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PS4 : Known bugs list (non exhaustive)



  • shanizleshanizle Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Honestly, they should fire whoever is in charge of console and hire fced, he has done more in the past week than they have done at all it seems.

    We have no status on anything, no word on anything, simply crickets, the game is becoming dead because of all these bugs and because of all the silence.

    The only people who are to blame for this over night dead game are the devs at this point.
    Everything points to the devs simply not caring whatsoever about console.

    Maybe they should change their name to comcast, with the amount of customer support consoles are getting.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    shanizle wrote: »
    Honestly, they should fire whoever is in charge of console and hire fced, he has done more in the past week than they have done at all it seems.

    We have no status on anything, no word on anything, simply crickets, the game is becoming dead because of all these bugs and because of all the silence.

    The only people who are to blame for this over night dead game are the devs at this point.
    Everything points to the devs simply not caring whatsoever about console.

    Maybe they should change their name to comcast, with the amount of customer support consoles are getting.

    Thank you for your trust, but it is something to point a bug, easy when you COMMUNICATE with other players, and play yourself, but it is another matter to fix the bugs, i understand this, i would not be able to to this, but kick some ... :* this i could do, they deserve it ...
    No communication, no explanation, no release date for a patch, nothing, they look absent, i just hope they do not answer because they are busy to fix the mess they have done !!! :*
    Crypticspartan gave us a little hope, but he is from the PC development team so i am not sure he can do anything, and it is been a long time we didn't hear him :(
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User

    Should be required reading for console devs. They don't even post on that forum, but by updating their community manager regularly, information steadily flows.
  • There is a bug where players hit level 20 on any alliance and they get stuck at promotion mission and the mission CANNOT BE completed so that also means we cannot get our free ship. So we have to either A) grind to level 30 with the same ship or B) buy a ship with zen just to make things easier. Which neither are good options.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    There is a bug where players hit level 20 on any alliance and they get stuck at promotion mission and the mission CANNOT BE completed so that also means we cannot get our free ship. So we have to either A) grind to level 30 with the same ship or B) buy a ship with zen just to make things easier. Which neither are good options.

    With which faction have you got this bug ? I only got this bug with one faction, the two other rewarded me a ship at LV20. Can you confirm please ?
    If you do not want to wait until lv30, you do not have to buy a ship from the C-Store, you only have to do the "Temporal Ambassador" Mission which reward u with a T3 Cruiser federation or KDF..
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    is it just me or do scars not work? they only put a tiny one on your persons nose
  • killpower78killpower78 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited October 2016
    There's an frustrating bug occurring for me that I recently just started new Romulus missions (it's my main toon so are a noob) I have completed a mission and I saw I was going to receive romulan box as a reward. However as soon I looked into my inventory, it's just isn't there it's like it had grew legs and ran away. At first I thought it could be one of mission bug and next mission should be fine (wishful thinking), you guessed it right didn't receive it again. Also the radiation scan is working but can't receive report so can't hand them in for marks.
  • seattlekush#5502 seattlekush Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    They continue to ignore people complaining about bugs, so I won't puchase any Zen until Cryptic fixes these bugs and I strongly suggest others do likewise. Maybe hitting them in their wallets will get their attention.
  • seattlekush#5502 seattlekush Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    is it just me or do scars not work? they only put a tiny one on your persons nose

    They have to be scaled both x and y using sliders
  • seattlekush#5502 seattlekush Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    fced wrote: »
    There is a bug where players hit level 20 on any alliance and they get stuck at promotion mission and the mission CANNOT BE completed so that also means we cannot get our free ship. So we have to either A) grind to level 30 with the same ship or B) buy a ship with zen just to make things easier. Which neither are good options.

    With which faction have you got this bug ? I only got this bug with one faction, the two other rewarded me a ship at LV20. Can you confirm please ?
    If you do not want to wait until lv30, you do not have to buy a ship from the C-Store, you only have to do the "Temporal Ambassador" Mission which reward u with a T3 Cruiser federation or KDF..

    Most of the grind to lvl 30 involves a lot of ground missions on Nimbus III anyway, but the cruisers suck when you're a tac officer running escorts
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    There's an frustrating bug occurring for me that I recently just started new Romulus missions (it's my main toon so are a noob) I have completed a mission and I saw I was going to receive romulan box as a reward. However as soon I looked into my inventory, it's just isn't there it's like it had grew legs and ran away. At first I thought it could be one of mission bug and next mission should be fine (wishful thinking), you guessed it right didn't receive it again. Also the radiation scan is working but can't receive report so can't hand them in for marks.

