so I've been discussing it with people in the facebook sto group and on the public service channel, and we all have the same conclusion:
The Borg are supposed to be the ultimate big bad of Star Trek. However, when we encounter them, we sneeze and they explode. It's been something like 7 years since they were intro'd to STO, and they haven't adapted one new piece of technology, offensively or defensively? I think it would be a great idea to relaunch the borg with new technology, with newly assimilated romulan, klingon, and federation ships and technology... Cubes and spheres with battle cloak, things along those lines.
Personally.. I love the Borg.. I think they're the best enemy in Star Trek.
I would love to see them become the 'baddest of the bad' like they should be. A truly dangerous foe that all other races of the galaxy fear and want to avoid at all costs.
My proposal.. that I know won't happen..
After T'ket separates from the whole of the Iconian Race they then fall victim to the Borg. The Borg assimilate T'Ket and his minions learning the ancient secrets of the Iconians and becoming a truly powerful threat. They combine the mammoth Vonph Dreadnought with the Borg Cubes and make huge ships that take entire teams to drop.
Again, I know it won't happen, but I would like to see it. The big problem is that it would bring a spike in difficulty that might give some players issues. Maybe they could do something where only one of the most powerful ships appears in any content lower then Elite Difficulty just so it's not impossible for people to play.
I'd love to see a proper borg storyline and they could always go back to using a transwarp gate to go back to the delta quadrant if the borg happen to secure the dyson sphere.
Actually when the game came out over 8 years ago the Borg where not that easy to beat. If you played Infected, Cure or Kithomer, which back then was Space and Ground combined you spent 45 min - 1hour on Infected 1.30 - 2 hours on Cure and about 1.15 - 1.45 hours on Kithomer with a group of 5 and that was when the people who played it actually knew what they were doing. But yeah the good old days. Then people complained it was to hard over and over again until they decided to take the STF's and split them into ground and space, while they were add it they introduced normal advanced and elite settings. Now the Borg are the laughing stock of any quadrant basicly on par with the Kazon....
C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
Imagine the scenaro: there we (the Alliance) are, perhaps thwarting a Voth attempt to retake some part of the sphere. Suddenly we're hailed by the Benthans, informing us that the Borg have amassed a flotillla of as many ships as they could muster. As we are being told this, the Borg activate their transwarp and appear in orbit of the Dyson sphere. A battle ensues, with the Borg managing to distract us with their cubes and spheres, allowing a probe to slip past......
so I've been discussing it with people in the facebook sto group and on the public service channel, and we all have the same conclusion:
The Borg are supposed to be the ultimate big bad of Star Trek. However, when we encounter them, we sneeze and they explode. It's been something like 7 years since they were intro'd to STO, and they haven't adapted one new piece of technology, offensively or defensively? I think it would be a great idea to relaunch the borg with new technology, with newly assimilated romulan, klingon, and federation ships and technology... Cubes and spheres with battle cloak, things along those lines.
What are your thoughts on this?
I would rather see a multi story oriented expansion done, more then a single story arc/narrative expansion. Something like a calm/peace falls over the quadrants after large scale conflict ends. During this the players get the option/missions to travel to the different parts of the quadrants they have explored, or are now open for exploration. This could push the time period of sto forwards abit more, and we have missions like aiding in a Vaadwaur civil war/conflict an the left over blue-gils, expanding on the new Romulus content, It would also be interesting to see what the Undine an Borg (even the cooperative Borg) are up to, and even doing research an studies or interviews with the Iconians after the war maybe in an attempt to smooth over things an T'ket takes offense renewing hostilities.
Though if the Borg are brought back they would need a overhaul over merely a numerical upgrade, like a rework to implement ta fact of how they could adapt to the weapons an shields used against them into space, but with the different conflicts we have had with quite technologically advanced enemies it is possible for them to get a hold of some tech that could push them forward. As said if they assimilated a dyson sphere (now that would be an interesting story arc and even new battle-zone), or just even went out into the battlefields we have been defeating our enemies on, they could assimilate alot of tech quite easily. I could see a Borg assimilate something like a Vaadwaur/Elach ship an thru that technology regain thier ability to adapt via just how advanced the tech is compared to their own, not sure a Borg could actually assimilate a Iconian/Herald ship or being yet.
Last time we saw the Borg, not only was the Alliance whooping on them, so were the Voth and the Undine...not to mention more and more drones breaking free.
