Ticket ID #4,590,229. Resolved mission "Sphere of Influence" but the Current Endeavor for completing a mission from the Dyson Sphere arc does not credit for finishing.
Does it complete if you play something from the Future Proof arc?
There is clearly a text error in the description. You need to complete one of the Solanae arc missions (Sphere of Influence, Step Between Stars etc). The endeavor does work if you complete those missions.
This is yet more shoddy proof reading from whoever does the in game text.
I ran Sphere of Influence on my Klingon character, and the Endeavor failed to complete when the mission did. When I asked in Zone, others had seen the Endeavor successfully close with the same mission. I wonder if the faction has something to do with this problem.
I can confirm this. I finished Sphere of Influence with my KDF toon and Endeavor didn't finish. Surface Tension mission did the trick, though. While it's too late to fix this bug, I hope we don't see many of the repeats.
There is clearly a text error in the description. You need to complete one of the Solanae arc missions (Sphere of Influence, Step Between Stars etc). The endeavor does work if you complete those missions.
This is yet more shoddy proof reading from whoever does the in game text.
Confirmed, that worked for my KDF.