    You can not return the radiation scan until the beginning of New Romulus episode... And to do New Romulus episode you must first do Dyson Sphere episode :) Order problem...

    fced wrote: »
    There is a bug where players hit level 20 on any alliance and they get stuck at promotion mission and the mission CANNOT BE completed so that also means we cannot get our free ship. So we have to either A) grind to level 30 with the same ship or B) buy a ship with zen just to make things easier. Which neither are good options.

    With which faction have you got this bug ? I only got this bug with one faction, the two other rewarded me a ship at LV20. Can you confirm please ?
    If you do not want to wait until lv30, you do not have to buy a ship from the C-Store, you only have to do the "Temporal Ambassador" Mission which reward u with a T3 Cruiser federation or KDF..

    Most of the grind to lvl 30 involves a lot of ground missions on Nimbus III anyway, but the cruisers suck when you're a tac officer running escorts

    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    They continue to ignore people complaining about bugs, so I won't puchase any Zen until Cryptic fixes these bugs and I strongly suggest others do likewise. Maybe hitting them in their wallets will get their attention.

    Me too ... No more zen ! for me !
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    what was the maintiance for today?
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    It have started ... I hope they will fix something... Anything...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    they haven't even posted what it does. like normally they do. wtf
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    fced wrote: »
    It have started ... I hope they will fix something... Anything...

    Their Twitter account didn't mention any patch notes, so I am guessing it's just normal maintenance and not updating or fixing anything. Which is sad, really.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    so it doesn't fix anything. just maintenance.

    maybe Thursday will bring a patch.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    I do not understand where is the point to do a 2 hours / 7hours maintenance to do nothing .... On Destiny we never got this ... NO maintenance, nothing, people plays without interruption...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    maintenance is probably good. I'd say it reduces lag and all. kinda like a server restart
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    Someone in game just told me he think there is less lag...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • lordscannatore#8500 lordscannatore Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    So it's more and more bugged, and none is really working on it. Yeah, great work.
    I bet they don't even know what's wrong, cause we're playing only a portion of the whole game.
    There is only a solution, but they're unable to do that.
    Close the game for days, test every section with MANY people, and maybe refund people that even now is wasting money on it.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I agree i think this game was rushed out for whatever reason. and they have probably screwed it up soo much they don't know how to fix it
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    They continue to ignore people complaining about bugs, so I won't puchase any Zen until Cryptic fixes these bugs and I strongly suggest others do likewise. Maybe hitting them in their wallets will get their attention.

    I have taken this route. Sadly, most of my fleet has stopped playing completely over the turn rate bug.
  • iceman#0849 iceman Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    • It is time for a comment by the community manager, dev teams or likewise.
    • Please comment if and when some fixes will be released?

    There are a ton of Bugs on the console versions.

    For example PS4:

    Trophy Bugs - The Specialization Trophy does not unlock when you reach the stated requirements.
    Trohpy Bugs - The Shadows of the Solanae - Discover all the Solanae Dyson Sphere lore does not unlock at all. The requirements should be pointed out by the dev team here. Nobody knows what to do.
    Gameplay Bugs - The turning bug that makes the ship movement a total pain...
    Menu Bug - Accolades list starts to go nuts a soon as one has reached a certain amount and scrolls through them
    Menu Bug - They stated it as a feature to remove the view to see what EXP you had and how much you needed to level up, however the fans want it back. It is assumed it was removed to "cover" another bug.
    Gameplay Bug - Leveling up to maximum is possible, however activating the stats is not possible, since one cannot scroll down to it...
    As well as the bugs mentioned by fecd:

    Here is some bugs we (PS4 players) have have notified.
    Some are greatly broking the gameplay, other are as just problematic (the more disruptive bugs are in Bold)...

