Lets try something shall we?
If your captain had to make a choice to save one species but the other would perish , which species would your captain save and which would they let perish.
And yes they have to choose , its one of those situations that one must perish so the other may live scenarios, so if your going to participate on this thread you will have to choose and option.
This isnt about ant set circumstances its about your captain forced to choose, you dont need to explain your choice though your free to do so if you wish
Note: Option Number 2 Of the Vulcans and New Romulans is messed up its supposed to be New romulans survive , vulcans perish
Your Captains Morality 62 votes
Bajorans Perish , Cardassians Survive
Cardassians Perish , Bajorans Survive
Ferengi Perish , Betazoids Survive
Betazoids Perish , Ferengi Survive
New Romulans Perish , Vulcans Survive
1 vote
Vulcans Survive , New Romulans Perish
Breen Perish , The founders survive (Note: The founders as the core species of the dominion , not the dominion itself which consists of multiple species)
Founders Perish , Breen Survive
Humans Perish , Klingons Survive
Klingons Perish , Humans Survive
I think the vulcans would be content in their species perishing , for them the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.
Katherine " I kill for coffee and....reasons" Janeway would launch all her torpedos at all of them even torpedos we didnt even relise she had but did, things that we cant bleieve were torpedos but actualy were, and things we couldnt beleieve actually could possibly be made into torpedos but unfortunatly for them .....it was lol
rofl yeah i messed up on option number 2 so wsh we could edit poll options so to fix a screwup , lesson in this? never try to post a poll when your half asleep xD
My character Tsin'xing
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Genocide is the only option!
Then go with the one that makes the most sense. As a KDF player, that's what I did.
My character Tsin'xing
Therefore, UFP hegemony is ended, and the balance of power in the galaxy is restored.
My captain would go out of her way to make sure she would try not to kill off an entire species. If she did, she would just go back in time and undo that mistake.
Time travel. Star Trek's cure all for EVERYTHING.
They just get less sober.
In fact, it has been in many a case the WORST of choices to be made.
To me, it is simple.
1000 people, or a million...
Meh, should I be MORAL and go for the 1000?
Not clever, if you ask me.
Many a sheep herder has lost his pack looking for one sheep.
They just get less sober.