PLEASE do this at 05.00 UTC/GMT (5am) till done???
I am SO tired of having this in our time!
Being US based they do it at a time where it is most suited to them. If it were done at the time you state that would be at 9pm PT peak time for the US. Plus the devs have their families to get home to. But regardless of the time maintenance is carried out somewhere globally will be at a disadvantage. It is just one of those things that has to be accepted. Maintenance is only usually 2.5 hours at most so no real hardship. When they have to have extended maintenance it is done for the benefit of the player base in the long run.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
People ask how long have I been playing STO - well the answer is simple: I have been here since the beginning. I just haven't always had a lot to say.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
They are US based.
Thus, they should be doing it in their working hours, if they want to be with their families.
Which is thus NOT in the times used.
Adding: if we turn it to their time zone, it's about from 02.00 to 04.00 (2 to 4am) up to 08.00 to 10.00 (8 to 10 am), depending on their actual time zone...
Just for the record.
Very well, let me do a fast calculation.
Lets take 16 year.
52 weeks per year.
And let's say, they take about 4 hours per week (seeing this as they sometimes do multiple LONG maints/updates/fixes a week, like now).
16 x 52 x 4 = 3.328 hours we lost.
Or, if you like, 138.66 days... I think...
Calculate for mistakes, this is from the top of my head.
But still... we Eupeans DID lose a LOT of time where the US got spared continuously...
Can't even update yet... *grumbles*
Klingons don't get drunk.
They just get less sober.
PLEASE do this at 05.00 UTC/GMT (5am) till done???
I am SO tired of having this in our time!
Being US based they do it at a time where it is most suited to them. If it were done at the time you state that would be at 9pm PT peak time for the US. Plus the devs have their families to get home to. But regardless of the time maintenance is carried out somewhere globally will be at a disadvantage. It is just one of those things that has to be accepted. Maintenance is only usually 2.5 hours at most so no real hardship. When they have to have extended maintenance it is done for the benefit of the player base in the long run.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
I'm UK based too. But for me I don't find it a frustration. It is something that has to be accepted because of where things are geographically.
Login server has been down a while though which is hmmmmmm. So I think things are going to be extended. Could be wrong. But not known the login server to be down for this long.
At least they did acknowledge the Installation 18 bug, although that doesn't explain the other 20+ missions that are MIA for many players, maybe the "fix" for Installation 18 will also resolve the others.
we’ve taken out several of the Klingon War missions while we work on improving them, too. We want to give these missions the polish that will make them better, in the form of updated environments, streamlined gameplay, and a solid story. Since we can’t leave these missions in play while they’re under construction, we’ve removed them for now.
The Devs must be getting pretty annoyed with people bitching about this
"Installation 18" is a known bug that has cropped up primarily for Discovery era Captains, which is why it is on the known issues list.
There are missing missions in the episode arc that were not on that list. New Romulus is the most glaring example, besides Installation 18.
In my opinion, New Romulus should have remained an adventure zone, and not put in the episodic arc.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
They are US based.
Thus, they should be doing it in their working hours, if they want to be with their families.
Which is thus NOT in the times used.
Very well, let me do a fast calculation.
Lets take 16 year.
52 weeks per year.
And lats say, they take about 4 hours per week (seeing this as they sometimes do multiple LONG maints/updates/fixes a week, like now).
16 x 52 x 4 = 3.328 hours we lost.
Or, if you like, 138.66 days... I think...
Calculate for mistakes, this is from the top of my head.
But still... we Eupeans DID lose a LOT of time where the US got spared continuously...
Whilst 'America First' has always been the rationale -- and one I've come to accept -- it's actually strange, if you think about it, that such maintenance events are done during office hours. For instance, if I think about major road maintenance, in my country (the Netherlands), much of that is actuallly being done during night time, so as to inconvenience as little ppl as possible.
Just seen on FB that downtime may be extended. This was left 2 hours ago .... Maintenance on PC may be slightly extended this morning. We'll keep you updated as we hear more.
I live in the US and these maintenances are usually done during my most active time in game. I haven't played in the "US prime time" in years. I understand peoples frustration, but not everyone plays at the same time.
