Since someone else complained on the forum I had a look at the Constitution 2267 bridge.
It looks like it has slots for 6 Boffs, but the variables aren't getting loaded. If you look at the NPC names they're called "Template Bridge Officer". This isn't what the game does when it fails to load boffs. If it had tried loading them and failed it'd say something like "science officer".
For comparison on the Eaves bridge, I was able to see all of the Boffs assigned to bridge stations and my away team, with a random "Tactical officer", Science officer" and "engineer officer" tossed in to fill the empty seats. That gives a grand total of 12 NPCs seated on that bridge. Actual boff placement is kinda random but there's 4 each of tac/eng/sci boff seats. One interesting anomaly was that it once pulled T'Met(a tutorial Boff who wasn't in use) to fill a slot when I only had 1 science Boff slotted between my bridge stations and ground team.
Clearing ALL of the stations resulted in it pulling Tarsi and Skavrin(Tutorial boffs), and filling the other 10 slots with randoms.
So it's not an issue with the crew, but the map not loading them.
For regular Starfleet Captains and Discovery Starfleet Captains, the placeholder BOFF NPCs are correctly labelled Science, Tactical, Engineering (but the placeholders don't have TOS Uniforms, they are the same NPCs as on other bridges) and are replaced by your own BOFFs properly.
Which is weird since Satra isn't assigned to either my bridge crew OR away team. But she's a Tutorial boff.
My character Tsin'xing
So in my example where I had NO boffs seated in space or ground, It basically picked the first two boffs in Fanlaf-du's boff list.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
Temple on the same character, I see 9 Boffs and 2 generic NPCs.
Star Explorer... 9 Boffs, 3 generic Side note: the lighting is WTF level...
Survey: 8 boffs
Future: 6 boffs
Origin: 6 boffs
Hunh, just noticed that it keeps using my 0718 boff even though I don't have him on space or ground duty. I do have him set as my science department head though.
Key: 6 boffs
Triumph: 8 Boffs 1 generic
Gamma: 6 boffs
So it's certain bridges combined with certain factions.
My character Tsin'xing