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How do you decide what fleet to join?

redmordock#6182 redmordock Member Posts: 45 Arc User
Since I started playing I have received quite a few fleet invitations. I am interested in joining a fleet eventually, but I am not sure of which fleet would be the best choice to join. I would like to take a look at the fleets currently set-up and compare them. Is there a way to do so?

I really want to know if there would be an advantage to joining one fleet over another. Are all fleets essentially the same or does each have it's own strengths and weaknesses?


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    I'm not sure I'd want to join a fleet that spams invites to everyone. But you can talk to the spammer to try to get an idea of how their fleet is run. You can always leave the fleet if it does not match the description.

    The right fleet for you matches what you want from it:
    - Do you want to socialize in hubs or Risa? RP? ERP? Many fleets do none of that, though you don't necessarily need to do it with fleet mates.
    - Do you want to do a lot of group activities? Some fleets do, some are more single-player content oriented with little or no grouping.

    Something to expect:

    Needing to contribute before you are given a higher rank and allowed to buy fleet gear. This is because fleet gear does not just cost you fleet credits. It also uses up "provisions" which must be earned through projects that cost EC, dil, and white quality duty officers.

    The fleet bank is also often not available to you at first, because of bad experiences where scum join a fleet then loot the shared bank and run away.

    Some things to watch out for:
    - "Taxes" where the fleet lords demand a tithe or weekly payment to stay in the fleet. No good fleet asks for this
    - Any other excessive demands, like mandatory attendance for fleet activities.
  • walligigwalligig Member Posts: 308 Arc User
    - "Taxes" where the fleet lords demand a tithe or weekly payment to stay in the fleet. No good fleet asks for this
    Are there fleets out there that actually do this? Wow. talk about arrogance.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    walligig wrote: »
    - "Taxes" where the fleet lords demand a tithe or weekly payment to stay in the fleet. No good fleet asks for this
    Are there fleets out there that actually do this? Wow. talk about arrogance.

    Sadly yes. Apparently some weaselly scum were doing this on consoles. I don't know of it happens on PC since there are so many established fleets to choose from.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I got scammed out of a ship by a fleet leader on ps4

    just be careful
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    How can you get "scammed out of a ship" by a fleet leader? The moment you are asked to give anything for your "membership" you simply leave. Nobody can take anything from you.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    I am not in a fleet, but I am somewhat interested in join one in the future.

    Generally, when someone in the game asks me if I am interested in joining their fleet I ask three questions regarding the following:

    #1 - A website for the fleet itself. Better organized fleets have their own websites that and lists fleet projects that have been completed and projects that are currently running. It does not mean it is a good fleet to join. It just means the fleet leaders have taken the time to provide information about the fleet outside of the game.

    #2 - Because I play all 3 factions I always ask if they have a sister fleet for the KDF (and KDF aligned Romulans) or Federation (and Fed aligned Romulans). There are no standardized fleet rules and regulations *(R & R); they can be whatever the fleet leaders want them to be. Sister fleets are generally operated by mostly the same fleet leaders, therefore, the sister fleets should have very similar if not the same R & R. I do not want to be bothered with knowing two different sets of rules and regulations for a KDF fleet and a Fed Fleet.

    #3 - Can I bring my Alts into the fleet without much hassle. I currently have 10 characters. If I do not want to bother knowing two separate sets of R & R for KDF and Fed fleets, I certainly do not want to bother with the R & R for multiple KDF and Fed fleets. Fleets generally allow alts, but it always a good idea to confirm.
  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
  • anonidiotanonidiot Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I play on console and I get spammed quite a bit ..kept rejecting invites from one fleet leader for almost thirty minutes ...the description alone made me not want to join...
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    anonidiot wrote: »
    I play on console and I get spammed quite a bit ..kept rejecting invites from one fleet leader for almost thirty minutes ...the description alone made me not want to join...

    I do not play on the console, but on the PC there is a way to not allow fleet invites. I can only assume it can also be done on the console.

    Go to the Social menu; it is the one where you can find a team, fleet and friends. There should be a Privacy option. From there you should see various privacy options including on called "Allow fleet invitations" that you can set to on and off.

    There should also be away to ignore people in the Chat Box. When you ignore a person, they will generally not be able to send you a message.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User

    he had the money in the fleet bank. he promoted me. so gave him the ship. then boom I was kicked fast.

    I was still new to the game aswell
  • redmordock#6182 redmordock Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Hey Skullbits, I can't help but wonder. Did that fleet head ask you for the ship or did you give it off your own accord?
  • shadowwraith#9264 shadowwraith Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    anonidiot wrote: »
    I play on console and I get spammed quite a bit ..kept rejecting invites from one fleet leader for almost thirty minutes ...the description alone made me not want to join...

