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PvE Queues - Remember The Mission!!

Has anyone else noticed that, when you join a group on a PvE queue, half the team suddenly forgets the mission and just piles in with the fighting?

God, that's annoying. I've lost count of the number of marks I've lost and objectives failed because I seem to be the only one on the team with an eye towards completing the mission. So, below, I am adding some strategy for the strategically-challenged...

1) In "Unto The Breach," don't forget to rescue the captured ships. There are nine of them, three in each of the first three chambers after the opening Trench Run. Easiest way I've found was to have a ship with a cloak just barrel in, beam in rescue teams and move straight on to the next ship. Forget about fighting all the other ships - just rescue the captives!

2) In "Borg Disconnected," the mission is to save as many disconnected Borg ships as you can. Let the other factions shoot hell out of each other; only kill those ships that are preventing you from achieving the objective.

3) In "Counterpoint," there two objectives that people often forget about. The first is you need to close the portals. You only have to close five - one for each member of the team, and DS9 is not going to die because you left it alone for one minute. The second oft-forgotten objective is to drop as many assault teams on Terok Nor as you can. You can shoot hell out of the Mirror Universe ships on the way between the stations, but keep in mind that this is the only way I've yet found that will reduce Terok Nor's average health below the required 50%.

4) In "Azure Nebula Rescue," find the damn Scimitar. Far too often I have seen teams spread out to rescue the one-point warbirds, forgetting that the idea is to rescue ten points' worth of ships as quickly as possible.

5) In "The Battle Of Procyon Five," the first two stages are fairly easy - the Enterprise-J won't take damage anyway. In the third stage, leave one ship (a small escort-type is good) to protect the Enterprise while the rest of the team closes the portals. The sole exception to this is when the Annorax appears - it'll take two or three team members to defeat it and minimise the damage to the Enterprise-J. Once that's done, get back to closing the portals.

6) In "Storming The Spire," split into pairs to cover each side of the spire. You won't get far if the entire team tries to yo-yo between objectives, but you can have two pairs, one on each side, with the fifth team member bouncing between the two sides to lend a hand where necessary. The other thing to remember is it only takes one ship to shoot down enough Omega escape shuttles to fulfil the requirement. The rest should be off taking down the dreadnought.

7) In "The Vault Ensnared," again divide into pairs to take down the Tholian Vault Weavers. One pair patrols the upper half, the other the lower. The fifth team member can again wander around taking out the stray Tholian patrols which are no danger to the Vault. They are just there to make it harder to target the Vault Weavers. Also, in the end stage, take out the named Tholian ship first.You aren't timed here, so dealing with the named ship first and then taking on the rst of the fleet won't cost you anything, but does get you a secondary objective (and extra Marks).

8) In "Undine Assault," don't forget to close the career-specific rifts in between the three main lanes. There is a fairly decent difference in the number of Marks achieved if you remember to do this.

9) In "Days of Doom," you should have two team members picking up and dropping off warp cores in front of the Planet Killer, two defending the station and the the last one killing the Warp Core Interceptors. Again, the difference this makes in Marks is substantial, and t's the only way to complete all the objectives that I've yet found.

I hope that helps. You don't need to have voice-chat to succeed in the PvE queues (I don't have it either), but if everyone remembers the objectives and works as a team rather than five individuals, you should see the number of Marks taken go up by a fair amount.


  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    A lot of people simply don't care about optional objectives.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Infected Ground is missing in that list. If there is one example of a mission where people don't pay attention to the objectives...
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    4) In "Azure Nebula Rescue," find the damn Scimitar. Far too often I have seen teams spread out to rescue the one-point warbirds, forgetting that the idea is to rescue ten points' worth of ships as quickly as possible.
    4) In "Azure Nebula Rescue," find the damn Scimitar. Far too often I have seen teams spread out to rescue the one-point warbirds, forgetting that the idea is to rescue ten points' worth of ships as quickly as possible.

    Usually this is because people are flying to the first thing they're seeing. It happens almost always at the start: T'liss or Dhelan right in front of the team, Scimitar behind the team. Taking a moment to look around doesn't fit the Rambo playstyle that most people seem to prefer.

