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ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,677 Community Manager
Our changes to Space have officially come to Tribble, and we want your feedback! Please consolidate it here, and let us know what you think!


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    primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    UNless I'm not seeing it. Deflector Overcharge is not on there

    Respec is probably required. :)
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    tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    primar13 wrote: »
    UNless I'm not seeing it. Deflector Overcharge is not on there

    Respec is probably required. :)

    Uhh...more than likely not. I've seen this response from you in other threads, but since it replaces a captain ability with a different captain ability, how to you propose to respec a captain ability?
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    martakurillmartakurill Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    Not cool with TAC captain still boosting ALL damage. Seems like they will still be better at science than a science captain, and I'm not ok with that.
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    crypticspartan#0627 crypticspartan Member Posts: 847 Cryptic Developer
    tobiashirt wrote: »
    primar13 wrote: »
    UNless I'm not seeing it. Deflector Overcharge is not on there

    Respec is probably required. :)

    Uhh...more than likely not. I've seen this response from you in other threads, but since it replaces a captain ability with a different captain ability, how to you propose to respec a captain ability?

    A skill retrain would solve this issue.
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    darkspeakerdarkspeaker Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    Haven't tested yet, but looks heavy handed. This should be spread out and not all in one patch.
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    burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    I dont know if it wasnt added or if I missed it, but Torpedo Spread and High Yield now have 10 second launch timers instead of 30.
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    toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    I dont know if it wasnt added or if I missed it, but Torpedo Spread and High Yield now have 10 second launch timers instead of 30.

    You missed it. It's on the patch list.

    Ah, good point. Wanted to ask @crypticspartan#0627 what the reason for this change is. It might put people off using torps, I feel, since you risk not using the buff at all.

    And second question: In the patchnotes thread, damage reductions are mentioned for several abilities including Gravity Well, Subspace Vortex, Tractor Beam Repulsors and Destabilizing Resonance Beam while it is also mentioned some Aux power calculations have been fixed. Is it intended for those powers to not lose in effectiveness or even gain in damage slightly as some people oberve currently?
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
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    no09dysonsphereno09dysonsphere Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    The Damage Bonus on Particle Focuser consoles from the Fleet Lab now only affect Exotic damage

    I understand you don't want these consoles to buff weapon damage but can you increase the damage bonus duration from 30 to 60 seconds as compensation? Most exotic abilities have at least 40 second cooldowns so increasing the buff duration would help maintain the buff consistently for exotic powers now that it no longer works on weapons.
    Photonic Officer: The base cooldown of this power has been decreased to two minutes

    What's the point of this change? Photonic Officer already affects its own cooldown so anyone who uses it live can already use it every 2 minutes (with a VR photonic studies scientist at lower ranks). Unless the internal CD is also lowered or the buff duration increased this doesn't seem to do anything.
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    tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    After these changes, why would anyone (but those heavily invested in science) want to equip science consoles? For average cruisers/escorts, it will be "universals or bust" again, which is, imo, a bad thing.

    I totally agree Embassy Plasma Exploders needed a hit, but you totally killed them and then desecrated the corpse as well.

    And I don't understand why lab consoles (Particle Focusers) need to boost only exotic abilities, it's not like the folks breaking DPS records were using them anyway.
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    kyle223catkyle223cat Member Posts: 584 Arc User
    Loving how armors add resistance to physical damage now, and how we can see physical damage resistance in the ship stats now. We just need a shield resistance stat now and it'll be perfect.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,188 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    ““Torpedo High Yield, Torpedo Spread, and Torpedo Transport Warhead now only upgrade your next torpedo attack within 10 seconds, from your next attack within 30 seconds.”
    If this means once triggered I only have 10 seconds to fire a torpedo I have a few problems with this. First I can no longer see a group of NPC’s ahead and prepare skills ready to engage as I fly into range which is not only fun but like they do in the TV show where they go prepare a torpedo spread to fire on my mark.

