If it truly is $15, and it is easily available to everyone without any silly hoop-jumping (I'm talking Amazon.com or Walmart as the level of ease and simplicity, here), then I guess the rage subsides a bit.
The general price of the expansion ships is $15 and Amazon does sell them, I don't know about Wal-Mart. The expansion that includes the Sovereign reprint with the code won't be out until November, though so we're probably a ways off from seeing any stats for it just yet.
You can also get them through the various board game shops online (MiniatureMarket, CoolStuffInc), although you will pay for shipping. Their prices are usually lower to make up for most of the shipping cost, though. For example, MM has the Wave 26 ships for $11.29 with $6 shipping.
From what I read, the code only goes into packages heading out to the game stores & you have to get it there:
"Secondly, the new U.S.S. Enterprise-E comes with a promotional code for use with Star Trek Online. Use the code included in your pack to claim the WizKids EXCLUSIVE Command Assault Cruiser, a $30 value, in Star Trek Online for FREE. Players will only be able to claim the digital version of the ship for the Star Trek Online game by physically purchasing the expansion at their local game stores."
From what I read, the code only goes into packages heading out to the game stores & you have to get it there:
"Secondly, the new U.S.S. Enterprise-E comes with a promotional code for use with Star Trek Online. Use the code included in your pack to claim the WizKids EXCLUSIVE Command Assault Cruiser, a $30 value, in Star Trek Online for FREE. Players will only be able to claim the digital version of the ship for the Star Trek Online game by physically purchasing the expansion at their local game stores."
Not really. While it does TRIBBLE over people that don't know where their local gaming store is (you can probably find this info on the internet), it does force you to actually go and find your store, which in effect means more business for said store in the future (hopefully).
As no doubt this promotion was intended for people to hopefully check out the base game, limiting it to stores only would in effect at least force you to look at the base game while trying to find your mini.
I really hope its promo code only.... the butthurt and rage already flows and there's 0 confirmation. For those raging remember all those lols you had at the t6 Connie fans
So, I wonder if those who have their store order one will get a code or not. I'd assume so, since it's the store ordering it, but, yeah.
I'd say 'yes', because the packaging shown on the preview-pictures looks like the code is inside the blister itself.
Per the quote mentioned above, only physical gaming stores will get packs with codes. I'm assuming they have the different versions of the packs separated or something.
So, I wonder if those who have their store order one will get a code or not. I'd assume so, since it's the store ordering it, but, yeah.
I'd say 'yes', because the packaging shown on the preview-pictures looks like the code is inside the blister itself.
Per the quote mentioned above, only physical gaming stores will get packs with codes. I'm assuming they have the different versions of the packs separated or something.
Why should they do that? Seems like unnecessary extra-production-costs. Besides, ordering it would be the only way for relatively many players to get it anyways. I have never seen Wizkids-stuff around here at all, and german gaming-stores do actually have a lot of niché-stuff. The best one I had around the corner had to close for good though. There are only smaller ones left, and they only have select few imported things (the ones that actually make some profit).
With any luck I might find it among imported stuff on amazon - no code, no order.
I don't know. Other wizkids/STO promos usually only mail stuff in the US (those outside get their prize in ZEN) so maybe it's intended to be a mostly-US thing?
Either way, I'm not saying that's what they should do, but they are doing it anyway.
From what I read, the code only goes into packages heading out to the game stores & you have to get it there:
"Secondly, the new U.S.S. Enterprise-E comes with a promotional code for use with Star Trek Online. Use the code included in your pack to claim the WizKids EXCLUSIVE Command Assault Cruiser, a $30 value, in Star Trek Online for FREE. Players will only be able to claim the digital version of the ship for the Star Trek Online game by physically purchasing the expansion at their local game stores."
So, wait. I have to buy some piece of a crappy table top game I'll never play, in order to obtain a T6 Sovereign? And it will never be available any other way? Ridiculous.
That said, I'd at least like to see the stats on this "T6 Command Assault Cruiser".....
but whats the price ?? its like 15 bucks?? or 30???
I'm curious as to why it's labeled as a "Command Assault Cruiser". It's not like the other standard T6 ships are named in such a way.