    And speaking of Azure Nebula, I did that mission today. Had the dumbest team I've ever encountered. One guy and I saved a Scimitar, then a Ha'apax, and these other three guys spent the whole time fighting a group near a Dhelan*. After the other guy and I had thus secured 8 points, I go and help these three guys - we kill the ships, I remove one holding beam, then fly to the last asteroid to make sure we get the optional... only to find that these three other players didn't release a single holding beam.

    And then at the end, same thing happens. Four of us kill an entire group, there's not a single other enemy on the map (as the other guy who had made himself useful had already killed the only other spawns) and instead of removing the other holding beams, they fly off doing... nothing. Going from empty asteroid to empty asteroid.

    These guys weren't just bad players who were struggling with the content - I don't mind those players, I'm happy to help them. These guys were just complete morons. Or they didn't know how to find the F key but I think that would lead me to the same conclusion.

    *Edit: correction. It was a Dhelan they were trying (or not) to save, not a T'liss.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Double post. Forum needs fixing. Editing a post twice should be possible without getting a spam warning -.-

  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,435 Community Moderator
    Players want the path of least resistance. Maximum reward for minimal effort. And most of the time players don't even coordinate via chat. They just assume everyone knows what to do and go in guns blazing. And sometimes when people DO communicate... its usually to insult someone for "being stupid n00bs who don't know how to play". VERY rarely do we have actual legit coordination talk or any attempt at positive teamwork.

    At least in my experience that's the case.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Players want the path of least resistance. Maximum reward for minimal effort. And most of the time players don't even coordinate via chat. They just assume everyone knows what to do and go in guns blazing. And sometimes when people DO communicate... its usually to insult someone for "being stupid n00bs who don't know how to play". VERY rarely do we have actual legit coordination talk or any attempt at positive teamwork.

    At least in my experience that's the case.

    To be honest, I think that's rare. I've seen some people throwing around insults - even when they themselves were at fault. But I've seen many more constructive comments: hints and suggestions (to wait for the reset of the optional before releasing more ships in Azure for example) that fell on deaf ears.

    Not that it really bothers me anymore after years, but the amount of ignorance, even towards helpful advice, is striking at times.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,435 Community Moderator
    risian4 wrote: »

    Not that it really bothers me anymore after years, but the amount of ignorance, even towards helpful advice, is striking at times.

    Same here. I was once in an Infected run gone FUBAR. Our "expert" player told us all off, insulted our intelligence, and bailed all because we didn't have the DPS to nuke everything and lost the optional. I managed to coordinate everyone, and we STILL finished the STF with a 4 man subpar DPS team.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    The only players that care about the optional objectives are the experienced players in Elite missions since the "optional objectives" are actually mandatory. The exception are the noobs who have no idea that the optional are mandatory. There should be a pop up message in Elite queue clearly stating that the optional objective are in fact mandatory.

    rattler2 wrote: »
    Same here. I was once in an Infected run gone FUBAR. Our "expert" player told us all off, insulted our intelligence, and bailed all because we didn't have the DPS to nuke everything and lost the optional. I managed to coordinate everyone, and we STILL finished the STF with a 4 man subpar DPS team.

    I have been informed that if I ignore a player, then I would never be placed in a queue with that player unless I remove him / her from my ignore list. Not sure if it is true, but for players that simply annoy me a lot or are definitely AFK, then I ignore them.

    My own biggest gripe about other players in a queued mission is in Undine Infiltration Elite. I rarely see that mission pop; I only played it around 20 times last year. Half of those attempts failed because other players could not determine if the NPC they had to interview was telling the truth or was an Undine in disguise. It has not very difficult especially since they clues that can inspected are right in front of the players. If one of the ten interrogations fails, then the mission fails. Combat generally does not begin until after the interrogation process unless of course the Undine appears to steal the Orb of Prophesy. This is one mission were the lack of brain power rather than low DPS will cause the mission to fail. Players who do not know how to do the interrogations should either play the Normal or Advanced version of this mission, or let the pros handle the interrogations.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Ignoring a player has no effect on whether you can end up in a team with them or not.