I've also heard maintenance is done at these times because this is the least active time and impacts the fewest amount of people overall.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
They are US based.
Thus, they should be doing it in their working hours, if they want to be with their families.
Which is thus NOT in the times used.
Very well, let me do a fast calculation.
Lets take 16 year.
52 weeks per year.
And lats say, they take about 4 hours per week (seeing this as they sometimes do multiple LONG maints/updates/fixes a week, like now).
16 x 52 x 4 = 3.328 hours we lost.
Or, if you like, 138.66 days... I think...
Calculate for mistakes, this is from the top of my head.
But still... we Eupeans DID lose a LOT of time where the US got spared continuously...
Whilst 'America First' has always been the rationale -- and one I've come to accept -- it's actually strange, if you think about it, that such maintenance events are done during office hours. For instance, if I think about major road maintenance, in my country (the Netherlands), much of that is actuallly being done during night time, so as to inconvenience as little ppl as possible.
Here in the States, heavy, or steady, traffic is a 24/7 reality in many areas. That makes it a safety issue, thus nighttime road work in uncommon. People are idiotic enough on the road during the daytime. If they were to start making them work all-nighters because of whining by some of the motoring public, the State DMVs might as well issue road crews archery targets to tape on their backs. Besides, local news and radio are pretty good about traffic status updates and road closures. People get enough notification from various sources to plan accordingly.
All this organisation of the Cstore makes me wonder if they're finally going to give us the option to see ships filtered by the faction browsing or checkboxes to show/hide ships we own or not to allow.
Having to wade through a sea of off faction vessels is simply bad for sales and should have been sorted a long time ago before the t6 list got as bloated as it is now.
Give us the option back.
We use to have faction sorting for ships, then LoR came out and they "reorganized" the C-store.
At least they did acknowledge the Installation 18 bug, although that doesn't explain the other 20+ missions that are MIA for many players, maybe the "fix" for Installation 18 will also resolve the others.
we’ve taken out several of the Klingon War missions while we work on improving them, too. We want to give these missions the polish that will make them better, in the form of updated environments, streamlined gameplay, and a solid story. Since we can’t leave these missions in play while they’re under construction, we’ve removed them for now.
The Devs must be getting pretty annoyed with people bitching about this
"Installation 18" is a known bug that has cropped up primarily for Discovery era Captains, which is why it is on the known issues list.
There are missing missions in the episode arc that were not on that list. New Romulus is the most glaring example, besides Installation 18.
In my opinion, New Romulus should have remained an adventure zone, and not put in the episodic arc.
Their was no list published of what missions were removed for improvement, only a comment about the Klingon War arc - which had the most snips. It's not a big deal, things are being re-jigged and redone. I look forward to seeing how things are improved :-) I think the continued comments about the removal of missions is petty when they have already explained why and what they are doing - but it's not the job of the Devs to hold peoples hands, or make them read every thing they post.
People ask how long have I been playing STO - well the answer is simple: I have been here since the beginning. I just haven't always had a lot to say.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
They are US based.
Thus, they should be doing it in their working hours, if they want to be with their families.
Which is thus NOT in the times used.
Very well, let me do a fast calculation.
Lets take 16 year.
52 weeks per year.
And lats say, they take about 4 hours per week (seeing this as they sometimes do multiple LONG maints/updates/fixes a week, like now).
16 x 52 x 4 = 3.328 hours we lost.
Or, if you like, 138.66 days... I think...
Calculate for mistakes, this is from the top of my head.
But still... we Eupeans DID lose a LOT of time where the US got spared continuously...
Whilst 'America First' has always been the rationale -- and one I've come to accept -- it's actually strange, if you think about it, that such maintenance events are done during office hours. For instance, if I think about major road maintenance, in my country (the Netherlands), much of that is actuallly being done during night time, so as to inconvenience as little ppl as possible.
