Hello everybody,
I joined a random TFO and I ended up in Tzenkethi front.
The mission was broken. As you may know, to finish the mission you need
to kill the enemy ships that carry a bomb. Grab the bomb and release it to the
enemy base.
The problem is that there were almost no enemy ships and the few that were there
did not carry any bomb.
The team and I just entered the map and it was bugged, so there is no special steps
to reproduce it.
YouTube: MitNaqt Facebook: STO Neuling
@ambassadorkael#6946 a small poke bc its a queuebreaking bug
ingame: @Felisean
Due to some issues that have cropped up, we're going to be shutting down the TFO "The Tzenkethi Front" on PC for fixes. We'll let you know when it's likely to return.
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