    And that's a good thing as it would make it difficult to make the queue system work if too many people are ignoring other players.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    And speaking of Azure Nebula, I did that mission today. Had the dumbest team I've ever encountered. One guy and I saved a Scimitar, then a Ha'apax, and these other three guys spent the whole time fighting a group near a Dhelan*. After the other guy and I had thus secured 8 points, I go and help these three guys - we kill the ships, I remove one holding beam, then fly to the last asteroid to make sure we get the optional... only to find that these three other players didn't release a single holding beam.

    I have not played Azure Nebula Rescue Normal in about 9 months so I do not know if it has been "fixed", but I and other players in a pug simply hid behind the asteroid as certain places to disable the tractor beam which allows whatever ship to escape. It's a known loophole in Normal so most people do it without communicating. There maybe one or two players that fight the Tholians, but the rest of us simply stays put unless someone notices a trapped Scimitar at an asteroid that no one is tending.

    I prefer to get my Romulan marks on New Romulus though. It's a lot quicker to get Romulan marks and dilithium compared to playing ANRN which is on a 15 minute timer. Within that amount of time I can do two missions on New Romulus which rewards a total of 105 Romulan marks, 1,440 Dil + 320 daily bonus Dil.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Has anyone else noticed that, when you join a group on a PvE queue, half the team suddenly forgets the mission and just piles in with the fighting?

    God, that's annoying. I've lost count of the number of marks I've lost and objectives failed because I seem to be the only one on the team with an eye towards completing the mission. So, below, I am adding some strategy for the strategically-challenged...

    1) In "Unto The Breach," don't forget to rescue the captured ships. There are nine of them, three in each of the first three chambers after the opening Trench Run. Easiest way I've found was to have a ship with a cloak just barrel in, beam in rescue teams and move straight on to the next ship. Forget about fighting all the other ships - just rescue the captives!

    2) In "Borg Disconnected," the mission is to save as many disconnected Borg ships as you can. Let the other factions shoot hell out of each other; only kill those ships that are preventing you from achieving the objective.

    3) In "Counterpoint," there two objectives that people often forget about. The first is you need to close the portals. You only have to close five - one for each member of the team, and DS9 is not going to die because you left it alone for one minute. The second oft-forgotten objective is to drop as many assault teams on Terok Nor as you can. You can shoot hell out of the Mirror Universe ships on the way between the stations, but keep in mind that this is the only way I've yet found that will reduce Terok Nor's average health below the required 50%.

    4) In "Azure Nebula Rescue," find the damn Scimitar. Far too often I have seen teams spread out to rescue the one-point warbirds, forgetting that the idea is to rescue ten points' worth of ships as quickly as possible.

    5) In "The Battle Of Procyon Five," the first two stages are fairly easy - the Enterprise-J won't take damage anyway. In the third stage, leave one ship (a small escort-type is good) to protect the Enterprise while the rest of the team closes the portals. The sole exception to this is when the Annorax appears - it'll take two or three team members to defeat it and minimise the damage to the Enterprise-J. Once that's done, get back to closing the portals.

    6) In "Storming The Spire," split into pairs to cover each side of the spire. You won't get far if the entire team tries to yo-yo between objectives, but you can have two pairs, one on each side, with the fifth team member bouncing between the two sides to lend a hand where necessary. The other thing to remember is it only takes one ship to shoot down enough Omega escape shuttles to fulfil the requirement. The rest should be off taking down the dreadnought.

    7) In "The Vault Ensnared," again divide into pairs to take down the Tholian Vault Weavers. One pair patrols the upper half, the other the lower. The fifth team member can again wander around taking out the stray Tholian patrols which are no danger to the Vault. They are just there to make it harder to target the Vault Weavers. Also, in the end stage, take out the named Tholian ship first.You aren't timed here, so dealing with the named ship first and then taking on the rst of the fleet won't cost you anything, but does get you a secondary objective (and extra Marks).

    8) In "Undine Assault," don't forget to close the career-specific rifts in between the three main lanes. There is a fairly decent difference in the number of Marks achieved if you remember to do this.

    9) In "Days of Doom," you should have two team members picking up and dropping off warp cores in front of the Planet Killer, two defending the station and the the last one killing the Warp Core Interceptors. Again, the difference this makes in Marks is substantial, and t's the only way to complete all the objectives that I've yet found.

