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Any benefit to rolling a Discovery toon?



  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    Haha.. that's a great character name.

    I might have to do something similar. :smiley:

    Lol yea please do. Parts of me feel bad about it a bit as Cryptic surely put some effort into the new thing but I simply have reached my limits so can’t take it serious anymore. :)

    - I don’t want to level a 13th toon to end with 95% of the story being the same
    - I don’t want to fill 156 instead of 144 rep sliders each day
    - I don’t want to claim another 100 admirality ships
    - I don’t want to gain CXP for weeks in undine BZ again
    - I don’t want to fill the same spec trees again for months
    - I don’t want to want to engage crafting again for one to two years to max out that system

    I think that Dico is a journey better enjoyed by a new generation of players. Sorry for Cryptic but I really think I did my part already in this game as far as new toons in cencerned.

    well, this is an MMO so you're expected to like those. Anyways a DISCO toon + the starter pack feels like you're watching Discovery... I really, really love it.

    (it's a shame that the old missions are so buggy that you need a bug spray for it lol.)
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • maddscottmaddscott Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Made one TRIBBLE (AoD) toon, and won't do another, and probably the one I made won;t make it to the 20hr play requirement to claim the goodies from other endeavours.

    I felt the missions were silly that a L2/3 toon, in a glass ship, with only 4 weapons could erradicate numerous "Kling-Gorn" waves and not even take damage to the shields; I generally defeated the waves before the reinforcements arrived;

    I will admit, the new interfaces look nice, T6 rep seems to be a rip 'cause I'm still getting MK XI rare vendor trash.. Out of 10 toons doing the T6 Rep, the combined total of VR MK XII gear was 6.. If this is end game, then participating in the grind should reward end game rewards;

    Totally, Totally, disagree with removing RA's and making them Weekend Events. That logic fails me.

    The cStore AoD Starter pack with a ship that only levels to 30 ?? What's the point ?? Oh.. a huge TRIBBLE-roach looking pet ?? Don't think so...

    Even tho TRIBBLE got slightly better towards the end, I still don't care for it. IMHO, AoD release didn't do anything, or have anything to "motivate" me to keep an AoD toon past the tutorial...

    Another release, another set of bugs, another batch of "current" missions removed, another round of additional patches, and the addition doesn't warrant removal of any content.. IMHO... tyvm..
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    koppster wrote: »
    Not logged in yet and didn't see anything in the patch notes, but I'm wondering are there account-wide benefits/unlocks associated with levelling an AoD character?

    I made one to see the intro missions. So much horrible NPC writing ... "my tractor beam is a puddle of sadness" WTF!
    But once that toon got to 2409, he got deleted. Cause I don't need a 10th toon.
    I consider NOT needing to keep another 'recruit' a benefit! :D
  • saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    Bah - weak humans!
    Only 13 alts and it's too much... :D

    Actually I saw somewhere on the forum (and some time ago) a thread asking about increasing max allowed alt character slots.
    And I think currently "max" is more than 50.
    Personally I got "only" 21 toons - including 1 Disco.
  • wideningxgyrewideningxgyre Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    I wanted to play the new story, so will likely keep this one around to play until the new Disco storyline finishes. It does test my completionist tendencies not to take it to endgame, finish all the reputations, commendations, R&D.

    But post-Gamma, I'm running 7 alts, and it literally takes me 2 hrs each day just to run through the standard administrative and farming/grinding clicking to get and refine dil at K13, Research Lab, Dil Mine (and I don't even mine, just do the daily duty officer assignments), as well as set-up a daily round of 20 duty officer missions, pickup common alts to donate, and set Ferengi/ Klingon Admiralty to the next tour of duty assignments. 30 days for 11 Tier 6 reputations is an added nightmare.

    The events and event weekends nearly kill me - though I won't have to run Breach again for the next 6 times and will still be able to claim the account-wide reward on day 1.

    Did I mention I have completionist tendencies?
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    maddscott wrote: »
    Made one TRIBBLE (AoD) toon, and won't do another, and probably the one I made won;t make it to the 20hr play requirement to claim the goodies from other endeavours.

    It's level 20, not 20hrs (that was just for Jem'Hadar, considering that they were starting at 65.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    saber1973a wrote: »
    Bah - weak humans!
    Only 13 alts and it's too much... :D

    Actually I saw somewhere on the forum (and some time ago) a thread asking about increasing max allowed alt character slots.
    And I think currently "max" is more than 50.
    Personally I got "only" 21 toons - including 1 Disco.

    Yea great idea, I could cut the expectations I have of my toons in half or simply play twice as much to expand the number to your levels. Just why didn’t I think of that... :/
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    bernatk wrote: »
    Haha.. that's a great character name.

