I was under the impression Drexler owned the Copyright to the NX Refit.
I believe he still worked for CBS when he originally made it (it was a bid to revitalize the show, not to save or revive it from cancellation), so his contract probably assigns the copyright on all his work to CBS, even if it's not used. Eaglemoss has a model of it, and their official answer on the Vesta has been that they're not planning to license ships not covered by their existing license with CBS and Paramount while there's still depth to dig there.
Can't wait to grind out the Anniversary event for the latest edition to the Republic fleet - The R.R.W. Cool Ranch. May it bring glory and honor to our beloved Republic.
Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 65, Rom Sci
S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 65, Rom Eng
T'Lyra, LvL 65, Fed, Vul Sci
Ta'el, Lvl 63, Rom Tac
Sukima, Lvl 65, Fed Vul Sci
I'm disappointed, I was expecting the T6 NX to have the Franklin model, but well, you can't have everything. That's still very nice for those who wanted the NX refit.
Franklin could be a skin option for it, you never know.
I was under the impression Drexler owned the Copyright to the NX Refit.
Considering how many other places that model has been used (calendar/Eaglemoss replica/etc) it's pretty much a given he's not to uptight about people using the design.
Edited to appease ruffled feathers of ash352.
I Just finished talking with Doug. One of the things we talked about was this release. Cryptic talked to Paramount/CBS and they refered Cryptic to talk with Dug about using it. Dug gave his belssing and is excited and honored it is coming to the game.
Eldarion Doug has never called the Refit the "Columbia class". It has been always refered to by him as the NX refit. Besides that Columbia was the second NX class ship NX-02 and afik the only time an entire class of ship has be renamed after the second ship was the Thresher class which after her loss was renamed Permit Class.
ash352 Yes Doug is a really laid back guy and a good friend but this was and is his baby so Cryptic did the right thing going to the source. As far as the Ships of the Line Calendar Doug is very much involved with that so it's not a thing od being a uptight guy. Everything out there that Doug holds rights to mark my bottom dollar he has given permission to who ever to use. To not have his permission and use his stuff if theft. Eaglemoss has worked closely with Doug on the various releases of his work. The latest the J is just amazing!
I Just finished talking with Dug. One of the things we talked about was this release. Cryptic talked to Paramount/CBS and they refered Cryptic to talk with Dug about using it. Dug gave his belssing and is excited and honored it is coming to the game.
Eldarion Dug has never called the Refit the "Columbia class". It has been always refered to by him as the NX refit.
ash352 Yes Dug is a really laid back guy but this was and is his baby so Cryptic did the right thing going to the source. As far as the Ships of the Line Calendar Dug is very much involved with that so it's not a thing od being a uptight guy. Everything out there that Dug holds rights to mark my bottom dollar he has given permission to who ever to use. To not have his permission and use his stuff if theft. Eaglemoss has worked closely with Dug on the various releases of his work. The latest the J is just amazing!
That was the entire point of my post. You used an entire paragraph just to confirm everything I said. Why? To go, "yeah I talked to Doug and he said they talked to him about it." It's a given people would talk to him before using it. Was there a point to you reiterating everything?
Also why the hell are you calling him "Dug"? I don't use nicknames for my friends with other people and it honestly sounds stupid to call the man something you do to a hole.
I Just finished talking with Dug. One of the things we talked about was this release. Cryptic talked to Paramount/CBS and they refered Cryptic to talk with Dug about using it. Dug gave his belssing and is excited and honored it is coming to the game.
Eldarion Dug has never called the Refit the "Columbia class". It has been always refered to by him as the NX refit.
ash352 Yes Dug is a really laid back guy but this was and is his baby so Cryptic did the right thing going to the source. As far as the Ships of the Line Calendar Dug is very much involved with that so it's not a thing od being a uptight guy. Everything out there that Dug holds rights to mark my bottom dollar he has given permission to who ever to use. To not have his permission and use his stuff if theft. Eaglemoss has worked closely with Dug on the various releases of his work. The latest the J is just amazing!
That was the entire point of my post. You used an entire paragraph just to confirm everything I said. Why? To go, "yeah I talked to Doug and he said they talked to him about it." It's a given people would talk to him before using it. Was there a point to you reiterating everything?
Also why the hell are you calling him "Dug"? I don't use nicknames for my friends with other people and it honestly sounds stupid to call the man something you do to a hole.