    I hope that helps. You don't need to have voice-chat to succeed in the PvE queues (I don't have it either), but if everyone remembers the objectives and works as a team rather than five individuals, you should see the number of Marks taken go up by a fair amount.

    First off You have very much mistitled this thread it has NOTHING to do with the actual mission goals but the bonus points. You can win any of the missions you rant about by ignoring the bonus bits. Second looked up your joining hmm says Oct 6 of last year and six posts total. You do realize maybe some of the people you are complaing about have played the game since day one and firgured out a very long time ago what matters and what doesn't. I bet you leap on the chat team channel and demand target this, target that and you are not even team leader or say it in a way that that is not demanding.
    a little hint here Days of Doom ignore the station! Why? The more ships you drop cores with, the shorter distence the Doomsday machine travels and the slower it goes. The shorter distence it goes the higher the reward more point then any the station delivers. The only Days I have ever been in that have failed is when they do what you say to do. And if you need a designated ship to just kill warp interceptors you are doing something wrong. Oh wait that would be dividing your forces to protect a station that if you drop warp cores in a steady stream is never in danger.
    Post edited by ssbn655 on
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Well Days of Doom at elite level requires a guard for the station so his advice is not that bad. A decent team should be able to hold off the station attackers and drop enough votes both at the same time. Splitting the team is not a problemhere.
  • englishnodenglishnod Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Azure Nebula, the OP says find the scimitar, this is not always the case that it spawns.
    bare in mind that i have not done this queue in a very long time and it may have changed but as far as i can recall what ship spawns at those asteroids is random and i have been in that queue where none have spawned, but as i say this may have changed from the last time i played it.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I assume the OP meant 'get to the Scimitar if it's there'. If it's not there, then you obviously can't go there.

    But there are too many instances where people fly to a T'liss when there is in fact a Scimitar behind them.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    I always aim for the biggest scoring ship right off the bat. At least then I know that someone will get the top marks. But sometimes the game just goes funny and spawns nothing but 1pt ships all the way through making getting those optional stages almost impossible.
  • kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Has anyone else noticed that, when you join a group on a PvE queue, half the team suddenly forgets the mission and just piles in with the fighting?

    God, that's annoying. I've lost count of the number of marks I've lost and objectives failed because I seem to be the only one on the team with an eye towards completing the mission. So, below, I am adding some strategy for the strategically-challenged...

    1) In "Unto The Breach," don't forget to rescue the captured ships. There are nine of them, three in each of the first three chambers after the opening Trench Run. Easiest way I've found was to have a ship with a cloak just barrel in, beam in rescue teams and move straight on to the next ship. Forget about fighting all the other ships - just rescue the captives!

    2) In "Borg Disconnected," the mission is to save as many disconnected Borg ships as you can. Let the other factions shoot hell out of each other; only kill those ships that are preventing you from achieving the objective.

    3) In "Counterpoint," there two objectives that people often forget about. The first is you need to close the portals. You only have to close five - one for each member of the team, and DS9 is not going to die because you left it alone for one minute. The second oft-forgotten objective is to drop as many assault teams on Terok Nor as you can. You can shoot hell out of the Mirror Universe ships on the way between the stations, but keep in mind that this is the only way I've yet found that will reduce Terok Nor's average health below the required 50%.

    4) In "Azure Nebula Rescue," find the damn Scimitar. Far too often I have seen teams spread out to rescue the one-point warbirds, forgetting that the idea is to rescue ten points' worth of ships as quickly as possible.

    5) In "The Battle Of Procyon Five," the first two stages are fairly easy - the Enterprise-J won't take damage anyway. In the third stage, leave one ship (a small escort-type is good) to protect the Enterprise while the rest of the team closes the portals. The sole exception to this is when the Annorax appears - it'll take two or three team members to defeat it and minimise the damage to the Enterprise-J. Once that's done, get back to closing the portals.

    6) In "Storming The Spire," split into pairs to cover each side of the spire. You won't get far if the entire team tries to yo-yo between objectives, but you can have two pairs, one on each side, with the fifth team member bouncing between the two sides to lend a hand where necessary. The other thing to remember is it only takes one ship to shoot down enough Omega escape shuttles to fulfil the requirement. The rest should be off taking down the dreadnought.