    I might have to do something similar. :smiley:

    Lol yea please do. Parts of me feel bad about it a bit as Cryptic surely put some effort into the new thing but I simply have reached my limits so can’t take it serious anymore. :)

    - I don’t want to level a 13th toon to end with 95% of the story being the same
    - I don’t want to fill 156 instead of 144 rep sliders each day
    - I don’t want to claim another 100 admirality ships
    - I don’t want to gain CXP for weeks in undine BZ again
    - I don’t want to fill the same spec trees again for months
    - I don’t want to want to engage crafting again for one to two years to max out that system

    I think that Dico is a journey better enjoyed by a new generation of players. Sorry for Cryptic but I really think I did my part already in this game as far as new toons in cencerned.

    well, this is an MMO so you're expected to like those. Anyways a DISCO toon + the starter pack feels like you're watching Discovery... I really, really love it.

    (it's a shame that the old missions are so buggy that you need a bug spray for it lol.)

    I can imagine. As a big fan of the new show I’m even jealous to some extend about new players starting fresh and getting into STO’s Discovery related release with a thematic toon and all.

    As for what MMORPGs expect or not expect, that’s an interesting comment.

    I don’t think that cryptic expects me to roll a Disco toon. Reason is that they just have me tend to 4464 reputation projects this month showing how they think about the concept of alting.

    If they would want me to make more toons they would make things easier and not harder for me. Simple as that. :)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,993 Arc User
    maddscott wrote: »
    Made one TRIBBLE (AoD) toon, and won't do another, and probably the one I made won;t make it to the 20hr play requirement to claim the goodies from other endeavours.

    I felt the missions were silly that a L2/3 toon, in a glass ship, with only 4 weapons could erradicate numerous "Kling-Gorn" waves and not even take damage to the shields; I generally defeated the waves before the reinforcements arrived;

    I will admit, the new interfaces look nice, T6 rep seems to be a rip 'cause I'm still getting MK XI rare vendor trash.. Out of 10 toons doing the T6 Rep, the combined total of VR MK XII gear was 6.. If this is end game, then participating in the grind should reward end game rewards;

    Totally, Totally, disagree with removing RA's and making them Weekend Events. That logic fails me.

    The cStore AoD Starter pack with a ship that only levels to 30 ?? What's the point ?? Oh.. a huge ****-roach looking pet ?? Don't think so...

    Even tho TRIBBLE got slightly better towards the end, I still don't care for it. IMHO, AoD release didn't do anything, or have anything to "motivate" me to keep an AoD toon past the tutorial...

    Another release, another set of bugs, another batch of "current" missions removed, another round of additional patches, and the addition doesn't warrant removal of any content.. IMHO... tyvm..

    You could consider surviving the waves with little or no damage as just being the incredibly rotten Star Wars quality gunnery from the show (though somehow you have a gunner who can actually hit something....)
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    saber1973a wrote: »
    Bah - weak humans!
    Only 13 alts and it's too much... :D

    Actually I saw somewhere on the forum (and some time ago) a thread asking about increasing max allowed alt character slots.
    And I think currently "max" is more than 50.
    Personally I got "only" 21 toons - including 1 Disco.
    Yea great idea, I could cut the expectations I have of my toons in half or simply play twice as much to expand the number to your levels. Just why didn’t I think of that... :/

    Ah! I remember now. I neither want to play this title for 8 hours a day nor do I want to run through game being terrible at everything with my half assed creations. ;)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,260 Arc User
    koppster wrote: »
    Not logged in yet and didn't see anything in the patch notes, but I'm wondering are there account-wide benefits/unlocks associated with levelling an AoD character?
    No real benefit unless you want another FED toon and it works for you. I created one AoD toon just out of curiosity and to check out the new leveling process.

    There seems to be one benefit... it seems you can hop into some Tier 6 ships at level 40 (in addition to that OP AoD starter pack ship). Seems a little over powered for the queues I'm allowed in at this rank but surely this is what players have been asking for, an easier time leveling. Nice job Cryptic.


  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    I made an Age of Discovery character, playing through the Discovery Missions and I like it. The Walker is insanely over powered for a low level character, it's kinda funny just cutting everything down as soon as it spawns.

    Overall though, I agree.. this promotion is about new player and getting older players back. For someone looking to start STO or return after a long break, the promotion is pretty solid. I have talked to a lot of people that started playing or came back because they wanted to enjoy the discovery content.

    I'll likely delete my AOD character after reaching the current timeline, I share the same opinion as @peterconnorfirst I am just not willing to go through everything he listed.. again. I have 8 other characters, I did all the previous recruiting events.. I am done with the leveling process.

