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Can we address the elephant in the room?



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    leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,378 Arc User
    molvania wrote: »
    So, can we address the pretty considerable lack of quality in this game? Broken animations, missing animations, insane difficulty spikes and drops, broken textures, boring missions, repetitive missions, padding...

    The core mechanics are fine, but so much of it just doesn't work. I've seen people sliding in the reference position during Romulan Mystery, I've seen the Herald knocked through the map on Quo'nos so many times I've lost count. I've had the audio dsync, and I've had missions that border-lined impossible for certain builds... and that's not including the times the AI has just stopped and enemies or companions have just gone completely still. Not lag, just... stopped. Stopped moving. Stopped fighting.

    I really, REALLY hoped that the new content would be better, what with the console release. It had to be, right? You have to make an impression. And then I got knocked into a hole in Miner instabilities. There is no escape. No command I can use to get out. I'm literally stuck. It's been ten minutes. The other four players are doing fine, if taking a while. I didn't get knocked through the map. Someone put this hole there. This was a part of the design.

    ...Why? Just... why? Why is this game so shoddy? Is it really not worth the cost to fix? Because there's fun mechanics and a giant license behind this. This game should be a monstrously successful property that's just... so underwhelming, so broken.

    Just where are these "thousands of bug" that you claim. In the near 6 years I've played, I've barely encountered a dozen!
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    Agree with your points- but also there needs to be a way to realign the game again where it makes financial sense, too. They really need to enhance subscriber awards so that it gives continuous incentive to drop money into the coffers, rather than just adding a few "perks" to the game.

    That said, I'm not trying to make this a point of contention- the discontent was already caused by the ratio of F2P versus Subs when the game went F2P to begin with. Rather, I'm tossing in the realistic view that "good intention" doesn't keep the lights on. If they're really going to leave the business model in place as it is (F2P hybrid)- then there should be a really definitive reason for people to continue to shell out money in order to bolster the development funding, not just waiting on inconsistent Z-Store purchases to roll in.

    It is a fair point that if you are a subscriber, the 500 zen are a little low and do not really incentivice even getting a subscription. After all a LTS gets the same 500 zen. My guess is, that their business model can do without subscribers and they don't want to offer anything too special to subscribers. I think that is wrong though.
    I'm not sure now, but is somebody who owns a LTS even able to subscribe monthly? Probably not.
    Anyway, even I as a longtime f2p member (former subscriber though) think there should really be a better incentive to subscribe beyond costumes, but nothing that would mess with the dilithium exchange either.
    Probably 50% more XP for the specialisation would be a thing, faster R&D grind, faster reputation grind or generally more marks earned. But that would ultimately backfire, because you'd spend less time in the game that way... guess it is hard to find foolproof incentives.
    Go pro or go home
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,406 Arc User
    Of course you can't subscribe monthly if you have an LTS. That would be as foolish as buying a car for cash up front, then arranging monthly financing on it. Why make payments on something you "own"?

    The big draw for LTS (besides the fact that you start getting your money back in Zen after about two and a half years) is that you get all the veteran rewards up front, while a monthly sub has to be active for the designated number of months for each reward.​​
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    phenomenaut01phenomenaut01 Member Posts: 714 Arc User
    I have a feeling that the set up they have with the current F2P model is working perfectly fine, otherwise they would have changed it years ago. I suspect that the incentives they offer through the C-Store and via lockboxes (gotta have those keys) are probably bringing in far more income than subs alone would.

    So don't worry about the lights getting switched off anytime soon.
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    nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    There are lots of weird little things that don't really affect gameplay. They occasionally squash one or two in between everything else. I have no idea what else they might break if they fixed one or two unimportant cosmetic or immersion factors in the process. Lord knows that happens often enough on the big stuff like updates, events, etc. Why worry about it?
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,182 Community Moderator
    There are lots of weird little things that don't really affect gameplay. They occasionally squash one or two in between everything else. I have no idea what else they might break if they fixed one or two unimportant cosmetic or immersion factors in the process. Lord knows that happens often enough on the big stuff like updates, events, etc. Why worry about it?