Here in the States, heavy, or steady, traffic is a 24/7 reality in many areas. That makes it a safety issue, thus nighttime road work in uncommon. People are idiotic enough on the road during the daytime. If they were to start making them work all-nighters because of whining by some of the motoring public, the State DMVs might as well issue road crews archery targets to tape on their backs. Besides, local news and radio are pretty good about traffic status updates and road closures. People get enough notification from various sources to plan accordingly.
True that. We hardly have any traffic here at night. Still, I was surprised to hear they actually have night crews for stuff like that. But yeah, if you have about as much traffic during night time, there would be no point.
I live in the US and these maintenances are usually done during my most active time in game. I haven't played in the "US prime time" in years. I understand peoples frustration, but not everyone plays at the same time.
I've also heard maintenance is done at these times because this is the least active time and impacts the fewest amount of people overall.
Always have been in my 'prime time' hours, hence my continuous growing frustration...
Klingons don't get drunk.
They just get less sober.
Any way we could have your best guess on when they will be brought back online? I've heard everything from any day now to another 8 weeks.
Also, I have a question about reporting bugs: Does the in-game bug reporting system even work? I've literally filed hundreds of those reports about various bugs I've encountered and not once have I ever received any sort of response or seen any of those bugs be directly addressed. The only way I've ever been able to get anything addressed is by either filing a ticket/entering live chat with Cryptic Support (who are unable to do anything about gameplay bugs as they typically just handle account problems) or by raising a huge fuss in the forums. Neither of which are very efficient at getting these reports to the developers.
Am I missing something? Is there another way to report this stuff that I'm not aware of?
"Today is a good day to die... but I'd rather go to Risa."-Fleet Admiral Christopher D. Marshall
At least they did acknowledge the Installation 18 bug, although that doesn't explain the other 20+ missions that are MIA for many players, maybe the "fix" for Installation 18 will also resolve the others.
we’ve taken out several of the Klingon War missions while we work on improving them, too. We want to give these missions the polish that will make them better, in the form of updated environments, streamlined gameplay, and a solid story. Since we can’t leave these missions in play while they’re under construction, we’ve removed them for now.
The Devs must be getting pretty annoyed with people bitching about this
"Installation 18" is a known bug that has cropped up primarily for Discovery era Captains, which is why it is on the known issues list.
There are missing missions in the episode arc that were not on that list. New Romulus is the most glaring example, besides Installation 18.
In my opinion, New Romulus should have remained an adventure zone, and not put in the episodic arc.
Their was no list published of what missions were removed for improvement, only a comment about the Klingon War arc - which had the most snips. It's not a big deal, things are being re-jigged and redone. I look forward to seeing how things are improved :-) I think the continued comments about the removal of missions is petty when they have already explained why and what they are doing - but it's not the job of the Devs to hold peoples hands, or make them read every thing they post.
It was pretty much known that some of the Klingon War missions were being removed "temporarily" for "polishing", and that the shorter arcs, and sub-arcs, were going to be removed from the main story/episode arc, and made optional. And the arcs/subarcs to be moved were mentioned. The devs communicated that clearly to the playerbase. There was no mention of the missing New Romulus assignments, or Installation 18, being removed for any reason.
Also, the dev who responded to the support thread seemed surprised that the New Romulus missions were missing. That tells me that odds are that it is a bug resulting from all of this "streamlining".
Before you start accusing people (including myself) of "being petty" and needing hand-holding like a little brat, you sure as hell better know what you are talking about.
Wonder how many extra hrs of extended maintenance we will get today. 1hr and 30 mins tagged on so far
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
At least they did acknowledge the Installation 18 bug, although that doesn't explain the other 20+ missions that are MIA for many players, maybe the "fix" for Installation 18 will also resolve the others.
we’ve taken out several of the Klingon War missions while we work on improving them, too. We want to give these missions the polish that will make them better, in the form of updated environments, streamlined gameplay, and a solid story. Since we can’t leave these missions in play while they’re under construction, we’ve removed them for now.
The Devs must be getting pretty annoyed with people bitching about this
"Installation 18" is a known bug that has cropped up primarily for Discovery era Captains, which is why it is on the known issues list.
There are missing missions in the episode arc that were not on that list. New Romulus is the most glaring example, besides Installation 18.