Because the T5 ship is called an Assault Cruiser as the ship model is used to represent the Sovereign, Majestic, Noble, and Imperial class cruisers. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Assault_Cruiser
I know that the Sovereign is called an Assault Cruiser. They're calling it Command Assault Cruiser. The Command part is what I'm curious about. Read the rest of my post.
Sorry, I assumed the fact that they use Command on other ships to indicate that they have Command Boffs...and the fact that I already explained all that in an earlier post would have been obvious. Funny that you suggest I read your post when you failed to read several of mine.
I understood. It's completely obvious that T6 Sovereign will come with Command boff seating seeing as how the box literally says "Command Assault Cruiser". The point that I'm trying to make is that I'm wondering whether or not it will be a true Command ship, whether it will have a full seating (Commander Engineering/Command and comes with inspiration abilities) or a partial seating (like Lt. Commander Universal/Command and does not come with the inspiration mechanic).
The Command Battlecruisers you linked are true Command ships. They have Command in the name because they have the full seating and the inspiration mechanic. Traditionally, most of the prime canon hero T6 ships (such as Andromeda/T6 Galaxy or Valiant/T6 Defiant) do not come with the full specialization seating or the mechanic. Andromeda is not a fully fledged Command ship because it only comes with Lt. Commander Engineering/Command and no inspiration mechanic. Valiant is not a fully fledged Pilot ship because it only comes with Lt. Commander Tactical/Pilot and no pilot maneuvers.
Andromeda isn't known as "Command Exploration Cruiser" because it's not a Command ship. It's instead just called "Exploration Cruiser [T6]" in admiralty or "Andromeda Exploration Cruiser" under the C-store.
Valiant isn't known as "Pilot Tactical Escort" because it's not a Pilot ship. Instead it's just called "Tactical Escort [T6]" in admiralty or "Tactical Escort - Valiant Class" under the C-store.
I'm just repeating myself at this point. Just because a ship has Command boffs doesn't mean they are true Command ships.
What I'm curious about is why they're calling the T6 Sovereign as "Command Assault Cruiser" when the name should just be "Assault Cruiser [T6]". This is sorta implying that it will end up being a true fully fledged Command ship just like the ships in your link.
Like I said before, I'm really doubting it and only think that this is merely just a sneak peak. When it comes out, it's likely that it will be called "Assault Cruiser [T6]" in admiralty or something like "Assault Cruiser - Emperor Class" under the C-store. This is just under the assumption that T6 Sovereign will follow the tradition of other prime hero ships don't get the full treatment. The only other ship to break this tradition was T6 Connie. Maybe it will end up as a true Command ship. Who knows.
I assume not either. We have to keep in mind who wrote that promo, wizkids, i dont assume they are up on their STO like we are, and who knows what material Cryptic gave them when they submitted the collaboration.
I want to equip the full assimilated set on her to match the admiralty card for assimilated assault cruiser. Because ever since then i was wanting it to be flyable.
WhizKids may be limiting it to in-store purchases to promote business with their Local Shops over big box stores or Amazon.
Posters on these Forums poo-poo'd a Poster recently who complained about lack of news from Cryptic. Check the in-game Calendar including November. What do you see? Did you see 'Artifacts' listed? 'Hearts and Minds' on Halloween? What about that next Upgrade Weekend? Bonus Marks Weekend?
Did you read the News Blog about the WhizKids Promotion and the specs of the ship and what it all meant? Nah, just let everyone speculate on what it is.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
So, wait. I have to buy some piece of a crappy table top game I'll never play, in order to obtain a T6 Sovereign? And it will never be available any other way? Ridiculous.
That said, I'd at least like to see the stats on this "T6 Command Assault Cruiser".....
Please don't jump to conclusions. We don't know yet (officially) what Cryptic Plans to do with a T6 Sovereign through in game purchases. Also, while Whizkids might have a promotion, doesn't mean Cryptic itself is ready to release news about the in game T6 Sovereign.
This is coming from a T5 Fleet Sovereign and a Assault cruiser flyer myself for almost 5 years. I have patience the pride of the fleet will get her makeover
Just FYI, most of the online sales for these kinds of products are coming from physical stores. CSI and MM that I mentioned in my last post are normal game stores who also sell online, so they will likely have the codes with the ones that they sell even if you buy online from them. You can reach out to their staff to be sure before you order.