    Oh like what used to happen whenever they would fix something and the STF Borg would break? Invisitorps... Spheres with Uber Emergency to Engines...
    Ah... the memories...
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    freightstopperfreightstopper Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Well, if people want the quality of any business to improve, the best way to do so would be to support it financially with actual money.

    Except this game is not WORTH spending money on it. Because the quality either stays the same, mediocre, or drops.

    Blatant bias when it comes to development time and resources being spent, IE: more Fed sh*t all the time.
    When they do bother doing non-Fed stuff it is either gimped / broken or looks horrible so it won't sell, then they b*tch and moan that it doesn't sell.

    The 'micro' transaction isn't micro at all when you have to spend upwards of 15 dollars / pounds / euros / whatever to get ONE ship, with each new ship being 'better' more powerful then the one before.

    Take the Duty Officer system, if you decide for whatever reason to increase the total amount of Doffs you can have to the max you'll easily spend as much doing that on one character as you would buying a ship that UNLOCKS FOR ALL CHARACTERS.
    Are the Duty Officer roster increases needed, not really, but with all the unique or special powers / abilities / buffs they keep adding someone will / does try to get them all.

    That's before I even get started on bugs / issues that get ignored for years, like the Romulan Bridge Officer recruitment mission they won't even mention anymore, the hanger pet command problems, ship graphic issues like some of the BoP wings moving away from the hull and backwards, the Aquarius escort that used to only have it's nacelle pylons extend and now they are fixed on it's butt, the ToS starter ship and the Fleet Heavy Cruiser scan animation is vertical instead of horizontal.

    I could spend all day finding things to comment on, however I have better things to do.

    As for why stay if I have this many problems with it?
    My characters, their crews and stories along with the fact that this is the ONLY Star Trek game at the moment, as usual lack of competition equals cr*ppy quality.
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    nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    rattler2 wrote: »
    There are lots of weird little things that don't really affect gameplay. They occasionally squash one or two in between everything else. I have no idea what else they might break if they fixed one or two unimportant cosmetic or immersion factors in the process. Lord knows that happens often enough on the big stuff like updates, events, etc. Why worry about it?

    Oh like what used to happen whenever they would fix something and the STF Borg would break? Invisitorps... Spheres with Uber Emergency to Engines...
    Ah... the memories...

    Found this just tonight: http://www.xkcd.com/1739/
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    I thought we were gonna talk about how the Bajorans are ruining this game....but i guess we're gonna ignore the real issues.
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    darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,746 Community Moderator
    molvania wrote: »
    So, can we address the pretty considerable lack of quality in this game? Broken animations, missing animations, insane difficulty spikes and drops, broken textures, boring missions, repetitive missions, padding...

    The core mechanics are fine, but so much of it just doesn't work. I've seen people sliding in the reference position during Romulan Mystery, I've seen the Herald knocked through the map on Quo'nos so many times I've lost count. I've had the audio dsync, and I've had missions that border-lined impossible for certain builds... and that's not including the times the AI has just stopped and enemies or companions have just gone completely still. Not lag, just... stopped. Stopped moving. Stopped fighting.

    I really, REALLY hoped that the new content would be better, what with the console release. It had to be, right? You have to make an impression. And then I got knocked into a hole in Miner instabilities. There is no escape. No command I can use to get out. I'm literally stuck. It's been ten minutes. The other four players are doing fine, if taking a while. I didn't get knocked through the map. Someone put this hole there. This was a part of the design.

    ...Why? Just... why? Why is this game so shoddy? Is it really not worth the cost to fix? Because there's fun mechanics and a giant license behind this. This game should be a monstrously successful property that's just... so underwhelming, so broken.

    welcome to online gaming you must be new here. anyways sarcasm aside, you're never going to have a game that is 100% bug free when it comes to games like this. Just be the sheer size and nature of the code involved with multiple programming languages being used it's going to have a bug somewhere. dealing with code isn't a simple as flipping switches and then poof goes the bug. it takes time to code things and time to get the fixes out. a single one, zero, or dot out of place and the code can come crashing down.