    I do not play on the console, but on the PC there is a way to not allow fleet invites. I can only assume it can also be done on the console.

    Go to the Social menu; it is the one where you can find a team, fleet and friends. There should be a Privacy option. From there you should see various privacy options including on called "Allow fleet invitations" that you can set to on and off.

    There should also be away to ignore people in the Chat Box. When you ignore a person, they will generally not be able to send you a message.

    there is no privacy options on the console version
    • Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
    • Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
    • Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
    • Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
    • Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
    • Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
    • Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
    • Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
    • G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10

    USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
    USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
    USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
    "I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
    "We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

    – Grey Council greeting
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    he had the money in the fleet bank. he promoted me. so gave him the ship. then boom I was kicked fast.

    I was still new to the game as well

    Hope this 'learning experience' wasn't too costly. :/
    As you found out, best to do it in the Trade window. Both parties put in the stuff and you click trade after you see he's inputted the correct item/monies.

    To the OP's topic... I joined 5-6 fleets before staying with one. Don't fear joining a fleet. Don't go giving them all your stuff on day 1, obviously. If, after a while, you don't like it; leaving is a button click away. What I'd do is look at their ingame ad in the fleet window. they can tell you what time zone give a quick blurb on their fleet. If they show a website, go check it out. See how active it is. I've 'stalked' fleets for a week or so, before asking to join. Now for the obligatory 'try our fleet'... [on PC] I've been in this one a few years; never really had any problems w/ the leaders/members Website link We got Fed and KDF fleets so if you join one you can join both! ;)
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    My Romulan was invited to a Fleet just long enough to help put in some fleet marks and then he was removed lol
  • tygerzztygerzz Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    Join a fleet and if it's not what you want, it is super easy to leave.
    A good fleet to me has active members, +10 when I am on, plus is active in chats, and runs Ques, and kicks inactive players after 2 months.
    However you may want to RP or have a laid back group of friends, or be part of a group with no requirements, or want to build the whole thing with a small group. Diffrent stokes for diffrent folks.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,030 Arc User
    In any MMO I look for a guild/fleet/whatever that's laid back and chill. However because STO has gearing so heavily linked to fleet I also look for one that's got all their holdings established.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    My Romulan was invited to a Fleet just long enough to help put in some fleet marks and then he was removed lol

    That's not a bad deal. In many established fleets, everyone has more fleet marks than they can get rid of so when a project needs them they get snatched up right away.

  • avatar576#2266 avatar576 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    In any MMO I look for a guild/fleet/whatever that's laid back and chill. However because STO has gearing so heavily linked to fleet I also look for one that's got all their holdings established.

    It definitely seems that way. I have only been playing STO for about 5-6 weeks, flying around in my delicate little T5 Advanced Escort, shooting spitballs in battlezones and PvE games, while everyone else in their T6 juggernaut deathmobiles open up giant cans of industrial strength whoopa$$ left and right without getting so much as a scratch on the paint. Serious ship envy here.

    It may be time for me to join a fleet.

    I read a post on Reddit that said to avoid joining any fleet that spams social areas with mass invites. Seems like sound advice to avoid being taken to the cleaners in a fleet resembling a pyramid scheme.

    Forgive the newb his ignorant question, but it seems the only ways to get those envy-inducing T6 ships is to join a fleet and buy them with fleet resources or buy them with ZEN. Can fleet-less, ZEN-less folks like me obtain them any other way?

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    T6 ships:

    - Buy from the C-Store for zen. They include ship consoles and Mastery Traits, and unlock for all of your characters in that faction
    - Fleet: they require 5 fleet modules plus fleet credits. That means grinding out 75? million EC for the modules, or spending zen. Fleet versions do not include the console or mastery trait so it's usually best to buy the C-Store version of a ship first, then also get the fleet version (which now only costs 1 fleet module not 5). They are single-character unlocks.
    - Lock box and lobi: you can buy these for EC (like 200-350 million EC) on the exchange. They are single-character unlocks.
    - Event: Cryptic gives away 3 free T6 ships a year: Winter, Anniversary, Summer. You just missed the Anniversary. Summer will start in June and requires you to do an easy jetpack flying thing once a day for 25 days.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I keep joining fleets that say. contribute to gain rank..

    well here's the problem. you slot a project. and it gets filled in instantly. unless you slot one when I'm online and see it go up. I'm never quick enough to give anything.

    then if you ask about. they say. other members have contributed a lot. why should you be allowed to get promoted.

    it's like all logic has escaped them
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    I keep joining fleets that say. contribute to gain rank..

    well here's the problem. you slot a project. and it gets filled in instantly. unless you slot one when I'm online and see it go up. I'm never quick enough to give anything.

    then if you ask about. they say. other members have contributed a lot. why should you be allowed to get promoted.

    it's like all logic has escaped them

    Are you joining fleets that are maxed for all holdings? That does make it a little harder, but even there most fleets still run the provisioning projects and the starbase "generate fleet credits" dump projects.

