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PS4 : Known bugs list (non exhaustive)



  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    yea gunnar be bugs. and no support

    I can understand the desire or need to fix a slew of bugs while patching in new content - I can totally understand that. What I cannot understand is the lack of information regarding problems and/or potential fixes. The moderators question of would we rather have a dev give us information or work on fixes is a shallow excuse for no information at all. It literally takes me one minute or less to write something in this forum or reddit. A person who is tasked to fix problems can proably type faster then me, and the response that "We are aware of the issues A, B and C and we are currently working on a fix" is a lot better then no response at all.

    I think we can all understand that there are going to be issues, there are issues in AAA games from AAA developers, but no response at all, no update and even more so, no acknowledgement is a huge issue. Maybe PC users are used to it, but console players aren't as forgiving.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I've a lot of friends on psn. and now day's I only see one person still playing.
    there's so many games coming out. and with no communication. no fixes. they have more than likely given up on it.

  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    I've a lot of friends on psn. and now day's I only see one person still playing.
    there's so many games coming out. and with no communication. no fixes. they have more than likely given up on it.

    I wonder if I'm that friend :) We have a lot of people still active in our fleet - but to be honest its mostly doing the daily Mirror Invasion on multiple characters and doing dilithium dailies. I just don't understand how hard it is to realize that yes, we want new content, but more importantly we want old content fixed - or at least some acknowledgment of our issues and that ehy are being worked on.
  • acatlasacatlas Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Turning issues, skill point issues, and kdf quest are the most common. And its like they are afraid to respond currently
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    don't forget uniform
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    New Romulus Rep missions as well (missions after completing a reputation tier)
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    But hey... we are getting crafting, DOFFS, Admiralty and Fleet Holdings!!!! WE SHOULD BE EXCITED (*sarcasm of course)
    I actually am. That means they will be forced to issue a patch, which I hope will have some fixes.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    But hey... we are getting crafting, DOFFS, Admiralty and Fleet Holdings!!!! WE SHOULD BE EXCITED (*sarcasm of course)
    I actually am. That means they will be forced to issue a patch, which I hope will have some fixes.

    I'm, looking forward to it as well... except if history repeats itself, something else will be broken and then we will wait for the next patch, and something else will be broken. I hope there are fixes, but again the point is they haven't said anything at all.
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    But hey... we are getting crafting, DOFFS, Admiralty and Fleet Holdings!!!! WE SHOULD BE EXCITED (*sarcasm of course)
    I actually am. That means they will be forced to issue a patch, which I hope will have some fixes.

    I'm, looking forward to it as well... except if history repeats itself, something else will be broken and then we will wait for the next patch, and something else will be broken. I hope there are fixes, but again the point is they haven't said anything at all.

    Yeah, I agree. Some companies like 4j, Rockstar and Cryptic don't have the first clue how to communicate with players. Others like Bungie, and the devs of Terraria and 7 Days to Die are very good at it.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    But hey... we are getting crafting, DOFFS, Admiralty and Fleet Holdings!!!! WE SHOULD BE EXCITED (*sarcasm of course)
    I actually am. That means they will be forced to issue a patch, which I hope will have some fixes.

    I'm, looking forward to it as well... except if history repeats itself, something else will be broken and then we will wait for the next patch, and something else will be broken. I hope there are fixes, but again the point is they haven't said anything at all.

    Yeah, I agree. Some companies like 4j, Rockstar and Cryptic don't have the first clue how to communicate with players. Others like Bungie, and the devs of Terraria and 7 Days to Die are very good at it.

    I thought Zenimax with ESO was bad until I began playing cryptic games on console
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    yea gunnar be bugs. and no support

    I can understand the desire or need to fix a slew of bugs while patching in new content - I can totally understand that. What I cannot understand is the lack of information regarding problems and/or potential fixes. The moderators question of would we rather have a dev give us information or work on fixes is a shallow excuse for no information at all. It literally takes me one minute or less to write something in this forum or reddit. A person who is tasked to fix problems can proably type faster then me, and the response that "We are aware of the issues A, B and C and we are currently working on a fix" is a lot better then no response at all.

    I think we can all understand that there are going to be issues, there are issues in AAA games from AAA developers, but no response at all, no update and even more so, no acknowledgement is a huge issue. Maybe PC users are used to it, but console players aren't as forgiving.

    CrypticSpartan from QA PC came to answer us, in the beginning of the topic, but discovered and added other bugs to the topic, and we didn't get any news from him...
    At least, he came here, and talked to us... May be we have been a bit cold with him :(...
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    He works on the PC version, so he doesn't know what's going on. I wonder if the console and pc teams are in seperate cities or something and he can't just lean over into their office ans yell at them.

