1. Some of the rifts that appear in the Mirror Invasion event don't close with the decreased timer when using a science vessel.
2. Do warbirds that are dedicated science vessels and cruisers not get the bonus when closing rifts or activating satellites?
2. - It doesn't appear so. It takes my Rom Sci captain in a Scimitar twice as long to close a rift as it does my Fed Sci captain in a Pathfinder. I get the impression Rom science based ships aren't considered true science vessels.
1. This has been a problem since day 1, some of the rifts completely ignore that you are in a dedicated science ship.
2. Science ships have a secondary deflector, sensor analysis, subsystem targeting and a 3/3 weapon set-up. There are dedicated science warbirds that fit this description, such as the Dyson Science Destroyer, Ha'nom Guardian, etc.
Captain type doesn't matter, and ships like the Scimitar, Odyssey and Bortasqu that have more of a science focus also do not count as a "Science" ship.