    One thing you can do is look at the countdown timers for the projects, to see when they are complete. If the fleet admins have slotted follow-up projects the timers tell you when they will go live. If you are outside the US, you should at least be able to log in for some of them on weekends.
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    My Romulan was invited to a Fleet just long enough to help put in some fleet marks and then he was removed lol

    That's not a bad deal. In many established fleets, everyone has more fleet marks than they can get rid of so when a project needs them they get snatched up right away.

    Wasn't really fair to me LOL but as long as a Fleet gets what they need, TRIBBLE the little guy :frowning:

  • anonidiotanonidiot Member Posts: 16 Arc User


    Wasn't really fair to me LOL but as long as a Fleet gets what they need, **** the little guy :frowning:


    Yeah I've been there ... you a console player? If you are maybe we can set something up for us and others in our position.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    d0nomega wrote: »
    My Romulan was invited to a Fleet just long enough to help put in some fleet marks and then he was removed lol

    That's not a bad deal. In many established fleets, everyone has more fleet marks than they can get rid of so when a project needs them they get snatched up right away.
    Wasn't really fair to me LOL but as long as a Fleet gets what they need, **** the little guy :frowning:
    You kept the fleet credits you earned, and you probably would not have been able to earn those credits in a good fleet where they need dil and doffs not marks. So you didn't really lose anything. But yes, it sounds like that fleet's leaders are scum.
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    In my estimation start up fleets - at best - should be launched by long time players who have experienced growth as part of an established fleet and who now have a firm direction for what they want to do with their new fleet and who then also express that effectively to those that they recruit subsequently.

    Too many fleets love sending out those blanket invites, growing exponentially, only to later on start enacting mandated cuts for participation expectations that were simply never mentioned previously. And often, at least in my experience, cronyism raises its unlovely head. I've been part of two different fleets who as they rose to a level where I might finally start having benefits of the mountain of resources that I dumped into them, either dropped me like a hot potato or lowered my rank (based upon "new" fleet requirements) where I was in effect having to start right back over again earning the stuff, that I thought I already had? Fleets like this (and there are plenty of them in this game) are solely for the benefit of a very few at the expense of everyone else. It's the sucker effect!

    I suppose that this is par for the course in MMO's, but it is the thing about Star Trek Online that has most left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm happier with the fleets that I'm currently a member of (and particularly a worthy shout out to those running British Armada), but I still keep my fingers crossed.

    ContraryCube30 on Xbox One
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    d0nomega wrote: »
    My Romulan was invited to a Fleet just long enough to help put in some fleet marks and then he was removed lol

    That's not a bad deal. In many established fleets, everyone has more fleet marks than they can get rid of so when a project needs them they get snatched up right away.
    Wasn't really fair to me LOL but as long as a Fleet gets what they need, **** the little guy :frowning:
    You kept the fleet credits you earned, and you probably would not have been able to earn those credits in a good fleet where they need dil and doffs not marks. So you didn't really lose anything. But yes, it sounds like that fleet's leaders are scum.

    It was just a random invite lol I'm in a friendly Fleet now, but they're new. I am still unsure how/what I need to have to even buy a Fleet ship
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I know this is about pc. I'm PS4 but I think the feature @davefenestrator doesn't exist on PS4

    anyway it's mostly impossible for me to get there in time due to RL stuff lol
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    I know this is about pc. I'm PS4 but I think the feature @davefenestrator doesn't exist on PS4

    anyway it's mostly impossible for me to get there in time due to RL stuff lol

    Huh, on PC when you go to the fleet projects for each holding, and select a filled in / launched project it shows a countdown timer for how long the project will take to complete. Most projects take 20 hours.

    This is like the reputation daily on PC. Once you fill in the daily the square for it dims and is overlaid with ( 19 hr 59 min 52 sec )

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    oh @davefenestrator I thought you ment like a que up system kinda thing
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
    if you decide a casual fleet is for you. I am one of a handful of leaders of casual fleets Fed and KDF side. We don't give orders, there are no mandatory contributions, and the people within the fleet are very helpful players to play for enjoyment. Our K-13's are almost done both sides and each fleet starbase is T4 working towards T5. Our chat in-game is "TenForwardForum" (without the quotes) and my @handle is the same as my forum handle.
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