Longtime STO Executive Producer, Stephen Ricossa, is moving to another part of Cryptic Studios. Join us in wishing him well.
And please join us in welcoming our new Executive Producer, Andre Emerson!
Seriously though, welcome aboard. Don't let the forum posts get you down too much. ^_^
... Unless you're just a 'yes' man to get the Discovery expansion pushed in, in that case you're not welcome at all.
Expansion for a paywalled show that a large part of the fandom doesn't like? Yeah, that's a backwards move.
Just remember, don't overfeed the tribbles. They tend to gum up the game servers....
To make due, thank you, Mr. Ricossa for your time on STO! Bon Voyage!
Stop new content until quality returns
Hopefully I now finaly get the Geordi Boff that was promised to me on the German Startrek Convention last time, but which I never got. Even not after several PMs to the community manager(s).
Welcome aboard..Join us crazy fun people we have here on Risa!!
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
I know the community can seem harsh at times, but I think you'll find that on the whole we're much easier when we feel like there is a dialogue.. a line of communication.
I'm just saying, we're happy to have you and would love the chance to interact with you from time to time. Welcome to STO, we look forward to the great things you surely have planned for the future.
Jolan Tru!
How can this be? For he IS the Kwisatz Haderach.
Additionally, more exhaustive testing of new content should be a norm, as is a willingness to delay things in order to make them right (for instance, it is my understanding that the issues with the Tzenkethi BZ were documented and reported by Tribble players well before its release, yet not only was it released in that state, but little if anything was done about it to this day)... and being forthcoming with the players about developments on these fronts.
Welcome new MR EP Andre and joined my fellow players by extending an open invitation to capture what makes this community so lively.
I hope you do have as many visions for this game as Ricosa did but also the community interactions once in a while as other long gone EPs had and we do miss around. On a personal note I hope PvP is brought back, the box business plan redesigned (at least to make it account wide rather than bind on pick up) and invest in long term goals like console and C store options to make revenue. Pet tabs and R&D tabs are a great source of fast income and so are ships.
Anyway, congratulations new MR EP.
Original STO beta tester.
You say that likes its a good thing.
Now I know you have little real control over this; CBS says "push our new Trek" and you have to do it.
But if really "we're listening to you, our players" you'd put that 'more TRIBBLE' in STO in a poll for players to help decide how much TRIBBLE we want in STO. I would hazard a guess that most players of STO have not paid CBS for the 'honor' of seeing TRIBBLE behind their paywall.
If TRIBBLE gets treated like the KT timeline (aka a few 'crossover' missions) then fine, imo. But if our Klingons start looking like TRIBBLE Klingons then we have a problem. TRIBBLE is not Prime timeline, and interaction with is should be minimal.
BTW... Welcome to STO! Where all the bitching we give means we care!
(Cause if we didn't care, we'd be somewhere else.)
Good luck Andre Emerson.......You'll need it.
Feel free to slap the writers when they make missions lose context to the race or faction that's playing them.
Poke away at the QA folk who are happy to let things slide because there's a deadline.
Encourage proof reading of blogposts to ensure information given is appropriate to the platform the post is about.
In short improve the existing game and people might be more willing to forgive the overly abrupt nature of the VIL "expansion" because CBS want you to shill TRIBBLE.
I didn't know you could poke imaginary folk.
So, Andre is not from Cryptic originally? Interesting, will probably need some time to get used to how things work and all? Any previous projects and experiences that could be interesting to us?
According to IMDB:
Looks like it might not be quite up to date.
Good luck and Godspeed!
I look forward to seeing what these new gameplay features will be.
Looking forward to seeing what you bring to STO. And... you worked on Army Men: Sarge's Heroes? HOLY SHTAKO! I LOVED THAT GAME!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Stephen Ricossa, you will be missed. Thanks for taking such good care of STO while you were here.
Andre Emerson, welcome aboard.
I have one question... How soon until we get a Tribble(eme) in the game?
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
Stephen had some tough shoes to fill but did live up to the title of EP. The only other EP that I feel was an asset to this game, was Dan Stahl. You did us proud, @salaminferno!