    - Critical Bug : Federation and Romulan starships have a problem with Turn rate ... Inside a Stellar system (in battle), turn rate do not change with throttle speed as it should. I tried with 2 ships (T'laru/Scryer) Dual cannons are impossible to play, everybody play with beam in the actual state of the game. It seem Klingon starship do not have this problem, the turn-rate is as it should be
    - Critical Bug : Some Romulans characters reported they can't assign skills/traits after hitting LV50
    - Critical bug : Romulan ship sometimes can't uncloak.
    - Critical bug : Mogh-class Battlecruiser do not have the universal console feature (Dynamic Defense Deployment System) in ship abilities - L1 wheel is empty

    - Medium Bug : Klingon player are not awarded with a new starship when they reach LV 20 - confirmed - "[Promotion]: Commander" mission can not be done - Edit : After reaching LV30 : we are awarded with a T4 Ship + the T3 Ship missing - KDF Lv20 mission [Promotion]: Commander can only be accomplished at lv30

    - Minor bug : Player Starship / Player, npc, and ennemies starship become Invisible during mission after cut scene (need to logout/login to fix the problem)
    - Minor bug : When Starfleet and Klingon captains are visiting their starship bridge, Engineering, astrometric, crew room can no more be accessible. Only option reachable is Leave ship interior ... Starship interior (astrometric, engineering, crew room) can be visited on Romulan starship except the T’laru
    - Minor bug : Player uniform customization slots 2 and 3 can no more be used, only the 1st one...
    - Minor bug : New Romulus Reputation award you only Tier 1 box, no matter your New Romulus reputation rank...
    - Minor bug : 21 Century Outfit Bundle only works for Federation Off-Duty character outfits
    - Minor bug : Klingon's\Orion's can not equip the Chest style for the female characters. Can only see character Leg, shoes and Belt style in my Off-duty menu.
    - Minor bug : Klingon missions that cannot be dropped on Federation Characters : Test of Mettle / Duties of Command
    - Minor bug : Specializations windows : Cannot scroll the skill description (if there is a lot of text), scrolling no more work.
    - Graphic bug (or network loading problem ?) : Textures mapping not completely done on player character sometime (happen also during cut-scene), it should be fixed for a better immersion
    - Minor bug : Sometime crew officers are not visible in space station crew socket
    - Minor bug : Voth armor (Dyson reputation tier 5 costume unlock) doesn't show up as an option at the tailor. It does show as an option when selecting the type of outfit when modifying but none of the costume pieces are listed. The helmet is selectable when modifying the character's head in the advanced menu, but no Voth body armor options can be found.
    - Minor bug : PS4 trophies: Specialist and Solane Lore are both broken.

    * Critical bug : Should be solved more than quickly, forget everything else and solve those bugs, they broke the game... We lose player every day !
    * Major bug : Do not affect the gameplay, can be frustrating for players and should be fixed !
    * Minor bug : Troublesome no more !

    - Players request : Players are unable to successfully ignore/block/mute disruptive players/bots (Add a Mute/ Ignore option would be better for communication between fleet members)
    - Players request (Would be useful) : Option to avoid aiming bridge officers (with L2 button), pets, non enemy NPC when aiming with a weapon during fight (aim only ennemies)...
    - Players request : Ability to Auto heal Bridge officers / Teammates with Heal abilities (you have to run after BOF to heal them, if you turn camera to be in front of them, they run to be behind us) - Add : Power auto execute when teammate/bridge officer health is less than or equal to 75% will help.
    - Players request : When a Bridge officer fall in combat (ground combat), make them visible on the ground, turn the small green arrow on mini-map to a red arrow, because during a fight, we spend time to search them...
    - Player request (Important) : During ship mission or PVE Event (Pve queue), NPC messages popups windows are displaying on the right of the screen and are covering the entire right part of the screen, we cannot see our Ship / Classe/ Bridge officer abilities because they are hidden by the messages. Would be better if the NPC message popups was on the left of the screen and hide the chat window instead of our abilities

    Starship turning rate stats (taken from Scryer Ship Stats menu)
    In the quadrant (Engine power 100%) :
    Throttle 0% : 4,050 deg./ Sec
    Throttle 25% : 3,143 deg./sec
    Throttle 50% : 2,236 deg./sec
    Throttle 75% : 1,396 deg./sec
    Throttle 100% : 775.0 deg/sec

    Values taken inside Wyanti system or any system (taken from Scryer Ship Stats menu with Engine power 110%)
    Throttle 0% : 519.1 deg./ Sec
    Throttle 25% : 3,723.6 deg./sec
    Throttle 50% : 3,723.6 deg./sec
    Throttle 75% : 3,723.6 deg./sec
    Throttle 100% : 3,723.6 deg/sec

    There is a problem with Ship maneuvrability...I do not know if all ships from Federation and Romulan faction and have the same problem with turn rate, but it should be solved, because now it is impossible to play with cannons...
    Klingon faction ships i have tried seem to turn as they should...
    Where is the fun if we cannot use cannons ?