    The 2nd problem is the 10 seconds is shorter then my torpedo cooldowns. So I can no longer leave my weapons on auto fire and trigger a torpedoes skill knowing the skill will work with the next free torpedo. Instead now I have to watch my torpedo cooldowns closely and try and trigger the skill within the same timeframe as the torpedo fires. That’s not fun.

    If it’s to stop double tapping why not make the countdown 15 or 14seconds. Still not great but at least it helps relieve the problem.

    I guess I am saying we have never needed to keep a close eye on weapon cooldowns before. Tracking weapon cooldowns closely isn’t fun and there is only so many cooldowns you can keep track off. I tend to fit slow firing torpedoes on autofire and only 1 torpedo skill and this change hurts my builds a lot. I just don't see why we have to use torpedo skills within 10 seconds of the target.
    Post edited by pottsey5g on
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    qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    After these changes, why would anyone (but those heavily invested in science) want to equip science consoles? For average cruisers/escorts, it will be "universals or bust" again, which is, imo, a bad thing.

    I totally agree Embassy Plasma Exploders needed a hit, but you totally killed them and then desecrated the corpse as well.

    And I don't understand why lab consoles (Particle Focusers) need to boost only exotic abilities, it's not like the folks breaking DPS records were using them anyway.

    You mean like how engineer console slots are like now for EVERYONE? The fact that sci consoles became more important for DPS than tact console slots should tell you how broken those embassy consoles were.

    Not disagreeing with you, but maybe it would be desirable to do something about the universal dump status instead of making it worse ? :)
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    qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    qjunior wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    After these changes, why would anyone (but those heavily invested in science) want to equip science consoles? For average cruisers/escorts, it will be "universals or bust" again, which is, imo, a bad thing.

    I totally agree Embassy Plasma Exploders needed a hit, but you totally killed them and then desecrated the corpse as well.

    And I don't understand why lab consoles (Particle Focusers) need to boost only exotic abilities, it's not like the folks breaking DPS records were using them anyway.

    You mean like how engineer console slots are like now for EVERYONE? The fact that sci consoles became more important for DPS than tact console slots should tell you how broken those embassy consoles were.

    Not disagreeing with you, but maybe it would be desirable to do something about the universal dump status instead of making it worse ? :)

    Like what? If you don't do sci with your boat, there is no reason to use sci consoles. If your ship has only a LT sci slot and you don't use any of the uni slots for sci...well why even bother with boosting sci abilities...and sci consoles should be boosting sci abilities...not DPS of energy weapons more than tact consoles. The only thing I do not like is the per cycle change...but that is because of other meta issues and not with where the power of these consoles ended up.

    I think you misunderstood me, what you say is true, my question was more about how sci (and eng) consoles could be more valuable for all kinds of ships. I tend to have one armor console and the rest is universal for eng slots. I never went all out on embassy consoles anyway but besides maybe one of those shield boosters (increased shield points) there isn't much benefit from other sci consoles for non-sci ships (as you said).

    I just wonder if that is a good thing design-wise, doesn't seem like it is to me.
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    huijianhuijian Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    Its not as though one could achieve unreasonable dps figures with just the embassy consoles alone.
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    qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    huijian wrote: »
    Its not as though one could achieve unreasonable dps figures with just the embassy consoles alone.

    But the plasma thingy was meant as a bonus effect, not the main point of the consoles, which is boosting sci powers. In that regard I completely agree with the reason for the change, but it seems that the nerf was unusually harsh, which just means that the console went from OP to obsolete while people latch on to the next BIS.
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    tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    After these changes, why would anyone (but those heavily invested in science) want to equip science consoles? For average cruisers/escorts, it will be "universals or bust" again, which is, imo, a bad thing.

    I totally agree Embassy Plasma Exploders needed a hit, but you totally killed them and then desecrated the corpse as well.

    And I don't understand why lab consoles (Particle Focusers) need to boost only exotic abilities, it's not like the folks breaking DPS records were using them anyway.