    With this said, the Herald on Quo'nos issue to my knowledge was supposed to have been fixed awhile ago. If you have evidence of this happening then please post it up in the gameplay bug report section of the forums. that's what Bug Hunters such as myself are for is to report these things when they come up. Us and the devs aren't infallible and there are going to be bugs that we miss or don't know about. unless they are reported they'll never be fixed. as to the stopped fighting deal, there are times that certain disables I have seen that can cause issues. now is that always the cause, no but it's a possibility.

    there are code commands you can use to kill yourself and respawn, or at least were supposed to be last i heard. almost all mmos have them and I highly doubt STO is different. at some point or another you will encounter a bug with a game. yes it may be frustrating and annoying and believe me I get it. There's a ton of bugs that i've been tracking myself at the moment and have yet to had time to get the reports put in. with that in mind, getting knocked through the map was NOT part of the design. Also what hole are you speaking of in that mission as this is the first I've heard of it.

    As I said above it takes time to fix things. I would rather them take a little longer and get out a proper fix than to rush out a fix that makes things worse. As for the textures, this can also very easily be on the player side as well. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of computer builds that can be utilized out there. Some builds simply are not powerful enough to run STO and others run this game faster than the Road Runner being chased by Wile E Coyote. While some of this can be on the game end and sometimes is, I absolutely do not believe some of this isn't on the end of the player as well.

    As for difficulty, this can be a very subjective and arbitrary measure. while it's obvious certain missions were designed to be harder than others, even then this turns out to not always be the case. As your issue with builds, that sounds much more like a problem with the build than the actual content. Unless that build is just a jumbled mess that includes the kitchen sink and the body of Jimmy Hoffa, you shouldn't be having issues with 95% of the content in game. post up the build and let us see it and perhaps we can get you some help with whatever your issue is.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    baudl wrote: »
    Agree with your points- but also there needs to be a way to realign the game again where it makes financial sense, too. They really need to enhance subscriber awards so that it gives continuous incentive to drop money into the coffers, rather than just adding a few "perks" to the game.

    That said, I'm not trying to make this a point of contention- the discontent was already caused by the ratio of F2P versus Subs when the game went F2P to begin with. Rather, I'm tossing in the realistic view that "good intention" doesn't keep the lights on. If they're really going to leave the business model in place as it is (F2P hybrid)- then there should be a really definitive reason for people to continue to shell out money in order to bolster the development funding, not just waiting on inconsistent Z-Store purchases to roll in.

    It is a fair point that if you are a subscriber, the 500 zen are a little low and do not really incentivice even getting a subscription. After all a LTS gets the same 500 zen. My guess is, that their business model can do without subscribers and they don't want to offer anything too special to subscribers. I think that is wrong though.
    I'm not sure now, but is somebody who owns a LTS even able to subscribe monthly? Probably not.
    Anyway, even I as a longtime f2p member (former subscriber though) think there should really be a better incentive to subscribe beyond costumes, but nothing that would mess with the dilithium exchange either.
    Probably 50% more XP for the specialisation would be a thing, faster R&D grind, faster reputation grind or generally more marks earned. But that would ultimately backfire, because you'd spend less time in the game that way... guess it is hard to find foolproof incentives.
    If it wasn't for grandfathering pre-F2P LTS accounts, this game wouldn't have subscriptions at all. Look at the console versions, where they packed the subscriber perks into a C-Store bundle instead.
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    chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    baudl wrote: »
    Agree with your points- but also there needs to be a way to realign the game again where it makes financial sense, too. They really need to enhance subscriber awards so that it gives continuous incentive to drop money into the coffers, rather than just adding a few "perks" to the game.