    7) In "The Vault Ensnared," again divide into pairs to take down the Tholian Vault Weavers. One pair patrols the upper half, the other the lower. The fifth team member can again wander around taking out the stray Tholian patrols which are no danger to the Vault. They are just there to make it harder to target the Vault Weavers. Also, in the end stage, take out the named Tholian ship first.You aren't timed here, so dealing with the named ship first and then taking on the rst of the fleet won't cost you anything, but does get you a secondary objective (and extra Marks).

    8) In "Undine Assault," don't forget to close the career-specific rifts in between the three main lanes. There is a fairly decent difference in the number of Marks achieved if you remember to do this.

    9) In "Days of Doom," you should have two team members picking up and dropping off warp cores in front of the Planet Killer, two defending the station and the the last one killing the Warp Core Interceptors. Again, the difference this makes in Marks is substantial, and t's the only way to complete all the objectives that I've yet found.

    I hope that helps. You don't need to have voice-chat to succeed in the PvE queues (I don't have it either), but if everyone remembers the objectives and works as a team rather than five individuals, you should see the number of Marks taken go up by a fair amount.

    First off You have very much mistitled this thread it has NOTHING to do with the actual mission goals but the bonus points. You can win any of the missions you rant about by ignoring the bonus bits. Second looked up your joining hmm says Oct 6 of last year and six posts total. You do realize maybe some of the people you are complaing about have played the game since day one and firgured out a very long time ago what matters and what doesn't. I bet you leap on the chat team channel and demand target this, target that and you are not even team leader or say it in a way that that is not demanding.
    a little hint here Days of Doom ignore the station! Why? The more ships you drop cores with, the shorter distence the Doomsday machine travels and the slower it goes. The shorter distence it goes the higher the reward more point then any the station delivers. The only Days I have ever been in that have failed is when they do what you say to do. And if you need a designated ship to just kill warp interceptors you are doing something wrong. Oh wait that would be dividing your forces to protect a station that if you drop warp cores in a steady stream is never in danger.

    It's entirely possible that the OP is talking about elite queues, where failing the "optional objectives" results in a mission failure.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    Infected Ground is missing in that list. If there is one example of a mission where people don't pay attention to the objectives...

    Yeah, it's always nice to see people kinda remember the trigger lines rather than solve it with pure force. Where it falls apart is the last room.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    tobiashirt wrote: »
    risian4 wrote: »
    Infected Ground is missing in that list. If there is one example of a mission where people don't pay attention to the objectives...

    Yeah, it's always nice to see people kinda remember the trigger lines rather than solve it with pure force. Where it falls apart is the last room.

    Actually I meant that people rush in and don't even look at the crewmen. Rushing in itself is not necessarily a problem. For most builds (engineers with mines, melee buids (yes, they can work just fine in IGA), pulsewave oriented players, etc.) this is actually a logical approach as you can just kill the worker drones with one or two shots and utilise the reduced distance (quite important for many builds) to your advantage.

    The only reason the whole 'trigger line' tactic used to be important is because of limited survivability of members, meaning that if everyone gets killed, the crewmen are lost. Basically, the tactic is a safe approach, not necessarily the best, certainly not if safety is not the main concern due to high survivability of the team members.

    Tactics like this one are all nice, but situations differ and a team should never just follow tactics for the heck of it. In some cases the mission goals can actually be more efficiently or effectively reached if you don't follow that tactic. Since the first room is doable in any way, this is a good moment to estimate the survivability and capabilities of the team and decide on the tactics to follow. Insisting on following these lines before the first force field is even down (after talking to the personnel) as I have seen can thus be illogical - even if well intended of course.

  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    Honestly my issue is not that players do not care about the optionals, but that the reward for the optionals is kinda worthless comparative to what you even when not completing them. It would be nice if they adjusted the text in missions to reflect when a optional in a previous difficulty has been escalated to being a mandatory one, yet I highly doubt that such a change would make more than a small improvement to such issues.

