Reputation projects to turn-in marks for Dilithium have been disabled and replaced by a new store, accessible from the Reputation UI once you reach Tier V in that reputation.
The rate is the same as the existing projects; 50 Marks for 500 ore, or 3 Elite marks for 1000 ore.
Exchanges on this store may be made in bulk, reducing the time needed to convert excess Reputation Marks.
Oh great make fleet projects that much harder to complete.
> @conradhauser said: > sto wrote: > > Reputations Mark Trade-In: > > Reputation projects to turn-in marks for Dilithium have been disabled and replaced by a new store, accessible from the Reputation UI once you reach Tier V in that reputation. > The rate is the same as the existing projects; 50 Marks for 500 ore, or 3 Elite marks for 1000 ore. > Exchanges on this store may be made in bulk, reducing the time needed to convert excess Reputation Marks. > > > > > > Oh great make fleet projects that much harder to complete.
What? This has nothing to do with Fleets. This is Reputation turn-ins. Instead of having to slot these Reputation Items in Projects, you can do the same thing in a Reputation Store. Quick and Easy. No Projects. A time saver.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> @conradhauser said:
> sto wrote:
> Reputations Mark Trade-In:
> Reputation projects to turn-in marks for Dilithium have been disabled and replaced by a new store, accessible from the Reputation UI once you reach Tier V in that reputation.
> The rate is the same as the existing projects; 50 Marks for 500 ore, or 3 Elite marks for 1000 ore.
> Exchanges on this store may be made in bulk, reducing the time needed to convert excess Reputation Marks.
> Oh great make fleet projects that much harder to complete.
What? This has nothing to do with Fleets. This is Reputation turn-ins. Instead of having to slot these Reputation Items in Projects, you can do the same thing in a Reputation Store. Quick and Easy. No Projects. A time saver.
I read it as they were taking away the trade-ins & instead you could buy more other items. My mistake sorry.
I like the changes to HSA/HSE.. the notification for the Feedback Pulse will be especially helpful. I also like the reduced cooldown on ground and space re-enforcements.
The change to kemocite sounds like yet another nerf, so can't say I am happy about that.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
"•The High Yield firing modes of the Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Torpedo Launcher (cluster launch mode) no longer share cooldowns/lockouts with other Cluster-type Torpedo Launchers."
That's a welcome fix. I removed that from my mine layer as it was not firing due to clusters.
@crypticspartan Speaking of mines could you fix it so that we do not get less hits as we add extra mine launchers? With 4 or 5 mine launchers I once spent 5mins firing with zero hits. Adding extra mine launchers causes mines to disappear before they hit the target. Which is one of the reason I always argued the 5 slot rear Vorgon ship is no good as a mine layer.
“Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt to resolve various issues:”
When this was rebuilt did the rebuild include the extra line of code that made it useable with mines? Has the rebuilt one been tested with mines? One of the older rebuilds broke it for mines then it was rebuilt again and works at the moment.
Lots of other goods changes like the hull regen ones.
If you have not heard of it, then it must not be available in the game. Hopefully, it is for the First Contact Day celebration and not a Loot Crate exclusive. If it is a [shudder]Loot Crate exclusive[/shudder], then there is always Ebay or being lucky with a Youtuber that provides the code.
Reputation projects to turn-in marks for Dilithium have been disabled and replaced by a new store, accessible from the Reputation UI once you reach Tier V in that reputation.
The rate is the same as the existing projects; 50 Marks for 500 ore, or 3 Elite marks for 1000 ore.
Exchanges on this store may be made in bulk, reducing the time needed to convert excess Reputation Marks.
Actually I can turn in for 10 EXP from Tier 0.
Why now Tier V?
If you have not heard of it, then it must not be available in the game. Hopefully, it is for the First Contact Day celebration and not a Loot Crate exclusive. If it is a [shudder]Loot Crate exclusive[/shudder], then there is always Ebay or being lucky with a Youtuber that provides the code.
I thought there used to be a war targ available in the C-Store, at least earlier on around the time they introduced combat horta.
One of these days, when I have the money available, I'd like to get a 3-D ship (I need to save up for one that I don't need a magnifying glass to see the details).
Goodness gracious, I was thinking of getting a Pioneer-class model when the introductory price was still effective, but money was tight at the time.
