If you live in the United States and care about the openness of the internet contact your representatives to let them know that you want them to fight the FCC's repeal of Net Neutrality. It's never too late to let them know how you feel!
Government voting in favor of the corporations.......big surprise. -_-;
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
And that's considering the big companies have not bribed them, yet.
Hell, I heard some things along the lines that they used names of dead folks when in this vote.
Like Carlin said, "They don't give a TRIBBLE about us at all."
This is how it works: The FCC is a regulatory agency that is part of the executive branch of government. They may only create regulations they cannot create laws only Congress can do that.
The FCC has voted to repeal the net neutrality regulations from 2015. This is NOT a law. Congress can still pass a law that makes net neutrality a LAW and not a REGULATION. Also, Congress can pressure the FCC to not repeal Net Neutrality.
Sorry for the government lesson but its is definitely NOT too late to make your voice heard. This will be going on for some time. We lost the first fight but there is still a war to be won!
EDIT: So you know I know a little about what I am talking about. I live and work in Washington DC and have a masters degree in Political Science.
I want this to be correct, but unless we put our voices behind it I don't know.
For me, like George Carlin, I don't believe a **** thing the government says. Too many lies and too many **** to make me believe anything they say anymore.
To me a politician is a special interest BOOT LICKER.
My character Tsin'xing
Among many other things....
> Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans represent the American people, haven't done so in years.
Kinda the people's fault for considering this a either-or scenario. Even the US allows for more parties than two.
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The problem is and will always be money. Only those two parties have enough money to buy the elections. Only laws that force a zero dollar spending limit, AND 100 percent equality between all candidates, ie TV air time etc, can bring this under control. Since the two parties have to pass that law, it will never happen.
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I'm not even a US Citizen, but even I know that "Obama appointed Pai" is incorrect. Obama appointed him on behalf of the the GOP (McConnell to be precise) and Trump made him head of the FCC and renewed his term. The FCC is made up of five commissioners, three of the ruling party and two of the opposition. Under Obama it was two Republicans who were chosen by the GOP. Know your own political system, yo.
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The very first point the author makes between his very emotional writing seems curious. Why does net neutrality "ban" discounts on services? As far as I know, nothing in the Net Neutrality definitions even mentions that. The author seems to simply exaggerate certain fears, the same thing he accuses the NN supporters of. He states there is no evidence of companies misusing their market power - which I find curious considering the de facto monopoly of some ISPs in parts of the country - but at the same time has little to offer but subjunctives. If NN has in some place held ISPs from providing benefits to the customers maybe he should have used that as an example?
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