    Though it would have been nice if they shifted the rewards for the optionals from minor mark rewards to something that would give players a better reason to complete them. This could range from that instead of gaining additional regular marks from the optional mission objectives, could be they give additional elite marks, and/or might give access to a chance to get stf-specific gear/vanity rewards both of which would give a higher appeal to do the optional objectives. Also the idea of getting the optional objectives gives you a increasing chance at rewards specific to that stf, ranging from vanity rewards to gear-based ones, would give more appeal to run more stfs than just those that have the highest payout stfs.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    Hey, OP? When all my ship builds began to consistently score around 50-60k DPS, remembering the mission objectives became irrelevant. I have played this game since 2012. Pretty sure I have most of the STFs memorized by now. I have the accolades for doing the maximum number of each of them at least. So somebody somewhere says I've played them enough.

    I have found whenever someone starts pedantically lecturing others in here about 'teamwork', it is usually because they are currently unable to successfully carry their fair share in any STF. It's okay. No, really, I don't mind toting someone around through Hive or Khitomer one bit. After all, they're after the same thing I am. Afterwards, if they ask me directly, I'll offer a suggestion or two about things which work for me. But only if they ask. Unsolicited advice or 'reminders' before the mission even starts is something I consider very rude. I'd rather fail an STF because someone did it wrong than hurt someone's feelings over an internet game. No worries. In thirty minutes, I'll try again.

    The vast majority of players in this game average 5k-10k DPS or less. No reason at all for me to organize the fun out of an STF for them. Even less reason for me to look down my nose at them. My worth as a human being is most definitely not tied to following the 'correct procedures' in an STF. Been in combat. Married for thirty years. Have two kids. Proving my manhood is something I accomplished a very long time ago. And if someone has to prove anything by playing this game a specific way, I strongly suspect their priorities are badly out of whack. Just sayin'.

    As to the rudeness I've displayed here, I'd say you've earned it. if you're going to plant yourself center mass in my gunsight, I am going to take the shot. Old reflex from my time in the Cav.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Though it would have been nice if they shifted the rewards for the optionals from minor mark rewards to something that would give players a better reason to complete them. This could range from that instead of gaining additional regular marks from the optional mission objectives, could be they give additional elite marks, and/or might give access to a chance to get stf-specific gear/vanity rewards both of which would give a higher appeal to do the optional objectives. Also the idea of getting the optional objectives gives you a increasing chance at rewards specific to that stf, ranging from vanity rewards to gear-based ones, would give more appeal to run more stfs than just those that have the highest payout stfs.

    No special incentive required for Elite Queues since the failure to complete the "optional" objectives results in an automatic mission failure and a glorious reward in the amount of 15 marks.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Though it would have been nice if they shifted the rewards for the optionals from minor mark rewards to something that would give players a better reason to complete them. This could range from that instead of gaining additional regular marks from the optional mission objectives, could be they give additional elite marks, and/or might give access to a chance to get stf-specific gear/vanity rewards both of which would give a higher appeal to do the optional objectives. Also the idea of getting the optional objectives gives you a increasing chance at rewards specific to that stf, ranging from vanity rewards to gear-based ones, would give more appeal to run more stfs than just those that have the highest payout stfs.

    No special incentive required for Elite Queues since the failure to complete the "optional" objectives results in an automatic mission failure and a glorious reward in the amount of 15 marks.

    Well that is quite true, though if there is very little to no incentive for the lower difficulties, than players get used to not worrying about them. So that impacts the upper difficulties as players do not realize they need to actual finish these now mandatory optional objectives. Yet if leading up to the higher difficulties you have incentives that appealed to player to finish the optionals, than most players would just gravitate towards doing them optionals more readily. Also I was not stating that for specifically any difficulty of stf, but just as an overall improvement to the appeal of doing the optionals. Also this is I am pretty sure more of a fact of players in normal an advanced difficulties, since elite is pretty well dead since the payout is just not worth the added time an payout from the higher difficulty.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    As I stated in my 1st post, there should be a popup window for elite queue missions clearly stating that optional objective are mandatory. There should also be a box to check off which disables the popup in all future elite instances for that particular mission because that's going to irritate experienced players.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    As I stated in my 1st post, there should be a popup window for elite queue missions clearly stating that optional objective are mandatory. There should also be a box to check off which disables the popup in all future elite instances for that particular mission because that's going to irritate experienced players.