    You mean like how engineer console slots are like now for EVERYONE? The fact that sci consoles became more important for DPS than tact console slots should tell you how broken those embassy consoles were.

    Read my post again. Of course Embassy consoles are right now severely overperforming, but just nuking them to the dust and throwing few nukes on the top of the dustpile isn't correct way to solve it.
    Better way to fix them would be just limiting their proc chance to one console (that is, you'd have 2.5% of proccing the plasma explosion, no matter how many consoles you equip) and reducing the damage gain the console gets after upgrading it (difference between mk XII and XIV is really significant; as is the difference between mk XIV UR and gold).
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    warrenjameswarrenjames Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    This is just too many nerfs piled on top of one another, many of them severe.

    I'm pretty sure it was said that nothing would be made (near) useless by these changes. Embassy consoles and Plasmonic Leech beg to differ.

    Early estimates on STOBuilds show a ~50% loss of damage to most meta builds. That's unacceptable. Iterative changes, not sledgehammers...
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    hipachilleshipachilles Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    If the goal was to make choice more important, it has probably achieved that result. For instance, Target Subsystem: Shields may now be just as viable a choice as Beam: Fire at Will. For that reason alone, I like the overall change.

    Hard to say if the stat changes make everything truly "fair" but it seems to be forcing more options into the mix. The overall goal of nearly every mission is still to kill things as fast as possible, but now being able to heal/tank/control/disable/maneuver may be required, rather than just FIRE EVERYTHING - which is where everything was before.

    If we have to force Rom ships to use their battle cloaks in battle to get their spike damage, so be it. If we need to stack tons of different resistance debuffs to be able to kill everything in time, great. If power management becomes a thing again, that isn't a terrible result.

    So far so good to the grand design, but the next few days may show that some powers were tweaked too much. I am eager to see some of the results of ISE, CCA, or Breach runs.
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    orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    Okay, so far:-

    Subnucleonic Beam - It should really work more like subnucleonic carrier wave and only remove a certain amount of buffs. A Lieutenant Commander bridge officer power that can strip all buffs will cause even more issues for PvP, while being overkill for PvE (since most NPCs at most seem to use two buffs).

    It was fine when it was limited to sci-captain, but allowing a tactical captain to strip all buffs is going to make PvP "escorts-online" again (though escorts with Lt Cmdr sci stations). All the other balance changes look to make PvP more fun and diverse, except this one.

    Perhaps have rank 1 remove 2 buffs, rank 2 removes 3 and rank 3 removes 5.

    Beam overload - Beam Overload 3 feels like it's outperforming Surgical Strike 3 (a commander rank ability), in part due to having a much faster firing rate. My suggestion is to either adjust Surgical Strike's firing rate debuff from 50% to 20% or decrease the Beam Overload damage and Crit Severity buff from 30/40/50 to 10/15/20.

    Overall a good change, just don't want it to make Surgical Strike worthless.
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
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    cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Power consoles honestly need changes.. either making them All power buffs or making them double power system buffs that does 5+ at mark 14 and gain 1 power per rarity. Till it becomes 10+ at epic.

    Stealth consoles should have a ambush improving buff either by increasing it's duration or by giving more damage bonus.

    Improve perception modules by giving people a damage bonus vs stealthed opponents.

    Improve enhanced cloak, give it a ambush like buff while stealth, and remove the whole revealing aspect of it when you fire or at least make it just a stacking -stealth debuff small at first but eventually nearly reveals you to any opponent in 10kms. But the debuff will go away shortly as long as no abilities or attacks are used, extend this to the scimitar barrage console.

    I don't have a ton of ideas for command but Superfluous Emitters should be a team wide buff.

    Scan for Weaknesses needs to be not consumed right away as well as all damage not just energy , instead it needs a duration that increases torpedo Armor Penetration + other effects like Tachyon Charges from all team sources for it duration then puts a small lock out.