There's enough cool ships to be made with STO ships that lack the registry numbers that would make for cool models, so I'm glad that's fixed.
@crypticspartan As I feared since the Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt I am getting zero Kemocite hits. Just shot all my clusters and rear mines off and not one single Kemocite trigger.
On the plus side the new advanced temporal deface torpedo is great.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
Resolved an issue that caused the tooltip to scale exponentially with damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that caused the damage to scale with your target's damage buffs. Resolved an issue that could cause it to apply beneficial abilities such as the Advanced Piezo-Polaron proc to foes.
The impact of these changes on this ability's balance may result in additional changes to this ability in future updates.
I don't think it was meant to give buffs to your target. Also... sounds like it was hitting harder if the target had certain buffs. Nothing about them being debuffed.
Honestly I'd say its a wait and see thing as the patch notes also say that further tweaking may be required. But I don't want to be making the enemy stronger by hitting them with Kemocite.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Reputation projects to turn-in marks for Dilithium have been disabled and replaced by a new store, accessible from the Reputation UI once you reach Tier V in that reputation.
Awesome, I can upload KDF ships now, but I see that BoPs are once again in flight mode and not combat mode while customizing (which means they get uploaded in flight mode). Can we get a way to toggle transformation modes in the Ship Tailor? BoP Wings Up/Down? Chimera Nacelles Up/Middle/Down, Saucer expanded/contracted? Galaxy Saucer Separated/Docked? Prometheus Alpha section only/Beta Section Only/Gamma section only? Garumba Destroyer Normal/Siege mode?
Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt to resolve various issues:
Resolved an issue that caused the tooltip to scale exponentially with damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that caused the damage to scale with your target's damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that could cause it to apply beneficial abilities such as the Advanced Piezo-Polaron proc to foes.
You finally fixed it !!!! I can use Kemo again ! So awesome. You guys have been on a bug fixing spree the last few weeks, and its awesome. Very good work guys.
Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt to resolve various issues:
Resolved an issue that caused the tooltip to scale exponentially with damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that caused the damage to scale with your target's damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that could cause it to apply beneficial abilities such as the Advanced Piezo-Polaron proc to foes.
You finally fixed it !!!! I can use Kemo again ! So awesome. You guys have been on a bug fixing spree the last few weeks, and its awesome. Very good work guys.
No they have not fixed it, they broke it badly. I just went into combat and came out with zero Kemo hits. Its way worse then before.
Wait wait wait wait - cool down for a war targ combat companion?????
It's been years since I heard talk of "War Targs" and "Combat Saurs". I thought they were projects Cryptic was working on and never got them working. Last I heard, "War Targs" and "Combat Saurs" became official entries in the KDF's "Book of Grudges", though @patrickngo would know for sure.
Cooldown on the following Combat Companions has been reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes:
Bio-Engineered Furiadon, Combat-Trained Tardigrade, Dilithium Encrusted Horta, Eisilum Crystal Horta, Holographic Combat Drone, Horta, Jackal Mastiff, Leashed Mugato, Polytrinic Acid Horta, War Targ.
Cooldowns on the following Space Distress Calls have been reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes:
Activate Phased-Waveform Beacon, Nimbus Pirate Distress Call, Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon, Romulan Distress Call - Bird-of-Prey, Romulan Distress Call - Mogai Escort, Romulan Distress Call - D'deridex Battleship.
Sweet! Always bugged me with the weakness of some of the pets on ground (the Jackal Mastiff on my Lethean Klingon character seems to die very quick). I'm assuming the War Targ is acquired like the base Horta combat pet, as you have to have the non-combat one and do an on ship Doff assignment to raise a combat one? (I ask this also is it possible since my main Fed Character has a Targ Pet from like first year anniversary that I got from one of Q's random gift box-we are talking original ESD layout internally and externally when he was telling us to play in the fountain and stuff, if it is possible for them to do it being the pet is generally Klingon Aligned.)
I totally forgot about the Romulan Distress Call consumables from the Romulan Reputation.
Cooldowns on the following Space Distress Calls have been reduced from 15 minutes to 5 minutes:
Activate Phased-Waveform Beacon, Nimbus Pirate Distress Call, Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon, Romulan Distress Call - Bird-of-Prey, Romulan Distress Call - Mogai Escort, Romulan Distress Call - D'deridex Battleship.