How many times can you listen to the words "Resistance in futile" when it has been proven it isn't?
Short of getting the rights somehow to Armada 2 and throwing fusion cubes at there really anything the devs can give the Borg to do?
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
The Borg are OVERUSED as the ultimate evil in TNG era games.
Also... as mentioned above... the Borg are in the position of being essentially the punching bag of the galaxy now. We're the ones who have adapted not only technology, but TACTICS. We're the ones who have advanced to the point we're on par with the Borg short of them throwing their entire armada at us all at once.
The Borg only improve their tech when they can assimilate what others have made. It gets pretty hard to assimilate when you get blown up before you can do it.
While assimilation is one of the greatest strengths of the Borg... its also their greatest WEAKNESS. They don't innovate. They don't really learn from their mistakes. They only advance by stealing from others and adapting what is useful to serve their needs. Meanwhile the rest of the galaxy actually does research, learns, advances, adapts...
The Borg... are stagnant. We're not. They are a literal shadow of their former strength because we've learned HOW to fight them effectively. And clearly if they haven't adapted to our technology... its not just our technology whuppin' their Collective Butts. Its our Tactics.
The Borg are straight forward bricks. They fly in like they own the place and assume they will win because of superior technology. "Resistance is Futile". But time and time again we prove them wrong. And the Borg have not learned from that. The age of Borg Dominance is over. The younger races have risen up and told them "No". In some cases rather dramatically.
"One bee sting is an annoyance, but a hundred can kill."
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
They could do a TON of stuff if they open the gateway to Andromeda.
I would presume he was speaking under the context of STO being a game based mainly around explaining unexplained things from the TV shows, rather then making up 100% new things.
In Trek canon, the only things from Andromeda that we know of are the Kelvans, and the creators of the androids Mudd found.
The eternal bane of licenced games. You'll eventually run out of canon to quote.
But then STO has a long habit of making up 99% new things. Does it really make that much difference if they pluck a few names off canon and then make up everything else? Like they did with the iconians, the tzenkethi, etc.
The eternal bane of licenced games. You'll eventually run out of canon to quote.
But then STO has a long habit of making up 99% new things. Does it really make that much difference if they pluck a few names off canon and then make up everything else? Like they did with the iconians, the tzenkethi, etc.
Yeah, but both of those were based off of something from the shows. A very ill defined something, but even things like the Tzenkethi's appearance, while not canon, was based off of what one of the writers said he imagined them to look like.
So? You don't think anyone at Cryptic could've come up with a trope as common as lizard aliens without quoting someone else?
If they have us fight smeerps from planet Smeer that are completely made up by Cryptic, what's the difference to fighting tzenkethi from the planet Tzenketh that got named in canon but otherwise made up by Cryptic?
They can easily go and revisit an arc and continue from where it left off. What are the Breen up to now? The Tholians? Is the rest of the galaxy tired of suffering because of the actions of the Alliance?
All it needs is a bit of creativity. There's plenty of material left for new arcs. Breen? Terran Invasion? Gorn Rebels? Alliance Civil War?
We have already a Breen arc, and a MU invasion arc. And Cryptic has already said they wont do a Gorn rebel arc, or Alliance war arc, because that defeats the purpose of the game, and Trek.
So? You don't think anyone at Cryptic could've come up with a trope as common as lizard aliens without quoting someone else?
If they have us fight smeerps from planet Smeer that are completely made up by Cryptic, what's the difference to fighting tzenkethi from the planet Tzenketh that got named in canon but otherwise made up by Cryptic?
The Smeers just widen an already wide, but fairly shallow pool, whereas using the Tzenkethi doesn't widen the pool but it deepens it, since we are getting an expansion on something already established.
I would say that a name mentioned in dialogue is not so much "shallow pool" as water splashed on the deck beside it, and merely quoting an existing name for an original creation is no less "widening" the pool. It isn't in any way necessary to get an "expansion" on everything mentioned in dialogue. It's natural for some things to just not be plot-relevant.
All it needs is a bit of creativity. There's plenty of material left for new arcs. Breen? Terran Invasion? Gorn Rebels? Alliance Civil War?
We have already a Breen arc, and a MU invasion arc. And Cryptic has already said they wont do a Gorn rebel arc, or Alliance war arc, because that defeats the purpose of the game, and Trek.