    That said, I'm not trying to make this a point of contention- the discontent was already caused by the ratio of F2P versus Subs when the game went F2P to begin with. Rather, I'm tossing in the realistic view that "good intention" doesn't keep the lights on. If they're really going to leave the business model in place as it is (F2P hybrid)- then there should be a really definitive reason for people to continue to shell out money in order to bolster the development funding, not just waiting on inconsistent Z-Store purchases to roll in.

    It is a fair point that if you are a subscriber, the 500 zen are a little low and do not really incentivice even getting a subscription. After all a LTS gets the same 500 zen. My guess is, that their business model can do without subscribers and they don't want to offer anything too special to subscribers. I think that is wrong though.
    I'm not sure now, but is somebody who owns a LTS even able to subscribe monthly? Probably not.
    Anyway, even I as a longtime f2p member (former subscriber though) think there should really be a better incentive to subscribe beyond costumes, but nothing that would mess with the dilithium exchange either.
    Probably 50% more XP for the specialisation would be a thing, faster R&D grind, faster reputation grind or generally more marks earned. But that would ultimately backfire, because you'd spend less time in the game that way... guess it is hard to find foolproof incentives.
    If it wasn't for grandfathering pre-F2P LTS accounts, this game wouldn't have subscriptions at all. Look at the console versions, where they packed the subscriber perks into a C-Store bundle instead.

    And so, once again, we see that the root of the problem is the F2P business model, which is the work of the devil. Think about it. So many of the problems that plague the modern MMO arise from the existence of F2P.

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    xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    And so, once again, we see that the root of the problem is the F2P business model, which is the work of the devil. Think about it. So many of the problems that plague the modern MMO arise from the existence of F2P.

    Like? Also, so many of the games available now short of WoW wouldn't even exist in a subscription only environment. Most probably STO would be one of them goners.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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    chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    xyquarze wrote: »
    And so, once again, we see that the root of the problem is the F2P business model, which is the work of the devil. Think about it. So many of the problems that plague the modern MMO arise from the existence of F2P.

    Like? Also, so many of the games available now short of WoW wouldn't even exist in a subscription only environment. Most probably STO would be one of them goners.

    The weak shall perish

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    kjfettkjfett Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    baudl wrote: »
    Agree with your points- but also there needs to be a way to realign the game again where it makes financial sense, too. They really need to enhance subscriber awards so that it gives continuous incentive to drop money into the coffers, rather than just adding a few "perks" to the game.

    That said, I'm not trying to make this a point of contention- the discontent was already caused by the ratio of F2P versus Subs when the game went F2P to begin with. Rather, I'm tossing in the realistic view that "good intention" doesn't keep the lights on. If they're really going to leave the business model in place as it is (F2P hybrid)- then there should be a really definitive reason for people to continue to shell out money in order to bolster the development funding, not just waiting on inconsistent Z-Store purchases to roll in.

    It is a fair point that if you are a subscriber, the 500 zen are a little low and do not really incentivice even getting a subscription. After all a LTS gets the same 500 zen. My guess is, that their business model can do without subscribers and they don't want to offer anything too special to subscribers. I think that is wrong though.
    I'm not sure now, but is somebody who owns a LTS even able to subscribe monthly? Probably not.
    Anyway, even I as a longtime f2p member (former subscriber though) think there should really be a better incentive to subscribe beyond costumes, but nothing that would mess with the dilithium exchange either.
    Probably 50% more XP for the specialisation would be a thing, faster R&D grind, faster reputation grind or generally more marks earned. But that would ultimately backfire, because you'd spend less time in the game that way... guess it is hard to find foolproof incentives.
    If it wasn't for grandfathering pre-F2P LTS accounts, this game wouldn't have subscriptions at all. Look at the console versions, where they packed the subscriber perks into a C-Store bundle instead.

    And so, once again, we see that the root of the problem is the F2P business model, which is the work of the devil. Think about it. So many of the problems that plague the modern MMO arise from the existence of F2P.