In my opinion, New Romulus should have remained an adventure zone, and not put in the episodic arc.
Their was no list published of what missions were removed for improvement, only a comment about the Klingon War arc - which had the most snips. It's not a big deal, things are being re-jigged and redone. I look forward to seeing how things are improved :-) I think the continued comments about the removal of missions is petty when they have already explained why and what they are doing - but it's not the job of the Devs to hold peoples hands, or make them read every thing they post.
It was pretty much known that some of the Klingon War missions were being removed "temporarily" for "polishing", and that the shorter arcs, and sub-arcs, were going to be removed from the main story/episode arc, and made optional. And the arcs/subarcs to be moved were mentioned. The devs communicated that clearly to the playerbase. There was no mention of the missing New Romulus assignments, or Installation 18, being removed for any reason.
Also, the dev who responded to the support thread seemed surprised that the New Romulus missions were missing. That tells me that odds are that it is a bug resulting from all of this "streamlining".
Before you start accusing people (including myself) of "being petty" and needing hand-holding like a little brat, you sure as hell better know what you are talking about.
The right way to do all this: Don't touch the missions, while polishing them up.
Once done, do maintenance.
Maintenance should be done on a secondary system while the first server still does just that: SERVING.
Once the secondary runs smoothly, swap server, and update the prime.
Swap back in the next maint.
How hard is that...
Klingons don't get drunk.
They just get less sober.
Yes, but why is it always the same lot of folks being the one to give in?
Are we unimportant then, of less value?
It's been years like this, you count in all the years just how much time we gave in, compared to US and similar based players.
They're not pulling a nightshift with all the extra-paying and people generally being more prone to errors at night, just to annoy other people around the globe... get over it.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
They are US based.
Thus, they should be doing it in their working hours, if they want to be with their families.
Which is thus NOT in the times used.
Very well, let me do a fast calculation.
Lets take 16 year.
52 weeks per year.
And lats say, they take about 4 hours per week (seeing this as they sometimes do multiple LONG maints/updates/fixes a week, like now).
16 x 52 x 4 = 3.328 hours we lost.
Or, if you like, 138.66 days... I think...
Calculate for mistakes, this is from the top of my head.
But still... we Eupeans DID lose a LOT of time where the US got spared continuously...
Whilst 'America First' has always been the rationale -- and one I've come to accept -- it's actually strange, if you think about it, that such maintenance events are done during office hours. For instance, if I think about major road maintenance, in my country (the Netherlands), much of that is actuallly being done during night time, so as to inconvenience as little ppl as possible.
Don't mix the IT that's a service to the business you're working in with a game company...
And by the way, they're began maintenance at 5 am local time, that's early in the morning for them.
I will take it as a day off from clicking reputations (pretty painful eh?)
Nah, I just did it before the servers went down,
Does DSC even have any wide beam pistols (or I should say wide beam settings) in the show? I have missed a lot of the episodes but from what I have seen their pistols seem to act more like pulse versions of the Phase Amplified Lasers from The Cage than they do the more modern TOS nadion based phaser.
The really annoying thing about this maintenance is that you have to consult facebook, twitter, and the like if you want an update if it's being extended... I neither do facebook nor twitter, and I don't see why I should as long as there is an official forum.
When they fix the Kobali Prime Adventure Zone, Voth Battlezone maybe they can include some of the backlog ideas that were dropped like...
For the Kobali Prime Adventure Zone, add in the ability to commandeer the Vaadwaur Heavy Battle Tank
For the Voth Battlezone add in the ability to commandeer the Dacentrus-Class Exosuit
When they fix the Kobali Prime Adventure Zone, Voth Battlezone maybe they can include some of the backlog ideas that were dropped like...
For the Kobali Prime Adventure Zone, add in the ability to commandeer the Vaadwaur Heavy Battle Tank
For the Voth Battlezone add in the ability to commandeer the Dacentrus-Class Exosuit
At least they did acknowledge the Installation 18 bug, although that doesn't explain the other 20+ missions that are MIA for many players, maybe the "fix" for Installation 18 will also resolve the others.
we’ve taken out several of the Klingon War missions while we work on improving them, too. We want to give these missions the polish that will make them better, in the form of updated environments, streamlined gameplay, and a solid story. Since we can’t leave these missions in play while they’re under construction, we’ve removed them for now.