    To my knowledge, not a single console team dev has ever laid eyes on this site or the reddit page. It has been claimed they read it but until I see some responses, I refuse to believe it.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I agree
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    fced wrote: »
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    yea gunnar be bugs. and no support

    I can understand the desire or need to fix a slew of bugs while patching in new content - I can totally understand that. What I cannot understand is the lack of information regarding problems and/or potential fixes. The moderators question of would we rather have a dev give us information or work on fixes is a shallow excuse for no information at all. It literally takes me one minute or less to write something in this forum or reddit. A person who is tasked to fix problems can proably type faster then me, and the response that "We are aware of the issues A, B and C and we are currently working on a fix" is a lot better then no response at all.

    I think we can all understand that there are going to be issues, there are issues in AAA games from AAA developers, but no response at all, no update and even more so, no acknowledgement is a huge issue. Maybe PC users are used to it, but console players aren't as forgiving.

    CrypticSpartan from QA PC came to answer us, in the beginning of the topic, but discovered and added other bugs to the topic, and we didn't get any news from him...
    At least, he came here, and talked to us... May be we have been a bit cold with him :(...

    Like other people said - he works on the PC side of things. I am thankful that he took time out of his or her day to come a speak to us, but why not a person from the console side of things? This was posted 2 and a half weeks ago... nothing since then. Again, I am thankful for CrypticSpartan for sharing the information he did, it does not change the fact that he is the only one to have addressed anything, it does not change the fact he is from the PC side and this is a console issue (regardless if it effects all platforms or not), nor does it change the fact it is the only thing we have heard for 2 and a half weeks. The next console patch tells me nothing, especially since things - i.e. Mirror Invasion - have been put in or unlocked since then.

    Look, I'm not trying to bash anyone that works for cryptic, what I am trying to do is say that I, along with others, are displeased in the lack of response. I think we all understand fixing bugs take time, even more so on console because of certification, but the fact that a PC guy came in here and not a console guy is a little more then disheartening.

    Any company that allows for discouragement of dissent, to me, has serious issues. We have seen forum posts closed simply because moderators where unhappy. We have seen tickets closed because they were deemed to be duplicates (even though Cryptic had closed them to updates), and we, at least us on console, have had to endure the "we on PC are used to the bugs and the lack of response." Yet, PC seems to get bugs fixed pretty quickly, at least major ones that effect new content - again, I personally realize that's more then likely because of certification. I also understand the desire for the convenience of fixing bugs with an update patch - and I appreciate that a PC guy mentions this - however, it would be nice to hear from the console side, especially since that is where everyone in this forum is from.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    I mean, seriously, as I put on Reddit, a post from a console dev saying: : "We are aware of the issues plaguing console players and we are currently working on fixes and getting them certified for release. The issues we are currently working on include, but is but is not exhaustive, the following: Characters not being able to change uniforms, turn rate (Escorts specifically), application of skill and specialization points past level 49 on Romulan captains, application of Starship traits on Romulan captains, application of reputation traits on Romulan captains, and promotion mission for level 20 KDF captains." would go a long way for the console community, versus: "You seem to have experienced an unreported bug," or my personal favorite, "Please post your bugs on the forums."

    That took me two minutes to write on Reddit, less then that to copy and paste (an old fave of Cyptic)
  • jonot1991jonot1991 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I've had the main problem listed on here on that I CAN'T finish the "Test your Mettle" story line and claim my new ship in the First City.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    jonot1991 wrote: »
    I've had the main problem listed on here on that I CAN'T finish the "Test your Mettle" story line and claim my new ship in the First City.

    Yep, everyone has - what I did was just play on until level 30 - this will resolve that mission, give you the level 30 promotion mission and you can then claim both a t3 and t4 ship.
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    But hey... we are getting crafting, DOFFS, Admiralty and Fleet Holdings!!!! WE SHOULD BE EXCITED (*sarcasm of course)
    I actually am. That means they will be forced to issue a patch, which I hope will have some fixes.

    Agreed !

    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    jonot1991 wrote: »
    I've had the main problem listed on here on that I CAN'T finish the "Test your Mettle" story line and claim my new ship in the First City.
    The ship you have at lv20 ?
    If yes you will get it at lv 30 with a T4 ship (you will get 2 starship at lv30 instead of only 1)...
    You are not alone, all KDF have the same problem !!!

    PS: have you read the topic ? : http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1223603/ps4-known-bugs-list-non-exhaustive/p1
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    hopefully they fix bugs on the next update.

