You can never keep the transport ships alive, I have never completed that portion of the mission, you just waist your time in it for no reason. Most people just warp out of the mission if it gives us that encounter. Please just remove it Cryptic, its nothing but cancer.
Why, that's how Einstein defined insanity: doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.
Tl;dr: LTP!
EDIT: And yes, I was talking about the Benthan map too.
All people suck, but some people suck less than others.
Okay, waxing serious now, Korfez is really quite doable, Benthans included; but, like I said, you need to coordinate with your team who does what. If you're just going in, indicriminately firing at will, chances are you will, indeed, fail. Frustrating, for sure, but the solution remains invariably the same: coordinate, and you shall succeed.
The Benthan wave is an example of needing tactics over pure Damage Output alone.
Korfez only has one difficulty level: Elite.
It is one that needs coordination, gear, and skill. You can't just faceroll spacebar like Infected.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Indeed. And it surprises me that the whole notion of having to coordinate engenders so much flak. I mean, missions are supposed to be that way; and the fact that many can be solo-ed, or require no real team work, is actually what is broken.
Occasionally we do fail the Benthan wave (especially when Harry Kim decides to use the bathroom when we have landed the required # of ships and just won't accept it) but 90%+ of the time we succeed now.
Video on a PUG (that's the REAL challenge) showing this or it did NOT happen. Words are empty unless you are able to...
Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his TRIBBLE.
(William Walace)
And words are empty when not read. I specifically said 'premade team.' I wouldn't even bother trying Fez in a PUG.
Somebody say... Fez?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I ran most of these out of the 30K channel (which naturally has higher-DPS ppl in it too).
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you win the forum for the day
If I had to guess I might hazard that I have beaten it with pugs somwhere between 17% and 24% of the time. With a group of friends, that I like to drag into it, probably 90% of the time.
Its not bugged. The requirments to beat it are just highly dispropotianl to the other random waves, which are frankly a cake walk.
This realy isnt the case. Drawing on my experiance with my friends, we have cirtainly beaten it with raw damage from time to time. But on a number of runs its been a win with multiple people doing less then 10k DPS.
If you want to beat it with low DPS you need only two things, speed and agro. Speed to get the artilery ships to target their berages on you (while your somwhere the benthians wont be) and agro to keep the little ships firing at you and not the benthians. You dont have to hit a thing.
The primery problem with the benthians is just that the area the benthians cover is two big for one man to carry the team. Much of the content in this game only needs one guy to do the work and 4 other guys to make the que pop. When you pug them and you dont pull your weight its fine, because you have 4 chances to get a guy that can fill in for the rest of the team. The benthian wave of Korfez dosnt allow for that, you needa minimum of three people who know what their doing to cover the whole line.
No one ever complains that disconected elite is buged, Its just as difficult, but its always difficult so people expect it. The benthian wave of korfez is a huge step up in difficulty from the other waives of korfez, so it seems out of place. But honestly I wish the other waves could be made more intresting, the only reason I run korfez is for the benthians.
As others have said it just takes coordination and for people to generally communicate *shock* when the Benthan part shows up and have a game plan.
There's many viable strategies. But primarily, each player should pick a lane (leaves one as a floater to help where needed) by calling out far/near left/right, and stick with the ships from both waves in that lane until they warp out, ie ESCORT them it's an escort sortie not specifically a DPS sortie or HP bag to wear down.
It's like when we didn't have the DPS needed in The Cure STF many years ago and so people had to actually take care of the Kang to not fail (I miss those days, tanks/healers had jobs).
Sure all out DPS is viable but you need very high dps numbers to wipe out the enemies if you're going to completely neglect hand holding (healing) the Benthan ships (which most seemingly often ignore). I run it at least once every day with PUGs and I've only had pure DPS wins happens once or twice.
You can go the Aggro route, ping all the enemies 1st and have them hammer you while you coast 3-4km above the ships you're escorting so the mines don't hit them. Totally viable with "lower" dps.
While I haven't done a pure healer run, my tanky nature I usually have ample heals/resists on tap, and healing the Benthans as they go (and yes Tac Team IS often as good as a heal people) even with low dps is easy.
Control builds... yeah, but needs to be combined with healing or DPS to still work, not as a stand alone strategy.
Thinking of other whacky ways to do it, anti-dps builds could be something to try too (ie using abilities that reduce enemies damage output, like using Acteon beam, APD, suppression barrage etc). But like control builds is just a stalling tactic, need to eventually kill them and/or heal Benthans as you slowly burn the enemies defences down. Problem is there's not many anti-dps abilities.
Drain builds I don't think are viable in any way as AoE draining is hard to do effectively against that number of enemies so far spread out.
Pure exotics, same category as DPS builds, needs lots if you're going to ignore healing.
Korfez with PUGs is very hit and miss if Benthans show up. If they don't you're pretty likely to succeed. Mostly it's the builds and piloting skills of the other players and if they know what they're doing. If you see the other captains going in guns blazing completely ignoring the Benthans, you should probably just quit the instance and save yourself the bother. The big tell I've found is when the 2nd wave is due, if no one has flown back to the Benthans 2nd wave spawn points to escort them, and you've already lost 10/15 ships, chances are the mission will fail.
Always be near the ships you're escorting and always click on them occasionally to check health and shield facing strength status. Often dropping a tac team on them at the right time is all that's needed, especially when mines are about to explode near them.
Don't fly off far away from them to dog fight.
Use Attract fire or Threatening stance if possible.
CC as much as possible.
The enemy will warp in from the front and behind the Benthans.
Try to keep evenly spread out along the incoming line rather than bunched up.
Head back to the 2nd wave before it arrives.
I haven't played it in a long time, though, so I can't say if its broken again.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Thats how this entire post sounds
No, it sounds like you being so busy throwing a hissy fit that you won't listen to any other point of view.
No one said that if you can't do it you suck, but for you we'll make an exception...
You can't do it because you suck.
There's also the issue of the transports occasionally being stuck after they make it to the planet. You cannot interact with the ship, but it can still be destroyed, and will count against you if destroyed.
Below is a Benthan's run with the Aggronauts, and most of us were in off-meta builds.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
Hearing that Korfez can be done, after all, apparently enrages you somehow; which baffles me a bit, but okay. Still, changes nothing: in a fairly good team, it can be done. In 10K we often just agreed to BOB (Bale on Benthans); but from 30K it was certainly doable, and I've ran it many times (when I needed all the equipment). All you need is some minimal coordination: extreme DPS, while lovely if someone brings it, was never a true requirement.