Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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All my 15 characters in STO are female so far. Why? Who can tell. A choice for one or the other doesn't necessarily mean anything. I'm attracted to females, and so to me it's fitting to be role playing a space fantasy involving female avatars, where all the attention I'm giving them at the tailor, with costumes, biographies, seeing them when not in space etc. goes in line with that preference. Space barbie is end-game after all. It's also more balanced, being able to momentarily role play something other than what you are by default.
In other games where there was a choice I played exclusively male. Still others my preference is split, as in Overwatch I enjoy going in as S76, Reaper, Genji as much as WM, Hana, Pharah, and also look forward to unlocking costumes and other cosmetics on them as much as the females, robots, and omnics lineup.
Back in the day male was the only option for so many games, and I still see that being true today. Being forced to be human, the protagonist (no choices), etc. etc., makes for non-restrictive options a total bonus, or even as a way to be different from others and doing something unconventional as a way to defy the wishes of others and help others question established rules by those (who think they are) in power.
I have 11 toons, 8 males, 3 females. I wanted to have at least one female in each faction. The one I consider my "main" is a female joined Trill
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
I currently have 7 toons: 3 male, 3 female, and one gorn. How I decided on each was simply based upon what kind of person I wanted that character to be, and what sex they became was simply a part of it. One of the characters I decided to make is a female tactical who's very tiny yet badass, and I'm definitely finding her to be a lot of fun.
My main is an KDF Female Alien who looks Andorian, Space Pirate themed with Eye patch and everything.
That said one of the main things is I just don't feel like staring at a male TRIBBLE while running arround on ground. Long Winter Coats, Vaudwaur Trench Coats, and other long shirt uniform options alleviate this.
I have 2 Male Ferasans, 1 Female Ferasan, 1 Male Romulan, 1 Male and 1 Female Reman. 1 Gorn (male only), 3 Alien Females, an Orion Female (Fully Clothed), and my original Character a male Andorian.
My AoY character while only lvl 5 is a female Vulcan. My next character would likely be a male Catian Eng, male Tellarite Tac (Epic beards FTW), or actually make a Klingon Proper. only 3/13 characters are Fed but no KDF who are actually Klingon.*Shrug* Maybe a Male Joined Trill, never used that race even though I unlocked it.
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Female...because playing dress up is way more fun as a girl.
Really this is the only true answer.
I must admit that I tend to spend much more time in the character creation on a female character than a male one, and I've discovered that this seems to be very common among a lot of other guys I've talked to -- regardless of whether or not we really want to somehow be attracted to that character.
Also, has anyone else noticed that about the only animations most games seem to consistently get [near] perfect are ones that involve breast and/ore butt jiggle?
Female...because playing dress up is way more fun as a girl.
Really this is the only true answer.
I must admit that I tend to spend much more time in the character creation on a female character than a male one, and I've discovered that this seems to be very common among a lot of other guys I've talked to -- regardless of whether or not we really want to somehow be attracted to that character.
Also, has anyone else noticed that about the only animations most games seem to consistently get [near] perfect are ones that involve breast and/ore butt jiggle?
Based on this criteria Scarlet Blade is the greatest MMO of all time.
Most of my toons are based on characters from other sources. Of the 8 I have: 2 male, 6 female. Though it's not so bad in STO, most games have the males comically over-muscled. (Yes, the females are idealized too; but usually not as bad, imo) Plus, the joke about 'it's more fun to watch the backside of a female running around' is true for me, at least.
Now, if STO was a RP game... I'd stick to male toons.
I only have one female character, & she was originally created for my wife to play. She decided later to make her own account (on console) & I decided to keep the character & use it rather than delete her. As far as how the character looks, I didn't design her, so not my fault.
She made an account... on console. Why does she not want to play STO with you?
I "detach" myself from my characters, as in, they're not an extension of me. I treat them as separate entities, a bit like literature creations of fiction/fanfiction I write. "Babies", in a sense.
So their gender has no relation to my own. They are whatever the stories in my head create.
I don't get this 'it's more fun to watch the backside of a female running around' because most of the time my ingame avatar is a space ship. And if I do some ground stuff, I don't really pay attention to my char. I'm buisy targetting or clicking on NPC's/consoles.
What's left of playing a female avatar are whispers from creeps.