    It's good content, and it's getting people back into STO so overall, I think AOD is a good thing. I'm just not willing to climb the ladder all over again. :lol:
    Insert witty signature line here.
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  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    I'll likely not delete my AoD toon. I've already started her on the present time missions and just completed Doomsday. I'm interested in seeing all the differences since I last played them, and there are quite a few. So my Kilaria (AlienGen) girl will be around for awhile.

    I enjoyed the short stay in the Discovery era and wish we could have stayed longer, but not gonna complain about it, I'll just enjoy my new toon, who has already solidified herself onto my F2P roster. Enough that I'll likely make one on my Lifer roster as well.

    I do like that Walker too. It's definitely OP for a low-level player, but I'm enjoying not needing to get weapons for it, since those E-L phasers that came with it are tearing things apart.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    I kinda like the recruitment events because they usually give new lore and cool devices.

    Usually, because, for example, with the Gamma Jemmie, the rewards were quite lame.

    "Kinda" only because some achievements require ridiculous requirements that take quite a while:
    -"spend 1 spec point": No prob! "Spend 90 spec points": Errr...
    -"rank 3 for 3 Doff commendations": Well, it took a while, but I finally di... "rank 4 for 6 Doff commendations": OH COME ON!
  • megas#5499 megas Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    If it were a recruitment event, and had a nice little device, maybe. I'm not averse to leveling up one of those toons over time, but as it is, no benefit. I also don't care for Tilly, her character is annoying to me.
  • nixie50nixie50 Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    I may make one. I have a Klingon, a Romulan 2 feds, regular and whatever the last recruit was before the dominion. I'm guessing delta since she has a triangle next to her name..
    We Need BERETS in the tailor
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    So here's what my reasoning for creating the Discovery toon: It's an opportunity for me to have a toon that has discovery era beam out effects (which are close in color to the TOS transporters), you get a free Malachowski class without having to buy it from the shipyard, all of the animated effects that come with the toon, and just the opportunity to play a character that's as close to me as possible.

    While it's true that the arc is short and the species to choose from is limited, as we progress further into the release schedule, there's going to be additions as the devs find the time to finish up new episodes and insert them into the arc. The experience that new players will get now vs. the one that new players will get later on will be different.

  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    bernatk wrote: »
    Haha.. that's a great character name.

    I might have to do something similar. :smiley:

    Lol yea please do. Parts of me feel bad about it a bit as Cryptic surely put some effort into the new thing but I simply have reached my limits so can’t take it serious anymore. :)

    - I don’t want to level a 13th toon to end with 95% of the story being the same
    - I don’t want to fill 156 instead of 144 rep sliders each day
    - I don’t want to claim another 100 admirality ships
    - I don’t want to gain CXP for weeks in undine BZ again
    - I don’t want to fill the same spec trees again for months
    - I don’t want to want to engage crafting again for one to two years to max out that system

    I think that Dico is a journey better enjoyed by a new generation of players. Sorry for Cryptic but I really think I did my part already in this game as far as new toons in cencerned.

    well, this is an MMO so you're expected to like those. Anyways a DISCO toon + the starter pack feels like you're watching Discovery... I really, really love it.

    (it's a shame that the old missions are so buggy that you need a bug spray for it lol.)

    My level 20 disco character will face oblivion in about a week after i have monetized all the dilithium. Created the toon to see the new missions from disco perspective, but it really just rubs me the wrong way.

    At least for the JH it was leveled already.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    i made one. played the handful of missions. now just reserving the spot when AOD Recruitment event comes around - sometime. One could hope for Season 2 Of Discovery Drop in January, also, we'll have more Disco themed missions then.
    That's when ill be deleting this toon and creating the one i (perhaps)
    wanna play.

    As of now, gonna stay with my awesome KDF/Rom main :)
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    I might delete mine but only because I'm not entirely satisfied with my choice of character. I did go ahead and use some saved up lifer stipend to buy the AoD starter pack, so re-rolling will mean losing out on the inventory slots and experience booster, which sucks. But the ship is the main draw anyway s it doesn't bug me enough to keep her despite not liking her.

    I just wish there were more options for starting races. I'd've liked to take another crack at making an Andorian I like. I guess I could cheat it a bit with aliengen since it's not the DSC Andorian looks I'm necessarily after... hm...
  • edited October 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • lordbeefy7lordbeefy7 Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    My disco yoon is lvl 18 currently. Wen i went to the temporal agent he said i cant get the unlocked stuff until 20hrs gametime not level 20.