So? You don't think anyone at Cryptic could've come up with a trope as common as lizard aliens without quoting someone else?
If they have us fight smeerps from planet Smeer that are completely made up by Cryptic, what's the difference to fighting tzenkethi from the planet Tzenketh that got named in canon but otherwise made up by Cryptic?
The Smeers just widen an already wide, but fairly shallow pool, whereas using the Tzenkethi doesn't widen the pool but it deepens it, since we are getting an expansion on something already established.
There are still a number of potentially campaign-sized threads Cryptic has not explored. One that comes to mind, (and would also make a good vehicle for the renewed AoY recruiting event they keep hinting at) would be following up on the flying fried eggs that attacked Deneva.
It is possible that while everyone was focused on the trouble the Iconians were causing, the blastonerons spread in some out of the way corner of the galaxy which had an advanced civilization or two and reached a critical density necessary for whatever the plans of the controlling intelligence in the Greater Magellanic cloud are and there could be an infiltration by the controlled civilizations that is discovered and a war similar to the Iconian one starts again. And there are other possibilities as well.
Hey I know... how about instead of waging war with every race in the galaxy we go back to being "explorers"?
Or how about some story arcs focusing on some of the various worlds around the galaxy such as Trill or Ferenginar? Can't go wrong with more ferengi content! And Trill is ripe for a story arc given the controversies and Taboo's in Trill society that was depicted in DS9.
And how about a proper Cardassian story arc? Seeing as the original story arc was reduced to little more than a footnote that had more to do with the Mirror Universe and the Dominion than it did with Cardassia and Cardassian politics.
There's clearly plenty of material to draw from in old star trek, to claim otherwise is just pure nonsense.
And here's another radical thought, how about an expansion focused on life aboard starships? I.E a complete overhaul of how starship interiors are set up in order to actually make them functional and able to be integrated into missions and serve a purpose to some extent. That alone is worthy of an entire expansion. And its something that has been requested since before STO even launched over 8 years ago.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
Yes, that ties in nicely. It does not prevent a modern time arc featuring the blastonerons in any way however since the ultimate source of the things is never tracked down and stopped. It is also a good way to tie the player character into the thread in a major way since they would be one of the few to actually have any direct contact with the things.
What might be interesting to do that atleast not in the shows has been done much, would be to delve into psionic energy an abilities. Like the past of them, the origin, and races that almost might specialize in them. We have races like the Betazeds that have telepathy, though it has been shown that there is even more potential in them, even races that evolve/transform via them into higher states. So doing maybe a story arc that shows us exploring worlds that had races that supposedly ha these abilities though much more developed, studying relics an mythologies of such beings would be fun to do. Maybe with it being a competition between the different research/history/development bodies in the different factions to discover hidden truths before another group could. It would not be a true war or conflict say like open warfare, but still would give a feel of faction pride an desire to achieve something before the other factions can.
I do believe in the books their was a empire or alliance of really powerful an highly developed psionic races, which comes about during a period of warfare between psionicly capable races. An that part of the reason we do not see as many psionically powerful an developed races is a side effect of this alliance, and the fall out from the psionic war from that era.
I would love to see them become the 'baddest of the bad' like they should be. A truly dangerous foe that all other races of the galaxy fear and want to avoid at all costs.
My proposal.. that I know won't happen..
After T'ket separates from the whole of the Iconian Race they then fall victim to the Borg. The Borg assimilate T'Ket and his minions learning the ancient secrets of the Iconians and becoming a truly powerful threat. They combine the mammoth Vonph Dreadnought with the Borg Cubes and make huge ships that take entire teams to drop.
Again, I know it won't happen, but I would like to see it. The big problem is that it would bring a spike in difficulty that might give some players issues. Maybe they could do something where only one of the most powerful ships appears in any content lower then Elite Difficulty just so it's not impossible for people to play.
I need to get Species 8472 on speed dial!
Though if the Borg are brought back they would need a overhaul over merely a numerical upgrade, like a rework to implement ta fact of how they could adapt to the weapons an shields used against them into space, but with the different conflicts we have had with quite technologically advanced enemies it is possible for them to get a hold of some tech that could push them forward. As said if they assimilated a dyson sphere (now that would be an interesting story arc and even new battle-zone), or just even went out into the battlefields we have been defeating our enemies on, they could assimilate alot of tech quite easily. I could see a Borg assimilate something like a Vaadwaur/Elach ship an thru that technology regain thier ability to adapt via just how advanced the tech is compared to their own, not sure a Borg could actually assimilate a Iconian/Herald ship or being yet.