    So many of the problems that plague modern MMOs existed before F2P. Blaming F2P is just beating a dead horse.
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    kjfett wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    baudl wrote: »
    Agree with your points- but also there needs to be a way to realign the game again where it makes financial sense, too. They really need to enhance subscriber awards so that it gives continuous incentive to drop money into the coffers, rather than just adding a few "perks" to the game.

    That said, I'm not trying to make this a point of contention- the discontent was already caused by the ratio of F2P versus Subs when the game went F2P to begin with. Rather, I'm tossing in the realistic view that "good intention" doesn't keep the lights on. If they're really going to leave the business model in place as it is (F2P hybrid)- then there should be a really definitive reason for people to continue to shell out money in order to bolster the development funding, not just waiting on inconsistent Z-Store purchases to roll in.

    It is a fair point that if you are a subscriber, the 500 zen are a little low and do not really incentivice even getting a subscription. After all a LTS gets the same 500 zen. My guess is, that their business model can do without subscribers and they don't want to offer anything too special to subscribers. I think that is wrong though.
    I'm not sure now, but is somebody who owns a LTS even able to subscribe monthly? Probably not.
    Anyway, even I as a longtime f2p member (former subscriber though) think there should really be a better incentive to subscribe beyond costumes, but nothing that would mess with the dilithium exchange either.
    Probably 50% more XP for the specialisation would be a thing, faster R&D grind, faster reputation grind or generally more marks earned. But that would ultimately backfire, because you'd spend less time in the game that way... guess it is hard to find foolproof incentives.
    If it wasn't for grandfathering pre-F2P LTS accounts, this game wouldn't have subscriptions at all. Look at the console versions, where they packed the subscriber perks into a C-Store bundle instead.

    And so, once again, we see that the root of the problem is the F2P business model, which is the work of the devil. Think about it. So many of the problems that plague the modern MMO arise from the existence of F2P.

    So many of the problems that plague modern MMOs existed before F2P. Blaming F2P is just beating a dead horse.

    Or in other words, beating a dead elephant.
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    welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    PC animations were apparently thrown under the bus for the sake of the console animations - it would seem the "new" system is functional on consoles but borked the PC version.l What sucks is that the devs were VERY aware of this but have been SUPER slow at rectifying such an obvious, immersion-breaking issue.
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    I like the missions just fine, and bugs are simply impossible to keep up with. Honestly, I'd be happy if they just improved the quality of the cutscenes so that characters don't turn invisible all the time.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User

    Gary, move slowly towards the exit, their not buying it that your a table........​​
    Gary's IP address is now

    There the elephant has an address now :p problem solved, crisis averted.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    The horse is dead, long live the elephant. >:)
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    nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Gary has been in the fridge; I saw his footprints in the butter...

    I took a year (more or less) off, just tuning in to keep active about once a month. I can say some things are better, some are worse, and some haven't really changed.
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User

    And so, once again, we see that the root of the problem is the F2P business model, which is the work of the devil. Think about it. So many of the problems that plague the modern MMO arise from the existence of F2P.

    can't really see any logic way to come to your conclusion, sorry...but you are just injecting your own believes into stuff in order for it to fit your opinion.
    Think about it that way: There would be no STO with a subscription model since 2012, early 2013.
    What's more astonishing is the complete amnesia when it comes to the subscription model in STO, which included 1 endgame ship for free/per character...in other words it always was a hybrid subscription/cash shop model, which in fact qualified as actual pay2win if you think about it, since there was no other way to get the elite ships, but money.
    In other words, you were just defending a financing model that was the equivalent of the great plague (subs and cash shop), against a model that not only allowed STO to survive on a heavily competitive market, but that allowed it to expand and grow the company and the game. Additionally, the current model allows any player to get anything by playing only, which is rather rare within f2p games.

    I'm pretty sure, and as far as I have read so far, it is a fact, that bug fixing and overall quality of the game (animation, etc...) has little to do with how the game is financed, because obviously they have adequate numbers of staff to handle the peoblems. It is rather due to the complexity of the problems, that make them so hard to come by. And on top of that, it has been shown that they didn't get around fixing certain problems, because they removed affected parts or replaced them later on, which would have made fixing them ASAP a waste of resources.

