Last night in CCA I had 3 AFK'ers on my team. Two never bothered to respawn after being destroyed. The other respawned but did not move from the starting point.
I only managed to report two of 'em when the mission ended because they quickly left the instance... I think shouting at a deaf person is more effective than reporting AFK'ers...
What is your experience?
Longest CCA I've had so far has been like 2.5 mins.
Most are done within 1.5 mins.
No time to see if anybody is afk'ing tbh.
But as already mentioned, the event rarely lasts more than a few minutes at most
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Well, I noticed in this particular run since it was taking way longer than usual and the enemies were targeting my ship more than usual.
That happened a few times. Though I suspect it was because I joined instances that were already in progress. I mean by the time I closed the double message pop up from "Admiral Annoying" the mission ended.... At least I got credit for "completing" the mission and didn't get hit with an AFK.
It's called "situational awareness".
It comes in handy in some queues like in BotSE where I notice from time to time that for whatever reason everyone seems to gravitate towards one of the two consoles that needs to be deactivated. I have counted far too many time where I am deactivating one console and all the other players are simply grouped around me. So if I am deactivating one console, and the other 4 players are hovering around me, then who's deactivating the other console?
Yeah... times like that is when situational awareness comes in handy so that I can I adjust my actions based on the lack of attention of the other players so that the mission does not fail.
And how is any of that relevant to CCA? The mission where the only relevant action is "shoot/spacemagic at the big snowflake" and it's not possible to fail anyway.
It's just a habit. I don't switch off my situational awareness just because a mission does not demand it.
Kinda like walking down the street and registering details around you when you are not even trying to and it is also not particularly important either such as when walking to a store to buy milk. I suppose it's automatic for me so trying to ignore such detail takes more effort.
And I'm not exactly exerting myself - I'm still coming in on directed energy builds for around half my captains and just chewing up the secondary targets while it's absorbing, then stacking buffs and hammering it while it's vulnerable to my weapons.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The queue has 10 players and it lasts on average 3 minutes. You dont need 10 to carry the queue. Whats the point.
The point is they shouldn't be getting rewarded for doing nothing! Cryptic finally implemented the penalty for Mirror, so why they didn't have the foresight to do it for this, God knows! End of the day, there is NO excuse to AFK.
i hadnt seen any AFKers, it went down too easy by 45 secs to 1min/30secs each time i went, didnt noticed or seen anyone idled.
most just leave as soon it was over.
i also wish they were not allow to "claim" any greed/need on the drops, not fair if they win any bids even they did nothing for efforts.
i got very few 1st place and some 3rd place prizes, so i meant to say thank you guys. it was nice even it was mark 10 greens or blues, it nice for my newer captains that need few upgrades. wish it was mark 12.
I parsed 120 CCa runs the past 2 weeks to see where I stand compared to others. Only on very few occasions I recall missing players in the log or ones with zero contribution.
What I did notice however is a mass of players (50-60%) contributing very little towards the completion of each run. It’s also not as if the other half would compensate for them. In every instance it is rather only one sometimes two or three at most who bankroll the entire party.
If cryptic has any sort of similar data at their disposal it is quite clear why we don’t get an elite mode for CCa (and probably ISa as well). Too few could handle it and if they’d stick together 90% of the player base simply could not.
In short: This community is not interested in engaging PvE!
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I see you've come to the same conclusion as I did many months ago. People complaining of ultra-fast CCAs often fail to realize it's usually 1 or 2 people in the entire team doing 90% of the work. I'm not saying that's good (it's not to be honest), but it shows that it may not be ideal to make the current normal and advanced versions more difficult.
As for the AFK'ers... I was probably one of them in 2 or 3 runs. I've been getting massive SNR spikes the past few weeks. Sometimes my ping is fine and when I enter a CCA map, it just SNR's for a good 30 seconds or so. Sometimes I start the run fine, then I SNR at the middle of the run, die and never get to respawn. Only when the entity is dead does my ping return to normal when I SNR like that.
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You can better say that the game is too disbalanced to form a proper community be it PvP or PvE. If the difference between the best build and the worst build is as big as we have it, then you get problems as we have them; how should the game work if the best build and a couple of worst build team up. PvP and competitive PvE, which is a kind of PvP, only work in this game when players stick to their premades and subcommunities.
I think Cryptic does not care about this disbalance. Their stance is probably let as much players enjoy the game the way they want. They are right, I mean, what really is the problem here.