    To be continued...

    Please fix this ....

    PSN ID : Bingostar1972
  • iceman#0849 iceman Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Double post can be deleted.

  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    So it's more and more bugged, and none is really working on it. Yeah, great work.
    I bet they don't even know what's wrong, cause we're playing only a portion of the whole game.
    There is only a solution, but they're unable to do that.
    Close the game for days, test every section with MANY people, and maybe refund people that even now is wasting money on it.
    They do not need to close the game for days, i am web designer, and when i am uploading a Website (static), i still have copies of it i can run locally (on a local server). And if it is a dynamic website (wordpress based ore other) i am rushing to to the update while my customers are sleeping... But in any case, i am doing the job and fixing the things !!! Because it is my job.
    They can do the same (STO is a Client-server based application), run a copy of the game (client), connect it to a local server and fix bugs, and once the bugs are properly fixed, they send an update on our PS4...
    Every game editors are capable of doing this, i do not understand why Cryptic/Arcgames STO Editor can not do the same...

    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Seriously ? Trophies ? Who care about trophies and accolades when the gameplay is broken ??? :*
    Edit : Have the October 25th maintenance changed something (except there is less lag) .?

    • It is time for a comment by the community manager, dev teams or likewise.
    • Please comment if and when some fixes will be released?

    There are a ton of Bugs on the console versions.

    For example PS4:

    Trophy Bugs - The Specialization Trophy does not unlock when you reach the stated requirements.
    Trohpy Bugs - The Shadows of the Solanae - Discover all the Solanae Dyson Sphere lore does not unlock at all. The requirements should be pointed out by the dev team here. Nobody knows what to do.
    Gameplay Bugs - The turning bug that makes the ship movement a total pain...
    Menu Bug - Accolades list starts to go nuts a soon as one has reached a certain amount and scrolls through them
    Menu Bug - They stated it as a feature to remove the view to see what EXP you had and how much you needed to level up, however the fans want it back. It is assumed it was removed to "cover" another bug.
    Gameplay Bug - Leveling up to maximum is possible, however activating the stats is not possible, since one cannot scroll down to it...
    As well as the bugs mentioned by fecd:

    Here is some bugs we (PS4 players) have have notified.
    Some are greatly broking the gameplay, other are as just problematic (the more disruptive bugs are in Bold)...

    - Critical Bug : Federation and Romulan starships have a problem with Turn rate ... Inside a Stellar system (in battle), turn rate do not change with throttle speed as it should. I tried with 2 ships (T'laru/Scryer) Dual cannons are impossible to play, everybody play with beam in the actual state of the game. It seem Klingon starship do not have this problem, the turn-rate is as it should be
    - Critical Bug : Some Romulans characters reported they can't assign skills/traits after hitting LV50
    - Critical bug : Romulan ship sometimes can't uncloak.
    - Critical bug : Mogh-class Battlecruiser do not have the universal console feature (Dynamic Defense Deployment System) in ship abilities - L1 wheel is empty

    - Medium Bug : Klingon player are not awarded with a new starship when they reach LV 20 - confirmed - "[Promotion]: Commander" mission can not be done - Edit : After reaching LV30 : we are awarded with a T4 Ship + the T3 Ship missing - KDF Lv20 mission [Promotion]: Commander can only be accomplished at lv30