The Devs must be getting pretty annoyed with people bitching about this
"Installation 18" is a known bug that has cropped up primarily for Discovery era Captains, which is why it is on the known issues list.
There are missing missions in the episode arc that were not on that list. New Romulus is the most glaring example, besides Installation 18.
In my opinion, New Romulus should have remained an adventure zone, and not put in the episodic arc.
Their was no list published of what missions were removed for improvement, only a comment about the Klingon War arc - which had the most snips. It's not a big deal, things are being re-jigged and redone. I look forward to seeing how things are improved :-) I think the continued comments about the removal of missions is petty when they have already explained why and what they are doing - but it's not the job of the Devs to hold peoples hands, or make them read every thing they post.
It was pretty much known that some of the Klingon War missions were being removed "temporarily" for "polishing", and that the shorter arcs, and sub-arcs, were going to be removed from the main story/episode arc, and made optional. And the arcs/subarcs to be moved were mentioned. The devs communicated that clearly to the playerbase. There was no mention of the missing New Romulus assignments, or Installation 18, being removed for any reason.
Also, the dev who responded to the support thread seemed surprised that the New Romulus missions were missing. That tells me that odds are that it is a bug resulting from all of this "streamlining".
Before you start accusing people (including myself) of "being petty" and needing hand-holding like a little brat, you sure as hell better know what you are talking about.
The right way to do all this: Don't touch the missions, while polishing them up.
Once done, do maintenance.
Maintenance should be done on a secondary system while the first server still does just that: SERVING.
Once the secondary runs smoothly, swap server, and update the prime.
Swap back in the next maint.
How hard is that...
They actually do something like that, you can even get access to their final test server in fact. The problem is that the servers are not exactly in synch because of the other changes they are testing so when it goes live it does not always behave the same way. Even if they gave each individual change its own copy of the server that would not help since software interactions would still not be exactly the same. You would be surprised how much a major software system like a game is a constant balancing act on an ever moving highwire. Cryptic actually does rather well comparatively.
Holy rusted metal, Batman.
I live in the UK, so I can understand the frustration as a player... But the servers being where they are in the world, the work has to be done during the working hours of the day in that part of the world. Plus I think it does you good to get off the game once and a while and take a look outside, maybe get some sun (well, rain in my case, lol)
Thus, they should be doing it in their working hours, if they want to be with their families.
Which is thus NOT in the times used.
Adding: if we turn it to their time zone, it's about from 02.00 to 04.00 (2 to 4am) up to 08.00 to 10.00 (8 to 10 am), depending on their actual time zone...
Just for the record.
Very well, let me do a fast calculation.
Lets take 16 year.
52 weeks per year.
And let's say, they take about 4 hours per week (seeing this as they sometimes do multiple LONG maints/updates/fixes a week, like now).
16 x 52 x 4 = 3.328 hours we lost.
Or, if you like, 138.66 days... I think...
Calculate for mistakes, this is from the top of my head.
But still... we Eupeans DID lose a LOT of time where the US got spared continuously...
Can't even update yet... *grumbles*
They just get less sober.
I'm UK based too. But for me I don't find it a frustration. It is something that has to be accepted because of where things are geographically.
Login server has been down a while though which is hmmmmmm. So I think things are going to be extended. Could be wrong. But not known the login server to be down for this long.
There are missing missions in the episode arc that were not on that list. New Romulus is the most glaring example, besides Installation 18.
In my opinion, New Romulus should have remained an adventure zone, and not put in the episodic arc.
Whilst 'America First' has always been the rationale -- and one I've come to accept -- it's actually strange, if you think about it, that such maintenance events are done during office hours. For instance, if I think about major road maintenance, in my country (the Netherlands), much of that is actuallly being done during night time, so as to inconvenience as little ppl as possible.
