apart that the whole concept of "temporal" time traveling in player vs player scenarios is plain nonesense, these new powers way beyond broken
its only "popular" because its easily exploitable with very little effort and sume very sad person who got no better thing to do just troll all day around with its un-counterable stuff.
either fix/normalize these new power or just lock that out from pvp
and preferably the sooner the better pls, before we face another toy made for troll exploiters exclusively to ruin that part of the game
[Combat (Self)] "random_temporal_newfriend" deals 105161 (53306) Physical Damage(Critical) to you with Entropic Redistribution III.
and thats just one of the many complete BS atm
(it hits much more usually, btw)
(and it can be used way too often)
PUG PVP is broken and will stay that way.
and thats just one of the many complete BS atm
(it hits much more usually, btw)
(and it can be used way too often)
It's a matter of equipment, not a matter of ships.
They just get less sober.
So buy the ship. PUG PVP is the one part of STO that really is Pay2Win. You didn't pay.
so, by buying and using broken exploits will just how gonna improve pvp ?
(protip: it's just kills it off)
and fyi: i can get anything and tbh, i got everything this game has to offer, but i ignore bad addons like these
i just wanna enjoy pvp becuase it has sum tense moments and all, unlike those boring pve with no challange and always the same, and a 2y old tuddler can handle
even as it is, its still far more enjoyable than boring, always the same pve "missions".
and ye, the list goes long on what should be normalized, but right now these temporal exploits pretty much "dominates"
If you want balanced PVP, you need to play with other players that agree to and abide by terms for the matches. That is, not PUG.
PUG PVP was broken, is broken and will remain broken. It caters to the pay 2 win crowd.
This guy kinda has a point.
Why stop at Temporal ships when there are others that are "just as PvP Broken"?
Pilot ships? The Pilot Maneuvers give brief immunity and the Pilot seating allows for drifting. TOO OP! BAN THEM!
Command ships? They can lower my DPS and speed, making me easier to hit? TOO OP! BAN THEM!
Intel ships? They can increase their own power levels and TRIBBLE with my targeting? TOO OP! BAN THEM!
T6 ships? They have specialist seating and have level up mastery levels AND traits? TOO OP! BAN THEM!
C-Store ships? I have to spend money on them? TOO OP! BAN THEM!
What's that leave? Stock level up ships and shuttles. But oh wait? BOff ability combos can be abused! BAN EVERYTHING ABOVE T1!
There you go! Perfectly balanced now. T1 and shuttle only!
Honestly... that's how ridiculous this argument is. If one is to be banned... where does it end?
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Sooo ... let's type "pew pew pew!" in chat.
That just means we need to ban the TOS temporal ships too! :frownface:
Which would be pointless, since as mentioned already this is just the PVP flavor of the month. Banning them all would just shift the billion credit club players back to other pay2wins.
What is drifting??
nice effort typing up all that bs, but the point is, temporal exploits dont have an effective counter while all the rest u spent quite sum time to write up, does have a proper counter more or less
my post is pretty much against Temporal Boff seats in general but for as more extent use of exploit the 31st Century Ships takes the cake here
i think this pub-pug thinks, sum seconds of immunity is something real pvpers cant handle
command ships cant do much in pvp but zombie tank at best,
intelships are rly weak in 1on1, can be countered multiple ways
i can think theres like 2x t6 trait that is worth using but both have multiple counter
i cant react on the rest as hes clearly a 12y old pve player here trying his best to undermine common sens
no offense tho
The Temporal stuff is still new, and people are still learning the counters. Intel was pretty powerful when it first came out, and I believe people screamed when they had to fight against the Hierarchy because they didn't know how to defend against it. Same with Command. We have yet to fight anyone who uses Pilot abilities though. It will take experimentation to learn what will help counter Temporal.
The point I was trying to make was WHERE DOES IT END? If you get your way and Temporal ships get banned from PvP, then the next thing must be Banned because its not balaned for PvP, and so on and so on because hey, Temporal got banned so why stop there? Lets get everything on the chopping block that we can to improve PvP!
The Pilot ability Lock Trajectory allows you to keep going in one direction while allowing you to FREELY rotate your ship in any direction. So you can actually continue going one way, and turn your ship completely around 180 degrees to shoot with your forward guns at whoever is behind you.
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and lately the more and more passive immunites added pretty much made sstrike to live up to its name, u gotta use surgically at the right time to get its maximum benefit
same goes to pilots, lots of non pilot ships can get almost as long immunitites now as them, and since they lack the bulk of hull and good res. they go pooof when their immunites skip out for a few seconds (in case they doesnt evade from heat and run )
u can test countering temporal stuff all u like but ull waste ur time here, there are focused groups of pvpers spent more time on this long before u
all you caan do is use the exact same stuff, and its killing off pvp
well according to most zombie movies, a bullet to the head.
just stop adding complete bs... problem solved
as if u know whats going on
This is right...Except for the bunch of words and emotional complaints what EXACTLY are you complaining about? Some of these skills are passives or ship independent? EXPLAIN with details not just whine pls?
Original STO beta tester.
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Take yer own advice man. PvPeen is abandonware in STO... QFT to pretend its anything else.