    IMO these things would make command more viable, and feel like your not a drain on the team.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,188 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    “Call Emergency Artillery:
    The damage dealt by the artillery vessels summoned by this ability has been significantly increased“

    Even with the changes I am struggling to make this useful. I love the concept of the ability but the low damage with long cool downs makes it ineffective to use. Even with the damage boost the DPS output is so tiny as to be unnoticeable. Often it miss’s completely and when it hits it barley dints the target. For such a long cooldown skill its damage is just not worth using.
    Perhaps its not so much the damage needs boosting again but the AoE range needs boosting beyond 2km. artillery strikes are normally a wide area to hit a lot of targets. Theses artillery vessels are lucky to hit 1 or 2 ships once each.

    It says targets foe in 2 to 10km range but I often trigger it at a target 7km out and do either 0 damage or barely 2000 damage.
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2017

    So you took subnuc beam from a science captain, fine. A couple of problems I have with deflector overcharge.

    1) APA boosts exotic damage 50% just like deflector overcharge. Makes no sense whatsoever if exotic damage is science based.
    2) Like always, everything new that boosts science goes heavy on heals and exotic damage both of which get boosts left and right. Control, which most people don't push over 400 unless it's a disable build, just gets a paltry +50 which does nothing, and drain which has zero (none whatsoever) percent based boosts in the game gets also +50 which amounts to absolutely nothing. Maybe you decided to punish control and drain because of my "minmax like a 14 year old" posts, but I can pull the same stunt easily with the other two.
    3) How can you reconcile that APA gets 4 awesome boosts (5% crit chance with all the CrtD floating around is huge) and science gets subnuc beam ripped off and in return we get only two good boosts and two that do absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

    How about you change a couple of the APA boosts from % to + skill, see how tac captains like it?
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2017
    Subsystem targeting feedback:

    I haven't been able to get the character copy to work so I can compare apples to apples since my Tribble toon isn't as minmaxed as my Holodeck one, but you nerfed subsystem targeting's drain down hard. Looks like a 70% drain reduction nerf. Your "fun" adjustments are everything but fun.

    Edit: Makes absolutely no sense at all to nerf an ability people ignore 99% of the time and that almost no one slots the II and III versions of.

    Post edited by lucho80 on
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    kidfinnkidfinn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Subsystem targeting feedback:

    I haven't been able to get the character copy to work so I can compare apples to apples since my Tribble toon isn't as minmaxed as my Holodeck one, but you nerfed subsystem targeting's drain down hard. Looks like a 70% drain reduction nerf. Your "fun" adjustments are everything but fun.

    Edit: Makes absolutely no sense at all to nerf an ability people ignore 99% of the time and that almost no one slots the II and III versions of.

    I think they honestly intended this to be a buff to the ability, but only in use cases that might not be common at the moment. I think a fair number of science ships might just have one omni-beam to apply SST. In that use case, it's definitely a nerf. However, from what I read in the patch notes, the ability now applies to *all* energy weapons, and the drain stacks. So if you have 6 energy weapons, each doing 30% of the original drain, you're theoretically now applying 180% of your original drain.

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    kidfinnkidfinn Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    orondis wrote: »
    Beam overload - Beam Overload 3 feels like it's outperforming Surgical Strike 3 (a commander rank ability), in part due to having a much faster firing rate. My suggestion is to either adjust Surgical Strike's firing rate debuff from 50% to 20% or decrease the Beam Overload damage and Crit Severity buff from 30/40/50 to 10/15/20.

    Overall a good change, just don't want it to make Surgical Strike worthless.

    Yeah, I had similar thoughts when I first saw the blog entry and the text on Beam Overload.. that it seemed awfully similar to Surgical Strike. I'll have to put it on my list of things to check out. Fortunately, I've been experimenting with Surgical Strikes recently, so I can just copy that character over to Tribble and see.

    Any word on if the damage bonus from Beam Overload is CAT1, 2, or final? I mean, on the other beams. iirc, the initial beam bonus is a final bonus.

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