Reason Why? Because they are paying over 200 dollars on a free online game. I did the math 25,000 Zen equals $229.96. Most games make there lifetime $65.
LIfetime members deserved a few more things added in there packs. Max Ship load outs,Ship slots,Dry Dock Slots, Character slots, Bridge officer slots, Bank Slots,Shared Bank Slots and Inventory Slots. All races should be unlock for them. The max things works for every character they make.
Also they transport for free.
Wow. I can see you aren't a lifetime member. What the harm in giving them max? You call me a moron and yet you say lifetime don't deserved more. Unless you're rich dropping $229.96 on an mmo is a big deal. That over 3 new games. Every video game is $59.99 before tax. That every no hand held game.
This game not the best game out there. In fact it lacks a lot. The ship combat is limited. And the ground combat is very limiting.
Funny how the people who don't support the game often say the lifetimes don't need more.
That's a long list of stuff already. That includes six star ships worth 3x$30(T6) + 3x$25(T5) = $165, for just the ships.
Plus monthly stipend that lasts forever. Considering you can get lifetime's when on sale for $199, there's nothing to complain about. It's good value as is, especially now that they give instant access to all rewards. Something original lifers like myself had to wait just under 3 years for before all was unlocked after purchase.
I am an LTS, I knew what I was getting when I paid for my LTS, and I got everything I paid for, just like every other LTS out there. It doesn't matter what any other game gives, this isn't any other game, this is STO. It doesn't matter if someone thinks Cryptic doesn't give enough stuff for the amount of money spent, if you think it isn't enough, don't buy it.
The only thing that would cause LTSers to "deserve" anything more than what they paid for is if Cryptic were to suddenly start giving LTS exclusive rewards to non LTS players. In that case, it would only be right for Cryptic to give something else to LTS players.
To the OP.
Cold and i never agree on anything, we do here, i took a break for 6 months and they have basically paid me 30 bucks to do that.
In a couple months max i will have been a lifer for 7 years +/-, more perks will only make the other players complain.
As a consumer you have the right to make your own decision, just like anyone else who plays this game. I am also a lifer, and I purchased mine in the hight of the whole "Doom" period. I still believe that the LTS is worth it on the facevalue of what is offered, and if I wanted it today I would still purchase it.
Your rant on the forums is not going to make Cryptic change it's mind, we as a group are not worth listening to on development or anything else in the game. Why you might ask? As it is a form of entertainment for us, but is a business for them, and businesses are run by the numbers.
If LTS purchases fell below a certain level, Cryptic would do something about, not jumping up and down and ranting on the forums. I used to work for one of the most hated companies in the United States, and the internet was brutal with our company, but all those comments gave me the ammo to over come people's objections.
I understand you are displeased, in a perfect world, everything would be priced the way we want it. You might be right, this game might just not be for you. In some cases it happens, there are games in which I dislike,
I wish you good luck in which ever game you plan to play,
Oliver, Oliver, never before has a boy asked for more!