But how hard is it to imagine that there's something we aren't considering involved in the process? Perhaps the store has to code or scan something into the sale to activate the "free ship" aspect at the register? Of course no one is rushing to say specifics & spoil their promo, just like they do when one buys a ship upgrade via the console only to learn that it only works on a few "particular" ships. Consider the track record with the of gouging Trek fans, particularly where Cryptic is involved - and they are.
I definitely wouldn't order one online without more info.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Some of you guys are really digging too deep into this and trying to make out rocket science out of something that's simple.
Hi Warmaker. Can you please clarify this statement. I am being honest here, if you could expand on this comment as i am generally curious as to your thoughts.
Do you mean a lot of people are jumping to a conclusion about a ship being offered only through third party means which seeing what else might happen, or taking gigantic strides in saying this is how a company is going to offer end game ships now?
Or is it something else. I would love to hear your thoughts.
but some people like to complain just because they can......you can buy this for $15, and get some junk with it that you throw away........or you can complain because you can't buy it in game for $30..............hmmmmmmmmm.......
Theoretically you should be able to get the ship for 15 dollars, but that is unfortunately the msrp for attack wings. From experience, local game stores very rarely follow the msrp prices for products because they need to make a living as well. One of the reasons I've never actually gotten into Attack Wing is because the game stores I visit that tend to carry them charge too much for them. Still, as long as you can get it for below 30 dollars it should be worth it in this case.
Some of you guys are really digging too deep into this and trying to make out rocket science out of something that's simple.
Hi Warmaker. Can you please clarify this statement. I am being honest here, if you could expand on this comment as i am generally curious as to your thoughts.
Do you mean a lot of people are jumping to a conclusion about a ship being offered only through third party means which seeing what else might happen, or taking gigantic strides in saying this is how a company is going to offer end game ships now?
Or is it something else. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you in advance
Find a place that sells that Wave 27. I don't care if you walk into a store or look it up in an online store. Ask them or correspond with them if the version of that Star Trek Wave 27 Enterprise they will sell will have a code for Star Trek Online.
If yes, cool then deal with them and do your preorder or wait until it's actually there.
If no, then move to someone else until they have what you want.
If you don't want to do any of that then whatever. Lastly, this isn't the first time Cryptic has a special ship accessed from a non-Cryptic / PWE source. I point out the Mirror Guardian from a while back.
The general price of the expansion ships is $15 and Amazon does sell them, I don't know about Wal-Mart. The expansion that includes the Sovereign reprint with the code won't be out until November, though so we're probably a ways off from seeing any stats for it just yet.
"Secondly, the new U.S.S. Enterprise-E comes with a promotional code for use with Star Trek Online. Use the code included in your pack to claim the WizKids EXCLUSIVE Command Assault Cruiser, a $30 value, in Star Trek Online for FREE. Players will only be able to claim the digital version of the ship for the Star Trek Online game by physically purchasing the expansion at their local game stores."
- See more at: http://www.startrek.com/article/exclusive-preview-u-s-s-enterprise-e-repaint-for-attack-wing#sthash.nw60IJZq.dpuf
Only until Black Widow comes into the picture with the Hulk.
As no doubt this promotion was intended for people to hopefully check out the base game, limiting it to stores only would in effect at least force you to look at the base game while trying to find your mini.
I'd say 'yes', because the packaging shown on the preview-pictures looks like the code is inside the blister itself.
Per the quote mentioned above, only physical gaming stores will get packs with codes. I'm assuming they have the different versions of the packs separated or something.
Why should they do that? Seems like unnecessary extra-production-costs. Besides, ordering it would be the only way for relatively many players to get it anyways. I have never seen Wizkids-stuff around here at all, and german gaming-stores do actually have a lot of niché-stuff. The best one I had around the corner had to close for good though. There are only smaller ones left, and they only have select few imported things (the ones that actually make some profit).
With any luck I might find it among imported stuff on amazon - no code, no order.
Either way, I'm not saying that's what they should do, but they are doing it anyway.
but whats the price ?? its like 15 bucks?? or 30???
I understood. It's completely obvious that T6 Sovereign will come with Command boff seating seeing as how the box literally says "Command Assault Cruiser". The point that I'm trying to make is that I'm wondering whether or not it will be a true Command ship, whether it will have a full seating (Commander Engineering/Command and comes with inspiration abilities) or a partial seating (like Lt. Commander Universal/Command and does not come with the inspiration mechanic).
