I see the Borg as less of a big bad enemy, and more of a natural disaster type of occurrence that hits at times. Great example would be that even though the alliance has gained a large advantage over the Borg via their ability to basically bypass their ability to adapt, while like a virus that over time if you keep using the same methods to combat it would slowly become less affected by those methods, as such in time the Borg would rise once more with the old method of dealing with them being ineffective now against these new Borg. In this way the Borg are a danger that ebb and flows in power over time, and so unless of course the alliance were to fully destroy them utterly getting rid of all Borg tech in the universe they are always there adapting even if slowly. An so in this way they do not truly feel like a big bad villain like the Iconians or even Tzenkethi, but feel more like a plague can be devastating.
They played a major part in THIS game and the STFs they appear in are still stupidly popular (although I would argue that part of the reason for that is also generous reward for hardly any work).