So, after several years not playing, I gave STO a try again last night. It was fun.
And then, on one mission, suddenly my Alienware FX lights went off. Then they went on. Then they changed colors. Then they went off again. Then they kept flickering, sometimes different colors. Frankly, it scared the heck out of me. I thought my laptop was dying. I got out of STO as quick as I could. And when I got out, all the lights went back to normal. So I went back into the game again. And in a bit, it all happened again.
Well frankly, I thought STO was taxing my machine and causing this issue. So I got out and stopped playing. I was thinking my laptop IS 3 years old, maybe this game was taxing it too much. But today, I read that this has been an issue since 2013. I have to turn off 3rd party access to Alien FX.
Can't someone look into this issue? Luckily I just did a search on Google. But last night I was convinced that my laptop was too old to play this game, and felt that if I tried it was going to seriously damage my laptop. I was going to stop playing. *I* did the search to find the problem. But I almost didn't. This is the only game that does this to my laptop. Other people have reported the same thing over the years. Yes, there is a solution for the user to do, but it is downright freaky when this happens. It seems like you could be chasing people away from the game. Not everyone is going to google search the issue.