I was under the impression Drexler owned the Copyright to the NX Refit.
Considering how many other places that model has been used (calendar/Eaglemoss replica/etc) it's pretty much a given he's not to uptight about people using the design.
Edited to appease ruffled feathers of ash352.
I Just finished talking with Doug. One of the things we talked about was this release. Cryptic talked to Paramount/CBS and they refered Cryptic to talk with Dug about using it. Dug gave his belssing and is excited and honored it is coming to the game.
Eldarion Doug has never called the Refit the "Columbia class". It has been always refered to by him as the NX refit. Besides that Columbia was the second NX class ship NX-02 and afik the only time an entire class of ship has be renamed after the second ship was the Thresher class which after her loss was renamed Permit Class.
ash352 Yes Doug is a really laid back guy and a good friend but this was and is his baby so Cryptic did the right thing going to the source. As far as the Ships of the Line Calendar Doug is very much involved with that so it's not a thing od being a uptight guy. Everything out there that Doug holds rights to mark my bottom dollar he has given permission to who ever to use. To not have his permission and use his stuff if theft. Eaglemoss has worked closely with Doug on the various releases of his work. The latest the J is just amazing!
The Columbia Class is what the Novelverse calls the refit, I did not state that Mr Drexler called it that.
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
Which begs the question, as a quick interlude, are the T6 TOS interiors currently out there not a full interior? I have the T1 TOS interior (wich looks absolutely stunning to me, and doesn't really need improving upon, far as I'm concerned); but I was led to believe the current T6 [C/K]onnie bridges were, while slightly different from the old T1 TOS interiors, also full interiors. Is that not the case?
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
They could just do something like they did with the Intrepid and make a bundle out of it. Not only that, we'd get not just a unique Bridge, but a FULL INTERIOR potentially.
Which may be dependent on if we're gonna have anything involving the NX class in upcoming content...
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
Especially since there are at least two entirely different TMP/Movie-era bridges, an NX bridge is probably going to happen first.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
Which begs the question, as a quick interlude, are the T6 TOS interiors currently out there not a full interior? I have the T1 TOS interior (wich looks absolutely stunning to me, and doesn't really need improving upon, far as I'm concerned); but I was led to believe the current T6 [C/K]onnie bridges were, while slightly different from the old T1 TOS interiors, also full interiors. Is that not the case?
The TOS pack from the C-Store always included a full interior, not just the bridge. They fixed some bugs. The shuttle bay might be a new thing they added since AOY came out, I genuinely don't recall if that was always there. I kind of want to say it's new.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
Which begs the question, as a quick interlude, are the T6 TOS interiors currently out there not a full interior? I have the T1 TOS interior (wich looks absolutely stunning to me, and doesn't really need improving upon, far as I'm concerned); but I was led to believe the current T6 [C/K]onnie bridges were, while slightly different from the old T1 TOS interiors, also full interiors. Is that not the case?
The TOS pack from the C-Store always included a full interior, not just the bridge. They fixed some bugs. The shuttle bay might be a new thing they added since AOY came out, I genuinely don't recall if that was always there. I kind of want to say it's new.
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
Which begs the question, as a quick interlude, are the T6 TOS interiors currently out there not a full interior? I have the T1 TOS interior (wich looks absolutely stunning to me, and doesn't really need improving upon, far as I'm concerned); but I was led to believe the current T6 [C/K]onnie bridges were, while slightly different from the old T1 TOS interiors, also full interiors. Is that not the case?
the AoY ships in the get a variation of the TOS Connie, you have bridge and one large deck with everything else.. Only available on the ships from the Temporal Pack tho
The Columbia Class is what the Novelverse calls the refit, I did not state that Mr Drexler called it that.
Which begs the question, as a quick interlude, are the T6 TOS interiors currently out there not a full interior? I have the T1 TOS interior (wich looks absolutely stunning to me, and doesn't really need improving upon, far as I'm concerned); but I was led to believe the current T6 [C/K]onnie bridges were, while slightly different from the old T1 TOS interiors, also full interiors. Is that not the case?
Especially since there are at least two entirely different TMP/Movie-era bridges, an NX bridge is probably going to happen first.
The TOS pack from the C-Store always included a full interior, not just the bridge. They fixed some bugs. The shuttle bay might be a new thing they added since AOY came out, I genuinely don't recall if that was always there. I kind of want to say it's new.
Okay, thanks.
the AoY ships in the get a variation of the TOS Connie, you have bridge and one large deck with everything else.. Only available on the ships from the Temporal Pack tho