I'm a big fan of small craft, I think they are a fun change of pace and I really enjoy piloting them... unfortunately it can be difficult to get the queues to pop and there are precious few queues or missions that utilize them. Kind of silly for something we dedicate entire systems to.
This isn't a suggestion so much as a wish list for the next season and beyond!
I would like:
- A new small craft queue, preferably something really cool that only a shuttle or fighter could do.
- Add a shuttle only adventure zone, with landing points that let you enter buildings and accomplish missions. Could be really cool.
- Increase rewards to all small craft queues and/or add something special to them to incentivize playing them frequently.
- A new set of fighters for each faction, which have pilot maneuvers and an ensign universal/pilot seat and integrated CRF:
- Starfleet Merlin Pilot Fighter (has cloak)
- KDF Cha’bIp Pilot Fighter (has battle cloak)
- RRF Red Claw Pilot Fighter (has Romulan battle cloak)
Who else would be down for this? Feel free to share your own ideas and wishes. Happy holidays everyone!
♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
If they ever made the Breen fighter playable, I'd get one and call her Dralthi.
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Or Balok's small ship?
Insurrection shuttles from the scene where data goes crazy and sings.
Argo because everybody asks for it.
The shuttle from Star Trek 5.
Spocks vulcan shuttle from Motion Picture.
Like my fanpage!
Join Date: August 29th 2010
It would, but that's probably too much work for the devs for a niche feature.
Once the Foundry comes back, have you looked to see if there are any shuttle + ground missions? If not, you could issue a challenge to authors and maybe give away a few lock box keys for the best ones. I'd chip in a key or two
Something like a bigger version of Kobali Prime or the Voth zone.
I'd say make some Foundry (whenever the Hell it comes back...) missions designed to utilize small craft, but there's little way to enforce it and most people would probably ignore the "designed for small craft" disclaimer then promptly TRIBBLE that the mission was way too easy.
I actually enjoy doing Shuttle Fleet Alert. Bust out the Star Fox music, run around in a little shuttle joining a swarm of fighters pounding larger ships...
Its fun, and its different from the cap ship fights.
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