Looks like the first step is being taken by Cryptic to bring in more paid for power creep. Got to keep the servers going. But I guess the T5's are now trash bin. T5U will be passable. T6 will be yesterdays news. But heck why stop at 12 console slots? I think 15 is a better number - I have so many cool universal consoles that I would like to slot - just let us buy extra slots.
so instead of lots of new ships - let us buy extra slots for all our existing ships. Like a Fleet+ versions?
maybe charge 1000 zen per slot - 4000 zen to get to 15 slots
and what about lockbox and promo ships? will they get an auto upgrade? or are they left behind?
I mean after Dino's with lasers on their heads - it was anything goes in the future - "you will never have a end--game connie'!? - how did that work out?
And I don't see this as ships getting left behind, so much as Engineering ships (the new class, at least) getting an extra, much deserved, perk too.
Nah. Cuz I would instantly buy 10 extra console slots. And you like 1,000. :P So, yeah, that wouldn't work out.
This would be called "pay to win". The equivalent would be for them to charge 1k dil for every time you search the exchange.
This may change in the future. But, for now, it's a NO to both T6U and T7.
But with how things are in-game right now. I'm surprised they haven't released the following:
Console-Universal-Ship A.I.: Plays the game for you(STF's and Battlezones excluded).
Universal Kit Module: Combat A.I.: Plays the game for you(STF's and Battlezones excluded).
Both come with a sell to vendor and refine dilithium function. Though it would still require the player to ready ships higher then T4, bridge officers and active duty rosters, then let it continuously play through the episodes. Just need to add in an on/off selection for when the player actually wants to do and STF or Battlezone.
Which speaks volumes about the state of the game. With the current focus being power creep and grind, and less than engaging content.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sci ships have the secondary deflector slot.
Escorts have the Experimental Weapon slot.
Engineering ships, got nothing.
As long as this is contained to Engineering ship. IT balances out
Someone else had a good point in another thread, we still don't know the full stats for the Miracle Worker ships. Most of the time, Cryptic puts something in place to balance ships.. they have an opposing drawback and we don't know yet what, if anything, Miracle Worker ships will have. For all we know, they'll have an extra console but extremely limited BoFF seating, or something else that balances it out. Maybe they only have 6 weapon hard points.. who knows?
So far, we have heard that they will have extra power levels and an extra console.. but will there be any negatives? So far the only ships that have received only boosts are lobi ships.
I'll assume that the OP's 'suggestions' are in jest because really.. they have to be.
Warbirds also get the Singularity Core powers. Which no other ship gets.
Now the thing to think about here. Is it actually a Universal Console slot, meaning any console can go there? Or a Universal Console slot, meaning only a Universal Console can go there?
This is one thing we do not know yet. We may be assuming it's Universal, as with Universal Boff seating.
Which they get at the expense of overall power level reduction. It's not a straight up advantage, in fact some players consider it a further hindrance, which I agree with.
I would trade the gimmiky Singularity powers for overall power levels any day.
I'm not saying they aren't gimmiky. About the only one I use on my Rom is the Quantum Absorption.
As for this console slot. I'm not sure what they're actually planning with it.
Thinking about it. I can see it opening an extra console slot. This way a Sci officer in one of these ships could slot an extra Sci Console.
The same thing applies for a tactical officer.
It makes the Cruiser a bit more versatile in use. Which I'm guessing they're likely to release a Engineering, Sci and Tac version of this ship.
Yup...the singularity powers are weak...most of them not even worth using, the singularity cores are inferior to M/AM cores, and the 40 power to subsystems hurts. But Romulans have battle cloak!...and now so do lock box ships.
Everything that made Romulans special has been nullified over the years...even singularity jump is pretty much useless now.
Back to the MW ships...hard to give a firm opinion on them till I see the stats.
The 12th slot is no more overpowering than comparing a cstore ship to a fleet variant. The claims of p2w is just daft imho....if people pay for things ingame it benefits us all...without profits cryptic will drop the game...if those paying get better shinies then good for them.
I think it's probably fairer to compare secondary deflectors and experimental weapons to somewhere in between a "primary" system (Weapons, SDEW) and a console. The fact that they're always active and deliver more benefits makes them better than a console, but not as good as a weapon or deflector. Hangar bays are another category - depending on the pets used they can be better than another weapon slot.
So what? We've had cruisers with 8 weapons, 11 consoles and a hangar bay since early 2015; a cruiser with 8 weapons and 12 consoles is not a jump. And on first inspection the Miracle Worker ships don't have nearly as impressive a console set bonus as the Command cruisers did.
Dont worry these ships will be nerfed after the sales is over.
The 12th slot on this T6 ship is 1 more than standard T6 fleet variants' 11-console setups, and 12 is more than 11. Additionally, it seems as if you're saying the claims of P2W are valid but the criticism of it is "daft" because P2W brings in revenue and pays the internal bills. Seems to me like claims of P2W are "daft" because STO's F2P model doesn't require the player to pay wallet monies to buy things from the c-store, it accepts space cash as payment.
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