Now Fleet Support has 15 min cooldown while Distress Call has 5 Minutes. Both have 5 min shared cooldown. Why should I use the trait to remove the restriction on Fleet Support and bring it down to 5 minutes.
The fix to raider flanking and cloaks was to both tooltips and functionality.
I am glad you like the patch!
Oh great make fleet projects that much harder to complete.
> sto wrote:
> Reputations Mark Trade-In:
> Reputation projects to turn-in marks for Dilithium have been disabled and replaced by a new store, accessible from the Reputation UI once you reach Tier V in that reputation.
> The rate is the same as the existing projects; 50 Marks for 500 ore, or 3 Elite marks for 1000 ore.
> Exchanges on this store may be made in bulk, reducing the time needed to convert excess Reputation Marks.
> Oh great make fleet projects that much harder to complete.
What? This has nothing to do with Fleets. This is Reputation turn-ins. Instead of having to slot these Reputation Items in Projects, you can do the same thing in a Reputation Store. Quick and Easy. No Projects. A time saver.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I read it as they were taking away the trade-ins & instead you could buy more other items. My mistake sorry.
Nice one BMR
The change to kemocite sounds like yet another nerf, so can't say I am happy about that.
"Cooldown on the following Combat Companions has been reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes:
Bio-Engineered Furiadon, Combat-Trained Tardigrade, Dilithium Encrusted Horta, Eisilum Crystal Horta, Holographic Combat Drone, Horta, Jackal Mastiff, Leashed Mugato, Polytrinic Acid Horta, ***War Targ***."
Kael? Kaaaaaael!?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
@crypticspartan Speaking of mines could you fix it so that we do not get less hits as we add extra mine launchers? With 4 or 5 mine launchers I once spent 5mins firing with zero hits. Adding extra mine launchers causes mines to disappear before they hit the target. Which is one of the reason I always argued the 5 slot rear Vorgon ship is no good as a mine layer.
Video evidence and bug report
“Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt to resolve various issues:”
When this was rebuilt did the rebuild include the extra line of code that made it useable with mines? Has the rebuilt one been tested with mines? One of the older rebuilds broke it for mines then it was rebuilt again and works at the moment.
Lots of other goods changes like the hull regen ones.
If you have not heard of it, then it must not be available in the game. Hopefully, it is for the First Contact Day celebration and not a Loot Crate exclusive. If it is a [shudder]Loot Crate exclusive[/shudder], then there is always Ebay or being lucky with a Youtuber that provides the code.
Actually I can turn in for 10 EXP from Tier 0.
Why now Tier V?
I thought there used to be a war targ available in the C-Store, at least earlier on around the time they introduced combat horta.
Goodness gracious, I was thinking of getting a Pioneer-class model when the introductory price was still effective, but money was tight at the time.
There's enough cool ships to be made with STO ships that lack the registry numbers that would make for cool models, so I'm glad that's fixed.
Nope, that's a Jackal Mastiff. Which is also on the list so it's not just a typo/someone forgetting what it's called.
On the plus side the new advanced temporal deface torpedo is great.
Sounded more like it was inadvertantly bestowing certain buffs to enemies. Meaning that the player was GIVING buffs to the enemy.
I don't think it was meant to give buffs to your target. Also... sounds like it was hitting harder if the target had certain buffs. Nothing about them being debuffed.
Honestly I'd say its a wait and see thing as the patch notes also say that further tweaking may be required. But I don't want to be making the enemy stronger by hitting them with Kemocite.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
:: sigh ::
Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt to resolve various issues:
Resolved an issue that caused the tooltip to scale exponentially with damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that caused the damage to scale with your target's damage buffs.
Resolved an issue that could cause it to apply beneficial abilities such as the Advanced Piezo-Polaron proc to foes.
I still have it bookmarked, I was the first one to report this, like 2 years ago.
You finally fixed it !!!! I can use Kemo again ! So awesome. You guys have been on a bug fixing spree the last few weeks, and its awesome. Very good work guys.
I totally forgot about the Romulan Distress Call consumables from the Romulan Reputation.
Awesome job on the patch fixes overall Cryptic!
Now Fleet Support has 15 min cooldown while Distress Call has 5 Minutes. Both have 5 min shared cooldown. Why should I use the trait to remove the restriction on Fleet Support and bring it down to 5 minutes.