing something, I admit.. I didn't put much time into combat in RPG mode.
With that out of the way lol, I actually started playing the game in shooter mode. An Apple mouse doesn't have a right mouse button that's usable in-game so shooter mode was a natural fit. That was until some fleeties I was teamed up with were saying 'Proto it's right beside/behind you' but I didn't have the field of view to see it at least without spinning my view around quite a bit. That's when I switched on their advice... both to a Windows mouse and to RPG mode. It was the field of view and ability to position the camera at all angles that sold me. I can't compare modes to other games as I don't play other games. I'm using my right mouse button to steer, toggling R to auto move forward when needed, 4,5,6 for regular buffs and X to aim. Also have 2-3 nearby keys (i.e. T, Y, V, G, tilde) set to do the same thing across all toons of the same discipline. N is reserved for defiance. Am using 2 spare mouse buttons as well to quick fire a hypo or even a lunge. Aim is set as a toggle with zoom mode off which is important as now I have a toggle slow move forward with 30% more ranged damage. Unlike shooter mode I can also look or fire behind me or anywhere needed while moving in any set direction.
It may very well be whatever mode you get used to in the end. Your point about hitting 1 or 2 to attack is a good one but not something I find hard to do as I'm steering with my right mouse button so WASD is used for fine positioning or a roll only. For me at least RPG mode is all about the field of view. Having said that though I'm going to give Shooter mode a good revisit as this feedback is coming from somebody who's advice I really respect.
A quick question for anybody who uses Shooter Mode regularly. Does anybody bind keys to the shooter tray controls? They seem to be 'part of the system' in some respects but don't know how useful they are in the grander scheme of things.
I put it in 'Shooter Mode' and that basically makes it like a typical 3rd person style shooter. Left Mouse is primary fire, Right mouse is Secondary Fire.
I mapped #5 to my thumb mouse button. I use that for things like Paradox Bomb and the Middle Mouse Click is #4 which I use for shield heals on Engineers or things like Harmonic Resonance on Tacticals. This lets me look at my target, thumb button to pull them all in, then middle click to throw the Resonance and boom.. takes out a large group.
My Tactical 'buffs' are on a key bind to L-Shift, Heals to L-Ctrl and I can also use number keys if I just want one specific power.
In the end.. the truth is that both methods are very viable.
I don't consider myself to be one of the best players in the game in ground combat.. I am not. But I am pretty good, I play a lot of Elite Ground Maps and rarely die. I know several good players like you that use RPG mode, I know many good players like myself and @peterconnorfirst that use Shooter Mode.
I am going to continue to play around with RPG mode, see if I can find a control scheme that's comfortable for me and see which one I like better. Thanks for the tips on RPG Mode, I'll be sure and give it a try.
Just because I don't play the same way, I respect other methods, please don't take anything I said as saying that anyone else is 'wrong' for not playing the way I do.