    Im enjoying it...i like levelling toons for the most part...just wish the ship did t5u....i get it cant do 5 because of thr lockbox one but t5u wud let me keep it competitive after lvl 50...it is a lovely ship.
  • alexhaydenalexhayden Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    If I was playing the game for the very first time then I'd have to say yes, it is worth it. Age of Discovery is an ok (if really short at the moment) entry into STO (I just about managed to ignore the overwhelming feeling of Déjà vu in the training missions mind you...). The voicework from Mary Wiseman is terrific (I actually find Tilly quite an endearing character) and from the perspective of a first time player the season (?) as a whole is a doorway into exploring all the aspects of a fifty two year old franchise that the game has to offer.

    But I'm not a new player. With a Jem'Hadar slowly edging towards completion, a Reman Delta recruit in limbo, a Federation Delta recruit stripped bare with the intention of being rebuilt from the ground up, an underpowered KDF Romulan, an Engineering Temporal recruit dispatched to the undiscovered country and rerolled into a Tactical AOY for some inexplicable reason and a six year old Federation Tactical Officer with uncompleted reputation projects going all the way back to the Omega rep and if I am honest some pretty terrible builds (brutally highlighted by the recent Red Alerts)..not to mention the addition of Tier 6 reputations....frankly I've got enough to do across those six characters without currently adding a seventh.

    So my personal answer to the OP's question isn't a "yes" and it isn't a "no".....it's a "not yet" :)
  • nunoespadinha#0711 nunoespadinha Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    nixie50 wrote: »
    I may make one. I have a Klingon, a Romulan 2 feds, regular and whatever the last recruit was before the dominion. I'm guessing delta since she has a triangle next to her name..

    Yup.. if it has a "triangle" it's a Delta recruit, a Gamma for the gamma recruit and... the Temporal i don't know cos i missed the event for 2 days :( still created a AoY toon anyway...
    U.S.S. Achiever
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  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    koppster wrote: »
    Not logged in yet and didn't see anything in the patch notes, but I'm wondering are there account-wide benefits/unlocks associated with levelling an AoD character?
    No real benefit unless you want another FED toon and it works for you. I created one AoD toon just out of curiosity and to check out the new leveling process.

    There seems to be one benefit... it seems you can hop into some Tier 6 ships at level 40 (in addition to that OP AoD starter pack ship). Seems a little over powered for the queues I'm allowed in at this rank but surely this is what players have been asking for, an easier time leveling. Nice job Cryptic.

    Just on a side note that's been a thing for a long time, just some ships are coded to allow it and some aren't. The Nandi is a great one that allowed it.

    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • tousseautousseau Member Posts: 1,484 Arc User
    I pretty much did the tutorial, and that was it... I would have kept going, except there was no option to roll a Dsc Andorian (pretty much all of my toons... the family line of Moreh) ... Their loss... :(
  • tousseautousseau Member Posts: 1,484 Arc User
    jexsamx wrote: »
    I might delete mine but only because I'm not entirely satisfied with my choice of character. I did go ahead and use some saved up lifer stipend to buy the AoD starter pack, so re-rolling will mean losing out on the inventory slots and experience booster, which sucks. But the ship is the main draw anyway s it doesn't bug me enough to keep her despite not liking her.

    I just wish there were more options for starting races. I'd've liked to take another crack at making an Andorian I like. I guess I could cheat it a bit with aliengen since it's not the DSC Andorian looks I'm necessarily after... hm...

    I'm pretty much in the same boat... see my above post.
  • saber1973asaber1973a Member Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    blitzy4 wrote: »
    protoneous wrote: »
    koppster wrote: »
    Not logged in yet and didn't see anything in the patch notes, but I'm wondering are there account-wide benefits/unlocks associated with levelling an AoD character?
    No real benefit unless you want another FED toon and it works for you. I created one AoD toon just out of curiosity and to check out the new leveling process.

    There seems to be one benefit... it seems you can hop into some Tier 6 ships at level 40 (in addition to that OP AoD starter pack ship). Seems a little over powered for the queues I'm allowed in at this rank but surely this is what players have been asking for, an easier time leveling. Nice job Cryptic.

    Just on a side note that's been a thing for a long time, just some ships are coded to allow it and some aren't. The Nandi is a great one that allowed it.

    I think, that all Event ships (Winter, Summer and Anniversary) are accessible at level 40, not sure about any others.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,260 Arc User
    blitzy4 wrote: »
    protoneous wrote: »
    [...]I created one AoD toon just out of curiosity and to check out the new leveling process.

    There seems to be one benefit... it seems you can hop into some Tier 6 ships at level 40 (in addition to that OP AoD starter pack ship). Seems a little over powered for the queues I'm allowed in at this rank but surely this is what players have been asking for, an easier time leveling. Nice job Cryptic.
    Just on a side note that's been a thing for a long time, just some ships are coded to allow it and some aren't. The Nandi is a great one that allowed it.
    Thanks. This is a change I must have missed.

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