Playing an avatar of the female gender as a male gets weird (getting hit on, propositioned for drozana/risa/nimbus related activities) as I did it once as an experiement on a different mmo (it was set characters, your squad leader being your avatar and the female units leader buff was too good to ignore) and it was not fun (well, except for random guys giving you stuff due to two shoulder boulders)
Of course anyone can play what they want, but I find its too much hassle to contemplate
My current contingent of ongoing STO characters includes: Alien male; Human female; Vulcan male; Romulan male (Federation aligned); Ferengi female; Trill male; Liberated Borg male; Vulcan female; Klingon male (KDF); Human male; Andorian female; Joined Trill female (KDF); Romulan female (KDF aligned).
I don't get this 'it's more fun to watch the backside of a female running around' because most of the time my ingame avatar is a space ship. And if I do some ground stuff, I don't really pay attention to my char. I'm buisy targetting or clicking on NPC's/consoles.
What's left of playing a female avatar are whispers from creeps.
A Klingon who dislikes stabby death? *gets out scanner to check for shapeshifters*
Playing an avatar of the female gender as a male gets weird (getting hit on, propositioned for drozana/risa/nimbus related activities) as I did it once as an experiement on a different mmo (it was set characters, your squad leader being your avatar and the female units leader buff was too good to ignore) and it was not fun (well, except for random guys giving you stuff due to two shoulder boulders)
Of course anyone can play what they want, but I find its too much hassle to contemplate
I've never had anyone hit on me based on my character. I do get random friend requests all the time though. :P
Male on my main, female on my delta recruit. Male on my Klingon, same with the romulan and temporal agent.
I'm male so I go will a male avatar, an action hero type of character
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Playing an avatar of the female gender as a male gets weird (getting hit on, propositioned for drozana/risa/nimbus related activities) as I did it once as an experiement on a different mmo (it was set characters, your squad leader being your avatar and the female units leader buff was too good to ignore) and it was not fun (well, except for random guys giving you stuff due to two shoulder boulders)
Of course anyone can play what they want, but I find its too much hassle to contemplate
I've never had anyone hit on me based on my character. I do get random friend requests all the time though. :P
Yeah, I can't recall getting 'hit on' on my female characters in MMOs. Couple comments on outfits (congrats on collecting an entire set of random-drop bikini armor in WoW, for instance), but that's all I remember. I suppose there must have been one or two over the years, but they obviously didn't stick in my mind. /shrug
Did get random "join <female-themed fleet>" invites until I disabled fleet invites, tho.
20 alts, all female, and also as many of their BOFFs as I could manage.
Which would be one of the main reasons I dislike Tovan Khev
(seriously, though - this game is great for doing 'dress up' with - you can make multiple outfits for your characters, you can dress up your boffs, you can customize your ships.... wheeeeee! )
Playing an avatar of the female gender as a male gets weird (getting hit on, propositioned for drozana/risa/nimbus related activities) as I did it once as an experiement on a different mmo (it was set characters, your squad leader being your avatar and the female units leader buff was too good to ignore) and it was not fun (well, except for random guys giving you stuff due to two shoulder boulders)
Of course anyone can play what they want, but I find its too much hassle to contemplate
I've found it to be something of a surprise that, of the female characters that I play currently, the one that I designed to be more on the cute side tends to get a little more attention than the one that I made more on the "sexy" side. In any case, even though there have been times where I started getting slightly annoyed by "my girls" getting hit upon, I really don't mind in the end. I find it a bit humbling because it's given me a little insight into what many of us guys have put women through over the centuries.
Playing an avatar of the female gender as a male gets weird (getting hit on, propositioned for drozana/risa/nimbus related activities) as I did it once as an experiement on a different mmo (it was set characters, your squad leader being your avatar and the female units leader buff was too good to ignore) and it was not fun (well, except for random guys giving you stuff due to two shoulder boulders)
Of course anyone can play what they want, but I find its too much hassle to contemplate
I've found it to be something of a surprise that, of the female characters that I play currently, the one that I designed to be more on the cute side tends to get a little more attention than the one that I made more on the "sexy" side. In any case, even though there have been times where I started getting slightly annoyed by "my girls" getting hit upon, I really don't mind in the end. I find it a bit humbling because it's given me a little insight into what many of us guys have put women through over the centuries.
Thats what I found... on the mmo I mentioned (some flash n the pan korean-esque grinder mmo that died within a year of hitting its global server with robot girls), one of the few graphics options were a breast slider (they know their demographic) - and as I lowered it (as I just can't see a DD packing lady swinging a chainsaw sword without giving herself a diy masectomy as they had little concept of chest armor), that seemed to be the catalyst to be seen as 'female' as opposed to the eponymous GIRL (Guy In Real Life)
Its quite comical how you can almost draw a direct correlation (anecdotally, mind) between butt/breast size and probability the avatar is a different gender to the player but I suppose if you think about it in a psychological mindset it makes far more sense...
