ever since the latest changes came into play what was once a thriving activity for many of us has now gone the way of the dodo. there were many of us that ran the sims just for the provisions to fill our colony projects and colony coffers. but no more. since the provisions have been made worthless nobody wants to run sims anymore.
this has hurt the masses who run sims just for fleet project provisions. it will now take a very long time for us to complete our colonys as well as reduce the number of active members in the fleet. thank you cryptic for once again not thinking out the long standing ramifications of your actions.
They were doing it to profit off your generosity to provide the tokens to run those games so they could make fake money quickly. They now abandon you and your fleet.
Find people who really want to help your fleet...not profiteers, users and abusers.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
This, sadly.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
Mat I ask what exactly did they do to the Sim event? Did they severely reduce the rewards at the 30lvl run? or place a cool down timer of 20hrs?
What was it that drove it to the ground?
I don't see how this is actually killing the event, if anything, it should be a motivation to run them, even if some players are doing it for profit. However; Here is the thing, (By the way, it reminds me of the selling of fleet marks thing) Provisions for sale is only viable at the Tier 1 stage of the Colony - The automation of provision production kicks in at Tier 2, so no real reason to actually run the Sim after the Colony reaches Tier 2.
I'm kinda split on the issue, as ut is kinda dumb for fleets to pay for provisions, since the automaton begins at Tier 2.
At least that's my interpretation of the change.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The change is just really dumb. Why kill the one way players could actually get the credits while still actually playing the game?!
I think people forget that there aren't/weren't many active players. Before season 14.5 hit, even the ISA queue was taking a while to pop.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Yeah, those greedy jerkfaces, working together to overcome incredible odds to reach a mutually beneficial conclusion! Such greedy people! I sure am glad they made a change that will now decrease the number of people willing to run sims, thereby decreasing the number of fleet-goers who will run it because they won't have anyone with. It sure is a good thing that the sims are now worth absolutely nothing because the provisions you need are already automatically generated anyway!
In case you hadn't noticed, that was sarcasm.
Well... to be fair we did have several events in a row. I mean Anniversary event, Breach Event...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I did indeed notice. I also noticed it wasn't very good sarcasm.
From the vocabulary, tone, and virtue signalling prominently displayed in your first post and this one, I'm thinking I hit the mark square on. You're mad because someone took away something you rely upon to remain available and above that, easy. Which requires minimal effort and even less thinking. Your public display of this pretense of outrage at what Cryptic did indicates your primary concern is for yourself. Your poor attempt at masking this by your choice of words and phrases is deliberately intended by you to elicit an emotional response in others favorable to your "lofty goal" is all what my parents used to refer to as Bovine Biological Byproduct.
Since the stuff in question generates automatically after awhile, there really isn't any need for anyone to sell the stuff on the Exchange. Except to be a selfish profiteer. The Fleets I am in have no problem running the sims. Plenty of people always lined up and ready to go. They are a lot of fun to do. And this is the real reason why we do them. Because we enjoy them.
If you are having diffculties finding enough people to help you accomplish this rather simple daily task, perhaps you are not in the right Fleet.
To be honest, for 40 minutes of work, 2 mill credits is a fair amount of EC if you consider there is no other faster way to generate that sort of EC bar selling items on the exchange. I do think the change was unfair, and a few expressed this before this change went live. I guess Cryptic felt that some players were exploiting this earning potential too much, despite it being a long exercise. That being said, there were growing grumblings about bots being used in the Sims, so I can see Cryptic's reasoning on this, if this was such.
It was too static, one of the great advantages of ground combat in this game is that it is so dynamic and you have to move all the time - whether that's because you have to look for enemies such as in Starbase Incursion or because the map is really big like the Borg ground missions.
For a team that wasn't horribly geared, the enemies were often too weak, too.
Besides all that, my fleet didn't need the provisions anymore soon after I played those sims anyway. The automatic collection feature and maybe some donations from the queues has resulted in us having more provisions than we'll likely ever need.
You are WRONG! One can still sell provisions to fleets directly and cut the middle man. As recent as this morning I have seen people sell hundreds of provisions to fleets in different chat channels.
There is always a buyer and now even more PROFITs to be made. I myself sell provisions and business is good as always... thanks to folks like you who are misinforming players and increasing my selling price.
Original STO beta tester.
And for those worrying about the EC: you could always buy doffs with the spare credits. Those can, combined, be worth quite a lot too.
If you don't have that many spare fleet credits, then you shouldn't worry about the sims becoming useless anyway