    Issue is that even with that kind of thing players will just click thru it, and even disregard it. If players don't pay attention to the fact of failing a stf in elite via failing the optional, than just putting up a pop up is only going to help a little bit in the end. Hell if people have an issue reading an realizing how missions work at the lower difficulties, and reading the pop-up that shows during some of the bzs explaining the points, than putting a pop-up at the start of stfs explaining them will not fully help. Incentives play on the player's desire to maximize their payout of rewards, where as arbitrary pop-ups that slow your progress even if helpful push players to skip thru them as quickly as possible. A text change in elite to list the optionals to being mandatory would be a change that would help, but even that might not help much as players now barely pay attention to the mission window.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    As I stated in my 1st post, there should be a popup window for elite queue missions clearly stating that optional objective are mandatory. There should also be a box to check off which disables the popup in all future elite instances for that particular mission because that's going to irritate experienced players.
    A player who doesn't read which objectives are optional and which ones are not from the objectives panel, isn't going to read it from some obnoxious pop-up either.

    On the other hand, people talking about those objectives as "optional" even when they clearly know they're mandatory can only increase confusion among new players.
  • lapprenticellapprenticel Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    Not just new players. I've been playing for a while and never heard elite queue optionals are mandatory. I like completing optionals in the advanced queues I play, but it's not always possible.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    You may dictate terms, or you may queue for PUG matches, not both.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    You may use confusing terms, or you may complain about people being confused about them, not both.
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    A comment from the "other" side. I don't run PUG STFs any more other than an occasional CCA or Borg/Tholian RA.

    Why ?
    Because I join a que, as soon as it pops I post on team chat that I'm not familiar with the STF and ask for advice on what to do and either get no response at all, but then team chat will get flooded with one (or more) person complaining about how poorly the STF is going, or, I do get advice, only to then have two (or more) people flooding the team chat with totally different advice and arguing over who is right.

    Rarely I would get someone that said something like "just follow me and shoot stuff while the other people take care of "x" ..... so, I quit running pugs. I get my STF fix now with my fleet that runs regular STF nights, with TS, and at a minimum, a team lead who knows the STF like the back of their hand and fills us newbies in on the strategy we are going to use ahead of time.
    LTS and loving it.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    ssbn655 wrote: »
    Has anyone else noticed that, when you join a group on a PvE queue, half the team suddenly forgets the mission and just piles in with the fighting?

    9) In "Days of Doom," you should have two team members picking up and dropping off warp cores in front of the Planet Killer, two defending the station and the the last one killing the Warp Core Interceptors. Again, the difference this makes in Marks is substantial, and t's the only way to complete all the objectives that I've yet found.

    I hope that helps. You don't need to have voice-chat to succeed in the PvE queues (I don't have it either), but if everyone remembers the objectives and works as a team rather than five individuals, you should see the number of Marks taken go up by a fair amount.

    First off You have very much mistitled this thread it has NOTHING to do with the actual mission goals but the bonus points. You can win any of the missions you rant about by ignoring the bonus bits. Second looked up your joining hmm says Oct 6 of last year and six posts total. You do realize maybe some of the people you are complaing about have played the game since day one and firgured out a very long time ago what matters and what doesn't. I bet you leap on the chat team channel and demand target this, target that and you are not even team leader or say it in a way that that is not demanding.
    a little hint here Days of Doom ignore the station! Why? The more ships you drop cores with, the shorter distence the Doomsday machine travels and the slower it goes. The shorter distence it goes the higher the reward more point then any the station delivers. The only Days I have ever been in that have failed is when they do what you say to do. And if you need a designated ship to just kill warp interceptors you are doing something wrong. Oh wait that would be dividing your forces to protect a station that if you drop warp cores in a steady stream is never in danger.

    It's entirely possible that the OP is talking about elite queues, where failing the "optional objectives" results in a mission failure.

    True enough but the OP for one reason or another fails to make it clear that what they mean. Instead OP decided to rant and wail over people who don't play the way he demands.
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