I've also heard maintenance is done at these times because this is the least active time and impacts the fewest amount of people overall.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Here in the States, heavy, or steady, traffic is a 24/7 reality in many areas. That makes it a safety issue, thus nighttime road work in uncommon. People are idiotic enough on the road during the daytime. If they were to start making them work all-nighters because of whining by some of the motoring public, the State DMVs might as well issue road crews archery targets to tape on their backs. Besides, local news and radio are pretty good about traffic status updates and road closures. People get enough notification from various sources to plan accordingly.
Give us the option back.
We use to have faction sorting for ships, then LoR came out and they "reorganized" the C-store.
Their was no list published of what missions were removed for improvement, only a comment about the Klingon War arc - which had the most snips. It's not a big deal, things are being re-jigged and redone. I look forward to seeing how things are improved :-) I think the continued comments about the removal of missions is petty when they have already explained why and what they are doing - but it's not the job of the Devs to hold peoples hands, or make them read every thing they post.
True that.
Always have been in my 'prime time' hours, hence my continuous growing frustration...
They just get less sober.
Perfect timing for those of us who have real jobs or go to school. Sweet!
Original STO beta tester.
Any way we could have your best guess on when they will be brought back online? I've heard everything from any day now to another 8 weeks.
Also, I have a question about reporting bugs: Does the in-game bug reporting system even work? I've literally filed hundreds of those reports about various bugs I've encountered and not once have I ever received any sort of response or seen any of those bugs be directly addressed. The only way I've ever been able to get anything addressed is by either filing a ticket/entering live chat with Cryptic Support (who are unable to do anything about gameplay bugs as they typically just handle account problems) or by raising a huge fuss in the forums. Neither of which are very efficient at getting these reports to the developers.
Am I missing something? Is there another way to report this stuff that I'm not aware of?
It was pretty much known that some of the Klingon War missions were being removed "temporarily" for "polishing", and that the shorter arcs, and sub-arcs, were going to be removed from the main story/episode arc, and made optional. And the arcs/subarcs to be moved were mentioned. The devs communicated that clearly to the playerbase. There was no mention of the missing New Romulus assignments, or Installation 18, being removed for any reason.
Also, the dev who responded to the support thread seemed surprised that the New Romulus missions were missing. That tells me that odds are that it is a bug resulting from all of this "streamlining".
Before you start accusing people (including myself) of "being petty" and needing hand-holding like a little brat, you sure as hell better know what you are talking about.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
Once done, do maintenance.
Maintenance should be done on a secondary system while the first server still does just that: SERVING.
Once the secondary runs smoothly, swap server, and update the prime.
Swap back in the next maint.
How hard is that...
They just get less sober.
They're not pulling a nightshift with all the extra-paying and people generally being more prone to errors at night, just to annoy other people around the globe... get over it.
Don't mix the IT that's a service to the business you're working in with a game company...
And by the way, they're began maintenance at 5 am local time, that's early in the morning for them.
Does DSC even have any wide beam pistols (or I should say wide beam settings) in the show? I have missed a lot of the episodes but from what I have seen their pistols seem to act more like pulse versions of the Phase Amplified Lasers from The Cage than they do the more modern TOS nadion based phaser.
That is a begin...
They just get less sober.
For the Kobali Prime Adventure Zone, add in the ability to commandeer the Vaadwaur Heavy Battle Tank
For the Voth Battlezone add in the ability to commandeer the Dacentrus-Class Exosuit
I know wishful thinking.
Quality of Life Improvements for the Mission Journal
Enhancement for the Duty Office Assignments
Enhancement for Admiralty Missions
Enhancement for Accolades and Reward
Enhancement Bridge Officers
They just get less sober.
Btw, really wish they'd addressed the occassional crash bug on switching maps (like the start of a TFO).
They actually do something like that, you can even get access to their final test server in fact. The problem is that the servers are not exactly in synch because of the other changes they are testing so when it goes live it does not always behave the same way. Even if they gave each individual change its own copy of the server that would not help since software interactions would still not be exactly the same. You would be surprised how much a major software system like a game is a constant balancing act on an ever moving highwire. Cryptic actually does rather well comparatively.