Here is an bug which has been reported and yet nothing been done yet, I can't use any kit on my AOY toon. I can use all modules, except 23c photon grenade which equips fine but won't go in tray. CAN WE HOPE FOR A BUG FIX SOON, this is getting real annoying and since I'd like to use romulan navy ground set with ALL 3 pieces.
It would be nice to hear from a dev that would say, yes we're looking into it and actually fix it.......
By the way I know this has been reported and all but I, and I'm sure others, feel ignored in this. You put a new system into place, please fix it before adding other s**t.
Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
Now there's a new issue in addition to dud kit frame - upgraded 23c module stopped working - it can't be added to the action bar, so it can't be activated. Please note that the module worked up until the upgrades.
These are issues that seriously affect gameplay. Not to mention that it took a fair bit of dilithium to complete those upgrades.
Hopefully, if enough of us report the problem and keep these threads alive, someone will fix it.
I just wish someone at Cryptic would do something about it. As it is I think the only something will happens is if enough people b*tch and moan about it, otherwise we won't get anything from them.
Come on dev fix what you broke
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
It's been a couple of weeks since I opened the ticket.
At this point, I'd create another char and just level him up again, but I have a Kelvin Lockbox ship bound to this toon
I have never been able to equip a kit on my AoY Tac toon I made 2.5 months ago.
Modules no problem but never a kit.
I have a kit invisible slotted to 3 AoY and cant change them or unequip them.
Also there are still invisible items in my mail. I cant delete those, cant take the item out of it, and by now cant tell which item it actually is in my mails, since I have several toons affected. My take is, its a kit return from exchange.
Any note on this and when this will be a topic in the bug fixes?
Since its not even mentioned in the known issues and I know at least a few players in our fleet with the same problem but wont post this here..
Is there any chance we could get an update on this?
It seems to be fairly widespread and yet we are getting no info.
Can you elaborate on what you've heard and from where ?
So far I've had no response to my bug reports, nor have I seen the issue even once among the "known issues" list that they put out with bug fixes list .
I don't understand how they can let something like this go on for so long , especially for their touted latest "expansion" .
It's not much, I asked Laughing Trendy on twitter and she said the devs are working on it.
Please note that the bug is not fixed, but this may get the kit & modules back for some situations. This is just a workaround.
If you had the standard starter kit frame on your inventory/bank, you will instead have a non usable inventory or bank SLOT, accordingly. (ofc you can't use that kit frame anymore, but now it disables the slot it was in on 25/10.)
This issue is not solved by the workaround.
The reason AoY toon seem to be more affected seems to be them being nostalgic about their kit frame and saving those, and/or being relatively new. (this before speaking of an upgraded module hotbaring inability issue. I am relating here to the frame kit issue itself)
If you are purely affected by kit frame issue still (in a way that no workaround works) and after char was updated, you will probably have your modules on inventory/overflow bag, usable for you. But the slot your kit frame was in, will be totally useless (as well as the kit frame). I am unsure though.
EDIT: To avoid misunderstanding as happened before regarding this post, I newly add that characters created AFTER 25/10 patch are probably FINE.
Tried and it didn't change a thing. Kit slot still unusable.
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
@vylara No. I was told characters created AFTER the 25/10 patch are allegedly NOT AFFECTED by this kit frame bug.
Added a note in my older post in order to clarify.
The bug exist though for older characters which had their starter kit frame still when the 25/10 patch applied. Those were more likely to be AoY characters or characters which WERE new at 25/10, it seems. Sorry for misunderstanding.
I wanted to make clear that the real kit frame bug STILL EXISTS and nothing was changed for those who already had their char updated. This workaround is great when you are not affected by the bug and only not updated yet (most knowingly affected characters already tried that and more though), but it's important for us to have this bug fixed and I don't want to mislead anybody, especially management/support/developers etc, into thinking it was fixed. Hence my note.
Redirecting to the bug report topic itself, note that the bug STILL PRESENTS
Did you play it reasonably/tried workarounds mentioned before that since 25/10 before the 10-11/12?
Did you have your modules already usable and back to inventory/overflow bag BEFORE you used the workaround on 10-11/12?
Sorry, asking to understand what's happened/changed, if anything, as nothing was changed for my affected characters (which already tried before many things/workarounds etc to try to get the kit frame back, to no avail).
Edit to clarify: I am not a pro/support person, just a player like you, who wants to understand what's happened.
Yeah , tried this and nada.
AoY Tac toon still has her 1st Kit (stuck & invisible) from when she was created .
But thanks for trying !
Allegedly ANY character created before 25/10's patch which had still its beginner's kit frame while that patch applied.
(It's mostly those who were new at 25/10, or specifically AoY who were not so old and also tended to be more nostalgic about their starter kit frame, but not only those who were new then, and not all of those mentioned in this paragraph had that kit frame then.)
@coldsnapped , can we *please* get some word on what's going on with this? At least we can still equip modules, but missing out on the bonuses in the frames is a downer.
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
Hopefully, this means soon™...
Hopefully that mean this bug will finally be crushed.
E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
The subject name is a bit misleading as it's NOT exclusive to AoY.
The real issue discussed is not a temporary update issue only; not affected by a workaround including a command, but a real bug still presents, (not fixed in 3/11) and it seems at least any and ALL characters who were still owning/caring their starter kit frame in 25/10 during the patching in any (kit frame/bank/inventory/possibly mail) slot are affected still, having the kit frame black and unusable and that slot totally disabled.
Like others above I do hope this issue is looked upon, in my eyes it's critical.
*We do wish more feedback (in other topic) on this regard.
After 2 months I feel that there truly needs to be a resolution....this is not a reasonable troubleshooting time frame for a gamebreaking issue.
Support could just delete those starter kit frames from affected characters, so as to free up the kit slot.
If the latter and these Characters were a few months old when the they did the Kit Revamp 2.0, why were they still using the Starter Kits?
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'