Because friends with him like me call him that DUH! But to appease your ruffled feathers I'll change it. And to be honest there are MANY companies and individuals who use others work without contacting them or the indivduals permisssion but just rely on the blanket copyright of well say Paramount. By going drectly to the source is a nice gesture on Cryptics part but I guess you missed that somehow.
Weird. I didn't speak to Mr. Drexler at all and in one glance I knew he'd given his blessing - or as much of it as is required of him.
This is the work of professionals (on both sides of the equation) not some sort of internet he-said-she-said free for all. We're not talking about fan art here.
Because friends with him like me call him that DUH! But to appease your ruffled feathers I'll change it. And to be honest there are MANY companies and individuals who use others work without contacting them or the indivduals permisssion but just rely on the blanket copyright of well say Paramount. By going drectly to the source is a nice gesture on Cryptics part but I guess you missed that somehow.
Judging by your use of English and your other posts I'm guessing that most basic things are lost on you. (Seriously, things have spell check, use it. Also learn at least basic sentence structure if not some form of grammar.) One of my friends is named Richard, several of us jokingly call him "Dickie" in private. We wouldn't do so in public because we respect him. "Dug" instead of "Doug" is stupidly disrespectful and honestly lazy in the fact you won't type the o. It's not a matter of it my "feathers are ruffled", it's the fact that you don't appear to respect the man at all.
Other than that if you actually think a company wouldn't ask permission, when they've done so multiple times in the past, to use art by another company or person who holds that IP you're less there than most of the population. Cryptic has been good about getting permission from the person who holds the IP of the item in question, if they can't get it they don't use it. The fact that they are using the model means that they got his permission. I also inferred that fact about the other companies because both "Ships of the Line" and Eaglemoss both stated publicly that they got his permission to use the art.
I didn't miss anything, YOU are the one that's lost in the sauce of basic English and might want to re-read things in the future to better understand before posting and acting like you're "in the know" when you're lost.
I am fervently hoping the new NX is a lockbox ship. Because that would probably mean we'd get 22C weapons to go with it, and the alternative is that it's a promo pack ship.
Because friends with him like me call him that DUH! But to appease your ruffled feathers I'll change it. And to be honest there are MANY companies and individuals who use others work without contacting them or the indivduals permisssion but just rely on the blanket copyright of well say Paramount. By going drectly to the source is a nice gesture on Cryptics part but I guess you missed that somehow.
Judging by your use of English and your other posts I'm guessing that most basic things are lost on you. (Seriously, things have spell check, use it. Also learn at least basic sentence structure if not some form of grammar.) One of my friends is named Richard, several of us jokingly call him "Dickie" in private. We wouldn't do so in public because we respect him. "Dug" instead of "Doug" is stupidly disrespectful and honestly lazy in the fact you won't type the o. It's not a matter of it my "feathers are ruffled", it's the fact that you don't appear to respect the man at all.
Are you serious? Damn you are wound up way too tight if that's a real issue for you...
Are you serious? Damn you are wound up way too tight if that's a real issue for you...
I'm just tired of stupidity. When I have to deal with it at work for hours and then come home and deal with it, yeah I get a tad bit frustrated with them and it shows. What I said to him is tame compared to what I told the woman from work yesterday who looked at me and told me, "All I did was install the toolbar when the popup told me too. I know you told me not to the last time this happened, and told me why. It just seemed harmless this time. Now my internet won't work, can you fix it?"
Several people on these forums just twist me the wrong way. Most times I ignore it and just go do something else. Today I decided, TRIBBLE that I'm going to vent a bit to them. This guy just happened to be one of them.
Weird. I didn't speak to Mr. Drexler at all and in one glance I knew he'd given his blessing - or as much of it as is required of him.
This is the work of professionals (on both sides of the equation) not some sort of internet he-said-she-said free for all. We're not talking about fan art here.
Yes but with work that is trademarked like Star Trek the artist or craftmen who created the piece is not always consulted or given credit where it is due. Which is why I was surprised that the refit was appearing here. Mind you I saw this post long before I had my chat with Doug. I made an assumption about the whole thing that was off. Sadly getting permission of the artist who did the actual design doesn't always happen and as I may have said earlier blanket copyrights are used as a way of using things for a project without having to consult the individual artist or in many cases credit them. Just glad that Cryptic went the high road with this. Class act!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,874Community Moderator
I am fervently hoping the new NX is a lockbox ship. Because that would probably mean we'd get 22C weapons to go with it, and the alternative is that it's a promo pack ship.
