I'm talking in universe, not OOC, I know you buy them from the C Store.
I mean how did the Federation, KDF, and Romulan Republic aquire ships from the 31st Century?
This has been sticking in the back of my head for awhile.
The Paradox and Wells were stolen by the Tholians, who then got them stolen by the Lobi Consortium, and that's how we got them.
The Annorax was gained from the Krenium, the Daemesh was taken in battle against the Nakuhl, and gained via the Lobi Consortium.
So how did the Daniels just hook you up?
How did the 31st Century ships the Temporal Raider, Chronos, and Eternal end up in the ends hands of people from the 31st Century?
Is it odd that 31st Century Starfleet has no problem arming KDF and Romulan Captains who have a history or blowing up and robbing Starfleet ship?
It'd be like America giving Islamic State Nuclear Subs after making peace with them.
Also, the 31st Century gave these ships to the 25th Century after the Alpha Quadrant Alliance was formed. So there is no problem with giving these ships to the Romulan Republic and Klingon Empire since they are allies with the Federation.
I rest my case.
And in what episode did the 31st Century offer the Alliance their ships.
I get it.
What is the dang 31st Century government called anyways?
I've been calling them the Alliance assuming its an evolution of the current Alliance, but I actually don't know.
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Every time I think I know the firm answer to that question, I unlock a cut-scene of Daniels shouting "TIMELINE CHANGE IMMINENT!"
When I know, you'll know.
I suppose anyone owning one of those Temporal ships has become a Temporal Agent and gottten appropiate temporal equipments. The Molecular Reconstruction ability of Temporal Ships is not just a tool to get some buffs and a neat super-weapon, it might also stand for the ability to adapt the ship capabilities to fit the time it's operating in. When you enter the 23rd century with it, it's no stronger than a typical 23rd century ship, if you enter the 26th century, it's no stronger than that. This might have been the only way to minimize undue temporal alterations. (And we know from the Kelvin Timeline what one barely-scanned modified Mining Vessel from a century in the future can do to technological development.)
All these imminent timeline changes probably also explain the various STO retcons. The episodes weren't really revamped, there were temporal changes.
That's why we only heard about this mysterious 3rd Borg Dynasty or the Widrab for a short while.
Well, according to Daniels in ST:ENT, it is indeed the Federation.
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This almost makes sense . Daniels has messed with Starfleet records to have your TOS captain be a hero of the battle with the borg at Vega, so perhaps he also has made it so (for all your captains) you are flying an "experimental ship design" for combat testing when anyone notices it doesn't match any known Federation / Romulan / KDF ship.
The Player Character acquired 31st century starships. By being the Chosen One destined to save the universe from all that is evil. And possibly some alternate universes on the side. The 31st century dudes know all that, because in their time it's already happened, so they give us their ships.
Plus, as Captain Death, Slayer of Billions, they were afraid of what we'd do to them if they said no
We're The Doctor of our universes: "Run."
This is a pretty good assessment of the situation.
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Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
I don't 'RP' with people, but I have a story for my characters in my head, or what people here fondly refer to as 'head cannon.' There are things like this that just don't make sense, like for example, my Federation Admiral is flying a Dreadnought Class cruiser like the U.S.S. Vengeance. Why? Not only is the ship several hundred years old, but it's from an alternate timeline.. why the hell does my admiral have one?
In my case, I just said that in the mission where you go to the 'Kelvin Timeline' there was a point where my crew did a scan of the Yorktown to find out who they were and what was going on. They recovered information on the Federation for their knowledge and to give them an idea of what this 'timeline' was like. This event would have taken place after the incident with Khan and would be on Starfleet record, that's where they learned about the Vengeance. In our timeline, we need something to help protect us from the growing list of enemies always at our door, my guy is an Admiral so why not? Take this design, modernize it and use it to help protect the Federation.. boom.. I'm in a Vengeance.
No, it's not exactly master writing, but it's something to explain why I'm in a several hundred year old ship from another dimension. On things like this, you just have to come up with your own explanation. Cryptic leaves some of the details to the individual, which if you think about it, isn't necessarily bad. I like to have a little freedom to come up with my own stuff.
I wonder if we looted some wreckage home, or possibly some factions from different futures sent something back when Daniels wasn't watching.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
My character Tsin'xing
I read that as Mirror Horta, but it isn't April again yet so they aren't playable
The only losing move is not to play.
It still is.