    - Minor bug : Player Starship / Player, npc, and ennemies starship become Invisible during mission after cut scene (need to logout/login to fix the problem)
    - Minor bug : When Starfleet and Klingon captains are visiting their starship bridge, Engineering, astrometric, crew room can no more be accessible. Only option reachable is Leave ship interior ... Starship interior (astrometric, engineering, crew room) can be visited on Romulan starship except the T’laru
    - Minor bug : Player uniform customization slots 2 and 3 can no more be used, only the 1st one...
    - Minor bug : New Romulus Reputation award you only Tier 1 box, no matter your New Romulus reputation rank...
    - Minor bug : 21 Century Outfit Bundle only works for Federation Off-Duty character outfits
    - Minor bug : Klingon's\Orion's can not equip the Chest style for the female characters. Can only see character Leg, shoes and Belt style in my Off-duty menu.
    - Minor bug : Klingon missions that cannot be dropped on Federation Characters : Test of Mettle / Duties of Command
    - Minor bug : Specializations windows : Cannot scroll the skill description (if there is a lot of text), scrolling no more work.
    - Graphic bug (or network loading problem ?) : Textures mapping not completely done on player character sometime (happen also during cut-scene), it should be fixed for a better immersion
    - Minor bug : Sometime crew officers are not visible in space station crew socket
    - Minor bug : Voth armor (Dyson reputation tier 5 costume unlock) doesn't show up as an option at the tailor. It does show as an option when selecting the type of outfit when modifying but none of the costume pieces are listed. The helmet is selectable when modifying the character's head in the advanced menu, but no Voth body armor options can be found.
    - Minor bug : PS4 trophies: Specialist and Solane Lore are both broken.

    * Critical bug : Should be solved more than quickly, forget everything else and solve those bugs, they broke the game... We lose player every day !
    * Major bug : Do not affect the gameplay, can be frustrating for players and should be fixed !
    * Minor bug : Troublesome no more !

    - Players request : Players are unable to successfully ignore/block/mute disruptive players/bots (Add a Mute/ Ignore option would be better for communication between fleet members)
    - Players request (Would be useful) : Option to avoid aiming bridge officers (with L2 button), pets, non enemy NPC when aiming with a weapon during fight (aim only ennemies)...
    - Players request : Ability to Auto heal Bridge officers / Teammates with Heal abilities (you have to run after BOF to heal them, if you turn camera to be in front of them, they run to be behind us) - Add : Power auto execute when teammate/bridge officer health is less than or equal to 75% will help.
    - Players request : When a Bridge officer fall in combat (ground combat), make them visible on the ground, turn the small green arrow on mini-map to a red arrow, because during a fight, we spend time to search them...
    - Player request (Important) : During ship mission or PVE Event (Pve queue), NPC messages popups windows are displaying on the right of the screen and are covering the entire right part of the screen, we cannot see our Ship / Classe/ Bridge officer abilities because they are hidden by the messages. Would be better if the NPC message popups was on the left of the screen and hide the chat window instead of our abilities

    Starship turning rate stats (taken from Scryer Ship Stats menu)
    In the quadrant (Engine power 100%) :
    Throttle 0% : 4,050 deg./ Sec
    Throttle 25% : 3,143 deg./sec
    Throttle 50% : 2,236 deg./sec
    Throttle 75% : 1,396 deg./sec
    Throttle 100% : 775.0 deg/sec

    Values taken inside Wyanti system or any system (taken from Scryer Ship Stats menu with Engine power 110%)
    Throttle 0% : 519.1 deg./ Sec
    Throttle 25% : 3,723.6 deg./sec
    Throttle 50% : 3,723.6 deg./sec
    Throttle 75% : 3,723.6 deg./sec
    Throttle 100% : 3,723.6 deg/sec

    There is a problem with Ship maneuvrability...I do not know if all ships from Federation and Romulan faction and have the same problem with turn rate, but it should be solved, because now it is impossible to play with cannons...
    Klingon faction ships i have tried seem to turn as they should...
    Where is the fun if we cannot use cannons ?

    To be continued...

    Please fix this ....

    PSN ID : Bingostar1972
    Post edited by fced on
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Does anyone know if the 25th october maintenance have fixed something for Fed/Rom ship turn rate?
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • l0stval#4445 l0stval Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I've encountered a bug where I cannot start or skip the Iconian War "Butterfly" mission. When I try to start it I get a "must be at least level 10" message when I am lvl 58. It also mentions something about a "featured mission" but console players don't have that yet correct?

    I've also encountered that the Hana System Patrol mission you receive from Sulu is glitched. The mission starts fine but nothing happens beyond the dialog at the beginning.

    I'm more concerned with my first one seeing as it's preventing me from finishing up the story.
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    fced wrote: »
    Does anyone know if the 25th october maintenance have fixed something for Fed/Rom ship turn rate?

    Server maintenance will never fix a bug unless the bug is directly tied to the server. And even then, there would be patch notes.

    I suspect that they are going to try and roll any bug fixes into the patch that enables Admiralty. Which means another several week, player losing wait.
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