There is one thing we need to consider as well.
The standard NX class is a C-Store ship.
I don't know of any Lockbox ships with C-Store family. The closest MIGHT be the Wells and the current Temporal ships, but we're talking a faction specific ship here.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Are you serious? Damn you are wound up way too tight if that's a real issue for you...
I'm just tired of stupidity. When I have to deal with it at work for hours and then come home and deal with it, yeah I get a tad bit frustrated with them and it shows. What I said to him is tame compared to what I told the woman from work yesterday who looked at me and told me, "All I did was install the toolbar when the popup told me too. I know you told me not to the last time this happened, and told me why. It just seemed harmless this time. Now my internet won't work, can you fix it?"
Several people on these forums just twist me the wrong way. Most times I ignore it and just go do something else. Today I decided, **** that I'm going to vent a bit to them. This guy just happened to be one of them.
Here's the thing ash352 I have been civil to you but you are a troll simple as that. Sadly you exsist in this world and continue to use resources up that would be better spent on far wiser and more intelligent people then you. If what some folks post here get you all bent out of shape all I can say is get some help guy quick. You are heading towards a stroke.
I am fervently hoping the new NX is a lockbox ship. Because that would probably mean we'd get 22C weapons to go with it, and the alternative is that it's a promo pack ship.
There is one thing we need to consider as well.
The standard NX class is a C-Store ship.
I don't know of any Lockbox ships with C-Store family. The closest MIGHT be the Wells and the current Temporal ships, but we're talking a faction specific ship here.
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,874Community Moderator
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
They could just do something like they did with the Intrepid and make a bundle out of it. Not only that, we'd get not just a unique Bridge, but a FULL INTERIOR potentially.
Which may be dependent on if we're gonna have anything involving the NX class in upcoming content...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
They could just do something like they did with the Intrepid and make a bundle out of it. Not only that, we'd get not just a unique Bridge, but a FULL INTERIOR potentially.
Which may be dependent on if we're gonna have anything involving the NX class in upcoming content...
Ooo, I'd love that! But unless there's a storyline mission involved, taking place aboard the NX, I doubt we'll get a full interior. But we can dream, right?
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
They could just do something like they did with the Intrepid and make a bundle out of it. Not only that, we'd get not just a unique Bridge, but a FULL INTERIOR potentially.
Which may be dependent on if we're gonna have anything involving the NX class in upcoming content...
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
They could just do something like they did with the Intrepid and make a bundle out of it. Not only that, we'd get not just a unique Bridge, but a FULL INTERIOR potentially.
Which may be dependent on if we're gonna have anything involving the NX class in upcoming content...
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
I so want those as well along with phase rifles ^^
Oh and the MACO rifles too
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
and don't forget we have them maco uniforms in the dill store too I havn't got one yet but I will soon :-D
I beleive its the refit skin
That was going to be the look of the enterprise in its 5th season before it got canned.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
I believe he still worked for CBS when he originally made it (it was a bid to revitalize the show, not to save or revive it from cancellation), so his contract probably assigns the copyright on all his work to CBS, even if it's not used. Eaglemoss has a model of it, and their official answer on the Vesta has been that they're not planning to license ships not covered by their existing license with CBS and Paramount while there's still depth to dig there.
Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 65, Rom Sci
S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 65, Rom Eng
T'Lyra, LvL 65, Fed, Vul Sci
Ta'el, Lvl 63, Rom Tac
Sukima, Lvl 65, Fed Vul Sci
House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anointed Champion (Faith.)
Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator
Franklin could be a skin option for it, you never know.
Candy spiral coils? guess they might be playing with a new design. Interesting...
That part I was hoping was just a texture bug that whoever put the logo on the screenshot didn't notice ...
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Edited to appease ruffled feathers of ash352.
I Just finished talking with Doug. One of the things we talked about was this release. Cryptic talked to Paramount/CBS and they refered Cryptic to talk with Dug about using it. Dug gave his belssing and is excited and honored it is coming to the game.
