"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
How about actually letting our fleets celebrate Christmas properly with ACTUAL DECORATIONS AND TREES AND LIGHTS for our Starbases!? The Ship Projects are pretty lame and old hat, and last year's didn't even appear when completed!!!
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
That black nanopulse Mek'leth is very cool. The Cryo Visor Kit Module is cool too since it can be used outside of the Winter Event. The orange winter jacket looks nice, & that new skiing outfit looks nice too. "Many new trinkets, costumes and other prizes are being added to the Winter Event Store." I hope Cryptic means it & it's just not filler-words. The Breen Plesh Tral wasn't a very good secret, but still looks like a nice ship. Hopefully the stats will be good as well. I'm a bit disappointed that it's just another Breen ship again, so far, but Cryptic does have a tendency to copy & paste their work to us. Maybe they'll gift this Tral a little innovative feature. That creature pet looks very similar to the one living in my closet. Not great but nevertheless well done, Cryptic, in offering a bit of new for another Winter Event. Now time to prepare for all of us to grind away.
That sure is a pretty Breen starship you got there.
But...uhh. I love Mek'leths...but that's kinda...umm...huge. It's a short sword y'know?
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
The Mek'leth looks too big ... but I still want one.
I really hope the new T6 raider has pilot maneuvers so we can do a quick boost, reverse, or roll left/right to evade or keep our cannons locked on a single target.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
the skiing outfit looks very 90s (is that from TNG episode as it sure looks like it) but the pants and boots look like that my captain and finally get some proper winter pants rather then using the oddy pants and shoes assuming those pants can be used with winter jackets.
New ground weapon to smack people around with, i am very happy with this. Though I do hope at somepoint we get wintery themed space weapons.
Space is vast, it's wonderful and maddening. Yet in that madness is some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,971Community Moderator
NERF GUN! YAY! My inner weapon collector is drooling.
Same with the new outfits. I am SOOOO getting them all on my main. Also that ski outfit will help me perfect my Sami cosplay if that headband can be colored. And if anyone is wondering, Sami the Orange Star CO from Advance Wars.
Cryo visor will be an automatic on my sci as she's basically a Cryomancer character. Almost a full kit of cryo modules.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I don't like the handle. They should have used a more mechanical looking one. Or have the grip be the same as the metal ones then fasten an emitter from the Lyrpa where the blade would meet. Then all that's left is animation, lighting and texturing. That would look a lot better for a Mek'leth. Not the giant phallic looking thing they gave us. Now they could have went with a Folding blade like with the Terran reputation would have been welcome as well. I just hope they do some resizing because that thing is too big.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,971Community Moderator
I don't like the handle. They should have used a more mechanical looking one. Or have the grip be the same as the metal ones then fasten an emitter from the Lyrpa where the blade would meet. Then all that's left is animation, lighting and texturing. That would look a lot better for a Mek'leth. Not the giant phallic looking thing they gave us. Now they could have went with a Folding blade like with the Terran reputation would have been welcome as well. I just hope they do some resizing because that thing is too big.
Its possible that is just a placeholder look. We should find out more when the event starts.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
the skiing outfit looks very 90s (is that from TNG episode as it sure looks like it) but the pants and boots look like that my captain and finally get some proper winter pants rather then using the oddy pants and shoes assuming those pants can be used with winter jackets.
I like the way the Khan pants and boots look for winter outfits.
the skiing outfit looks very 90s (is that from TNG episode as it sure looks like it) but the pants and boots look like that my captain and finally get some proper winter pants rather then using the oddy pants and shoes assuming those pants can be used with winter jackets.
I like the way the Khan pants and boots look for winter outfits.
Mr. Freeze: "What killed the dinosaurs?"
Henchmen: "A giant frickin' meteor! Wait, what does that have to do with anything?"
Mr. Freeze: "Never mind." <hangs head sullenly>
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
Based off the summer event kit mod. I expected that the winter mod would be a snowstorm generator but cryo visor seems very cool. *eagerly awaits the ship stats*
"Saving the galaxy's our business"
Admiral Wilkens: "I bend our rules so folks don't have to live in fear strictly obeying someone else's".
I absolutely want that nerf gun and the freeze ray. But ya, what's up with the Mek'leth? It's huge! Also weird that the entire thing is made of energy. How are we holding it? Still gonna pick one up for my Klink, but can you shrink it down a bit please?
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
My main toon is already geared up and ready for this year's event!
Can't wait get the Mek'leth & Cryo Visor, along with a blue winter jacket.
Not sure about the dart gun, though. ^^;
Finally! A winter jacket that is an actual nice shade of blue. Misryath (my Frost Giant Space Wizard) will be able to properly attire his bridge crew now.
Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
Winter event is Sto's best event for sure. However I have to agree, the Mek'Leth does not look good. Overinflated and completely black, like it's missing a texture...
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
the skiing outfit looks very 90s (is that from TNG episode as it sure looks like it) but the pants and boots look like that my captain and finally get some proper winter pants rather then using the oddy pants and shoes assuming those pants can be used with winter jackets.
"for those of you who want to ski in the newest holodeck simulations, this winter skiing outfit is for you"
Could it be?
(Nah - of course not)
Actually, yes it is...
Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
How about actually letting our fleets celebrate Christmas properly with ACTUAL DECORATIONS AND TREES AND LIGHTS for our Starbases!? The Ship Projects are pretty lame and old hat, and last year's didn't even appear when completed!!!
Called it.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
But...uhh. I love Mek'leths...but that's kinda...umm...huge. It's a short sword y'know?
I really hope the new T6 raider has pilot maneuvers so we can do a quick boost, reverse, or roll left/right to evade or keep our cannons locked on a single target.
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
Same with the new outfits. I am SOOOO getting them all on my main. Also that ski outfit will help me perfect my Sami cosplay if that headband can be colored. And if anyone is wondering, Sami the Orange Star CO from Advance Wars.
Cryo visor will be an automatic on my sci as she's basically a Cryomancer character. Almost a full kit of cryo modules.
See y'all in Q's!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Its possible that is just a placeholder look. We should find out more when the event starts.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
As for the new Cryo module...
Time to make even more people face palm with my love of Mr. Freeze.
My character Tsin'xing
Sooooo cute!!!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Mr. Freeze: "What killed the dinosaurs?"
Henchmen: "A giant frickin' meteor! Wait, what does that have to do with anything?"
Mr. Freeze: "Never mind." <hangs head sullenly>
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Admiral Wilkens: "I bend our rules so folks don't have to live in fear strictly obeying someone else's".
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
Can't wait get the Mek'leth & Cryo Visor, along with a blue winter jacket.
Not sure about the dart gun, though. ^^;
View My gallery at http://captricosakara.deviantart.com
I hope we can edit the color. That be cool.
View My gallery at http://captricosakara.deviantart.com
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
But we already have glowie red, green and blue swords in this game.
Red and Blue and Gold Winter Event jackets. I asked for this last year, so I guess...
Wish Granted! Thanks Devs.
Actually, yes it is...
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!