Explore the I.D.I.C. right?
But I don't get how it supposedly applies.
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In other games where there was a choice I played exclusively male. Still others my preference is split, as in Overwatch I enjoy going in as S76, Reaper, Genji as much as WM, Hana, Pharah, and also look forward to unlocking costumes and other cosmetics on them as much as the females, robots, and omnics lineup.
Back in the day male was the only option for so many games, and I still see that being true today. Being forced to be human, the protagonist (no choices), etc. etc., makes for non-restrictive options a total bonus, or even as a way to be different from others and doing something unconventional as a way to defy the wishes of others and help others question established rules by those (who think they are) in power.
Also if I want to see a typical white guy hero character, I simply watch any generic Movie.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
That said one of the main things is I just don't feel like staring at a male TRIBBLE while running arround on ground. Long Winter Coats, Vaudwaur Trench Coats, and other long shirt uniform options alleviate this.
I have 2 Male Ferasans, 1 Female Ferasan, 1 Male Romulan, 1 Male and 1 Female Reman. 1 Gorn (male only), 3 Alien Females, an Orion Female (Fully Clothed), and my original Character a male Andorian.
My AoY character while only lvl 5 is a female Vulcan. My next character would likely be a male Catian Eng, male Tellarite Tac (Epic beards FTW), or actually make a Klingon Proper. only 3/13 characters are Fed but no KDF who are actually Klingon.*Shrug* Maybe a Male Joined Trill, never used that race even though I unlocked it.
If a character is simply an extension of myself, almost always male.
If a character is a character, with their own backstory, etc. then I see myself as a puppet master instead, then the character can be any gender.
Really this is the only true answer.
I must admit that I tend to spend much more time in the character creation on a female character than a male one, and I've discovered that this seems to be very common among a lot of other guys I've talked to -- regardless of whether or not we really want to somehow be attracted to that character.
Also, has anyone else noticed that about the only animations most games seem to consistently get [near] perfect are ones that involve breast and/ore butt jiggle?
I usually play female characters, so of my three mains, two are female and one is male.
It's a very common thing.
Based on this criteria Scarlet Blade is the greatest MMO of all time.
Now, if STO was a RP game... I'd stick to male toons.
She made an account... on console. Why does she not want to play STO with you?
^ this.
^ also this.
What's left of playing a female avatar are whispers from creeps.
Playing an avatar of the female gender as a male gets weird (getting hit on, propositioned for drozana/risa/nimbus related activities) as I did it once as an experiement on a different mmo (it was set characters, your squad leader being your avatar and the female units leader buff was too good to ignore) and it was not fun (well, except for random guys giving you stuff due to two shoulder boulders)
Of course anyone can play what they want, but I find its too much hassle to contemplate
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My character Tsin'xing
I've never had anyone hit on me based on my character. I do get random friend requests all the time though. :P
I'm male so I go will a male avatar, an action hero type of character
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Yeah, I can't recall getting 'hit on' on my female characters in MMOs. Couple comments on outfits (congrats on collecting an entire set of random-drop bikini armor in WoW, for instance), but that's all I remember. I suppose there must have been one or two over the years, but they obviously didn't stick in my mind. /shrug
Did get random "join <female-themed fleet>" invites until I disabled fleet invites, tho.
Which would be one of the main reasons I dislike Tovan Khev
(seriously, though - this game is great for doing 'dress up' with - you can make multiple outfits for your characters, you can dress up your boffs, you can customize your ships.... wheeeeee!
I've found it to be something of a surprise that, of the female characters that I play currently, the one that I designed to be more on the cute side tends to get a little more attention than the one that I made more on the "sexy" side. In any case, even though there have been times where I started getting slightly annoyed by "my girls" getting hit upon, I really don't mind in the end. I find it a bit humbling because it's given me a little insight into what many of us guys have put women through over the centuries.
Thats what I found... on the mmo I mentioned (some flash n the pan korean-esque grinder mmo that died within a year of hitting its global server with robot girls), one of the few graphics options were a breast slider (they know their demographic) - and as I lowered it (as I just can't see a DD packing lady swinging a chainsaw sword without giving herself a diy masectomy as they had little concept of chest armor), that seemed to be the catalyst to be seen as 'female' as opposed to the eponymous GIRL (Guy In Real Life)
Its quite comical how you can almost draw a direct correlation (anecdotally, mind) between butt/breast size and probability the avatar is a different gender to the player but I suppose if you think about it in a psychological mindset it makes far more sense...
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