    I have a funny feeling they won't. also loads of new bugs will appear...

    because zero effort has been made to address current problems's.

    and the maintenance that broke the game go's to show they don't test much
  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    Please don't jinx us ^^
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    fced wrote: »
    Please don't jinx us ^^

    Fingers crossed my friend
  • wermolowermolo Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I think they wont fix turn rate, because it is too hard, and it drives people into necessarily upgrading rcs consoles, driving sales of keys for the upgrade kits with some players.
    I believe the big patch with new features will fix less bugs than it adds.

    Overall I am quite surprised how slow the fixes are coming. First there was a bugged crashing quest for a long time, considering it was when most people were playing, so it had a lot of exposure, yet, slow fix.

    Then it took them days to even find out patch server was wrongly classifying factions, and a long time again to fix it.

    Now we sit on host of lesser bugs for super long time.

    I wonder if even one fifth of initial players still play the game beyond story missions and the event.

    I feel kind of bad I spent money on this, but no worries, I am still ok lol.

  • fcedfced Member Posts: 385 Arc User
    Why being so negative...
    I am sure, some of the QA team console are playing STO, and are angry to have their turn rate destroyed...
    If you have faith in them they will repair the game...
    At least if they want we put some money in this game, and if they want this game continue to live they should fix, no they must fix it... And they know this...
    Otherwise, there is a lot of other great games on Consoles... We can move to another game..
    PS4 / PS3 - Star Trek online (Trekkie) - Neverwinter - Mass Effect 1/2/3 Fan, I like Andromeda - Main language : Français - Secondary language : English - Third language : Forget you won't like it...
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    fced wrote: »
    Why being so negative...
    I am sure, some of the QA team console are playing STO, and are angry to have their turn rate destroyed...
    If you have faith in them they will repair the game...
    At least if they want we put some money in this game, and if they want this game continue to live they should fix, no they must fix it... And they know this...
    Otherwise, there is a lot of other great games on Consoles... We can move to another game..

    Agreed - I will push for answers myself, but I still love this game and hold out hope that the issues will be fixed.
  • wermolowermolo Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    I picture the console side of the programmer team as disillusioned do bare minimum employees. I do not blame them at all, I think it is because they are badly paid, have horrible benefits and are not appreciated in that company.

    Additionally, I think once the console port went gold, the management laid off most of the people who worked on it.

    Would not be surprised if there were just 3 employees managing both xbox and ps4 port now.

    So yes, I agree, if they play on console, they likely want to fix it. But being overworked and underpaid all they can do is meet bare minimums set out by management and continue to look for a new job.

  • satsukixhimesatsukixhime Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    wermolo wrote: »
    I picture the console side of the programmer team as disillusioned do bare minimum employees. I do not blame them at all, I think it is because they are badly paid, have horrible benefits and are not appreciated in that company.

    Additionally, I think once the console port went gold, the management laid off most of the people who worked on it.

    Would not be surprised if there were just 3 employees managing both xbox and ps4 port now.

    So yes, I agree, if they play on console, they likely want to fix it. But being overworked and underpaid all they can do is meet bare minimums set out by management and continue to look for a new job.

    I would like to see your sources, because I doubt anything you just said is true otherwise.
  • 3 employees? I'd say 1, maybe 2 employees.
    None working on console gave us an answer, only bugs.
    This silence is ridiculous.
  • droandroan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    On XB1 I haven't been able to get thru the mission Alpha in the KDF chain due to one of the prisons spawning in a rock( i see they never fixed this from the pc version lol)
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    wermolo wrote: »
    I picture the console side of the programmer team as disillusioned do bare minimum employees. I do not blame them at all, I think it is because they are badly paid, have horrible benefits and are not appreciated in that company.

    Additionally, I think once the console port went gold, the management laid off most of the people who worked on it.

    Would not be surprised if there were just 3 employees managing both xbox and ps4 port now.

    So yes, I agree, if they play on console, they likely want to fix it. But being overworked and underpaid all they can do is meet bare minimums set out by management and continue to look for a new job.

    I would like to see your sources, because I doubt anything you just said is true otherwise.

    I think he said he pictured it... so there isn't going to be a source since it is not a statement of fact. However, it can feel that way. I doubt it is true - yet when you have moderators come into the forums and say what would you rather have them be spending their time on, it makes you wonder just how many people ARE working there if no one from the console side can come in and write a simple paragraph explaining that they know and are working on the issues, and with that, we should have some sort of fix on Nov. 15 9or there abouts) when the next update hits.
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