    DOn't really understand from where this antipathy towards f2p comes from, when clearly it is the superiour business model nowadays for MMOs. I always get the feeling though that it stems from a certain sentiment of entitlement that comes from paying for something and then not getting the advantage over others that was never actually promised.
    Go pro or go home
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    bonzodog01bonzodog01 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    So, I don't know if any of you have noticed, but this game is now on Console.

    Why, you may ask?

    Simple - Consoles are a proven form of definitive income. Consoles have Whales that make any PC player look broke. I know of people personally that I have spoken to on Console that have already pumped $500 or more into the Console version of this game in only the last couple of weeks. They literally have the money to spare it seems.

    This game will have life. Oh yes, it will do. But, that life might only be extended to Console in the end. Console is already making PWE/Cryptic more money than they could have dreamed of. Neverwinter on XBox is making a very decent profit, and now this looks to double that.

    Most MMO's normally have a 10 Year plan in place. They will start with the conservative 5 Year Plan, then when that reaches realisation, they extend to 10 years, so the MMO will run in 5 Year cycles.
    XBox One - NFV Rylon - T6 Kolasi Siege Destroyer
    British Imperial Armada
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,552 Arc User
    ^ DOOOOOMMMMM !!!!!
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    ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,571 Arc User
    What about the 800 pound Gorilla in the room? As far as elephants:

    'I've seen a peanut stand, heard a rubber band
    I've seen a needle that winked its eye
    But I've seen about everything
    When I've seen an elephant fly

    I've seen a front porch swing, heard a diamond ring
    I've seen a polka-dot railroad tie
    But I've seen about everything
    When I've seen an elephant fly

    I've seen a clothes horse, he reared up and bucked

    I've heard a fireside chat, I saw a baseball bat
    But I've seen about everything
    When I've seen an elephant fly

    Well I've seen about everything
    When I've seen an elephant fly

    When I've seen an elephant fly'

    (Lyrics modified to be PC).
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
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    morgueragemorguerage Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Just started playing on console. The biggest bug I've noticed is that they forgot pvp. When there are only 2 lvl 60s with a T6 and you slam them on the same team....
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,552 Arc User
    morguerage wrote: »
    Just started playing on console. The biggest bug I've noticed is that they forgot pvp. When there are only 2 lvl 60s with a T6 and you slam them on the same team....

    It's actually better than on PC, since it's slightly less possible to pay to win.

    If you're looking for good PVP, STO is not the right game for you.

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    morgueragemorguerage Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    > @davefenestrator said:
    > morguerage wrote: »
    > Just started playing on console. The biggest bug I've noticed is that they forgot pvp. When there are only 2 lvl 60s with a T6 and you slam them on the same team....
    > It's actually better than on PC, since it's slightly less possible to pay to win.
    > If you're looking for good PVP, STO is not the right game for you.

    It's definitely better than PC from what I hear and from PC players commenting on stream. It just sucks still since there isn't even team balancing. We have ques pop often but then it dies suddenly when the teams are uneven as hell 2 games in a row. If it simply balanced by T5 T6 etc we'd be in a better boat. We don't want good pvp, just barebones matchmaking. If there was a way to make a private PVP que same as the PVE (Shows in Que List) that would also work as we could just manually balance em out.

    To actually speak on the bugs for OP though there are several on console that are nearly game breaking. Uncommon Romulan Engineer can't be trained on lvl 2 - lvl 3 skills (Possibly more BOFFS broken but I didn't check. Occurs by training the 1st slot ability permanently locking other slots, training the 2nd 3rd slot first (Commander? Lt Commander?) first seems to prevent it but you have to buy a new BOFF ) Dying on certain levels warps you ahead to next spawn point causing you to reset missions, Walking out of areas locks you out of quest objectives, Autocast constantly triggers stealth bug, etc. Hopefully we get a massive bug fix but that seems unlikely for some as you guys have suffered for years.
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