Eldarion Doug has never called the Refit the "Columbia class". It has been always refered to by him as the NX refit. Besides that Columbia was the second NX class ship NX-02 and afik the only time an entire class of ship has be renamed after the second ship was the Thresher class which after her loss was renamed Permit Class.
ash352 Yes Doug is a really laid back guy and a good friend but this was and is his baby so Cryptic did the right thing going to the source. As far as the Ships of the Line Calendar Doug is very much involved with that so it's not a thing od being a uptight guy. Everything out there that Doug holds rights to mark my bottom dollar he has given permission to who ever to use. To not have his permission and use his stuff if theft. Eaglemoss has worked closely with Doug on the various releases of his work. The latest the J is just amazing!
That was the entire point of my post. You used an entire paragraph just to confirm everything I said. Why? To go, "yeah I talked to Doug and he said they talked to him about it." It's a given people would talk to him before using it. Was there a point to you reiterating everything?
Also why the hell are you calling him "Dug"? I don't use nicknames for my friends with other people and it honestly sounds stupid to call the man something you do to a hole.
Because friends with him like me call him that DUH! But to appease your ruffled feathers I'll change it. And to be honest there are MANY companies and individuals who use others work without contacting them or the indivduals permisssion but just rely on the blanket copyright of well say Paramount. By going drectly to the source is a nice gesture on Cryptics part but I guess you missed that somehow.
This is the work of professionals (on both sides of the equation) not some sort of internet he-said-she-said free for all. We're not talking about fan art here.
Judging by your use of English and your other posts I'm guessing that most basic things are lost on you. (Seriously, things have spell check, use it. Also learn at least basic sentence structure if not some form of grammar.) One of my friends is named Richard, several of us jokingly call him "Dickie" in private. We wouldn't do so in public because we respect him. "Dug" instead of "Doug" is stupidly disrespectful and honestly lazy in the fact you won't type the o. It's not a matter of it my "feathers are ruffled", it's the fact that you don't appear to respect the man at all.
Other than that if you actually think a company wouldn't ask permission, when they've done so multiple times in the past, to use art by another company or person who holds that IP you're less there than most of the population. Cryptic has been good about getting permission from the person who holds the IP of the item in question, if they can't get it they don't use it. The fact that they are using the model means that they got his permission. I also inferred that fact about the other companies because both "Ships of the Line" and Eaglemoss both stated publicly that they got his permission to use the art.
I didn't miss anything, YOU are the one that's lost in the sauce of basic English and might want to re-read things in the future to better understand before posting and acting like you're "in the know" when you're lost.
Dang... new Lukari ship, NX, and Hammerhead dread... my accounts will no be liking me...
Are you serious? Damn you are wound up way too tight if that's a real issue for you...
I'm just tired of stupidity. When I have to deal with it at work for hours and then come home and deal with it, yeah I get a tad bit frustrated with them and it shows. What I said to him is tame compared to what I told the woman from work yesterday who looked at me and told me, "All I did was install the toolbar when the popup told me too. I know you told me not to the last time this happened, and told me why. It just seemed harmless this time. Now my internet won't work, can you fix it?"
Several people on these forums just twist me the wrong way. Most times I ignore it and just go do something else. Today I decided, TRIBBLE that I'm going to vent a bit to them. This guy just happened to be one of them.
Yes but with work that is trademarked like Star Trek the artist or craftmen who created the piece is not always consulted or given credit where it is due. Which is why I was surprised that the refit was appearing here. Mind you I saw this post long before I had my chat with Doug. I made an assumption about the whole thing that was off. Sadly getting permission of the artist who did the actual design doesn't always happen and as I may have said earlier blanket copyrights are used as a way of using things for a project without having to consult the individual artist or in many cases credit them. Just glad that Cryptic went the high road with this. Class act!
There is one thing we need to consider as well.
The standard NX class is a C-Store ship.
I don't know of any Lockbox ships with C-Store family. The closest MIGHT be the Wells and the current Temporal ships, but we're talking a faction specific ship here.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I LOL-ed.
Now that you guys bring this up, I'd like the new NX to be a lockbox ship, because... I want it to have its own, unique bridge!
They could just do something like they did with the Intrepid and make a bundle out of it. Not only that, we'd get not just a unique Bridge, but a FULL INTERIOR potentially.
Which may be dependent on if we're gonna have anything involving the NX class in upcoming content...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Ooo, I'd love that!
The forum tears if we get an NX interior before Connie Refit interior ... mmm, tasty!
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^