Resistance is monetised, your credit cards and pocket lint will be added to our own.
How many times can you listen to the words "Resistance in futile" when it has been proven it isn't?
Short of getting the rights somehow to Armada 2 and throwing fusion cubes at there really anything the devs can give the Borg to do?
Also... as mentioned above... the Borg are in the position of being essentially the punching bag of the galaxy now. We're the ones who have adapted not only technology, but TACTICS. We're the ones who have advanced to the point we're on par with the Borg short of them throwing their entire armada at us all at once.
The Borg only improve their tech when they can assimilate what others have made. It gets pretty hard to assimilate when you get blown up before you can do it.
While assimilation is one of the greatest strengths of the Borg... its also their greatest WEAKNESS. They don't innovate. They don't really learn from their mistakes. They only advance by stealing from others and adapting what is useful to serve their needs. Meanwhile the rest of the galaxy actually does research, learns, advances, adapts...
The Borg... are stagnant. We're not. They are a literal shadow of their former strength because we've learned HOW to fight them effectively. And clearly if they haven't adapted to our technology... its not just our technology whuppin' their Collective Butts. Its our Tactics.
The Borg are straight forward bricks. They fly in like they own the place and assume they will win because of superior technology. "Resistance is Futile". But time and time again we prove them wrong. And the Borg have not learned from that. The age of Borg Dominance is over. The younger races have risen up and told them "No". In some cases rather dramatically.
"One bee sting is an annoyance, but a hundred can kill."
The bee stings on the Collective are stacking up.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
But then STO has a long habit of making up 99% new things. Does it really make that much difference if they pluck a few names off canon and then make up everything else? Like they did with the iconians, the tzenkethi, etc.
Heh, really? There's plenty of material left.
All it needs is a bit of creativity. There's plenty of material left for new arcs. Breen? Terran Invasion? Gorn Rebels? Alliance Civil War?
If they have us fight smeerps from planet Smeer that are completely made up by Cryptic, what's the difference to fighting tzenkethi from the planet Tzenketh that got named in canon but otherwise made up by Cryptic?
Of course, Memory-Alpha does lists 553 sentient species for them to expand on, so not like they'll run out of names to quote anytime soon:
There are still a number of potentially campaign-sized threads Cryptic has not explored. One that comes to mind, (and would also make a good vehicle for the renewed AoY recruiting event they keep hinting at) would be following up on the flying fried eggs that attacked Deneva.
It is possible that while everyone was focused on the trouble the Iconians were causing, the blastonerons spread in some out of the way corner of the galaxy which had an advanced civilization or two and reached a critical density necessary for whatever the plans of the controlling intelligence in the Greater Magellanic cloud are and there could be an infiltration by the controlled civilizations that is discovered and a war similar to the Iconian one starts again. And there are other possibilities as well.
Or how about some story arcs focusing on some of the various worlds around the galaxy such as Trill or Ferenginar? Can't go wrong with more ferengi content! And Trill is ripe for a story arc given the controversies and Taboo's in Trill society that was depicted in DS9.
And how about a proper Cardassian story arc? Seeing as the original story arc was reduced to little more than a footnote that had more to do with the Mirror Universe and the Dominion than it did with Cardassia and Cardassian politics.
There's clearly plenty of material to draw from in old star trek, to claim otherwise is just pure nonsense.
And here's another radical thought, how about an expansion focused on life aboard starships? I.E a complete overhaul of how starship interiors are set up in order to actually make them functional and able to be integrated into missions and serve a purpose to some extent. That alone is worthy of an entire expansion. And its something that has been requested since before STO even launched over 8 years ago.
Yes, that ties in nicely. It does not prevent a modern time arc featuring the blastonerons in any way however since the ultimate source of the things is never tracked down and stopped. It is also a good way to tie the player character into the thread in a major way since they would be one of the few to actually have any direct contact with the things.
I do believe in the books their was a empire or alliance of really powerful an highly developed psionic races, which comes about during a period of warfare between psionicly capable races. An that part of the reason we do not see as many psionically powerful an developed races is a side effect of this alliance, and the fall out from the psionic war from that era.