The Command Battlecruisers you linked are true Command ships. They have Command in the name because they have the full seating and the inspiration mechanic. Traditionally, most of the prime canon hero T6 ships (such as Andromeda/T6 Galaxy or Valiant/T6 Defiant) do not come with the full specialization seating or the mechanic. Andromeda is not a fully fledged Command ship because it only comes with Lt. Commander Engineering/Command and no inspiration mechanic. Valiant is not a fully fledged Pilot ship because it only comes with Lt. Commander Tactical/Pilot and no pilot maneuvers.
Andromeda isn't known as "Command Exploration Cruiser" because it's not a Command ship. It's instead just called "Exploration Cruiser [T6]" in admiralty or "Andromeda Exploration Cruiser" under the C-store.
Valiant isn't known as "Pilot Tactical Escort" because it's not a Pilot ship. Instead it's just called "Tactical Escort [T6]" in admiralty or "Tactical Escort - Valiant Class" under the C-store.
I'm just repeating myself at this point. Just because a ship has Command boffs doesn't mean they are true Command ships.
What I'm curious about is why they're calling the T6 Sovereign as "Command Assault Cruiser" when the name should just be "Assault Cruiser [T6]". This is sorta implying that it will end up being a true fully fledged Command ship just like the ships in your link.
Like I said before, I'm really doubting it and only think that this is merely just a sneak peak. When it comes out, it's likely that it will be called "Assault Cruiser [T6]" in admiralty or something like "Assault Cruiser - Emperor Class" under the C-store. This is just under the assumption that T6 Sovereign will follow the tradition of other prime hero ships don't get the full treatment. The only other ship to break this tradition was T6 Connie. Maybe it will end up as a true Command ship. Who knows.
I want to equip the full assimilated set on her to match the admiralty card for assimilated assault cruiser. Because ever since then i was wanting it to be flyable.
Posters on these Forums poo-poo'd a Poster recently who complained about lack of news from Cryptic. Check the in-game Calendar including November. What do you see? Did you see 'Artifacts' listed? 'Hearts and Minds' on Halloween? What about that next Upgrade Weekend? Bonus Marks Weekend?
Did you read the News Blog about the WhizKids Promotion and the specs of the ship and what it all meant? Nah, just let everyone speculate on what it is.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Please don't jump to conclusions. We don't know yet (officially) what Cryptic Plans to do with a T6 Sovereign through in game purchases. Also, while Whizkids might have a promotion, doesn't mean Cryptic itself is ready to release news about the in game T6 Sovereign.
This is coming from a T5 Fleet Sovereign and a Assault cruiser flyer myself for almost 5 years. I have patience the pride of the fleet
But how hard is it to imagine that there's something we aren't considering involved in the process? Perhaps the store has to code or scan something into the sale to activate the "free ship" aspect at the register? Of course no one is rushing to say specifics & spoil their promo, just like they do when one buys a ship upgrade via the console only to learn that it only works on a few "particular" ships. Consider the track record with the of gouging Trek fans, particularly where Cryptic is involved - and they are.
I definitely wouldn't order one online without more info.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Hi Warmaker. Can you please clarify this statement. I am being honest here, if you could expand on this comment as i am generally curious as to your thoughts.
Do you mean a lot of people are jumping to a conclusion about a ship being offered only through third party means which seeing what else might happen, or taking gigantic strides in saying this is how a company is going to offer end game ships now?
Or is it something else. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you in advance
Theoretically you should be able to get the ship for 15 dollars, but that is unfortunately the msrp for attack wings. From experience, local game stores very rarely follow the msrp prices for products because they need to make a living as well. One of the reasons I've never actually gotten into Attack Wing is because the game stores I visit that tend to carry them charge too much for them. Still, as long as you can get it for below 30 dollars it should be worth it in this case.
Find a place that sells that Wave 27. I don't care if you walk into a store or look it up in an online store. Ask them or correspond with them if the version of that Star Trek Wave 27 Enterprise they will sell will have a code for Star Trek Online.
If yes, cool then deal with them and do your preorder or wait until it's actually there.
If no, then move to someone else until they have what you want.
If you don't want to do any of that then whatever. Lastly, this isn't the first time Cryptic has a special ship accessed from a non-Cryptic / PWE source. I point out the Mirror Guardian from a while back.